Build Madness

Chapter 968 Enjoy first, pay later, in installments

Nyoblas is located in the northwest of Amur, adjacent to the Heilong River in the south, and the Outer Khingan Mountains in the north.

In the millennium, Tiancheng came here to contract farms. By the end of 2003, the planted area exceeded 50 million mu, providing 100,000 jobs for Amur.

In the same year, Tiancheng signed a mining agreement with Amur, contracting a barren hilltop. Once the mouth was opened, Tiancheng contracted six mines in the following year, and cooperated with Yakutia to establish forest farms and mines in the polar region. As of 03 At the end of the year, the number of Tiancheng mines and forest farms represented by local enterprises reached 55, providing 250,000 jobs in Eastern Siberia.

In 2001, Tiancheng solved the problems of food, clothing, housing, transportation and skill training for employees, and decided to increase investment in Neo Brass to build a Neo City integrating food, housing, entertainment, tourism, culture and sports, science and education, research and development, and transportation. , as of the end of 2003, the total output value of Neo City was about 700 billion, three times the total output value of Ice Bear in 1999. This city is currently the most developed city of Ice Bear, not one of them. Affected by this, the population of the Neobras region has risen sharply, currently about 3 million, and the per capita income has exceeded 600,000 rubles.

In 2002, Tiancheng solved the transportation problem, and once again increased investment in the Neobras area, building a north-south all-weather high-speed, and an experimental I-shaped giant-gauge railway, which was started a year ago and opened to traffic in 2003 Realize the plan that it only takes 35 minutes to get to Neo City from Xuanwu Pass in the outer Xing'an Mountains, greatly shortening the transportation time and cost.

In 2003, the Trans-Siberian Railway extended to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the dredging project of the Heilong River channel was basically completed, and three large-scale airports were newly added in the Far East. 'Sea, land and air routes'.


Tiancheng called on Dongshan enterprises to invest in Neobras and set up farms, forest farms, mines, and factories, which not only brought new vitality to the Ice Bear Far East, but also indirectly or directly created more than two million jobs.

If we only look at the superficial data, this means that Siberia's economy is taking off, and it is the hope of the ice bear's revival.

But if you look at the area with a military lens...

Neobras borders the Heilong River in the south and the Waixing'an Mountains in the north, both of which are natural barriers.

In the north, there is the Upper Yansk Mountains that reach directly to the Arctic Ocean, which is the dividing line between East Siberia and Central Siberia, and it is also a natural barrier.

Look at Neobras himself.

It has an all-weather highway and railway with a height of 50 meters inside. In addition, in the name of helping the Ice Bear Army and security personnel to save costs, a large number of inbound Tianwei security guards, and the largest private military base on the home planet, Siberia Training Camp '...

When the war broke out, Ice Bear lost East Siberia in an instant.

If you continue to look at it from a strategic perspective.

Western Tianwei Group followed the newly built Central Siberia Expressway, detoured Kazastan and continued northward, controlled the forest farm of the Siberian Oil and Gas Company, cut off the Siberian Railway, and used the Yenisei River as a line of defense...

When the war broke out, Ice Bear lost Central Siberia in an instant.

West Siberia is in danger!

Mox is in danger!

If it weren't for the fear of Tiancheng, the boss of Ice Bear would even want to collapse Ge Er Er.


He also thought so when he introduced Tian Cheng back then.

After all, Tiancheng is not well-known, and the other party invests in Amur, and his own side will fatten up before slaughtering.

However, who would have imagined that in less than four years, Tian Cheng had grown to the point where even North America feared it.

it's like...

A hunter who lost his weapons met a fat wolf. He planned to let the wolf bite him so that he could seize the opportunity, kill him, and eat him. He never expected...

This is a titanium mechanical wolf.

Boss Ice Bear is very worried.

However, all these are fantasies. If all bad guesses are removed, Tiancheng is indeed a good company worthy of its name.

After all, I helped Ice Bear solve the basic necessities of life for millions of people, stabilized the situation in the Far East, and promoted the development of Siberia. I also helped Ice Bear provide cheap flight attendant maintenance services, and gave Ice Bear a complete ternary computer. technology.

Well, the perfect ternary computer.

Now Ice Bear also has its own independent technology industry chain.

Also so.

For Tian Cheng, Boss Ice Bear, deep down in his heart, likes Tian Cheng more than he rejects it.

Very complicated.


Ge Xiaotian has met Boss Ice Bear several times.

As if looking for Xiaobu to brag from time to time, he also projected onto Mokos from time to time, and took a look at the five little yellow brothers by the way.

Strictly speaking, Boss Ice Bear is a very humorous handsome guy.

Just like last year, Tiancheng's fishing boat accidentally went fishing in the non-open sea of ​​Ice Bear, and was expelled by Ice Bear's sea department.

Afterwards, the boss of Ice Bear didn't mind this matter, but curiously asked: "Why is your fishing boat running faster than our warship? Could it be that the fish in the sea are helping you row?"

Ge Xiaotian replied: "You may not believe it, but there is only one old monk who raises a parrot on that boat. It is estimated that the parrot is afraid of death, so it uses its wings as propellers in a hurry."

The ice bear boss laughed on the spot.


The meeting was very pleasant and natural.


"Yes, brother!"

The two greeted each other with a hug.

The deputy director, who was originally very serious, couldn't help but laugh when he saw this scene.

During the day, the astronauts of Ice Bear had already arrived in the west, and the deputy director also took the boss of Ice Bear to visit the space center, including the western Shacheng Industrial and Technological Zone.

During dinner in the evening, the two sides exchanged experience in this area, but most of them belonged to small talk.

the next day.

Ge Xiaotian invited the deputy director to start a meeting with the boss of Ice Bear.

First up is the Neobras project.

As soon as Ge Xiaotian opened his mouth, he dispelled the other party's long-standing concerns about himself:

"Because the Tianwei Group is employed by the parent star joint meeting, considering the expenses and the arrangement of elite personnel, we have decided to cancel the Siberia training camp and repatriate two-thirds to be stationed in Neobras to help you stabilize the situation. security personnel."

Hearing this, Boss Ice Bear really lost his worries, but soon became entangled again.

In Ice Bear, the Far East belongs to the Land of Exile.

Most of the criminals, ruthless people, and prisoners of war were arranged in the Tiancheng industry chain to help the Ice Bears make money.

This is one of the reasons why Neobras can have a population of one million in just two or three years.

As of the end of 2003, there were almost 270,000 ruthless people who handed over Ice Bears to Tianwei Group for food, daily necessities, and vodka. (In the past two years, Ice Bear had a war)

Therefore, Ice Bear allowed the Neobras Tianwei Group to expand the number of security personnel to 30,000, and opened the use of certain heavy weapons.

Now Tianwei Security has withdrawn 20,000 people. Considering Tianwei's super combat quality and excellent security management experience, Ice Bear must arrange at least 50,000 people to fill the vacant positions.

Otherwise, if the ruthless people run away, the Neobras area will be destroyed, millions of people will face unemployment, and the consequences will be dire.

But 50,000 people...

Even if I don't need Ice Bear soldiers, just eating, drinking, salaries and armaments are not a small expense.

Although in the past two years, Ice Bear has made a lot of money following Tiancheng, but in order to build its own technology, such as the mass production of ternary computers, Ice Bear has also introduced a large number of supporting software and hardware technologies from Tiancheng. Not much left.

not to mention……

We also need to repair the aircraft and manned the moon landing...

The boss of Ice Bear scratched the top of his head, "Ge, how about we discuss this matter after a while?"

"You know, the salary of Tianwei Security is very high. Now that the parent star joint meeting is willing to pay the salary, I will naturally not keep them in the company. I have sent the relevant personnel arrangements, and they will leave for the war-torn zone in West Asia at the end of the month Maintain stability."

The boss of Ice Bear sighed, and played with the pen with a sad face, "This is difficult."

"Oh? Troublesome?"

"We will not be able to find replacement personnel for a while."

"It's a small thing."

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand indifferently, and took out a controller to operate it.

Not long after, a light two-legged machine walked into the meeting room.

The legs are slender and the buttocks are enchanting, which looks extraordinarily weird.

"In order to cooperate with the heavy biped mecha, we transplanted the central control of the No. 1 machine to create a light biped robot, 1.5 meters high, 45kg in weight, 15kg in load, a maximum speed of 220km/h, sustainable flight for 180 minutes, and autonomous investigation. It has a remote control attack mode."

"Ge, what do you mean?"

"It's perfect for detaining ruthless people, patrolling security, and supervising labor."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he gave the light two legs an order to 'guarantee the absolute safety of the conference room'.

The latter did not conduct fixed route inspections according to instructions like external artificial intelligence products, but activated its own spectral scanning, infrared detection, multi-probe electronic eyes, etc., entered the conference room into the database in various ways, and then analyzed the internal environment , Find out which area is the most dangerous, and then start the action.

Set up weapons, install micro-monitors...

The next moment, a staff member in protective clothing suddenly appeared outside the window.

Before he could make a move, two legs appeared in front of the opponent, blocking the opponent's line that might attack Ge Xiaotian, Deputy Director, and Ice Bear Boss.

The staff raised their hands to show no hostility.

The two legs verify each other's identity, mark and let go.

But in the next second, six staff members suddenly attacked the two legs at the same time.

However, as soon as they moved, they were hit in the abdomen by six electric shock weapons that automatically popped up from the waist of the two legs, and then they began to tremble violently...


Ge Xiaotian signaled the end of the drill, and looked at the stunned Ice Bear boss, "How do you feel?"

"It's so powerful that I am ashamed, but I am more curious, what role can it play on the battlefield?"


Ge Xiaotian shook his head, "There are too many factors that interfere with the signal. If you don't use Zifeng Network, it's just a decoration."

"Then... what about long-range attacks?"

"It can mount a light chug on its waist, equipped with ammunition no more than 10kg. Of course, if the situation is serious, it will overload and increase its 25kg load to 80kg, but its lifespan will be shortened to eight hours."

"What about the normal service life?"

"Regular maintenance, regular maintenance, regular replacement of wearing parts, it will last ten years, but to be honest, in Siberia, it will only last five years."

"Understood, the climate there is really bad."

Both sides are smart people, since Ge Heizi took out this thing, it must be for the purpose of selling.

The boss of Ice Bear pondered for a moment, "How much is the price of a single unit?"

"Friendly price, 200,000 red notes, equivalent to 20,000 mu of wasteland."

"Do you need other equipment?"

"Your ternary server supports all two-legged devices, and there is no need to introduce other products. After the authority is handed over, it can be used after unpacking. Don't worry, we will not retain the control authority."

"How many units do you think Neobras needs?"

"At least a thousand."

"Twenty million acres..."

Boss Ice Bear scratched his head vigorously, "How about I exchange the ten-year lease of the beach in Chukchi Peninsula with you?"

"make a deal!"

The beaches of the Chukchi peninsula have little economic value, but there are guano.

A full fifteen meters thick!

Pure natural, pollution-free, with a long history and rich nutrition...

The total area is roughly equivalent to half of the coastline of China, and the storage capacity far exceeds the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

However, what Ge Xiaotian valued was not bird droppings, but... volcanic eruptions brought the earth's core to the mantle and crust, and after marine deposition and regional metamorphism, it was finally a source of gold formed from gold elements.

The Far East Gold Mine is famous for its parent star, and only a small part of the surface has been proven to help the ice bear survive World War II. The amount of unproved underground storage can be imagined.

No matter how much Tian Cheng did there, Ice Bear would not agree to Tian Cheng's help in mining gold mines.

Now gold can be found through guano...

Ge Xiaotian immediately gave Ice Bear twenty heavy-duty two-legged units.

From the outside world's point of view, this is a rare item, but to Tian Cheng, without an upper body, it is always a defective product, and it is only temporarily used for transition.

After the cooperation was reached, the two sides chatted about the development of Neobras, and the topic came to the focus of this meeting.

That is, manned to the moon.

Ice Bear will definitely not be able to pay tens of billions of 'property fees', let alone the related equipment suitable for the moon base.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian gave a plan of 'enjoy first, pay later, and installments'.

Ice Bear had no choice.

As for whether it will not be returned?

Ice Bear didn't dare either.

Didn't you see that even the non-region is going to the moon?

In case of being chased back by Tian Cheng, Ice Bear will fall behind in the field of spaceflight in the future, and may even be unable to catch up with other countries.


He clearly knew that Ge Heizi's proposal must be deceitful, but the boss of Ice Bear couldn't find a reason to reject it.

Sighing again, he picked up his pen and signed.

When the boss of Bingxiong put down the pen, Ge Xiaotian picked up the contract, blew on the pen and ink on it, and handed it to Dao Shiyi contentedly, grinning.

"Actually, I have a few suggestions that can reduce your debts."


The boss of Ice Bear cheered up immediately, "Tell me?"

"You know, I'm a businessman, and I'm interested in the ratio of return on investment. In the project of the lunar base, besides selling equipment, selling daily necessities, and collecting property fees, there are many other ways to make money."

"for example?"


Ge Xiaotian adjusted the screen in the meeting room, showing a set of data, "In recent years, the Internet has developed rapidly, and the Internet economy has also become the mainstream. People have become accustomed to online shopping, addicted to forums, and fall in love with cheap video resources that can be enjoyed without going to the cinema. According to Montenegro Odyssey According to statistics, the number of Internet users on the mother planet has already accounted for four-fifths of the total population. It has to be said that the convenience brought by the cheap smart card and SG equipment. If we open the Moon Channel, we will use alien live broadcasts as a gimmick and create a charge How do you feel about the prospects of comedies in this mode?"

"It depends on the charging standard and the quality of the program."

"The fee is not high, Huaxia 1 red note, North America 1 Franklin, your side 10 rubles."

"Why not 1 ruble?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Haha, just kidding, but I still want to thank Ge for helping us increase the value of the ruble."

According to the exchange rate, 1 red note is now about 30 rubles. Tianyu charges such a fee, which will inevitably trigger a large number of netizens to exchange rubles, and then use rubles for consumption, indirectly increasing the value of rubles.

This is like a big gift to Ice Bear.

And behind the big gift, there must be a corresponding contribution.

The boss of Ice Bear said seriously: "What do we need to do?"

"Have you ever played Horde and Alliance?"

"I must have played."

"Steal the 'tower' in North America, and do something from time to time to bring up the atmosphere of the moon."


"It's about the quality of the film. I'll earn seven and you three. Follow-up...such as rebuilding the base and adding more personnel, your commission will increase with the sales volume."


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