Build Madness

Chapter 969: The Era of Artificial Intelligence

The boss of Ice Bear still couldn't find a reason to refuse Ge Heizi's proposal.

After all, this is indeed a way to make a lot of money without a big investment, and it can repay the debt owed to Tiancheng in advance.


Stealing someone else's tower, if they have money to reinforce them, wouldn't they be beaten up?

If the family also reinforces, it will inevitably increase the debt...

This pit is getting deeper and deeper.

Boss Ice Bear took a deep breath, just about to say something...

Ge Xiaotian said: "Since you have played the game, you must know what 'Tuo' is, but 'Tuo' can enjoy certain privileges, for example, as long as you agree to do so, Tiancheng will give you twenty free boat tickets every year , two tons of pure water, some food nutrient solutions, and five chances to rebuild the base."

"make a deal!"

"Then let the staff explain the script to you first, and I will chat with my deputy director about business... Hey? Deputy director, where are you going? Don't go! Two legs are discounted and promotional, and the moon landing ticket is free... ..."

The deputy director subconsciously quickened his pace of departure, "I'm getting old, don't drag me."

"No, I'll support you."

"Mud plays the game!"


November 25th.

Two thousand light-duty two-legged units, together with 20 heavy-duty two-legged units, left the warehouse at No. 2 Beihe Daqin Bingfeng, took the train, and went straight to Niob Russ.

At the same time, 5,000 light-duty two-legged units, together with 500 heavy-duty two-legged units, and 100,000 multi-legged self-exposure spiders were released from the No. 1 warehouse of Daqin Bingfeng in Dongshan, and rushed to southern Xinjiang by heavy transport plane.

On this day, Ge Xiaotian took many videos and photos.

Some are paired with the evil scissorhands and uploaded to the web log.

Some are paired with Tianwei costumes and uploaded to the Panda Guardian Forum.

Some are accompanied by handsome driving poses and forwarded to various QQ groups.

With the cooperation of the 'Gejia Navy' and the 'One Hundred Thousand Virtual Humans', guide the public opinion on the home planet:

"Have you heard that Ice Bear purchased five thousand mechas!"

"What five thousand? It's obviously twenty thousand! One train after another, it's transported to the north."

"Huaxia purchased 10,000 units!"

"Nonsense, I roughly counted, at least one hundred thousand!"

True netizen: "..."

"Damn it, Nanyue has placed an order!"

"How many?"

"Three thousand units."

"so little?"

South Vietnamese netizens feel ashamed.

"Taimei has placed an order!"

"How many?"

"Thirty thousand units!"

"I'll be obedient..."

Thai sister netizens are very proud.

"The non-regional league has placed an order!"

"Cambodia has placed an order!"

"Dubai placed an order!"

"The oil country has placed an order!"



three days later.

The wind direction of the forum suddenly changed, and a large number of high-definition photos suddenly appeared.

On the streets of southern Xinjiang: the light two legs maintain law and order, clean up garbage, and help pedestrians solve various trivial matters.

On the border of southern Xinjiang: a team of heavy-duty two-legged machine guns, walking in the ice and snow, performing daily inspections...

On the streets of South Vietnam's capital: Lightweight two-legged directing traffic...

On the streets of Thai girl Bangkok: Lightweight two-legged track down the ruthless man on the run...

On the streets of Dubai, Emirate: Light two-legged to replace security guards…

Immediately afterwards.

Someone broke the news that Petroleum secretly sold light two legs to the Iraqi militia.

Someone broke the news that the West Asian Freedom Group bought fifty light two-legged units from Pakistan.

Someone broke the news that a North American rich man bought a set of second-hand heavy two legs...

fifth day.

There are only 41 hours left until the first civilian commercial manned moon landing on the parent star.

The official website of Tiancheng International Holdings updated the promotional video for 2004.

All kinds of media, self-media, forum celebrities, and live broadcast celebrities who had prepared long ago, forwarded, liked, and commented one after another.

The video starts and the screen goes black.

A second later, there was a ray of dawn in the middle, Ge Xiaotian walked slowly, and with a magnetic voice, "No matter where you are..."

As soon as the screen changed, it switched to Yakutia, a world of ice and snow.

A beautiful girl in thin clothes stood in front of the transparent window, looking at the rime in the distance.

The camera zooms out, showing the name of this building: Yakut Xingyue Bay.


As soon as the screen turned, it switched to the Central Plains with green mountains and green waters.

Children go to school happily, parents do housework at home with peace of mind, and SG TV shows everything the children encounter on the road.

The camera zoomed out, showing the name of this building: Nanhe Xingyue Bay.

The screen turns again.

Dry and hot desert...

Reef islands with blue sea and blue sky...

The dreamy glazed seabed...

The majestic and tall mountains...

"Where there is land, there is Xingyue Bay."

Numerous pictures are neatly arranged together, lighting up the dark picture and becoming Ge Xiaotian's background wall.

"We have spent four years building the Xingyue Bay brand. Up to now, there are 45 trillion-level agents, the number of Xingyue Bay has exceeded 10,000, the number of residents is about 60 million, and business partners are nearly 5 million. Employment There are more than 100 million jobs."

"That is to say, on the home planet, one out of every 60 people either lives in or works in Xingyue Bay, or engages in commercial or non-commercial activities related to Xingyue Bay."

"Some people say that I am the most successful real estate developer on Mother Planet, but I have always disliked this title, because I am an entrepreneur, and Tian Cheng's goal is not to build houses, but... the stars and the sea."

"Last night, I had a dream."

As soon as the screen changed, it switched to the real smart home that I discussed with Xuanxuan and Dao Shiyi a few days ago.

Get up in the morning, go to work at noon, play in the afternoon, and go home in the evening. The whole process is intelligent, automated, and digital.

"It seems a bit fake."

Ge Xiaotian snapped his fingers, and at some point a five-clawed dragon appeared on his shoulders, "Friends who have fought with me should know that this is my pet."

After the words fell, the five-clawed dragon flew up with 80% perfect anti-gravity technology, and floated quietly on the left shoulder.

"Xiaolong, call sister Xiu for me."

"Okay boss."

No-delay communication technology, instantly cut into a pet-shaped smart micro terminal thousands of miles away, and the moment it was connected, an AR virtual screen popped up from the belly of the five-clawed dragon, showing Li Xiuxiu who was working in Splendid China, who was about to speak...

"Xiaolong, hang up the communication."

beep beep...

Li Xiuxiu: "..."

"Xiaolong, how is the weather today?"

"Sunny to cloudy..."

"Xiaolong, where is my car?"

"Go forward 500 meters and turn left..."

"Xiaolong, who is not at work in the company today?"

"A total of 23,000 people asked for leave, no one was absent from work, no one was late."

"Xiaolong, help me buy a bottle of watermelon juice code."

"Delivery in two minutes, 0.8 red notes for payment, 0.2 red notes for discount, 0.5 red notes for delivery fee."

"Little Dragon..."

"Little Dragon..."

"The future is so incredible, but the future still belongs to us."

"In 2004, the brand-new Tiancheng, the brand-new Xingyue Bay, and the brand-new smart card will be with you."

The video is at the end.

Teams of light two-legged teams went to all Xingyue Bay to replace the Tianwei security guards who worked tirelessly and patrolled day and night.

The forum seemed to be frozen, and it wasn't until half an hour later that countless new posts popped up.

"It's over, Xingyue Bay is going to increase the price again!"

"Ma De, after watching the video two or three times, the more I watched the more excited I was. Counting the money in my pocket, I found that I couldn't afford the 04 version of Xingyue Bay."

"If you can't afford it, buy the old version. The 03 version constant temperature room and the energy ground pump constant temperature room are good."

"In fact, the 02 version of smart home is the most cost-effective."

"Can you still buy version 02?"

"Nonsense, the Millennium version, 02 version, 03 version, and 04 version only represent the house types, and they are not built in the corresponding time period. Now many small counties are still building the Millennium version of Xingyue Bay."


"Aren't you wondering why the five-clawed dragon can fly?"

"No, now I only care about my starving little elf, whether it can come back to life!"

"Damn, the 04 version of the smart card has been released!"

"It turned out to be a customized version of the elf!"

"The point is, this is the only model!"

"How much?"

"280,000, in installments of 30 years?!"


"Forget it, let's buy a mate. It is said that this year's Mate 4 will use a retina screen and a stunning curved screen with notch."

"I watched the promotional video, it's too ugly, but SG's flat screen looks more comfortable."

"Aren't you stupid? The smart card is made by nature. Didn't you see the note on the Pokemon version? It can be upgraded for free forever. Don't fall behind!"

"You have to afford it too, brother!"

"I decided to take out a loan! This is too sci-fi. Think about it, no matter where you go, the elf is always flying on your shoulders, and can control all electrical appliances. This is the real personal micro terminal!"

"If you don't buy it, maybe Lao Ge will give it away for nothing soon."


Tom: Boss, we can't carry it anymore.


The huge changes in the technological world, especially the sudden hot sales of light two-legged, made Xiao Bu, who was condolences to the soldiers in West Asia and raving about the approval rating, very uneasy, and had no time to take off his military uniform, and returned to Sand City in the west overnight.

Waiting to rush into Lao Ge's office...

A very familiar man came into view.

The other party looked at him for a moment, then looked at his beret:

"I've always wondered if the olive branch on your badge was eaten by the eagle next to it."

"That's not a vulture, it's an eagle!"

Two heavyweight men stretched out their right hands and held each other fiercely...

Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered what happened in the war-torn zone in West Asia. Afraid that the two would fight on the spot, he quickly walked forward, grabbed the wrists of both parties with his left and right hands, and gently pulled them away.

"Wait, this painting style...why is it so familiar?!"

Billions of netizens in the live broadcast room: "..."

On the No. 1 machine of the moon, I was very enthusiastic to help play the BGM: "This time, the spring breeze is proud to meet a bosom friend..."

On the arc-shaped screen in the office, the flowers in Taoyuan are in full bloom, and Liu Guan and Zhang are clasping their fists together, "The queen of heaven, the sun, the moon and the universe, today, I, Liu Bei..."

Hearing the BGM, witnessing Taoyuan's marriage, and then looking at the three people holding hands at the door, the deputy director spewed out a big red robe...


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