Build Madness

Chapter 973 Tailor-made Services Project Ark

Ice Bear has rich people and strong strength, each of them is a big player in the industry.

For example, the chairman of Ice Bear Petroleum Company (formerly Siberia Petroleum, referred to as Rosneft) has a net worth of 14.6 billion Franklin. Referring to this year's Forbes list, he should be ranked 43rd.

And his son, the chairman of Bingxiong Gas Company (formerly known as Siberian Gas, referred to as Gazprom), has a net worth of 14 billion. Referring to this year's Forbes list, he ranks 45th.

For example, the chairman of Ice Bear Savings Bank...

For example, the chairman of the ice bear nickel (nie) industry company...

For example, the chairman of Ice Bear Northern Iron \u0026 Steel...

For example, the chairman of Ice Bear Novosibirsk Machinery...

But these rich people, no matter in Ice Bear or in the business world of the home planet, cannot be called rich people, but 'oligarchs'.

Oligarch certainly does not mean widow concubine.

It refers to the only few suppliers, or only one supplier, in a certain industry in the area.

Therefore, oligopoly is also called oligopoly market.

The reason for the formation is very complicated. Take the ice bear as an example.

After Mao Xiong disintegrated, in order to restore the economy, Ice Bear privatized state-owned assets and subcontracted them to individuals.

Some of these 'individuals' are obedient and some are disobedient.

If you are obedient, you won't get much money by yourself, and the surface is glamorous.

Disobedient ones embezzle state assets and are always ready to flee.


The boss of Ice Bear came to liquidate, ten top oligarchs who could make it into the top 50 of Forbes, eight of them died at once, and only the chairman of Ice Bear Petroleum, who listened to Lao Ge's advice and played games at home, and his son were left , Chairman of Bingxiong Natural Gas.

The two of them were honest and responsible, and they definitely couldn't afford the 'boat ticket', and they wouldn't come to the west to see the big ship.

The old ice bear naturally understands this, but seeing the international rich people gather together, they don't have their own family...

Lose face!

So, I found Lao Ge.

"Brother, we seem to be isolated."

"Remove the seem."


The boss of Ice Bear was silent for a moment, "I want a beautiful statistic, at least there must be a few companies that are among the top 500 of the home planet, or a few rich people that are on the list."

"It's difficult."

"I know you can do it. In Chinese, your numbers game is very smooth. What is the GDP, what is the profit ratio, what is the net income, what is the total assets..."

"I don't like to hear that. My company is all real."

"Yes bro, but you gotta help me, we're in the same boat."


Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and signaled the boss of Ice Bear to get into his diamond tua, and turned on the on-board computer, "Before the millennium, your oligarchs could indeed be on the ranking list, but now... Mother Star Business does not recognize the existence of 'oligarchs' , Therefore, no company from your side can be among the top 100 companies in the mother planet, and no one can be on the rich list."

"I know."

"If you really want it, you must ensure that the 'rich man' I packaged for you survives."

"no problem."

"That's it... I have a tailor-made service plan for you."



Ge Xiaotian rubbed the gossip shift key to split the Ice Bear Tiancheng industrial chain, "The newly established Yakut Polar Gold Company will be reorganized into the Ice Bear Polar Gold Company. The total assets... How much do you want?"

"Can you still do this?"

"You are the boss of Ice Bear!"


"Forget it, let me decide. With so many gold mines, you can give more 'ownership rights'. It is not too much to fill in 260 billion Franklin. It is enough to rank seventh in the top 100 parent stars. The largest shareholder is the chairman. 10%, with a net worth of 26 billion, second only to Bill the richest man.”

"That's it?"

"That's right, let's make another news later. It is said that the company discovered a huge gold mine in Yakutia, which accounts for 70% of the proven storage capacity of the mother planet. It is directly based on its ranking and does not need to be listed."


"The second one, Tiancheng Neo Potash Seed Company, was reorganized into the Ice Bear Potash Seed Group. It has ten major genetic research laboratories, its strength surpasses that of Monsanto, and its market covers the entire Ice Bear. Strong top twenty, personal holdings, Forbes top ten."


The boss of Ice Bear couldn't believe it, "Brother, why are you acting like a joke?"

Ge Xiaotian lit a tea cigarette that was hard to smoke, and said leisurely: "Do you know why Mother Planet Business doesn't recognize you?"

"Most of our businesses are not listed, and they ostracize us."

"No, none of Tiancheng's industrial chain is listed, but it's still on the list."


"To put it bluntly, it's because you don't have the right to speak in the business world, and you don't have enough influence. I'm different. I have the International Chamber of Commerce and my own publicity platform to create these companies. Putting pressure on various aspects, such as first suppressing the economy of Montenegro Odyssey, forcing Panda Guardians to block Forbes globally, and let them understand what Ge Heizi is!" Ge Xiaotian said, slapping him on the armrest, showing his ferocity and cruelty.


Brother, what you said is too blunt.

The ice bear boss was dumbfounded.

"Oh, I'm just making a metaphor, don't take it seriously."

Ge Xiaotian returned to his normal expression, flicking the soot, "The third one, Tiancheng Okhotsk Shipyard, reorganized the Bingxiong Far East Shipyard, this name is the same as yours, and you need to personally authorize it...

The fourth one, Neobras Agriculture, restructured Ice Bear Far East Agriculture...

Tiancheng Yakutia Polar Mining Company, reorganized...

Tiancheng Yakutia Polar Forestry Company, reorganized...

Neobras Workcent Savings Bank, restructured...

Tiancheng Neobras Real Estate Development...

Mocos Tiancheng Real Estate Development...

Mox Tiancheng Construction Company...

Tiancheng Neobras Industrial...

Tiancheng Siberia Transportation...


Adding up the big and small, there are almost thirty of them who can rank among the top 500 of the parent star. "

the end.

Ge Xiaotian added: "Then, arrange a few honest local people, preferably orphans, to fabricate a few or several inspirational and entrepreneurial promotional materials according to their own image, and then help them set up a financial company, and use the above companies' Shares are allocated to them respectively, so that financial giants have it, and how many shares are allocated to them depends on how many shares they want to rank on the Forbes list."

Boss Ice Bear was completely bluffed by this wave of operations,

"The general plan is like this. How to implement the specific plan still needs to be handled by a professional team, but..."

Ge Xiaotian squeezed out the cigarette butt, rubbed his fingers, "Understood?"

The boss of Ice Bear subconsciously said, "How much?"

"We have such a close relationship. Talking about money hurts feelings. Just take one or two gold mines to make fun of it... Hey, don't go, do you still want to do it? If you do it yourself, don't blame me if you screw it up!"

Hearing the last sentence, Boss Ice Bear's hand that pushed the door of the car froze in the air, "I have to say, you are really dark!"

"I'm a businessman."

"But I have a concern."


"These 'rich people' who were introduced, what should we do if they run away with their contracts?"

Ge Xiaotian picked up the Golden Sand Warbler and blew at the black lacquer hole, "Will my security company be a display?"


How do you talk about cooperation with the underground boss?

The boss of Ice Bear gathered himself together, shook off his messy thoughts, and pondered for a moment, "Two pieces of land in the prime area of ​​Mokos, about 500 acres, go through the normal transaction procedures."

"make a deal!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded without hesitation.

Ice Bear's control over gold is very strict. If it weren't for the moon landing plan, it would be impossible to transfer the gold mine.

And this time helping the other party to operate, it is not a big deal, a piece of gold land is enough.

"Let's go and experience this international event together."

"Sorry, your chairman returned from the European region, we have some things to discuss."

"All right."

Last month, Tiancheng reached cooperation with France, Germany, Bullfighting Country, etc. In order to stabilize the cooperative relationship between the two parties, the chairman personally led a team to visit the European region, and took a look at the oil country, Dubai, and so on.

Returning now, I think I should have gained a lot.



A super-luxury VIP car worth tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, stopped at the entrance of the West Unnamed Hotel one after another, and a top rich man named Mother Star stepped out of it.

Thousands of people from the sales office of Tiancheng International Holdings, wearing bright red neon clothes and feather coats exclusively provided by Splendid Huaxia, stood quietly in various directions of the hotel to entertain them.

The ancient palace music played leisurely, and the surrounding night was enhanced by AR technology. Immediately, countless light spots turned into maidens, dancing in the air.

Not long after, the Shacheng lighting system was turned on, and the soft lights set off all of this, making the scene extraordinarily dignified and grand.

And in the hotel.

Numerous well-dressed, capable and agile catering students presented melons, fruits, wines and drinks to every rich man present with elegant posture and orderly route.

There is a circle of Guzheng masters on the periphery, playing in a uniform manner, and the tone is synchronized with the ancient court music outside the building.

The sound penetrates the heart, as if washing the soul.

On the outermost wall, the mountains and rivers are reflected on the left, the bamboo forest in the small courtyard on the right, the cranes fluttering in the front, and the morning mist surrounds the rear...

Even the rich who just sat down will be immersed in it in the blink of an eye, unable to extricate themselves.

This is 'Tiancheng'!

Two hours later.

More than 1,700 wealthy people who came from afar gathered in the comprehensive hall of the Wuming Hotel 'Tianshan Taixuguan'.

Although there are many people, it doesn't look crowded, and it is even extra spacious.

Because this is Tiancheng's annual meeting this year, the specially built banquet hall can accommodate more than 15,000 people.

After all, they are engaged in construction, so they have to use the best of the mother planet to support the facade.

7:55 p.m.

The time-delayed news broadcast just ended.

Ge Xiaotian stepped onto the rostrum.

"It's a guest from afar, no matter whether you buy a 'boat ticket' or not, you can learn about Tiancheng's Ark plan."

"First of all, I want to make it clear that 2012 is just a guess. No one can guarantee that it will happen. Make some money by the way."

"What? Make money? Well, yes, affected by 2012, mountain villas are selling very well. I think that all the rich who bought boat tickets have already made a huge sum of money in the financing and listing process of NT Real Estate Group in North America. Some even More than what you paid for the ticket.”

"Of course, this is not a conspiracy. It's not that we spread rumors to promote the Alpine villa market. It's an 'investment service' that can only be obtained by purchasing a ticket. The stock king Laoba and stock god Soros can prove all of this."

"And if you want to continue to make money in the next experimental stage, or join us to start making money, you must understand what the 'Ark Project' is."

Ge Xiaotian turned on the 3D Max projection and called up 'Tiancheng's Ark'.

With a domineering appearance and a kilometer body, the audience exclaimed as soon as it appeared.

"This is real, it really exists, and it has been built!"

"However, we have disassembled it, packed it into more than two hundred parts, and shipped them to the five space launch sites."

"Someone may ask, isn't boarding a ship just going up directly?"


"Tiancheng's Ark is a sea, land, air, space, four-dwelling ark. If 2012 erupts and the parent planet becomes an uninhabitable planet, we will leave here and go to Ceres."

The screen changed.

The probe that has already arrived at Ceres shows the No. 2 aircraft that successfully landed on Ceres, and the spaceship berthing port that is being built near the active volcano.

"At this stage, we cannot completely send the 'Tiancheng Ark' into space. We can only choose to assemble it and test the possibility of landing the whole ship on Ceres. But there are still eight years until 2012. I believe that at the speed of Tiancheng, the whole ship will leave Mother planet, everything is still in time."


The rich who were shocked by the sci-fi blockbuster applauded collectively.

"The question is, how to make money during this period?"

Ge Xiaotian switched to the moon base, "As we all know, the energy of the mother star is limited. Perhaps in three to five years, the oil will be exhausted, and the coal will be exhausted. We have to use photovoltaic energy, liquefied gas energy, etc., and even develop new energy sources."

"But beyond the parent star, there are many energy sources that we currently cannot control, or even understand."

"For example, the moon is rich in helium-3. If we can master controllable H fusion, helium-3 will become our new 'perfect energy source'."

"In addition to energy, there are new elements and brand-new rare metals that do not exist in the periodic table."

"Here comes the answer to making money."

"When the experimental ark is successfully assembled in the high orbit, Tiancheng will set up an interstellar transportation company and open the route from the parent star to the ark to the moon."

"In the future, all ticket buyers will be eligible to enjoy a 10% discount on ticket purchases. Of course, this ticket purchase is only for a round trip to the parent planet and the lunar surface, not an Ark ticket. The approximate price is 2 million Franklin."

"In this way, big customers who buy tickets for the Ark can take advantage of this, buy 'Earth-Moon Tickets' in bulk, and then set up a lunar travel service company... What to do next, everyone is a businessman, I don't need to explain it anymore Bar?"

"If you have strong capital and strength, you can also invest in 'interstellar passenger ship', or lease 'interstellar passenger ship', and 'interstellar mine ship'."

"Mine ship? Yes, in the next six months, there will be a large number of countries on the parent planet with moon bases. According to the outer space agreement, research, detection, and mining will be carried out in separate areas. The mine ship will be used to transport soil, rocks, minerals, etc. that countries need for experiments. Wait, the load capacity is 1 ton. In the future, Tiancheng Aerospace Department and the Electric Industry will launch a new ship type with a greater carrying capacity that can reach Mars. As long as you buy the Ark ticket, there will be a lot of discounts."

"What if I didn't buy the Ark ticket?"

"We have a second plan, which is to invest in the 'interstellar port' from the parent star to outer space, and from the moon surface to outer space. As long as the investment amount reaches the fare of the Ark ship, you will automatically get an Ark ship ticket, which can be accumulated. Big customers who buy tickets for the Ark also enjoy this benefit."

"When the total ticket price reaches the construction cost of the ark, Tiancheng will start the construction plan for the fourth ark. The location is tentatively set in the non-regional alliance, after all, the labor cost is low there."

"However, I need to remind everyone that investing in interstellar projects will definitely not make money in the early stage, because there is almost no market demand. We can only make money when the parent star technology develops and increases the demand for interstellar minerals and interstellar energy."

"But... Believe in Tiancheng, if we all lose money, Tiancheng will open up a series of advanced technologies to stimulate the mother star market, such as giving away 'controllable H fusion' for free, so that all countries on the mother star will need Helium III."

"So, in the future, there is no such thing as 'you can make a fortune if you enter the industry late', only 'enter the industry early and make money early'. This is the guarantee that I, Lao Ge, give to my customers!"

"The above is the Ark Project from 2004 to 2008."

"And from 2008 to 2011, if we all actively invest, we will have a complete set of space industry chains. In due course, we will distribute corresponding bonus shares according to the accumulated investment amount. The starting point is 1 billion Franklin, and there is no cap. If your investment amount If you surpass me, Lao Ge, you can definitely be the chairman of Tiancheng Star."

"As for 12 years..."

"May the mother star last forever."

Ge Xiaotian opened his hands, and the rear projection switched to the five space centers where the experimental Ark components were launched.

between breaths.

Five launch vehicles lifted off.

Twenty seconds later.

On the nearby launch pad, there are five more launch vehicles...

Two minutes later.

Helicopters flew in and sprayed coolant.

Half an hour later, the transportation platform delivered a brand new launch vehicle.

Commissioning, refueling...

An hour later, 32 was ignited, and five launch rockets lifted off...

Nearby Launch Pad Continues...

More than a thousand top rich people in the audience watched this crazy scene in a daze.


The applause was like thunder.

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