Build Madness

Chapter 974 Bill's decision

In the banquet hall, the warm applause lasted for a long time.

The handsome Boss Ge stands proudly on the rostrum, and the background behind him switches to outer space in due course.

From the perspective of the space shuttle, the panorama of the parent star and the numerous rockets launched one after another are far more shocking than the surface monitoring.

this moment.

No one doubts everything that this miraculous oriental young man has described to everyone.

Because all the bullshit he has boasted, no matter how outrageous, has now come true.

From the industrial system, to the agricultural system, to the technology system, medical system, education system, entertainment system, financial system, service system, aerospace system...

There are too many unique industrial chains, too many for any business tycoon to ignore.

This is Tiancheng International Holdings!

One is called the reality 'Umbrella', even beyond the existence of 'Umbrella'.

Of course, Tian Cheng is not a big villain, but a 'champion enterprise' that advocates peaceful trade on the home planet and publicly supports the joint meeting of the home star.

What is a champion enterprise?

That is, products related to any industry cannot do without it.

Like the German rebuilt 'Zeiss Optics'.

If Zeiss Optical withdraws all authorizations, ASML, the largest lithography machine company on the parent star, will no longer be able to manufacture lithography machines; astronomical telescope companies other than Tiancheng and Wajima on the parent star will no longer be able to produce telescopes; Glasses production and processing companies other than Tiancheng and Wajima will no longer get glasses processing equipment; prism (optical) production and processing companies other than Tiancheng and Washima on the parent planet will go bankrupt immediately...

The champion enterprise is so terrifying.

Replaced by Tiancheng, the steel structure construction technology disclosed every year can make a large number of construction companies drink a pot.

What's more, Tiancheng also has technology, agriculture, medical treatment...


If you follow Boss Ge, you will definitely make money!


As Boss Ge said before, affected by market demand, investing in the interstellar field will definitely not make money in the early stage, and may even lose money year after year.

Although everyone has money in their pockets, none of them has the strength to "be able to afford losses" by Boss Ge.

After all, all enterprises are shareholding systems, and other shareholders disagree, so they can only pay for it themselves.

Like Franklin, who has a net worth of 20 to 3 billion, he has already lost his fortune after buying one or two boat tickets. How can he have extra funds to spend on StarCraft?

In this way, nearly 2,000 millionaires were wiped out in an instant, and there were only less than 200 left.

As for Franklin, a rich man with a net worth of five or six billion, it is estimated that he would not make much of a splash if he poured his money into Interstellar.

In this way, there are less than two hundred rich people, and nine out of ten are wiped out.

The remaining dozen people...

You look at me, I look at you, no matter how you look at it, you are all 'one of your own'.


After the applause, the banquet hall became extremely quiet.

Faced with this situation, Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt a little numb.

Seeing that the silence was about to come, when he glanced at the log of the 'Tiancheng Western Chamber of Commerce' outside the window, an idea flashed in his mind.

"Everyone, in order to make it easier for us to jointly build the interstellar industry, I have decided to create the Tiancheng Interstellar Chamber of Commerce to handle interstellar business between members and between members and the outside world, so as to achieve common development and progress!"

"Tiancheng Interstellar Chamber of Commerce follows the principles of Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce. If you recharge your VIP account, you can enjoy 'lease first, pay later' and 'make money first, then repay'."

"In this way, even if everyone doesn't have enough funds, they can join forces for investment and development, and let go of it!"

Hearing this, the dozen or so 'insiders' sitting in the front row were obviously relieved under the watchful eyes of the wealthy people behind.

The chairman of Chia Tai International got up: "Mr. Ge, we have decided to invest in an interstellar mining ship."

After the voice fell, the background of the rostrum switched to the ship type.

It has no beautiful appearance, just a shuttle-shaped vehicle with solar sails, similar to ancient sailing ships.

It is 65 meters long, 12 meters wide, 6 meters high and has a load of 10 tons.

Solar sails and solar photovoltaic panels are two products, the latter resembles 'glass panels', while the former is 'sails'.

In other words, the interstellar mining ship is indeed a ship, just like the ancient sailing ship, it travels with the power generated by the 'sail', but the energy used by the two is different.

This type of ship can go back and forth between the earth and the moon orbit, one way for three days, but it cannot land on the parent star or the moon. It needs to stop at the Ark space port to unload the cargo, and then go through the formalities of cargo orbit release.

The cost is 50 million Franklin, the weekly maintenance fee is 2 million Franklin, and the life span is ten years.

Doesn't seem expensive.

But it takes 1 billion Franklins to launch the mine ship into space through a launch vehicle.

Moreover, if there is no business, it means leaving 1.05 billion Franklins in outer space, and paying a weekly storage fee of 2 million Franklins.

This is the main reason why most rich people dare not engage in the interstellar industry.

Ge Xiaotian saw the appearance of 'Goutuo', and pretended to open the meeting documents, "For business, I am most afraid that there will be no leader. Since the chairman of Zhengda decided to invest, as the initiator of the interstellar industry, I, Lao Ge, will not treat you badly.

In this way, in the middle of next month, the samples mined by Ice Bear and North America on the moon will be entrusted to us to transport to the parent star, and we will arrange this business to the interstellar mining ship invested by Chia Tai International. At the end of the month, he received a dividend of 20 million Franklin. "


The audience gasped in unison.

Pay back one-fiftieth of the capital at a time? !

"Don't be surprised, aerospace engineering is not only costly now, if Ice Bear intends to transport the moon samples back to the parent star, let alone 10 tons, 100 kilograms can't be done, it's not that there is no money to do it, it can't be done!"

Boss Ice Bear: "It's too much!"

"Sorry, I'm not targeting you, but I just want to describe that even the parent star launch vehicle can't do the best job. It shows how vast the market prospect of Tiancheng interstellar mining ships is."

Boss Ice Bear: "..."

At this time.

Something unexpected happened to Ge Xiaotian and 'Goutuo'.

A few days ago, Bill, who decided to transform into a 'farmer', stood up suddenly, "Mr. Ge, if we invest in the interstellar mine, or other interstellar industries you suggest, with a capital of about 100 billion, I wonder if you will agree to let the dragon The equipment of the system is compatible with the win system."


The rise of personal micro-terminals represents the end of the third industrial revolution of the home planet, and the fourth industrial revolution is about to usher in.

If we say that the first industrial revolution (steam technology), the second industrial revolution (electrical engineering), and the third industrial revolution (computer and information technology), all were initiated by the West, widening the gap between the two worlds.

Then, the fourth industrial revolution, that is, the industrial revolution with artificial intelligence, new material technology, molecular engineering, graphene, virtual reality, photon information technology, controllable H fusion, clean energy and biotechnology as the technological breakthrough, is completely complete. All are dominated by the East.

Moreover, with only the first signs of the fourth technological revolution, overtaking on curves can be achieved within four years, and the situation of being two hundred years behind can be overcome.

Bill is a smart guy.

Most importantly, the other party understands technology.

The industrial chain of Tiancheng in the west is the full embodiment of the fourth industrial revolution.

There are perfect virtual technologies here, such as AR airport and VR world.

There are mature clean energy sources, such as ground source heat pumps, photovoltaic power plants, and wind power plants.

There is a huge amount of biotechnology here, such as animal and plant research, genetic engineering laboratories.

Here is the largest graphene refining plant on the parent planet...

Here are the top Turing research labs and artificial intelligence servers on the home planet...

Here is the first photon communication service station on the mother star...

The people here have a different way of life from other regions. There is no 'job entry' and 'commute to get off work', they do not belong to any company, and they do not have various leaders. They are all ordinary Chinese people.

But they have jobs, stable income, and high productivity.

Because, a 'task-based system' is used here.

2 to 5 standard tasks are issued every day, one periodic task is issued every month, one target task is issued every year, and the standard salary will be awarded upon completion.

If you want to make more money, then continue to accept part-time tasks, scattered tasks, temporary tasks, or random tasks.

Of course, there is definitely a limit to accepting missions, one must have a Tiancheng standard technical certificate, otherwise one will not even be able to find the mission.

This is why the Board of Directors listed 2003 as a 'critical year'.

After all, no one can be sure whether this solution to 'unemployment and re-employment' will be successful.

Fortunately, with the help of smart cards and artificial intelligence, millions of immigrants got used to all this in just two months, forming a huge production force.

This is why the western industrial chain must be distinguished from other industrial chains.

With the opening of the western industrial chain to the outside world, many tourists have gradually discovered this.

Bill's vision must be longer-term than ordinary people.

Leaving aside the advantages and disadvantages of Tiancheng's western industrial chain, outsiders must like this way of life.

No, it is the pursuit and yearning for this kind of lifestyle, and the rulers also like this kind of controllable social form.

When the 43 regions that cooperate with Tiancheng... well, Brazil, Bangladesh, and the Mummy Country are added, and all of them introduce this way of life, or copy this way of life, it means that the personal micro-terminal has become an indispensable tool for people.

In the field of micro-ends, the Science and Technology Alliance was almost killed by Longtian Technology, and now Weihua Mate appears, and the Science and Technology Alliance has long lost its market share.

As Bill said before, if the Tiancheng industry chain does not carry the win system, Microsoft will lose most of its mother star.

The most important thing is the stock.

When the time comes, going bankrupt is a minor matter, but being hunted down by financial predators is a major matter.

Bill couldn't see hope, so he just turned into a farmer.

But today's matter seems to provide the other party with another choice.

That is……

If you can't beat them, join them.

As for whether the Shenlong system is compatible with win...

As the saying goes, those who are compatible with everything win the world.

When Daoyi developed the Shenlong system at the beginning, he specially hanged the compiler.

And this compiler is actually a 'virtual machine' that supports any language and presentation form.

What kind of software you want to develop, all have to be done in the compiler. What's more, what kind of system you want, you only need to design the UI and put it into the compiler to realize a new system.

Thus, after Longtian Technology broke up with Tiancheng, it extended its own SG OS, SG UI, and SG chip.

After Weihua Technology acquired Tianke, it extended HM OS, EM UI, and Soc chips.

Including Lei Ge, the new president of Photon Micro-end, MI OS, MI UI, and MI chips that were extended by Rice Technology, which was founded by the Longtian family in order to avoid the dominance of the Longtian family.

And as early as three years ago, the Apple that bought IOS from Lao Hong actually used the underlying core of Shenlong.

Therefore, the status of Shenlong system in China's science and technology industry is actually similar to "Unix with integrated hardware", let alone compatible with win, even Symbian os, blackberry os, win phone, etc. on mobile phones are compatible.

But here comes the problem.

Tiancheng has an agreement with Xiaobu's VIP group that he cannot use his own electronic products to impact the North American electronic market.

This is the bottom line of cooperation between the two parties.

If Microsoft adopts Shenlong win, although there is no need to change the system, it needs to replace the chip. Using the Shenlong series chips and the module equipped with the chip, even a 3df graphics card must be used.

In this way, would Intel, Nvidia, and semiconductor companies large and small, especially Gaotong, be willing?

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but doubt Bill's intentions.

Even Xiao Bu, who was sitting outside watching the excitement, frowned.

Fortunately, there is no live broadcast this time, otherwise North American stocks will have a big shock...

Facing everyone's gaze, Bill shrugged, "At first, I wasn't worried about the Asian Science and Technology Alliance, because their semiconductor technology was too backward, but Tiancheng decided to develop the interstellar industry, and I began to understand 'Tianke'.

It's not the one purchased by Weihua, but the Zhentian Branch retained by Tiancheng.

Then I discovered that the operating system we use in the future may not be called a system, or even a UI, but a portable server with multiple cores, multiple processes, and distributed processing tasks.

Its presentation method, one is the wide-area goggles, which can be selected by focusing the eyes, and can be interacted with by triggering conditions, without the need for a desktop at all.

The second is VR, AR, and the Internet of Everything, which don't even need a desktop, just a touch or a command can achieve the desired function.

Like playing games, listening to music, and watching movies, although the presentation methods are still displays and speakers, look at AR glasses, VR glasses...they also don’t need a desktop.

What frightens me even more is that the technologies that Tiancheng presents at this stage, including the 30 free authorizations presented to us, are all silicon electronic technologies that exceed the current technological limit of the Science and Technology Alliance, while Tiancheng is best at optoelectronic technology.

Mr. Ge said just now that if the industry you invest in does not make money, he will open up the controllable H fusion technology to stimulate market demand and let countries rush to buy Helium III.

So, can I think that Mr. Ge still has the photoelectric technology that crushes all current electronic technologies?

At least……

You haven't come up with a device that matches lag-free photonic communication.

I remember that in October, I happened to see a technical discussion post about 'optical core' on the Panda Guardian Forum. I thought, that should be your trump card. "

Bill said with a slight smile, "When Win is no longer needed in life and work, it will definitely disappear.

For my children (win), to support my shareholders, and to trust my shareholders, I have to find a way for Microsoft to survive. I don’t want to wait until next year, or the year after, that there will be no equipment equipped with win system. "

Bill's words shocked the audience.

The wealthy people, including the deputy director, Xiao Bu, and the boss of Ice Bear, all know how powerful Tian Cheng is.

But from Bill's mouth, everyone felt the technological crush brought by a higher level.

Very disempowering.

However, in this way, the rich have more confidence in investing in the interstellar industry.

Didi Didi...

When many wealthy people announced to join the Tiancheng Interstellar Chamber of Commerce and recharge VIP, a reminder came from Ge Xiaotian's ears, and the wide-area goggles automatically popped up a message.

Bill: "Mr. Ge, is there any commission?"

Ge Xiaotian: "???!"

Do you think you are a stock king old man, 'one of your own'? !


This seems to mean...

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