Build Madness

Chapter 975 'The Ark Meeting'

If the shares of all companies on the mother planet were fully transparent, people would be horrified to find that in this endless list, the words that appear most frequently are not the investment management companies of the top ten companies on the mother planet, nor Tiancheng International Holdings, but 'Tianxiu' group'.

Just like Rosneft, Gazprom, Roskin, Rosin, Rosmu, and Rosmine that suddenly popped up, they all account for 5% to 9% of the shares.

Just like the deeply rooted Butterfly Club in North America, Horton Security Group, Holden General Motors, Holden General Electric, Disney Pictures, North American Fisheries... They all account for 2% to 7% of the shares.

Just like Nanyue Leather, Taimei AS Group, Cambodia Finance, Laos Rice, Sange Rubber, Emirates Dubai Entertainment, Dubai Finance, Dubai Real Estate, Greek Sports, France Accor, Germany Zeiss, Montenegro, which can influence the economy of a certain region Odyssey antisoft, non-regional alliance business, it also accounts for 3% to 8% of the shares.

Even if it is as strong as Tianzi, such as Tiancheng International Holdings, Tiancheng Electric Industry, Tiancheng Entertainment Interactive, Tiancheng Rubber, Tiancheng Plastics, etc., even including Xishan Sanjin, Shandi Tianwang, Nandu Tianfu, Daqin Bingfeng, Jifu Business League , Sun Paper, and countless companies under the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, all of which have different proportions of shares.

If statistics are used, the total assets of Tianxiu Group may have exceeded trillions of Franklin, reaching hundreds of billions.

And in the black book, it is also the only existence that can fight against certain ancient organizations on the parent planet.

But in reality, the company 'Tianxiu Group' could not be found at all.

Readers only know:

Chen Feng, the strongest second-hand businessman on the mother planet, works as a 'business manager' in the company.

Shen Zhipeng, one of the largest real estate developers in China, works as a 'product manager' in the company.

Holden, one of the strongest security companies on the mother planet, one of the largest automobile manufacturers, and one of the largest electrical manufacturers, works as an 'administrative manager' in the company.

Butterfly, the parent star stockholder, serves as the 'financial director' in the company.

Huaxia's former chairman and former general manager Zhu Lao, former Nanyang Development Bank chairman Zhuang Lao, and former Huaxia richest man Jingcheng Li served as "honorary consultants" in the company.

It's a pity that the above-mentioned people, including Ge Xiaotian himself, all denied the rumor in public.

But Bill knew it was true!

In 2002, Tiancheng advocated the global development of sports, improving the physical fitness of the whole people, and established activities such as climbing Mount Everest, swimming across the Strait, and crossing the Taklamakan.

For this kind of thing with obvious commercial propaganda, Microsoft responded positively and organized bipolar expeditions.

In Antarctica, Bill saw with his own eyes a skyscraper with the word "Tianxiu" suddenly appearing in the vast iceberg, but after searching for a long time, it was finally considered a hallucination.

It's okay to let it go, but in the North Pole, he saw a super floating island with the word "Tianxiu" and met an old monk in single clothes who organized thousands of polar bears to help fish.

At that moment, it seemed as if countless alpacas were roaring past Bill's mind...

No, it was like being struck by lightning!

At this point, Bill began to study the black book seriously.

Then found out...

There is a paragraph at the end of the first part that describes: At the end of the old world, Ge xx invited the world’s top rich men to participate in a banquet that could change the fate of all mankind. What was discussed during the banquet is unknown to outsiders, but in the new In the world, we all know that most of the rich people who participated in the banquet became the presidents of the galaxy, and this banquet, twenty years later, is called the 'Ark Conference'.

Comparing today's experience, comparing the subject of the discussion, thinking about Tiancheng's hidden strength, and then looking up at the rockets rising one after another outside the window, Bill shuddered.



Bill's initiative to move closer was somewhat beyond Ge Xiaotian's expectation.

But things are always good, and there will naturally be commissions.

Ge Xiaotian notified Tiannong, a subsidiary of Tianmao Group, on the spot to send a batch of free high-yielding crop seeds to Ruanwei Agriculture.

The type is genetically modified, and three seasons can be harvested in one season. The consequences...continue to plant for two years, and nothing will be produced in the next ten years.

What? cheating?

That's right!

After all, the two sides are in different camps, and there will be big conflicts in the field of agricultural trade in the future.

As for whether the other party will use this kind of seed...

Then it depends on the extent of the other party's capital (black heart).

After all this work, today's banquet is officially over.

In the following two weeks, the staff will lead the wealthy to experience aerospace things, such as projecting the moon, experiencing alien scenery, such as riding a centrifuge, experiencing mild overload, such as understanding ground source heat pumps, and experiencing interstellar safe houses...

The name is: Adapt to life after 2012 in advance.

Practical purpose: To promote flashy, useless devices that exceed luxury prices.

half an hour later.

Ge Xiaotian came to the office of the general manager of the hotel.

The deputy director and the boss of Ice Bear who were discussing important matters in private, as well as Xiaobu who was watching the excitement in the outfield before, and the chairman of Montenegro Odyssey, the chief of Wajima, the general manager of France, the general manager of Germany, the chairman of Nanyue, and the Thai The general manager, the chief of the emirate, the chief of the African Union, the secretary general of the joint meeting, etc., talked in a low voice by region.


Ge Xiaotian unceremoniously sat in the chair of the general manager of the hotel, turned on the monitor on the back, and went straight to the topic:

"Tiancheng is concerned with the development of the mother planet and expects to realize the sublimation of civilization. Therefore, in the past few years, we have unlocked a batch of new technologies at the end of each year, and authorized enterprises in various fields to use them for free, including steel structure construction and pollution-free concrete. Production, non-burning brick and tile technology, multi-type alloy technology, new medical equipment and pharmaceutical formula, artificial intelligence core technology, etc. "

"And next year, that is, in 2004, we decided to increase the unlocking efforts, but considering the possible serious impact of these technologies, we have to call everyone here to discuss together."

Boss Ice Bear: "Ge, I'm curious, what kind of technology is it that even you are worried about the follow-up impact?"

"For example, helium three training techniques."

Hearing this sentence, the faces of all the bosses froze, only the deputy director, Xiao Bu, and the boss of Bingxiong who knew the content of the rich man's meeting remained unchanged.

In order to let the rich invest in interstellar mining ships with peace of mind, this fellow even plans to give away 'H fusion' for nothing. What is helium three extraction technology?

After all, humans discovered helium three as early as 80 years ago, and now many countries have mastered helium three training technology.

However, it has been proven that the parent star contains helium-3 material storage, which is less than 500 kilograms, and the annual extraction amount of each country is calculated in grams, which is likely to be inferior to Tiancheng's unlocking technology.

"After half a year of remote control exploration by our side, it is absolutely certain that the moon has more than 1 million tons of helium three storage capacity, and every 100 tons of helium three can provide the energy demand of the parent star for a year, that is to say, Lunar energy can last us 10,000 years.

Most importantly, for every ton of helium three extracted from the lunar soil, about 6,300 tons of hydrogen, 70 tons of nitrogen, and 1,600 tons of carbon can be obtained. For us currently, even without controllable H fusion, we cannot Helium three is converted into energy, and these extracted by-products can also bring us huge benefits. "

Chief Wajima: "Mr. Ge, I want to know, what is your helium three-day production?"

"Currently the main methods for refining helium three are gas diffusion method, ion exchange method, distillation method, electrolysis method, electromagnetic method, electric current method, etc., but we use gas centrifugation method.

That is, the gas is compressed and passed through a series of high-speed rotating cylinders, such as ultra-centrifugal units, for isotopic gas separation.

Isotopic heavy molecular gases are more likely to be enriched near the wall of the cylinder than light molecular gases. The gas enriched near the axis is exported and sent to another centrifuge for further separation. As the gas passes through a A series of centrifuges, the isotope molecules are gradually enriched, and finally helium three is obtained.

don't know?

You can understand it by watching the washing machine shake the clothes. "

Everyone: "..."

"Helium III technology is only one of the unlocked projects in 2004. We will also unlock some applications of GIS system in business, so as to facilitate more enterprises to realize information management and digital operation.

And unlock a large number of engineering materials, such as the new graphene refining technology.

And fingerprint recognition, face recognition and other information technologies.

I think everyone should understand these things and understand the serious impact these things will cause.

Just like face recognition, the virtual face formed by the reverse of 3D structured light can easily crack the existing plane recognition system. When we unlock this part of the technology, some institutions that master this technology..."

Ge Xiaotian looked at Xiaobu, "Your bank is in danger."


"Oh, I'm wrong, your bank was robbed, 99% were done by your own people, it has nothing to do with ruthless people."


Not only Xiao Bu was confused, but even the other bosses were puzzled.

"Let me tell you a joke, the chairman of xx Bank embezzled 5 million Franklins from the bank to play games. It was liquidated at the end of the year. It didn't seem to be on the table. He made a plan and arranged for a gang of ruthless people to rob, and then announced to the public that it was lost. Ten million Franklin, your security guards caught the ruthless man, and the ruthless man admitted what he did, but the money was not found...Well, this kind of thing seems to be a lot in your country."


"The matter is not over yet, the bank announced that it lost 10 million Franklin, and got rid of the 5 million spent by the chairman of the bank, that is to say, the ruthless people took away 5 million.

But why didn't the security guard find this huge sum of money?

Because the money is still in the bank.

After the matter was over, the chairman of the bank calmly took out the five million yuan, spent half of it on your local high law, pardoned the ruthless group, and then followed the ruthless people, took the remaining 2.5 million, and started Happy to continue playing the game. "


Xiao Bu was stunned.

The other bosses were also manipulated by this mystery, and the town was dumbfounded.

Chief Wajima: "Can it still be like this?"

"I don't like to tell jokes, I just tell the truth."

"I believe!"

Boss Ice Bear, who has the strongest intelligence system on his home planet, nodded gloatingly, "I've discovered it a long time ago, in a capital society, you can do whatever you want with capital."


Xiao Bu's face was dark.

The bigwigs from other countries are in deep thought...


Seeing that Xiao Bu couldn't get off the stage, the deputy director coughed and changed the subject, "Xiao Ge, tell me, the real purpose of calling us together."

"It's still the old man who sees it clearly. That's it. Since the brand-new technology that is about to be unlocked may cause serious impact, it's better for everyone to buy the technology."


"In this way, countries can carefully choose whether to open up or not, and they can even hand over the operation to official companies, which is also a way to make a lot of money."


At this moment, everyone had a more intuitive understanding of someone's blackness.

Isn't it good to unlock?

How did it turn into spending money again?

"Don't look at me like that, think carefully about the serious consequences of these technologies flowing to the outside world."


Seeing Ge Xiaotian's threatening tone, the deputy director quickly came out again to smooth things over, "Well, as the competent authorities of each region, for the common development of the home planet, for the peace and prosperity of the home planet, we should really buy it and hold these technologies in the hands of the competent authorities. , In this way, I will take the lead and pack it."

Everyone: "..."

How do you look at it, how does it feel like you two are singing a double reed.

At this time.

The supreme chief of the non-regional alliance with a very weird complexion said: "We have a lot of waste to do, and we urgently need to introduce high-tech to create an industry that can catch up with the mainstream technology of the mother planet. Mr. Ge, I support your deputy director's suggestion. Pack it up and make an offer."

The voice did not fall.

The chairman of Montenegro Odyssey, a man who resembled the Dragon King, directly took out his computer and prepared to transfer the money, "We will pack it too."

Seeing this, Boss Ice Bear couldn't sit still.

The confrontation with Montenegro Odyssey in the Black Sea has lasted nearly three years. Although there were no casualties on both sides, it was not a joke. If Montenegro Odyssey went ahead, under the strong firepower of the opponent, Ice Bear might fall into a passive beating situation.

Think of expensive aircraft maintenance bills...

"I still have a gold mine!"

"make a deal!"

As soon as Ge Xiaotian blurted out his words, the chief of Wajima stood up, "We also want a bag."

"You thought you were buying medicine!"

"No, we also pack."

The rest of the bosses suddenly panicked.

If Tiancheng took the initiative to unlock the technology, it would be equivalent to free authorization to the owner of the home planet, no matter who uses it for commercial purposes, they will not be held accountable.

But buying is different.

While Tiancheng disclosed its technology, it also increased the protection of technology patents, and entrusted the three major security groups to pursue accountability for unauthorized companies.

In the past, Huo Dun and the Holy Church were just security companies, and the way to pursue accountability was to either 'prosecute' or pass through the suppressed 'blacklist', which did not pose any threat to local authorities.

but now……

The three major security groups are employed by the home planet joint meeting. If Tian Cheng reports to the home star joint meeting, the secretary directly puts an 'anti-xx' label on the non-authorized company, and the three major security groups will come to check the water meter immediately.

Include region.

In other words, it is almost impossible to steal Tiancheng's technology from the purchasing country through spies.

And, you have to have the guts to do it.

Xiao Bu didn't want to break the cooperation situation between the two parties, so he watched Ice Bear packing and sighed helplessly, "Mr. Ge, we hope to get the new light sail technology."

"I have to pay more."


"However, there are many kinds of light sail technologies. One is conventional solar sails, which use the thrust generated by sunlight to move forward in space. However, due to the extremely small thrust generated by a single photon, at the distance from the parent star to the sun, the light in A sail surface of one square meter can only produce a thrust of 0.9 dynes, which is less than the weight of an ant. To drive a 0.5-ton spacecraft, a solar sail with a diameter of 300 meters and an area of ​​70,000 square meters must be used for two years. Finally, through continuous acceleration, it can achieve a speed of 240,000 kilometers per hour, which is six times the second cosmic speed and four times the third cosmic speed, and will fly out of the solar system in five years.

The second is a light sail in the form of a laser, which is made with prism technology and has a light concentrating system. The area of ​​the sail is fixed at 10,000 square meters and can be composed of multiple sails. The initial speed is slightly slower, which is equivalent to a launch vehicle, but after a week, It can reach the speed of a conventional light sail after two years of use, and after one year... it will fly out of the solar system.

You get what you pay for, what kind does Mr. Bu need? "

"The latter."

"Do you need laser equipment? Concentrating equipment?"

"Not for sale?"

"Have you ever seen someone who buys a TV and gives away an air conditioner?"

"I see, you've been doing this all the time."


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