Build Madness

Chapter 976

a week later.

December 12th.

Christmas is approaching in the West, and overseas dealers who frantically purchase electrical appliances, semiconductors, graphics cards, memory, monitors, communication equipment, and agricultural and sideline products in Sand City set off to return to their respective regions.

Nearly 2,000 wealthy people also experienced luxury goods for the purchased spaceflight. After completing the check-in procedures, they bid farewell to Boss Ge one after another in a familiar manner.

Xiao Bu went to West Asia to gain support, the boss of Ice Bear flew to Niobras to handle the transfer of gold mines, and the deputy director returned to the AR training base to continue reforming the military department...

The noisy sand city gradually calmed down, without the embellishment of the lighting project, it seemed to be particularly desolate and dilapidated under the cover of winter wind and sand.

But during this time, Shacheng has created countless miracles.

According to Western Statistics:

In early December, the export volume of semiconductors in the west broke through a record high, reaching 51 billion Franklin, tying the entire east.

In early December, the export value of semiconductor manufacturing equipment in the west broke through a record high, reaching 23 billion Franklin, surpassing the entire east.

In the first ten days of December, the export value of electronic products such as graphics cards and memory in the west also broke through a record high, reaching 5.5 billion Franklin.

In the first ten days of December, the export volume of Western Display broke the record of China's total export volume, about 33.91 million units.

In the first ten days of December, the export value of electric appliances and communication equipment in the west was the sum of all the years in China. (It used to be imported, but now it is exported)

In early December, agricultural and sideline products in the west...

In early December, tourism consumption in the west...

In early December, Western Hotel Catering...

In early December, Western GDP...

Early December...

Not only did the evening news report it extensively, but Huaxia TV Station also specially created a column program to make important comments on the development of the western region.

The chairman who returned from a visit to the European region even went to the west in person to check every region.


Semiconductor laboratories, semiconductor production lines...

Graphics card R\u0026D center, graphics card integrated production line...

Display debugging base, display assembly line...

Zigbee Communications Building, Photon Separator Underground Hangar...

Western Longtian Science and Technology Park, LT store...

Western Weihua Science and Technology Park, WH store...

Western Tiancheng Science and Technology Park, Smart Card Issuing Center...

Sand control belt of square field, hybrid tree protection forest, desert watermelon industrial area, desert locust industrial area, non-area lungfish farm, desert rice experimental field...

All industries are booming, and millions of immigrants live and work in peace and contentment.

However, it takes time to build resettlement houses, and four-fifths of the people still live in steel-structured tents built around Shacheng.

The living environment is not bad. It has all that an ordinary family in Shacheng should have, and the supporting facilities are also very complete.

It was three days later.

Ge Xiaotian solemnly received the chairman and his party at Tiancheng headquarters in the west.

Meetings, speeches, news...

Let's just praise Tiancheng for his outstanding contribution to the development of the western region in 2003.

the next day.

Everyone gathered in the Western Development and Reform Building.

There is a development plan for the entire west here, which is exactly the same as the sand table placed at the gate of Tiancheng Headquarters in the west.

The leaders of the western region did their homework and introduced them all afternoon.

From industry, agriculture, and electronics, to software, services, and finance, to communications, aerospace, and interstellar industries...

In a word: all industries are gradually advancing, all regions are connected together, and finally a complete industrial chain is created to achieve self-sufficiency in the west and aid the east in the west!

The big leaders in the west are not aimless, because the west-to-east gas pipeline project has already reached Yangguan, and in two or three months, it will be able to connect the eastern gas pipeline laid from east to west along the westward highway.

The eastern gas pipeline covers the high-speed industrial park all the way to the west, Xingyue Bay in various places, and the township-level Limin Activity Center. When it is connected, one-third of the area in the north will use cheap natural gas that costs 20 cents per cubic meter.

As for the remaining two-thirds of the Northland, when will natural gas be used?

On the north bank of the Heilong River in the northeast, there is a gas pipeline commissioned by Bingxiong from Wodao to Nanbangzi, and Lao Ge said it was his.

As for whether...

He said yes, for sure.

The leaders of the western region are very confident about this, but that is not their job. After introducing the plan for the next three to five years, they look forward to the local emerging industries.

Such as space transportation, desert live broadcast, desert monster truck race, desert camel self-driving tour...

It was December 20th when the chairman finished inspecting the western industrial chain.

Half a month ago, the Tiancheng Ark, which was disassembled into 285 parts, arrived in the low-earth orbit of the parent star. Tiancheng Space Department used the remote control system and the space shuttle to carry out a two-week assembly project for these super building blocks.

Today, it happened to enter the debugging stage.

Ge Xiaotian invited the chairman, who was about to return to Beijing, to admire the first real spaceship on the home planet.


Western Tiancheng Space Center.

The projection of galaxies in the hall kept changing, and soon showed the complete body of the ark.

If a thousand-meter giant ship is placed on the surface of the parent star, it will definitely be breathtaking, but it will appear extremely small in the universe.

However, when you pull in the camera and see the face of Ark clearly, no matter who it is, it will take a breath of cold air.

I saw the jet-black flat shuttle-shaped ship body, densely packed and scattered with countless "short piers with grilles".

In the Jinxiuchuan General Assembly, those who have seen lasers shooting satellites naturally understand that this is Tian Cheng's best laser weapon.

And around the 'short pier', there are also hundreds of 'tridents wrapped in coils'.

Undoubtedly, this is a plasma generator.

Moreover, the front, middle, and rear of the ship each have a terrifying electromagnetic orbital launch tube.


Although the chairman knows that Tiancheng will definitely engage in laser weapons to protect himself in outer space, but he has done so much in one go...

Star Wars? !

Facing the video of the Ark captured by the space shuttle, the other leaders became more and more shocked, speechless for a long time.

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, picked up the remote control of the galaxy projection, and pressed a certain button.

next moment.

The AR form of the ark starts the engines of various parts and transmits energy to the 'armaments' distributed throughout the ship.

'Armament' stored energy, and suddenly shot rays of light towards the distant parent star.

But just when the light was about to enter the atmosphere of the parent star, it happened to be blocked by a passing low-Earth orbit satellite.

The light turns and reflects, and slowly presents three patterns.

One is 'Tian', the other is 'Cheng', and the other is 'Anchor', the symbol of Tiancheng.


Seeing such incomparable operations by Qi S, many leaders were a little confused.

One or two interjections were vaguely heard.

"How about it?"

Ge Xiaotian was like admiring a work of art, proudly said: "It took us two full years to make this thing!"


The chairman was a bit over the top, and staggered to support the leader of the western region, "Little Ge, is this what you are good at?"

"Ah? What do you mean?"


Such an advanced technology, you don't want to arm it, but use it for advertising!

The chairman didn't want to talk, "Let's go, go back to Beijing."

"Hey, don't go, there is a better looking one..."

"You play with flowers, and I don't want to see it!"

"As expected of the chairman, you really guessed it right, I really want to use it to make a firework."



December 24th, Christmas Eve.

Countless Western children hide the socks they prepared early under the Christmas tree, hoping for the blessing of Santa Claus.


No matter who it is, the impression of Santa Claus in his mind has become a leopard head with white beard and white hair.

This leopard head played the role of the great general in Ancient War 3, the villain Bai Yue in Immortal Sword, and Oboi in Luding...

The reason why he regards him as Santa Claus is that a series of funny short videos about 'Oboi' suddenly popped up on the Panda Guardian Forum these two days.

Coupled with weird tone, cheerful background music, and festive Christmas costumes, everyone who has seen it, when they think of Santa Claus, will subconsciously have the image of this guy in their minds, and they will never get rid of it for a long time.

And this series of short films is called "Douyin" by Tianyu International.

"Ah, I'm crazy!"

In a residential building in the European district, a half-child who was covered with a quilt and was waiting for Santa Claus suddenly sat up, "Why is this happening?"

"Brother, can't you sleep too?"

"My mind is full of Oboi now."

"Oh my God, me too!"

"Maybe we need to calm down."

The half-child got out of bed, drew the curtains, and opened the window...

While the cold wind was blowing in, a Santa Claus with the head of a leopard slowly appeared in the sky.


The half-child was stunned and couldn't help but rub his eyes, "I must be crazy!"

The younger brother who was sleeping on the upper bunk was a little puzzled, "Brother, what's wrong?"

"I saw Santa Claus in the night sky."


The younger brother was still young, so he was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the words. He quickly climbed out of bed, stood on tiptoe and looked out the window.

When he saw Obai in the dark glasses swaying from side to side in the starry sky, his smile instantly froze on his face, "Damn it, why is it him!"


Affected by the time difference, North America received warnings from children in Europe in the afternoon.

But no one believed it. Instead, it attracted more people to search for "Douyin" in the Aobai series.

five hours later.

Amidst the laughter, the children who participated in Patty returned to their respective homes, hid their socks, and looked up at the sky.

Can't wait to verify what the children in Europe have seen and heard...


I stayed up all night and didn't see anything.


Just when the children in North America were preparing to start a war with the children in Europe through their parents' SG pad, a Santa Claus waving a golden stick came flying in the clouds in the morning glow...

this moment.

In the minds of North American children, involuntarily came to mind: Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey...


Western Tiancheng Headquarters.

Ge Xiaotian received complaints from all parties.

With the environment of the mother star, it was said that Tian Cheng destroyed the natural appearance of the outer layer of the mother star.

There are humanities on the mother planet, saying that Tianyu distorts the myth of the region...

There is science and education on the mother planet, saying that Tiancheng does not respect the cultures of various places...

In short, various charges, various fines.

Dao Shiyi said happily, "Boss, what should we do?"

"Cold salad."

Ge Xiaotian threw many complaints and lawyer's letters into the trash can, "Foreign investment, especially 'Kekou', projected 20 million yuan a week, signed the contract and arranged it immediately."

"Boss, our family is in a competitive relationship with Coke."

"So what? Our code can't be sold in North America, and they can't sell Coca-Cola to China. The two sides are tied, so we can definitely try to cooperate."

"what do you mean?"

"I heard that after we reached a cooperation with North America, Fukang's electronics factory in Shencheng expanded into an Apple foundry?"

"Well, there is such a thing."

"It's the same reason. The two sides cooperate and open up the market to each other. We are leaving North America to invest, and North America will also come to invest in us. As for whether their respective products can be sold, it depends on their own capabilities."

"Our industry chain uses its own supply system. If you don't put their products on the shelves, what will they sell? Besides, with your reputation here, they are not that stupid."


Ge Xiaotian immediately regretted that he shouldn't have thrown the other party out in the first place.

As the saying goes, stay on the front line when doing things, so that we can meet each other in the future. Before we cleared Coke from the industry chain and replaced it with our own code and Nongfu Spring, now we can’t cheat the other party even if we want to.

However, if you don't know the other party, you can't build the code brand in a very short period of time.

"Is there a good way to 'please enter the urn'?"

"According to the most popular method in the business world, one is to exchange shares. We help them promote Coke, and they help us promote Code. The second is regional authorization. Coke authorizes China sales to us, and we authorize Code sales in North America to Coke. "

"Forget it, drinking Coke is not good."

Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, shook his head, "Change."

"Boss, to be honest, besides industry and electronics, overseas entrepreneurs in other industries would rather believe in the devil than you."

"How bad is my reputation?"

"It smells worse than you imagined. Of course, if you are willing to make them rich, the situation will be reversed. Just like the nearly two thousand rich people who came to the banquet a few days ago, they trust you very much."

"I understand that colleagues are enemies. Our family belongs to a comprehensive enterprise. If we don't cooperate, we must be competitors."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, "But space advertising still needs to attract investment."

"Our own business can be discussed for several years, so why attract foreign investment?"

"You don't understand. This is called a negative advertisement. Believe it or not, as long as it is advertised in space, the products of this company are likely to be unsalable."


"You think, you sleep soundly in the middle of the night, I will beat the gongs and drums, and go to the roof of your house to advertise, are you willing? It's like, you are in a meeting, I make a sales call for you, you will have a good impression of me ?”


"This is called a disturbing effect. Of course, under the cover of freshness and trends, most companies cannot see through the negative impact of space advertising. They only think that this is the best way to increase their popularity. After all, laser projection puts 24n

"No wonder you don't let your business run empty ads."

Dao Shiyi understood, and thought for a while, "Boss, I think of a company that is awesome, rich, urgently in need of popularity, and has no competitive relationship with our family."


"It is the Top Group that acquired NT Construction Company. It is also a comprehensive enterprise, with hotels, real estate, stadiums, etc. under its umbrella."


I was thinking about letting him go up.

How can you replace Xiaobu in advance if you are so deceitful.

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and denied, "First use virtual people, the Ge family navy, and various news media to create an illusion that the product will be popular if it is advertised in space. This is called the traffic effect. If you come a few more times, even smart people will We firmly believe that space advertising can bring huge benefits, and we will attract investment at that time.”

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