Build Madness

Chapter 977

In Tiancheng's plan, the market facing the western industry chain is not East Asia and Southeast Asia, but West Asia and Europe.

With the official completion of the Asia-Europe Bridge, a high-speed westward crossing the Caspian Sea, connecting the Odyssey Highway in Montenegro, and directly reaching the Danube River in the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula, this super project that complements the "Zheng He's Voyages to the Western Seas Project" has basically completed its initial construction.

In the future, countless watermelons, fishery products, agricultural by-products, and electronic products will continue to flow to the European region in exchange for minerals and raw materials corresponding to their value.

At the same time, it gave birth to thousands of manufacturing enterprises, tens of thousands of foreign trade companies, and provided countless jobs.

Millions of immigrants in the west have been resettled, refugees from West Asia have earned income, people in Europe have richer material life, and many wealthy families have begun to pursue spiritual satisfaction, driving games, film and television, tourism, aerospace...

The strength of the industrial chain is perfectly reflected at this moment.

In short, the western project has come to an end for the time being. In the future, it only needs to be continuously improved and extended, and sooner or later it will develop into an "Asia-Europe central city".

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian moved the headquarters of Tiancheng International Holdings Group from Qinggang Golden Beach to Western Shacheng.

The young and white-headed leaders who have raised the development of Qinggang to N steps are concerned about gains and losses.

Happily, the freak building that scares the crying children is finally returning to normal.

What is uncomfortable is that Tiancheng headquarters is equivalent to an investment vane. Now that it is gone, Qinggang is bound to face a decline in investment volume.

But this mood didn't last long, and the young leader received a transfer letter from the board of directors.

In the past, Mr. Du went to the west to join the leadership of Ulu City, but later passed away due to unknown reasons, and the position has been vacant until now.


Western leaders?

They are at the same level as the leaders of Dongshan University.

As for Ulu City, it is equivalent to the leader of Jifu.

In other words, it took only two years for Shaobaidou to be promoted to the top leader of the provincial capital city.

Due to the innovation in Shacheng, it is temporarily under the jurisdiction of Ulu City.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian met the old boss who took up the post.

The meeting between the two parties was naturally very unpleasant.

This is from the year before...

At the beginning, when Huaxia Securities and Qinggang invested in the Jiaozhou Bay Subsea Tunnel, the former made the bulk of the investment, while the latter made up the rest.

It just so happened that Shaobaitou was a little tight in his pocket and didn't want to spend money, so he took the initiative to come to the door to fool Ge Xiaotian, and exchanged the barren Golden Beach commercial land and the right to build the cross-sea bridge for Tiancheng to invest in Qinggang.

Of course, in name, Qinggang still invests, but Qinggang pays a piece of barren land, and Tiancheng pays materials to offset part of Qinggang's investment.

Shaobaidou felt that he was making a lot of money, but Ge Xiaotian said he was losing money, and the two sides had been arguing for a long time before finalizing the matter.

But when the subsea tunnel is completed, the Golden Beach will lead directly to the central area of ​​Qinggang, with the support of the Hangmu Academy and the assistance of the tourism industry, the housing prices in the surrounding area will be driven up by foreigners.

Although Tian Cheng pays taxes normally, but Shao Baitou cannot get the most important land money.

And this time to the West...

Ge Heizi has been operating here for two or three years, maybe there are pitfalls everywhere, just waiting for himself to jump into it on his own initiative.

"Don't look at me like a thief, okay?"

On the top floor of the Western Tiancheng Group Building, the two sat facing each other.

Hearing Ge Xiaotian's complaints, Shaobaidu looked away, picked up the tea, and asked as if nothing had happened: "Ahem, I heard you are leaving?"

"Are you happy?"

"No, you're about to leave when we first met. I'm a little bit reluctant, and I'm very sad."

"Leader, your words moved me so much that I decided not to leave."

"You'd better go. The Tiancheng family has a big business and needs you everywhere, and the west is on the right track. You don't need to worry too much. I have everything to do with you. It's best not to come back."

"It sounds like you're pushing people away?"

"No, I just let you go at ease."

"With you, a leader who knows everything about foreign trade, I am naturally assured of the development of Western Shacheng. However, I didn't plan to invest in Ulu City. Now that you are here, and we know each other so well, I feel sorry for not investing."


Shaobaidou was immediately tangled.

Who doesn't want to attract investment for their area of ​​charge?

In particular, it was Tiancheng's master who proposed it on his own initiative.

But the problem is...

Afraid of falling into the pit!

"Leader, do you know what is the biggest emotion I have been in the west for so long?"


"Nan is delicious."

With a hint of aftertaste, Ge Xiaotian placed an order from the food delivery app and ordered a set of "whole naan banquet". With a history of two thousand years, it is also the favorite staple food of the local people.”

"Well, are you going to invest in naan?"

"Yeah, it's like the steamed buns in Dongshan. Although they can be found everywhere, there are also different types of steamed buns, such as appearance, square buns, round buns, and high-top buns, such as texture, knife-cutting, mechanism, and hand-kneading, such as taste. , white flour, miscellaneous noodles, fruit, chocolate.

The naan is also divided into 'Tokasi', 'Gejid', 'Aimike', 'Guosi Gjid', etc., with different methods, different tastes, and different tastes. If you incorporate elements of the new era , such as watermelon flavor, grape grains, Hami juice... "

"What do you want to sell?"

"No, I invest, not sell anything."

Ge Xiaotian walked to the window and signaled Shaobaitou to come forward, "Look at the right side of the street, near the intersection, what kind of shop is there?"

"Cake room?"

"That's right, it sells cream products and baked products. Sometimes I wonder why Huaxia doesn't have a portable pastry with its own characteristics that can be loved by both adults and children?"

"If you're full, if you're extremely hungry, bring a steamed bun, and you'll still enjoy it."


"Besides, isn't it good that Wangwang snow cakes don't sell well?"

"Bloat food, it's not good to eat too much."

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and walked back to his seat, "You think, if I open a new era 'momo room' that can ban bread, cakes, and puffed food, then promote it nationwide, and then set up the headquarters in Ulu City, claiming that it tastes delicious. The most authentic, what kind of changes will it bring to Ulu City?"

"It's hard to say, just like Dongshan, influenced by Tiancheng culture, no matter how busy adults and children are, they have to go to the breakfast area to eat and drink, or steamed buns, or fried dough sticks, or sesame seed cakes, strong buns, quacks, vegetable boxes, vegetable pancakes... …This morning, how can I eat bread anymore? By noon, all businesses, regardless of size, order boxed lunches, and they can get whatever they want, and it’s still hot, and they don’t have a chance to eat bread. When you go home at night, you can either cook for yourself, It’s either a shopping mall dinner, or a snack street, what kind of bread do you eat?”

"It sounds reasonable, but the problem is that the cake shop is really popular, especially the puffs and egg tarts, which are very popular among children."

"Isn't this just a snack?"

"It's between the staple food and the snacks. As you said just now, it is influenced by Tiancheng's culture. Then, I must have my own culture when I set up a new era momo room."

"What culture? Is it possible that people use cakes for their birthdays, and steamed buns for your birthday? Then put candles and make a wish?"

"Don't worry, we have birthday cakes, rice cakes, and champion cakes in China. It's only because foreign monks can recite scriptures, and the unique taste makes cakes become mainstream. Believe it or not, I'm promoting 'sushi' now. After a few years, I will eat sushi on birthdays." ?”


"So, it doesn't matter what you eat, what matters is culture and taste."

"you're right."

"That's it. It's decided to invest in the new era Momofang. Of course, it is not called Momofang. It is called 'Lao Ge's Pastry House', and let the masses taste the food that the genius Ge usually eats."

"Do you usually eat these?"

"I don't want to eat it, but to do business, there must be a gimmick."


"Leader, here comes the problem. I will personally set up a shop to create new industries in Wulu City. You have to give me some support, right? How about this? We should demolish the old buildings at the crossroads of Wulu City, especially those old buildings at the 'Big Cross' intersection. It’s all demolished, and a commercial building is built, and I rent a store facing the street on the first floor, how about it?”

"No, what does your house building have to do with the demolition of the crossroads? Renting a house and decorating it, isn't it enough?"

"Momo houses in the new era must have a matching environment. It is better to take the opportunity to renovate the old city."

"I understand. Having said so much, you just want the golden land in Ulu City."

"Huh? You can see it from so far around?"

"Think I'm stupid!"


"Tell me, how much are you going to give?"

The less white-headed turn the customer into the main, put up the spirit of 12 points, "No deduction, no credit, no replacement, as much as you say, you will get as much as you want."

"All the old buildings at the crossroads are needed. The average land area is about 5,000 square meters, and a commercial building can be erected. At present, the commercial land in Wulu City is 51,000 mu..."

"Wait, it's so cheap?"

"What do you think? The housing prices here are not as good as those in Xiang County."


Shaobaitou thought he could make a lot of money, but when he heard this, he was shocked on the spot.

However, being a newcomer and not understanding the local 'market' does not mean that you are easy to fool.

Immediately signaled to the secretary to send a detailed block plan.

However, in fact, the land price in Ulu City at this stage is even lower than what Ge Xiaotian said.

Moreover, land prices are sufficient to understand the local economy.

In addition, the Western Sand City and Ulu City are only temporarily affiliated...

In a trance, Shaobaitou understood the reason for coming here.

Perhaps, without his father's nine places, he might be included.


Turn around and look at Ge Xiaotian again.

the latter……

Ge Xiaotian must know this.

As the chess game between Yu Zong and Zhao's father entered a critical moment, Zhao's father was successively generalized by Yu Zong, and the boss behind him was already ready to kick Yu Zong out of the game.

And Shaobaidou, who cooperated closely with Mr. Yu, became the first target. The provincial Mr. Yu was eliminated, and someone came to the rescue.

Although Ulu City is the capital of the western province, it is a bit different from other provincial capitals in the east. It is a provincial capital, and it is indeed a prefecture-level city. It is located in a remote area, and there is not much opportunity for development.

Now that Shacheng is rising far away, when it breaks away from the jurisdiction of Ulu City and becomes its own region, it will inevitably absorb the population of Ulu City.

At that time, the boss behind the scenes arranged for his own people to work in Shacheng, and then compared with Ulu City, the less gray hair was instantly compared.

The most important thing is that the boss behind the scenes can arrange for Mr. Du to come to the west, so one can imagine his energy in the west.

This is also the main reason why Ge Xiaotian often drags the leaders of the west to participate in various activities, and sits in the west in person and does not leave.

Of course, Shaobaitou is not without the strength to resist. His father, Jiusuo, currently has a detached position in China. It is estimated that the big man behind the scenes is not clear about the "Optoelectronics Technology Innovation Plan", otherwise he will definitely not move Shaobaitou.

"I never expected it to be like this."

Shaobaitou's awareness in some aspects is not as good as Yu Zong, but it is not low. The reason why he didn't expect this is because he was completely blocked by "Western Tiancheng", thinking that this time the board of directors wanted him to cooperate with Tiancheng's plan, One out of the 'foreign trade economic zone'.

"What's wrong?"

Ge Xiaotian pretended not to understand, and asked curiously, "What?"

Shaobaitou saw that this guy was possessed by an actor, turned his head and signaled to Eleven, "A bottle of good wine, two cold dishes, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home!"


The relationship between Ge Xiaotian and Shaobaidou is absolutely beyond the total.

Although the two sides will always meet very unpleasant, but this is only the surface.

Just like the Jiaozhou Bay Submarine Tunnel, Tian Cheng definitely won't be able to get it if he doesn't work hard.

And Ge Xiaotian is even more considerate of Shaobaidou, Jinshatan, Dongjiawan, real estate in various regions...

Although money is rarely given to land, what is given is development.


This private banquet with two dishes and a few bottles of wine lasted from morning to late night.

During the period, the two talked about the project of 'New Era Momo House', also known as 'Nan Industry Culture Promotion Project'.

The project sells not only various types of naan, but also brand-new Chinese pastries of various types and flavors, such as the easy-to-digest 'Huo Ruo', which is small dough and small noodle cakes fried with sand. Charred and tender, with different tastes.

Later, it was discussed as an old city renovation project.

Demolish all the old buildings at the crossroads of the main roads in the city, and build Tiancheng Plaza, Ginza Plaza, Longtian Plaza, Weihua Plaza...

One family, big and small, and then absorb the second batch of eastern immigrants.

After all, there are people who can develop, and no one does everything for nothing.

According to the plan, the population of Ulu City will reach 1 million next year, and it will be promoted to a big city. It will break through 2 million in two years and achieve internationalization.

Make a plan, and planning follows.

Nang industry, transportation industry, light industry...

In fact, it is heavy industry that has the best performance. One factory covers a large area of ​​agriculture and a lot of light industry. Unfortunately, oil and natural gas are robbed by three barrels of oil, and the local area can only find another way out.

But if you want to do it in a short period of time, and you don't want to speculate on housing prices, not to mention losing your hair, even Ge Xiaotian has a headache.

According to Tiancheng's big data, half of the young and middle-aged people in Ulu City work in Shacheng, and a small half work in the south. There are very few young and middle-aged people in the local area.

Fortunately, it is good to enjoy the shade with the back of a big tree, and the sand city is next to it.

To create gorgeous data, you just need to allocate a few large projects from there.

For example, Tiancheng Electric Industry, which has the most advanced and complete industrial system on its home planet, rarely accepts external orders, and even entrusts the equipment provided for Tiancheng's internal use to external cooperative enterprises for OEM.

In this way, several non-Tiancheng industrial foundries can be established locally.

In particular, West Asia will soon be integrated into an industrial chain. At that time, the Tacheng Expressway will be repaired to Ulu City. West Asia will provide raw materials, and this side will take the road of heavy industry foundry. The results are not yet rolling.

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