Build Madness

Chapter 978: Tiancheng's Year-End Meeting (Part 1)

Shaobaidou is not afraid of trouble, otherwise, he would not be able to develop projects such as the Canal Development Zone, Golden Beach International Tourism City, and Dongjiawan Million Ton Port, which are beyond the current planning of the board of directors.

Now knowing that someone is using him as a pawn, he simply gave up his plan to hide his whereabouts and investigate secretly, and made an official announcement on the spot that he had arrived in the west, and made public the plan for attracting investment in Ulu City that he personally formulated.

the next day.

Before Tiancheng could take any action, Shaobaidou relied on his own influence to attract more than a dozen small and medium-sized enterprises from Jishi and Qinggang.

Including hardware manufacturers, lighting manufacturers, toy manufacturers, apparel business, catering companies, film and television entertainment...

Wherever you go, you are always "one word", and Ulu City is no exception. It strongly suppresses the objections raised by the local leaders and gives these supportive companies unimaginable discounts.

After landing and building a factory, the site will be given away for free within ten years.

Products out of the warehouse, tax free within three years.

Local radio advertising space, all under my control!

Then he went out in person to integrate local self-owned industries and create a complete upstream and downstream supply channel and sales channel.

His vigorous and resolute approach not only frightened the local leaders who were determined to be stable, but also greatly appreciated the board of directors.

After all, there is a shortage of this type of executives at this stage.

But everyone understands that if Shaobaitou is done well, it is a gorgeous answer, and if it is messed up, it is an ironclad proof.

However, if there is a day, things will definitely develop in a better direction.

two days later.

An unknown businessman in Jishi posted a post on the Western Forum. First, he affirmed Shaobaitou’s contribution to Jishi, and secondly felt the great changes he had brought to his hometown. He decided to sell all the assets of Jishi to support the construction of the west. Ulu City creates 'monster trucks' for desert tourism, mobility and transport.

There were rumors in the market that this businessman was actually the only son of the chairman of Daliu Machinery, named 'Liu Yawei', but within half a day, the relevant news disappeared without a trace.

People only know that Shaobaidou's influence in Jishi is still at its peak.

And this company that produces 'monster trucks' is called 'Zhongtian Machinery', and its main business is electric trucks, gas trucks, and diesel trucks... The non-public shareholding composition is: Liu Yawei 51%, Dabao Finance 35%, Tiancheng Electric Industry 7%, Tianxiu Group 7%.

Ge Xiaotian, chairman of Tiancheng International Holdings, said that he admires this young man who is daring and innovative, and looks forward to cooperating with him. He also revealed that he intends to introduce a batch of giant trucks and distribute them to immigrants in the west for daily transportation and transportation.

When the news came out, the major forums were in an uproar.

With Lao Ge's help, Zhongtian Machinery will definitely become a star enterprise in the west, this businessman is crazy!

As for whether the post is true or not, there is no need to doubt it, because all forums now have real-name authentication, and no matter what they say, they must take full responsibility.

Without waiting for people to focus...

Another unknown Qinggang businessman posted on the western forum, describing everything that Shaobaidou did for Qinggang, which made people live and work in peace and contentment, made the business flourish, and made him own billions of dollars. Now it is heard that Shaobaitou went to the west, It was decided to support the old leaders and move the company to Ulu City to cooperate with the local construction and operate the building materials market.

There were rumors that this businessman was actually the youngest son of the chairman of Sino-Ocean Group, but after only a moment, the relevant information disappeared without a trace.

People only know that Shaobaitou's influence in Qinggang is still at its peak.

And this company, which is mainly engaged in building materials, coincidentally, also has the word Zhongtian, and its name is 'Zhongtian Building Materials'.

Immediately afterwards.

The owners of the Xingyuewan community on the Canal of Jishi decided to join a group to invest in the handicraft industry of Ulu; the owners of the plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum community decided to join a group to invest in the textile industry of Ulu; City linen industry. (Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce features)

Owners of Xingyuewan Community in the northern suburbs of Qinggang decided to join a group to invest in the Ulu Seafood Market; owners of Qinggang Laoshan Xingyuewan Community decided to join a group to invest in the Wulu Wine Market; Qinggang Dongjiawan Xingyuewan The owners of the community decided to invest in the transportation industry of Ulu City; the foreigners in Xingyue Bay, Qinggang Golden Beach, followed suit and invested in Ulu City's export products...

For a while, Dongshan Forum, Western Forum, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce (Small and Medium Enterprises) Forum, and Huaxia Business Forum were very popular.

Some people took the rhythm and said that they wanted to go ahead of Tiancheng companies and seize the best investment fields.

Soon, the proposal was approved by many 'investment analysts'.

As for the 'investment analyst' who is an employee of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, why not consider Tiancheng's interests?

This is called seeking more investment returns for customers, and it is a must-have professional ethics for every investment analyst.


When Tiancheng International Holdings announced its entry into Ulu City, the market in Ulu City had been completely divided up.

Huge investment and new industries involving all walks of life have tripled the GDP of Ulu in just one week.

And during this time, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has shown investment potential beyond the 'stock market' in the field of investment.


A courtyard in Beijing.

An old man in green clothes who was over half a century old rubbed his forehead, took off his reading glasses, and threw the materials in his hand on the table.

Zhao's father, Chen Donghai and others standing in the distance were silent like cicadas, and even held their breath.

The old man sighed: "This person named Cai has two brushes."

Father Zhao said softly: "Leader, we have been operating in the west for many years. With the other party's qualifications, it is absolutely impossible to calm everyone down. The reason why we came up with 'One Word Tang' again, I suspect that Ge Heizi made a move."


"The night Cai Bin arrived in Ulu City, he drank with Ge Heizi from morning to night, and his whereabouts were made public during this time period."

"I'm curious, what method Ge Heizi can use to calm down our people."

"Why didn't President Du get it? Besides, he's still in Wulu City."


The old man was silent for a moment, "How is our plan going?"

"Old God said that we must continue to consolidate the southern market, and wait until we have laid a stable foundation before launching the Northern Expedition."

"Is this old guy reliable?"

"It's already our own people, who poured a lot of Longtian's funds into our industry to help fight against CNOOC and Tiancheng's industrial chain."

"Bring him a letter later, and come to Beijing to have tea with me when you have time."

"Good leadership."

"As for this Cai..."

The old man opened the drawer and took out a document with the words land transfer, "These things are enough to destroy him."

Father Zhao hesitated to take it, and looked through it carefully, his face changed.


Just as Ulu City was undergoing comprehensive upgrades, three high-level inspectors from the capital, wearing plain clothes, found Mr. Cai, the new leader of Ulu City who was squatting on the construction site and eating with a lunch box.

Half an hour later, the two sides faced each other at the High Prosecutor's Guest House in Ulu City.

"Mr. Cai, we want to know a few things."

"Excuse me."

"In this land transfer contract, the official price of land plots E11 to E15 in Jishi is 150,000/mu, but you transferred 50,000/mu to Tianheng. Do you have anything to add?"

"there must be."

Shaobaidou opened the document package and took out an agreement, "Chairman Qi Feifei of Tianheng promised to provide 2,000 jobs within one year and 5,000 jobs within two years, and, under the benefits of tax cuts and subsidies, It can bring at least 200 million yuan in tax revenue to Jishi City every year. When I left Jishi City, this goal had already been achieved, and the land transfer agreement had officially come into effect, so there was no problem."

"Plots E17~E29?"

"That was the site of the first Xingyue Bay in the Canal Development Zone. At that time, Jishi City was preparing for the Dongshan Games. The Lotus Stadium... oh, it was not called the Lotus Stadium before, that is to say, the previous stadium was given by an external company. The construction cost was at least 1.2 billion red notes. Later, Ge Xiaotian asked me for land, and I took the opportunity to ask him to help him build a gymnasium with a cost of about 700 million red notes.

You should understand that Tiancheng did not earn any money from the construction of the Lotus Stadium. For the sake of the sound development of local enterprises, we transferred these land plots to Tiancheng at a low price.

At that time, Mr. Zhu and the chairman visited the Canal Development Zone, and we even joked about it. "

After Shao Baitou finished speaking, he opened the document bag again, but after a little thought, he simply took out all the things in the bag and spread them in front of the high-level inspectors, "It's too troublesome to cross-examine one by one, you should take your seats according to the number, it's all here."


The high-level inspectors looked at each other, and the leader said in disbelief, "Mr. Cai, do you take all these things with you?"

"Although I say that I don't do anything wrong and I'm not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, but... I know what kind of character I am. I have offended my colleagues a lot in the past few years, and I will be reported sooner or later. Just like you came to investigate today, I Tell it slowly, how much time is wasted? The construction site over there is still waiting for my supervision."



When the capital's high-level inspection team arrived in the west, Ge Xiaotian received the news, and through Lao Wang, he learned who the big boss behind the scenes was.

It's just that it's inconvenient for our own side to meddle in this matter, which is also the bottom line of the board of directors.

As for less white hair drinking tea...

Is it a matter?

Maybe after the investigation, he will be promoted.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian let go of his worries about young gray hairs and started the annual year-end meeting of Tiancheng International Holdings.

As always, start with a press conference.

January 1st.

Shacheng Wuming Hotel.

Nearly 10,000 Tiancheng executives from all over the parent planet entered the lobby one after another to check in.

Journalists at home and abroad who were waiting for the press conference looked for targets one after another and intercepted the interview.

"Ding Dong (Brother Hao), there are rumors that Tianjiao Tiansu intends to limit the purchase of rubber raw materials from Malaysia, Singapore and other regions, and increase the purchase of rubber from Sange. I wonder if it is true?"

"Sorry, it's not convenient to disclose commercial secrets."

"Dong Huang (Shuai Bo), the construction of new energy sources in Beidi has come to an end. It is reported that you will be sent to the moon..."


"Mr. Li (Li Shu), I heard that the Limin Activity Center will be connected to natural gas. How much is the price?"

"It's as little as 10 cents, as much as 30 cents, and 20 cents is bigger. I can't say for sure. You should ask the old money of CNOOC."

"Dr. Zhou (Daxiang), last year your township engineering team sent 150,000 people overseas. Do you have any new plans this year?"

"Our company has decided to send 300,000 laborers to West Asia. The relevant procedures have been completed, and we only need to wait for the parent star joint meeting to settle in West Asia."

"Mr. Huang (Xiao Huang), the housing price of Mocos has skyrocketed six times in three years. What do you think?"

"Evil capitalist."

"President Qi (Qi Feifei), Tianheng Auto Trade is going to enter South America?"


"Professor Hu, Tiancheng Overseas Construction has decided to invest in the Bridge across the Black Sea, but the Black Mountain Odyssey and the Ice Bear are constantly at odds. What if they are accidentally injured or destroyed?"

"Who started the fire, who lost the money, what else can I do?"

"Director Liang, can you describe to us what the Fengdu Bridge looks like?"

"It's a magical sci-fi work, you can understand it when you go home and look at the gas stove."

"Madam Boss (Li Xiuxiu), I heard that you plan to build a Moon Palace and move Splendid China to the moon?"

"good idea!"

10 o'clock in the morning.

The press conference officially begins.

Ge Xiaotian stood on the big stage, with the vast local group of galaxies as the background, waiting for questions from below.

In 2003, Tiancheng completed many almost impossible projects.

For example, winning the pricing power of soybeans and cotton,

For example, digging through the Kela Isthmus Canal (undisclosed).

For example, build a highway all the way west.

For example, building ground-effect transportation lines.

For example, to realize the first phase of Shacheng construction.

For example, improve the Northland industrial system and transform to automation.

for example……

Too much too much.

Most of the questions raised by the reporters came from these projects.

Ge Xiaotian answered one by one, and soon came to a digression.

"Mr. Ge, major banks have suddenly launched credit card business recently, which seems to be aimed at Tianrong's small loan business. What do you think?"

"First of all, let me declare that Tianrong is not a bank, nor an insurance company, nor a trust institution. It is just a third-party payment platform to assist the development of Tiancheng's industrial chain. It has no deposit function, no loan function, and no financial insurance function. Only responsible for recharge, consumption and transfer.

The small loan you mentioned is probably the "installment payment" developed by Tianrong in the smart card business, which is a different concept from the credit card. "

Ge Xiaotian took out the drawing board, and the background switched accordingly, "Credit card installment, it doesn't matter if you have less, but if you accumulate too much, it can drag down a normal family, because the amount will be so large that you can't pay it.

The smart one-card installment plan belongs to the exclusive service of the Tiancheng industry chain, and the person who handles the installment plan must have a stable income.

The most important thing is that the credit card allows you to spend through funds, while the smart card installment is for the convenience of users to accumulate capital.

Just like a farmer who has a deposit of 2,000 yuan and wants to buy a four-wheel farm, the gap is 3,000 yuan.

If you use the smart card to install installments, the 5,000 yuan will be divided into twelve installments, including the handling fee, and each installment should be 430 yuan.

In this way, the farmer does not need to use 2,000 yuan in deposits in the first month, but also gets a brand new four-wheeled vehicle. The 2,000 yuan is invested in a group to earn income, and the four-wheeled vehicle is rented out, or driven out to make money. Also on the 'staging'.

As the saying goes, it is very difficult to start from nothing, just like it is impossible for ordinary people to earn a thousand dollars a day.

But if you are given a chance to accumulate capital, take a four-wheeled vehicle worth 5,000 yuan, earn 100 a day, and then use the money you earn to invest in a group to continue accumulating capital.

When you own a minivan worth 50,000 yuan and earn 200 yuan a day, your accumulated excess capital and profitability in the investment market have already enabled you to earn 1,000 yuan a day. "

Ge Xiaotian looked at the sketch of 'ordinary people make a lot of money' written and drawn on the back, "Simply put, if you have one billion, it is easy to earn 20 million a year, but if you have nothing, let you It is difficult to earn ten thousand from zero.

The smart card gives you an initial capital, allowing you to win at the starting line, but the credit card is constantly overdrafting your already scarce capital, making you start from a negative number all the time, and it is impossible to make money from money...

This is the essential difference between smart card and credit card. "

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