Build Madness

Chapter 980: Tiancheng's Year-End Meeting (Part 2)

In recent years, Montenegro Odyssey has flourished by virtue of antivirus software, sanctuary security, mechanized agriculture, automated industry, and extremely rich mineral resources, far surpassing any other region.

Its leading "Southern Union Economy" goes beyond the Balkan Peninsula, to the north of Wuxiongbo, east to Turkey Greece, south to the Mediterranean Sea, and west to Italy. The GDP directly catches up with the European Union.

Affected by his work style, no one is willing to provoke this idiot nowadays. Even if there is friction, communication is mostly carried out in the form of "air dialogue" instead of threats of force.

North America suddenly snatched its lunar lander, just like a normal person meets Dahan who is drunk and wandering around with a sledgehammer.

Just when Ge Xiaotian expressed his position, the Black Mountain Odyssey Sea Department had already gone straight to the North Atlantic Fleet station...

How did you find it?

Half a year ago, the ocean-going fleet called for help, and the Montenegro Odyssey sailed west to the Mediterranean Sea. Although it turned to the bullfighting country and did not meet North America, considering strategic issues, the Montenegro Odyssey took the opportunity to conduct a comprehensive tracking of the evacuation route of the North Atlantic fleet.

Now it seems that Nong Qijiu... No, Mike Arthur's strategic vision is quite long-term...


The reporters who came to attend Tiancheng's press conference didn't know that the outside world had already blown the pot.

Ending the questions related to the moon base, the third brother reporter got up and said: "Mr. Ge, since the middle of last year, the price of rubber raw materials has continued to drop, resulting in a significant drop in the income of our rubber growers, and Tiansu natural rubber is the largest demand for rubber raw materials. Fang, the prices of finished and semi-finished products sold have continued to rise, and the industry generally believes that you have formed a monopoly, how do you explain this?"

"Before answering this question, let me make a digression."

Ge Xiaotian adjusted the background to show Tianba Dongba tua, "I believe you are familiar with these three models, especially the bluffing bull head logo, which is now a symbol of wealth and status.

But I want to say that no matter how many advertisements I have done for it, in fact this series was not made by Tiancheng. "


The reporters on the scene were collectively confused.

"Don't doubt, it just uses the turbine manufactured by Tiancheng Electric Industry, and part of the CNC system supported by Tianke. The rest, like sheet metal painting, is done by Liu Machinery; like the power system, it's done by BYD, like the interior The seats are completed by Amur Fur Company; the vehicle assembly is completed by Huaxia Jiefang; the online sales are entrusted to Tianheng Auto Trade.

Then, if the price of raw materials remains unchanged, but a certain link suddenly increases in price, resulting in an increase in the price of the complete vehicle, does it mean that Tiancheng has made more money?

Not so, Tian Cheng not only earns less, but also faces higher taxes.

In the same way, the price of rubber raw materials has fallen, export tariffs have been raised, transportation costs have risen, workers' wages have risen, processing equipment expenditures have risen, and the prices of finished and semi-finished products will naturally rise.

Therefore, the income of your rubber growers has been greatly reduced, and it has nothing to do with me. On the contrary, I suspect that the less money from your rubber growers will be taken by your department in charge of export trade. Otherwise, where would you be? So much money to toss the flight crew? "


The third brother reporter fell silent.

But other overseas reporters suddenly realized.

In the past few years, the third brother was duped by Ice Bear for six or seven billion Franklins, and later he brought in two medium-sized aircraft from Tiancheng, as well as supporting ocean-type ground-effect transport vehicles.

Without searching for the rising rubber plantation industry, the third brother really couldn't afford so much money.

Moreover, Ge Heizi, as the shipper, is also considered an insider, so there is absolutely a reason for saying these words.

The Nanyang five-person press team composed of Thai girls, South Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos seemed to have received some kind of signal, quickly wrote a draft, and sent the explosive news to their respective headquarters.

It's all negative reports from San Ge.

After all, they are not their own people, and the black opponent has no pressure, but can promote the good economic system of the country.

Of course, it is unavoidable to praise the Nanyang Tiancheng industrial chain, hello, hello, hello everyone, only the third brother is doing very badly.

The Third Brother reporter caught the fire, which also made other reporters to be cautious in their words and deeds, and try to choose the type of Ge Heizi's favorite answer for follow-up questions.

"Mr. Ge, according to official statistics, Tiancheng's housing prices have always been the highest in the local area. For example, in Weicheng XX District, the same street has similar supporting facilities. The average price of Ginza is 1,800, Daheng's average price is 2,220, and Kewan's average price is 2,000." One thousand one, while the average price of Xingyue Bay is as high as three thousand and two thousand, so that some people say that Tiancheng is the culprit for the doubling of housing prices in recent years, what do you think about this?"

"My friend from the reporter, let me ask you a question. Do you feel that Tiancheng's house price is high?"

"not tall."


"Because there is no common room, the same 120-square-meter house type, 120 square meters in the Tiancheng suite, and 100 square meters in the outer suite is already very good, and some are only 70 to 80 square meters, which is a full third of the difference."


"Yes, Xingyue Bay has projects such as 'Medical Assistance Station', 'Task-based Subsidy', 'Entrepreneurial Re-employment', etc. You can enjoy it as soon as you move in, and there is no down payment loan. Generally speaking, it is equivalent to prostitution for nothing."

"well said!"

'Drip, you received a red envelope from Boss Ge. '

The reporter from the North Land gleefully glanced at the colleagues at home and abroad who asked the question before, and spoke with their eyes: You are so stupid, don't you know that the reason why Tiancheng held the year-end press conference is mainly to give benefits to the reporters?

It's fine if you don't want it, but you still provoke Ge Caishen and set him on fire...

'Drip, you received a red envelope from Boss Ge on New Year's Day. '

'Hey, you received a red envelope from Boss Ge for the holidays. '

The reporter from Beidi took the smart card to count the points, saw 666, 888, 999, and ended the question happily.

Another Beidi reporter glanced at the overseas reporters who had already asked questions with a look like a fool, and couldn't wait to say: "Boss Ge, you seem to be younger."

'Drip, you received a red envelope from Boss Ge. '

'Drip, you received a red envelope from Boss Ge on New Year's Day. '


"I like sports, sports maintain vitality, build health, and look younger just now!"

The third Beidi reporter: "Boss Ge, is there any red envelopes for this year's Spring Festival?"


At this time.

An Ice Bear reporter from Amur spoke fluent Chinese, "Mr. Ge, you are so handsome!"

'Drip, you received a red envelope from Boss Ge. '



Ice Bear reporter saw the screen display of the smart card, and subconsciously exclaimed: "I have practiced for a full year to say this sentence, and it is worth it!"

Other overseas reporters: "???"

What the hell are you doing?


The follow-up questions were messed up, either asking and answering to help Tiancheng promote its products, or praising Boss Ge or Tiancheng's industrial chain, without any sharp questions.

six hours later.

The press conference is over.

The Western reporters walked out of the venue with a confused expression on their faces, and were shocked to find that many reporters from the Northland were gathering together with reporters from Tiancheng's cooperation area to have a private conversation.

"Hey, Brother Nanyue, how many red envelopes have you opened this year?"

"Two 666, one 233, almost equivalent to three months' salary!" (South Vietnamese wages are low)

After the Nanyue reporter finished speaking, he did not ask the Beidi reporter, took out his smart card and quickly edited the draft: Tiancheng’s year-end meeting internal news, we (Nanyue) are about to usher in a new round of investment, the industry is related to rubber processing, and the original leather production Complementing each other, it may provide 150,000 jobs, praise Tiancheng!

A certain French reporter who was secretly observing was confused when he saw the title of the South Vietnamese reporter's document, "Strange, I remember that there was no such topic at the reception. Where did you get the news from?"


The Nanyue reporter was slightly taken aback, and quickly hid his smart card, "I made it up."

The French reporter obviously didn't believe it, "Friend, can you make an offer?"


"Five hundred red notes!"

"Too little."

"Eight hundred!"

"Plus the right to start, 1500, otherwise there will be no discussion."


As for the authenticity of the news...

All the executives of Tiancheng came to attend the year-end meeting, find a corresponding person in charge, and chat with each other, and you will know it after you try it.


The two made a deal.

After a while.

The South Vietnamese reporter moved to another location and continued to 'secretly' edit the document...

A German reporter who happened to pass by glanced at the title of the document, "My friend, where did you get this inside information!"

"I made it up."

"Friend, do you want to make an offer?"


During the press conference, Western journalists who did not get much useful news gained a lot from the sidelines.

And the 'veteran reporters' who participated in Tiancheng's press conferences many times also gained a lot.


"This group of people is too much!"

After the press conference, Ge Xiaotian returned to the hotel office, and saw through the window the 'Tiancheng reporter' sneaking around and making a lot of money below, he was very dissatisfied, "What about my share?"

Dao Shishi explained: "Boss, Brother Hao said, you will get 20% for every piece of inside information sold."

"At least fifty percent!"

"Frontline reporters raise 30%, Brother Hao and the others raise 30%, the headquarters raise 20%, and you raise 20%."

"The distribution is quite even."

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help laughing, "Forget it, I don't want my share, let them play for themselves, but be careful, don't screw up our peddling of inside information."


"How is Mr. Cai?"

"After the investigation is over, the material that Zhao's elder leader produced has no effect on us. However, I suspect that the other party may jump the wall in a hurry."

"Arrange a few elite Tianwei secretly for Mr. Cai, and there is no need to dispatch them in non-fatal situations."


Although it is impossible for Zhao's father to be stupid enough to arrange a killer, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents on the construction site or in the unit's dormitory.

Just like Mr. Du, who would have thought that he would be crazy?

Ge Xiaotian thought for a moment, "The board of directors does not allow us to intervene in such matters. We can only abide by the rules of the game as much as possible. However, there are individuals outside this game."

"Master Zhao?"

"No, Li Wei. The funds in Mr. Zhao's hands are only obtained from the Zhao family's business operations, and in Li Wei's hands, not only the assets of Mr. Du, but also the funds of Chen Donghai, the late Nanyun Index Finger, and even the boss behind the scenes. "

"what do you mean?"

"Something happened in the west. After the annual meeting, let's go south. You contact Li Wei and ask her to meet me in Fengdu, saying that there is a big business deal, such as the Nanyun land in Li Wei's hands."


The strength of Zhao's father's leadership is extraordinary. At present, only Wan Lao can compete with him, and even the chairman is a little bit powerless.

It's kind of nonsense to say it, but it's actually terrifying.

It's like Nanyun's index finger eating peanuts, but the successor is still the other party's person, continuing to manage the industry led by Zhao's father.

The things in Li Wei's hands include not only a large amount of land in Nanyun, but also shares in Yuxi, and a large number of "tertiary industries" cut out after the military banned "tertiary industries".

The so-called tertiary industry means that the military department was allowed to do business in the past, but later it was banned, and these businesses were bought by private individuals.

Privately bought, the price varies from high to low, and some are free gifts, just like the reform of government-owned enterprises.

Ge Xiaotian thought for a long time, then contacted Li Xiuxiu, "Where is it?"

"Jianfu!" The latter's tone was very bad.

"Did you eat gunpowder?"

"What's more, I have worked hard to train five small followers, and the branches in various places have just started to improve. You fooled them into selling the property and left me with five messes!"

"Hey, what do I think? Our family has so many talents, so we just need to pick a few professional managers from the labor dispatch company."

"To put it lightly, you need to be able to manage, understand design, understand ancient culture, be able to create new elements, and also pull customers to hold various exhibitions, and then attract more fashion lovers and drive market demand. Do you think this kind of talent is easy to find? ?”

"It's easy to find."


"You log in to the 3D martial arts world, pull a few presidents into the group, and arrange a store sales manager. I guarantee that you will be able to manage Splendid Huaxia well as the shopkeeper."

"true and false?"

"Back then, there were a group of old-timers who played Shenlong cultivation. They spent money to form guilds, held offline meetings, and managed the guilds like a 'home'. Guess what happened to these guilds later?"

"how was it?"

"There is a gang, which is now the largest bedding company in China. It integrates design, production, and sales. The employees, store managers, including finance and bosses, are all players."


"There is also a gang, which is the largest chemical fertilizer and seed company in China. It integrates procurement, transportation, sales, and agricultural technology guidance. The procurement personnel, transportation personnel, sales personnel, and technical personnel in it are all from agricultural universities in China. Past students, or recent graduates, and even current students and tutors."


"The other gang is quite weird. Since they are all homeboys, they formed a happiness product company, ordered a batch of cabinets similar to catering vending machines, and automatically sold happiness products. At present, they have more than two million cabinets, covering The whole Northland."


"Therefore, Splendid Huaxia can find 3D martial arts enthusiasts. They can understand ancient elements better than outside professional managers, and even present the ancient costume culture of the past dynasties based on 3D martial arts games that conform to the trend of Chinese history. Of course, due to the different aesthetics, the product appearance Definitely tweaking ... those things, I'm sure they can do better."

"Let's just trust you once, by the way, what can you do with me?"

"A week later, meet someone with me, and then we will go for a stroll in the underworld together."


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