Build Madness

Chapter 981: Tiancheng's Year-End Meeting

New Year's Eve.

When hundreds of millions of people in China sit in front of the TV and enjoy the AR large-scale party held in the western Shacheng...

the capital.

Capital Venture Group Building.

Chairman Li Wei is negotiating with Chen Donghai about the Southern Shopping Center project.

The latter held a planning book, "Outlets? Isn't this a North American brand?"

"Well, now both Ginza Mall and Tiancheng Shopping Mall have grown into chain giants. We started from scratch. If we want to surpass each other, we must find a platform with a high starting point. The outlet business model is very suitable for our current needs. "

"fair enough."

"In the plan, we will first build the first pilot outlet project in Fangshan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Wanning, Nanhai, and then use our own supply chain to conduct direct sales from manufacturers, and then imitate the sales of Ginza, and Tiancheng's after-sales. Improve and make your own characteristics."

"Very good, how is the current investment promotion plan going?"

Li Wei took out several documents, "Mr. Long Tianwang has promised that when the mall is completed, all the shops facing the street on the first floor will belong to him. Mr. Zhao promised that the decoration costs on the second floor and above will be calculated according to cost. The supply of goods will come partly from the reorganized magic. The Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, part of it comes from the Jiangnan Changfeng Industry supported by us."

"The two supply together?"

"It's just to be on the safe side. After all, Wei Changfeng was frightened by Ge. He might turn his back on him in the future."

"Dare he?"

Chen Donghai's face turned pale, and he was about to say a few harsh words when there was a knock on the office door.

"Mr. Li, Tiancheng International Holdings sent an invitation letter. Its chairman, Ge Xiaotian, invites you to Fengdu on January 5th. It says that it is to discuss big business."

"Big business?"

Li Wei and Chen Donghai looked at each other...

The former is a little flustered, and the latter is a little dazed.

"Let me take a look."

Without hesitation, Chen Donghai signaled Li Wei's secretary to enter the office and accept the invitation.

The above content is just like what the secretary said, nothing else.

"Strange, Ge Heizi is doing well in the west, why is he suddenly planning to go to Fengdu?"

Li Wei didn't want to see Ge, because that guy is a lunatic, so he thought more extreme, "Did we attack the young white-headed Cai Bin to anger him?"

"So what? The board of directors has secretly reminded him many times that he is not allowed to intervene in the 'chess game'. With his resourcefulness, he should be able to understand the consequences of intervening. At least... our old leader can just find a reason to seize most of Tiancheng's properties. "

Chen Donghai waved his hand, picked up the gorgeous invitation letter and looked through it carefully, and said leisurely: "I guess, Ge Heizi is going south!"


"Tiancheng seized the southern market. It first laid out Xiangjiang, then bypassed Jianfu, and then jumped to Guangqu and Nanyun. Now the south is surrounded by Tiancheng's industrial chain."

"You mean, he's going to take me down?"

"It's not impossible. If Tiancheng turns against you, Tiancheng can stabilize the Nanyun industry, penetrate the southern market, and easily win the entire Huaxia Real Estate."

"Then shall I go or not?"

"Definitely go. First, the other party personally invites you. If you want to continue to hang out in the business world, you must give face. You must know that the influence of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has surpassed China's three major stock markets. Even if we do business, we have to borrow it secretly. The resources of the other chamber of commerce. The second is... I went to communicate with him, and I can verify what I said, which is convenient for our follow-up layout."

"But I don't want to go..."

"What are you afraid of? Could it be that you are still worried that Ge Heizi will eat you?"

"I hope he eats it, but that guy is not a womanizer."


Chen Donghai was a little speechless, and paused for a while, "Don't worry, Ge Heizi, as a famous entrepreneur in his mother planet, has attracted much attention from the outside world, so he will definitely not treat you badly."

"All right."

Li Wei nodded reluctantly.


the other side.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Tiancheng's year-end meeting officially began.

The executives from companies starting with the word Tian, ​​the business owners whose company name ends with the word Tian, ​​as well as the chairman and general manager of the holding group, holding subsidiary company, overseas group, and offshore company gathered together.

The Nuo Conference Hall, which can accommodate more than 20,000 people, has three floors inside, three floors outside, and three floors above. There are six people at a table, and it is packed to the brim.

When acquaintances meet, they naturally greet each other and show off their achievements this year...

"Hey, Director Sun, have you gained weight?!"

"Haha, North American fried food is really bad."

Once Tiancheng planned to withdraw its capital from North America and transferred Director Sun back, but subsequently invested in NT Real Estate, NT Construction Company, Tianchuang Shopping, and secretly acquired mines, Director Sun still stayed in North America.

"Hey, isn't this Xiao Huang? She's strong!"

"I can't help it. The ice bear is ruthless. We are engaged in real estate there. If we are not allowed to go out, we will be slammed. If we want to be strong, we must practice some real skills."

"Xiao Liu, I heard that Mr. Xu (Xu Ling) is pregnant again?"

"What do you mean again? You only have three children, okay?"

"Boss Qin, I am often harassed by local ruthless people at the Black Sea construction site. You have to help solve it."

"It's too much. Instead of looking for Tianwei, you are looking for me. Do you want me to cover you with firepower?"

Amidst the discussions, the countdown to the meeting was reset to zero.

The whole audience seemed to have opened a collective silence, and there was no sound in an instant.

Not long.

Ge Xiaotian walked up to the rostrum and looked around the audience, "The number of corporate executives who participated in the year-end meeting this year is 50 times more than last year, which means that our Tiancheng, in the past year, has also increased 50 times in size and strength. very good!"


The audience applauded fiercely.

Ten seconds later, the applause stopped abruptly.

Ge Xiaotian was very satisfied with this, but his face turned serious, "However, I found a strange phenomenon that must be criticized."

The atmosphere of the audience did not dare to breathe, and waited for the next article.

"In the past, when we were engaged in engineering, we shaved our heads just to look neat and clean. Now we are all corporate executives, representing Tiancheng's image, but you all shaved your heads. What do you mean?"


The next moment, the collective put on the wig.

It can be vaguely seen that the people in the front row took out the portable pomade and sprayed it a few times to tidy up their hair.

The painting style of the venue suddenly became normal.


Ge Xiaotian was silent for a long time, feeling his stomach ache from anger, and then remembered that in order to arrange for Li Wei, he hadn't had dinner yet, "Then what, the year-end meeting has officially begun."

Stand up collectively and salute the heavens.

After two minutes, the ceremony is over.

"First announce a few industrial arrangements."

In the past, Tiancheng's year-end work summary was all handed over to the management team and planning department. During Tiancheng's year-end meeting, everyone just got together to eat, drink and have fun to strengthen their relationship.

But this year, when there are too many people, there can't be a few high-level people fighting, and tens of thousands of other high-level people are watching, right?

Therefore, this year's year-end meeting was normalized for the first time.

Ge Xiaotian brought up the personnel structure chart of Tiancheng, "Last year, Ding Hao, chairman of Tianhao Group, was transferred to Tianjiao Tiansu and Tiancheng in Guangzhou, and Hei Hu, the former director of Tiancheng Water Conservancy Engineering, filled in the vacancy. Shuai Bo, chairman of Beihe Tianbo Group, was transferred to Zhu Changfa, chairman of Tiancheng North New Energy Group and former director of earthwork engineering, filled the vacancy. Tong Ying, general manager of Wangjing Tianbo Group, was transferred to be the director of Fengdu Tiancheng, and Wangjing Tianbo was merged into Beihe..."

"In 2003, as Tiancheng's real estate deployment in the north became more mature, the profit from property sales gradually decreased, and the focus of revenue shifted to services, such as automobile consumption, electronic consumption, entertainment consumption, shopping consumption, labor service consumption, etc., which has a great impact on our entire industry. As far as the chain is concerned, it is a great improvement, which means that more money can be made.

But for an independent group, the decrease in real estate profits means that the group needs to support the construction of the headquarters, and at the same time faces huge debt risks, and its own burden is getting heavier.

Considering the operating conditions of the major independent groups, starting from 2004, the headquarters will adjust the business structure of Tianhao, Tianbo, Tianwang, Tianfu, Xishan Sanjin, Nandu Tianfu, and Guangzhou Tiancheng.

After the adjustment, Tianhao Group is mainly engaged in the millennium version of Xingyue Bay and is responsible for the national market.

Tianbo Group is mainly engaged in the simple type of smart home in version 01, and is responsible for the national market.

Tianwang Group is mainly engaged in the 02 version constant temperature room and the 04 version ground source heat pump constant temperature room, and is responsible for the national market.

Tianfu Group is mainly engaged in the 03 version of all categories of smart homes, and is responsible for the national market.

Xishan Sanjin Group, since January 1, 2004, canceled the authorization of "Xinghewan" and changed it to "Sanjin Xingyuewan". Cover the whole country.

Nandu Tianfu Group, since January 1, 2004, canceled the authorization of 'Xinghuwan' and changed it to 'Tianfu Xingyuewan', and took over Tiancheng high-end apartments in various places, mainly engaged in 'apartment sales' and 'apartment leasing', striving for 04 year covering the whole country.

The Guangzhou Tiancheng Group has been formally reorganized since January 1, 2004. Ding Hao is fully responsible for the split Tiansu International and Tianjiao International, and the remaining industries are divided among the above groups. "

Ge Xiaotian released the new structure diagram to everyone in the venue, "Heihu is still in charge of Tianhao Group; Zhu Changfa is in charge of Tianbo Group; Ge Wangwang is in charge of Tianwang Group; Huang xx (female DJ) is in charge of Tianfu Group; Boss Mei, the chairman of the group, has been transferred to be the deputy director of Huaxia Energy Construction Group, and his son Mei Shaojie will be in charge of the Xishan Sanjin Group; everything in Nandu Tianfu Group will continue as usual."

"The independent groups are beginning to enter the national market. I hope that the production and transportation enterprises in various places can actively cooperate and strive for the two sides to complete the supply and demand connection within three months, and launch the new real estate in 2004 before May 1st."

"If it can't be done, whoever does it will go ahead. If it is completed perfectly, there will be additional dividends at the end of the year."

"Speaking of dividends, let's talk about 'bonus shares' next."

"Internal statistics show that last year Tiancheng International Holdings had a total operating income of 45 trillion yuan and a net profit of 15 trillion yuan."


The audience applauded enthusiastically.

"Of this, real estate sales accounted for 15%, industrial equipment sales accounted for 10%, financial services accounted for 7%, and education ... other income accounted for 58%."


What did you sell?

The executives at the scene were collectively stunned.

"I feel that the calculation is a bit wrong. Projects such as the space station, space shuttle, and moon base should also be included in real estate sales."

Dao Eleven: "Boss, the official does not approve."

"I'm a real estate developer, so I can't make the most of other income. How embarrassing is it to say it?"

"I'll go back and negotiate with the general manager of business."

"To get back to the point, Tiancheng International Holdings earned 15 trillion yuan this year, and bonus stocks accounted for 95%, which means that regular employees and everyone here will share 14.25 trillion yuan of it. According to the ranking of bonus stocks, the highest can get 122 billion yuan , the lowest can get 350,000."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, all the smart cards on the scene buzzed.

Undoubtedly, the dividends have arrived.

Brother Hao, who holds the highest shareholding in the front row, saw the series of numbers displayed on the smart card, and felt his hands trembling, his legs soft and his head sweating...

When I took one or two billion, I raised tua, when I took tens of billions, I raised airplanes, and now I take more than 100 billion, I am afraid it is not to raise an aerospace base...

"Boss, I have something to say!"


Ge Xiaotian waved his hand and found the communicator ringing.

A glance at the screen turned out to be the general manager of finance.

The departments in charge of Tiancheng's taxation who want to come to various places have already received their individual tax returns.

Such a huge number, even if there is a reduction, it is estimated that the final result can bluff anyone.

Ge Xiaotian hung up the communication casually, and automatically replied: I'm in a meeting, don't bother with trivial matters.

Immediately, the communication came again.

"Crooked? Leader."

"What's wrong with your financial system?"


"It's the first time I met a super group who paid taxes."

"You don't want to give money?"


There was a moment of silence on the other side, "Xiaoge, let's discuss it. How about you change the overseas income declaration submitted by Tiancheng International Holdings to a domestic personal tax declaration, and settle with red notes?"

"How can I do that? All my regular employees are working abroad, and they must declare foreign income when they return home. If it is changed to domestic personal tax, this is not in compliance with the rules."

"But you can't settle with Franklin, can you?"

"I can't help it. I have Euros and Franklin in my pocket. Of course, if you don't mind using Japanese coins, Thai baht, South Vietnamese dong, etc., I can take them out."


"Leader, do you have money now? Hurry up and pay me the money owed on credit for the purchase of supporting equipment for the lunar base. If it's not enough, I'll make it up for you later."


It's fine if you give me so many foreign currencies that the officials don't want, but you still want red notes from me? !

The other party actively interrupts the communication.

Ge Xiaotian cheerfully put down the smart card, and found that all the executives in the front row were like eggplants beaten by frost, wilting.

"What? Are you unhappy?"

"Boss, give us so much Franklin, how do we spend it?"

"Consumption, find a way to buy some big items from abroad, especially gold and minerals. As long as I can bring them back, I will help you replace houses, cars, electrical appliances, etc., discounts are not necessary."


The executives below were collectively silent.

Brother Hao complained in a low voice, but forgot that he turned on the loudspeaker before: "How many Franklins do you have in your pocket?"

"You may not believe it when you say it. The money printing machines in North America are all running, and I can't make money as fast as I do."


"Don't be unhappy. Once New Year's Day is over, we will have a long holiday. Today, the industry chain has spread across 45 countries on the parent planet. The construction is so beautiful and the security is so strict. Everyone can't stay in the country all the time. You have to take your family out for a walk. , experience exotic customs, and enjoy the happiness brought by spending money.”

Dao Shishi, who was standing aside, couldn't help curling his lips.

This is nothing more than wanting to use the high-consumption tourism of Tiancheng executives to let the 45 countries that participated in Zheng He's voyages project taste the sweetness, and then greedy the surrounding countries and regions that did not participate in their own industrial chain.

In this way, maybe Zheng He's voyages to the West in 2004 will usher in a large number of partners.

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