Build Madness

Chapter 983: Lao Hong and the Aviation Manufacturing Company

After chatting about Tianyu's new year plan, Ge Xiaotian discussed with You Minxing about Tianyu's personnel arrangements.

The 2001 Tiancheng technical secondary school graduates entered the internship post, which means that Tiancheng's enterprises have already had two batches of directional trainees.

These junior and middle-level technical talents have received the baptism of new education, have innovative thinking corresponding to the times and excellent professional operations, and have led Tiancheng's industrial chain to realize information management, digital operation, automated production, and intelligent supply.

In Tianyu, computer and information technology practitioners understand the system architecture of Shenlong and the base circuit of Shenlong chips. No matter whether they design application apps or develop games, they don't need a compiler.

Without the compilation process, the programs developed based on the kernel start faster, occupy less memory, and consume less hardware energy, which saves more resources for Tiancheng series technology products, thereby reducing production costs and increasing overall profits.

It can be said that the strong profitability of Tianyu is inseparable from the students trained by Tiancheng Technical Secondary School.

Therefore, starting from 2004, Tianyu International will also implement "bonus shares" to stimulate employees' enthusiasm for work.

You Minxing took out the distribution plan that he had prepared long ago, "Referring to the bonus shares of Tiancheng Headquarters, Tianyu will count the number of bonus shares held in order according to 'field', 'project', 'team', and 'individual', and the year-end personal income No more than one hundred thousandth of the total profit, and no less than one ten millionth of the total profit. According to the profit status in 2003, the highest bonus share is three million.”

"Too little."

Ge Xiaotian turned over the financial statements of Sky-Shaking Entertainment, "What about the income of Krypton Gold Game Sultan? That's a big deal. Counting Sultan's income, according to this bonus share distribution plan, how can one-hundred-thousandth of it be equivalent to 18 million."

"Boss, Sudan is suspected of 'xiqian', which has attracted the attention of the security agency of the parent star joint meeting. The game revenue cannot be recorded, and can only be diverted to the personal account opened by the '50,000 Internet Robots' in the Standard Chartered Bank of England, and these Personal account information is all virtual household registration based on large databases based on information from various parts of the European region. It is not easy to use in a short period of time. We can only wait for the Ministry of Intelligence to complete the virtual household registration of "network robots" in various parts of the European region to confirm the existence of "network robots" , we can return funds in the name of starting a business and investing all the way west.”

"So troublesome?"

"Compared to the operations of your offshore companies, this is nothing but a play."


"Boss, the distribution plan of Tianyu's bonus shares is decided for the time being. After all, we still have measures such as red envelope incentives and project dividend incentives."

You Minxing said, and took out the second document, "Also, Tianyu decided to invest in a project in 2004."


Ge Xiaotian suddenly became curious.

You Minxing introduced: "In order to speed up the learning of computer hardware for technical secondary school students, evening school students, and online school students, Tianyu decided to invest in several 'hardware buildings' in Zaoshi New City.

Such as 'memory room', 'graphics card room', 'sound card room', 'motherboard room'.

This type of building completely imitates the most basic hardware structure. When students enter it, it is equivalent to data transmission, and they can experience more intuitively how an instruction is processed into 'information' by the hardware, and then presented to the user.

It's a pity that this kind of building cannot be used for office for the time being, otherwise, if we increase investment, we can build a "tourist city" with the characteristics of the information age. "

"good idea!"

Ge Xiaotian understood the meaning expressed by You Minxing, and his eyes lit up, "There is no pity, but the pity is that your ideas are not bold enough."


"Since we want to build a computer hardware-style building, it is better to build a group of buildings to form a 'host', and then build a 'display' that can be seen on the moon."


"What is our family doing?"

Ge Xiaotian carefully looked through the proposal made by You Minxing, "Old You, you are such a genius. You actually brought the theory of software and hardware design to the field of architectural design. I doubt that Professor Hu will be ashamed of you."

"But if you really plan to build it, I'm afraid Zaoshi New City won't be able to fit it in."

"No, it's not in Zaoshi Xincheng. The industry there has already been completed. We just need to wait for the Tiancheng Games to start this year."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he opened the drawer and took out a stack of documents, "Coincidentally, I happen to have a big project to arrange for you Tianyu."


"Old You, Tianyu has always been rich in capital. Most of it was invested in Tianrong in the past, but now we are cooperating with North America. The previous method of stealing stocks and futures is no longer feasible, but the funds will depreciate if they are stored. It is better to take them out. Contribute to the country."

"what do you mean?"

"Since 2002, Tiancheng has 'blown sand to build islands' in the southern waters. At that time, the rendering of Dubai World Island was the rendering of the project in the southern waters. Later, Dubai had World Island. Considering the uniqueness, our project followed suit. Adjustment.

But in the vast ocean, it doesn't mean that "blowing sand to build islands" can be done anywhere. There must be a certain foundation, or along the coastline, or based on other small islands. Therefore, our project has been changed to "island building around the southern sea area" . "

Ge Xiaotian opened the map, "There are the Philippine Islands and the Malay Archipelago outside the southern waters, and near the Philippine Islands, we have built five large artificial islands with an average area of ​​5,000 square meters. I plan to ask you Tianyu to buy one. Create Tianyu Maritime Interaction, today you propose a computer-style building, why not put this project in the southern waters.”

"Boss, is it so remote, can it attract tourists?"

"What tourists? Didn't you mean trainees?"

"But it's not safe there. I heard that the Philippines has rejected our people in recent years, and there have been several disturbances. The property of the richest man in the capital, Li, has been destroyed."

"That's my business."


"I have smashed hundreds of billions of property, and now I put the property at their doorstep, and I will see if they dare to smash it."


"Old You, let's put it this way, there are five artificial islands near the Philippines, or five artificial islands near Malaysia, you choose one."

"I'd still choose the Philippines."

You Minxing gave the answer without hesitation.

Without it, overseas travel has been booming in the past two days. After the security guards of the rubber plantation bought all the gold from Thai girls, they somehow learned that there are gold mines in Malay.

The parent star joint meeting that caused this trouble came out to interfere.


half an hour later.

Traveler Xing left sadly. At the same time, Tiancheng International Holdings announced that the artificial island T-1 in the southern waters was sold for a transaction price of 120 billion red notes.

The news caused a sensation all over the country, causing countless people to discuss it.

And Ge Xiaotian met the second executive, Lao Hong.

In recent years, Lao Hong has been staying in Amur.

Or go hunting with Lao Yang in the deep mountains, or have a drink with the director of Bingxiong Far East, together with his old friends of the agricultural machinery department, and the old leaders of the agricultural machinery department who joined Tiancheng after retirement, the small life is extremely nourishing.

the most important is.

Thanks to the industrial chain that Tiancheng has rapidly established overseas, the business orders of Tiancheng Aviation Manufacturing Company have never stopped.

For example, the "Nanyang Five" leased nearly 50 Tiancheng transport aircraft, purchased hundreds of light helicopters, and dozens of Mi-26 Kai.

For example, the 'Stan Five' leased 20 Tiancheng transport planes and purchased nearly a thousand aerial photography planes.

For example, Dubai purchased hundreds of bat-shaped aircraft of different models and grades, and hundreds of ocean-type ground-effect transport aircraft...

Coupled with Tiancheng's internal needs, as well as the arms dealer Holden, Tiancheng Aviation Manufacturing Company even expanded five times.

The main factory is located in the Sanjiang Plain in the northeast, the first branch factory is located on the west side of Daxingan Mountains, the second branch factory is located on the north side of Xiaoxinganling Mountains, the third branch factory is located in Liao Province, the fourth branch factory is located in Jilin Province, and the fifth branch factory is located in the grassland.

Influenced by the operation mode of "lease only not sell" in the aviation business of Tiancheng Group, Tiancheng Aviation Manufacturing Company currently has more than 500 large transport aircraft, more than 300 heavy transport aircraft, nearly 1,000 business jets, and countless other models .

The company's total assets also jumped to the fifth place among Tiancheng companies in 2003, with about 2.6 trillion red notes, second only to Tianheng Group. In the outside world, it surpassed Boeing in one fell swoop and became the parent star integrating manufacturing, leasing, and flight attendant services. One of the largest airlines.


Maybe Tiancheng's manufacturing quality is excellent, or maybe Lao Hong's luck has been used. Since the establishment of Tiancheng Aviation Manufacturing Company, all the models produced by Tiancheng Aviation Manufacturing Company have never had any failures.

Even if the destination airport is simple, or even there is no airport at the destination, the Tiancheng series aircraft can still land safely.

Therefore, Tiancheng aircraft set many records, such as successfully forced landing in the desert, successful forced landing in the sea, successful forced landing in the Antarctic Continent...


Amcheng Aerospace Manufacturing also undertakes the production of components for the 'Remote Control System' equipment.

The remote control systems of spacecraft such as launch vehicles, space shuttles, Tiancheng Ark, intelligent No. 1 aircraft, and transportation lunar landers are all produced by the company.

It can be seen from this that Director Hong's status in Tiancheng International Holdings is actually very high.

But Director Hong's reputation was ruined because he went to the wrong toilet once.

Last summer, this guy drank too much and couldn't hold back anymore, so he found a toilet and got in.

I never thought that it was the bathroom of the stewardess training department of the aviation manufacturing company, which was specially used for changing clothes...

Even more coincidentally, it was full of stewardesses who had just finished training, were sweating from the heat, and were washing up.

"Beautiful blessings are not shallow!"

"Boss, that was a misunderstanding."

"As the saying goes, wine is strong and cowardly. Old Hong, you know people and face, but you don't know your heart."

"Go and go, nonsense, my old Hong walks upright and sits upright. I really went wrong. Besides, I am highly presbyopic, so I can't see at all."


What a good reason!

Ge Xiaotian stopped talking about this matter, "Last year, the aviation manufacturing company made a lot of money, so much money can't always be deposited in the bank. I have a project that needs investment from your company."

"You command."

"Since 2002, we have blown sand to build islands in the southern waters. At present, there are five islands near the Philippines, five near Malaysia, and two near the Xiangjiang River and South Vietnam. The average area is 5,000 square meters.

Normally, the size of the islands is so small that it is not suitable for paving the parking lot, but in order to facilitate transportation, we must connect the 12 islands together by air. "

"It's easy to handle. Each island has an open space the size of a basketball court, about 420 square meters, to build a landing pad, and then lay a jet helicopter, which is convenient for takeoff and landing, and the speed is not lower than that of a conventional jet."

"No, although 5,000 square meters is considered a large artificial island, not only is it not enough for the industries we lay, but we also need to build a 'floating platform' based on the island and expand the area by ten times, so there is no room for the construction of an apron. The place."

"It can't be on board, can it?"

"Hey, you are right. I plan to arrange three to five ships for each island. One is to use it as a dock, the other is to build a hotel, and the third is to use it as a parking lot."

"good idea!"

Old Hong wasn't afraid of things at all, and he didn't like those areas in Nanyang that hadn't moved closer to Tiancheng, so he nodded and praised.

Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to say that those two-five-year-olds in Nanyang had ruined his family's hundreds of billions of property, otherwise the old guy in front of him would probably drag his old friends and go to Nanyang collectively when he returned.

In addition, the security of the rubber plantation that collectively drove tanks to travel south, and the Black Mountain Odyssey sea that besieged the base of the North Atlantic Fleet...

It's going to be a lot of fun this year.

"Boss, shall I go to Nanyang for a field trip?"

"No, you only need to provide carrier-based jet helicopters, fifty transport planes, and ten passenger planes."

"If we don't conduct on-site inspections, we won't be able to build an aircraft that is 100% suitable for the local environment and climate. Moreover, the routes of jet helicopters are different from international routes, so we have to apply in advance."


Ge Xiaotian nodded, "Don't make trouble."

"I'm too old to do it, so I might as well not do it."

"The consciousness is quite high."

Ge Xiaotian sighed, and suddenly felt that there was something in this guy's words.


After Lao Hong left, Brother Hao appeared.

The real estate industry in Guangzhou is very prosperous. There are no less than ten well-known developers alone, not to mention thousands of small and medium-sized developers.

Although Tiancheng was well-known, as an outsider, he would always be rejected, and the land bids were all raised, so he had to give up in the end.

Therefore, after Tiancheng settled in Guangzhou, it only built three Xingyue Bays, one in Shanwei where Tiansu Natural Rubber is located, one in Haifeng, a small county town to the north of Shanwei, and one in Lufeng, a county-level city in the east of Shanwei.

Shanwei Xingyue Bay is the largest, covering an area of ​​1,500 mu. Most of the residents are employees of Tiansu Natural Rubber.

Haifeng and Lufeng Xingyue Bay, covering an area of ​​500 mu, are mainly used to improve the industrial chain and complement the supporting facilities that Shanwei Xingyue Bay does not have.

After a year of development, the three Xingyue Bays already have everything that Beidi Xingyue Bay has, from supermarkets, shopping malls, playgrounds, to cinemas, plazas, stadiums, to community buses, mission-based systems, underground pedestrian streets, and even Community subways and community buses are also being planned.

But this is not the focus of Brother Hao's work.

It is mainly responsible for Tiansu natural rubber.

Tiansu, the full name of Tiancheng Plastic Manufacturing, is mainly engaged in products that use resin as the main material, polymerize into polymer compounds through addition polymerization or polycondensation reaction, and then carry out plastic manufacturing.

It contains many types, such as bakelite, celluloid, plexiglass, polyvinyl chloride, etc., which are widely used in manufacturing and daily necessities, and can replace metal, wood, etc.

Tianjiao, full name Tiancheng Rubber Manufacturing, is mainly engaged in two kinds of natural rubber products and synthetic rubber products.

Natural rubber is processed by extracting gum from rubber trees, rubber grass and other plants; synthetic rubber is obtained by polymerization of various monomers.

As for the difference between the two.

Plastic is a rigid material for molding, some of which have toughness, and are often used in household appliances, instruments, wires and cables, construction equipment, communication electronics, automobile industry, aerospace, daily hardware, etc.

Rubber is a highly elastic polymer material with reversible deformation, commonly used in medical gloves, soft shoe soles, etc.

In addition, besides these two categories, there is also 'fiber'.

This is Tiancheng's best industry.

And Ge Xiaotian approached Brother Hao just to hand over the fiber to him.

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