Build Madness

Chapter 984 Classic Tactics of the Age of Empires


Brother Hao walked into the chairman's office and sat down across the desk respectfully.

As Tiancheng's oldest executive, he always keeps in mind the only value of his own existence.

That is……

'I will do what the boss is inconvenient to do. '

Therefore, in Tiancheng, brother Hao climbed the highest, had the most secure position, and got the most money.

This is enlightenment.

Ge Xiaotian didn't have much to say to Brother Hao, in a word: very relieved.

"Xiaohao, how did you handle the Formosa Plastics incident?"

"After persistent tracking by private detectives, the batch of equipment they lost has been found in Soma and shipped back to Taiwan Province at the end of November. Formosa Plastics is currently rebuilding the factory area, and production may resume in March this year."

Brother Hao finished speaking and explained: "In fact, I didn't intend to let them find it, but the plastic products of Formosa Plastics have an 80% market share in the parent plastic industry, and rubber and fiber products are almost equivalent to a monopoly. Although Tiansu was established Afterwards, they took advantage of the suspension of production by the other party to aggressively expand their business and take over Southeast Asia, East Asia and other regions, but markets such as Australia, North America, and South America still belong to the other party. If Formosa Plastics collapses, North America and Australia will inevitably form new plastic companies.”

"Instead of creating an unfamiliar opponent, it is better to keep Formosa Plastics."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, "However, you have to understand that in China, Tiancheng has never monopolized any industry."

"Yes boss, we only do the most basic supply in China, which is used to drive the development of the whole industry, not for the purpose of profit."

"What about abroad?"


Brother Hao took out the documents he carried with him, "As of this year, the number of rubber plantations controlled by us has already accounted for 70% of the total planting quantity of the mother planet. If we can defeat the rubber industry of Malay and Xinjia, it can jump to 95% at any time. , This is also the main work that Tiansu Natural Rubber will do in the first half of 2004, and then start supply and demand negotiations with Formosa Plastics, indirectly win the North American and Australian markets, and dominate the world."


Ge Xiaotian is very satisfied with this, "But to dominate the world, only the plastic and rubber industries are not enough, and the fiber industry is also needed."

Fibers fall into three main categories, including:

natural fibers (animal and vegetable),

Inorganic fibers (asbestos glass),

Synthetic fibers (polyester, aramid, etc.).

In the natural fiber industry, Tianmao not only owns the cotton pricing power, flax planting base, and silk industrial park, but also controls the old father-in-law's breeding base (duck feather, chicken feather, goose feather, etc.), and lays artificial synthetic fiber. The planting industry is responsible for the supply of Ruyi Textile, Weiqiao Textile, Xiangxian Gloves, Splendid Huaxia, etc. of Master Wanshi.

In the inorganic fiber industry, Tiancheng's deployment is relatively hidden, and it is only responsible for providing technologies to the outside world, including glass industry, tempering industry, ceramic industry, insulation products, heat insulation products, and silicon-based electronic products. Our own industry only uses alkaline glass fiber to replace asbestos fiber in cement to improve the performance of cement, or uses boron fiber with tungsten core to make use of its good compression resistance to make rocket shells.

The synthetic fiber industry is relatively large in scale.

For example, the conventional seven major fibers: polyester, nylon, acrylic, polyvinyl chloride, vinylon, spandex, polyolefin elastic yarn.

For example, unconventional functional fibers: optical fibers used in communication, ion exchange fibers used in scientific research, ceramic particle fibers used in conformable materials, bioactive fibers used in medical engineering, color-changing fibers used in combat uniforms, Radiation-resistant fibers for aerospace...

Generally speaking, 'fiber' occupies a dominant position in Tiancheng's material demand field, and is the main factor for Tiancheng's development so far.

Without fibers, there would be no special cement, no defect-free concrete, no constant temperature suits extending to the fourth generation, no spring steel wires for making Tianba Dongba TUA, no high-strength cold-rolled sheets for heavy-duty transport vehicles, and no Tiancheng Carbon fiber alloys for industrial equipment, no optical products for the production of wide-area goggles, no energy blocks made of graphene properties that can speed up charging and discharging, no plastic fuel that is more suitable for launch vehicles...

Brother Hao founded Tianhao Group and is now in charge of Tiansu Natural Rubber. He naturally understands materials science and understands the importance of the fiber industry to Tiancheng.

Hearing that Ge Xiaotian intends to hand over this industry to himself, even though he has been in a high position for a long time and has cultivated a broad mind, he subconsciously shows hesitation.

After all, fiber involves many fields, how can he understand all of them?

"Boss, why don't you help me arrange a..."

"What? You think you can't do it?"

"No, I can!"

Those who admit that they can't do it all go to mine.

Gao Song, the former chairman of Tianyu, is a living example.

Brother Hao immediately agreed.

"So, when you go back, prepare funds."

"Huh? Boss, you mean, let me buy the 'fiber industry chain' from the headquarters?"

"What do you think, even if you sell Tiansu natural rubber, can you afford it?"

"can not afford……"

"That's right, I built several artificial islands in the southern waters, and I need to resettle industries."

Ge Xiaotian thought back to Lao Hong and You Minxing who had been arranged, and turned on the AR monitor on the desk, "Have you ever played Age of Empires?"

"I must have played."

"There is a tactic called building the tower at the door of the enemy's house. What I want to do now is just like this."


Two years ago, it was no secret in Tiancheng that the big boss took over the other party's Nanyang property at a low price from Li's richest man in the capital.

Now that he was completely smashed by ruthless people because of the rejection of his own side in the non-natural region of Nanyang, he still wonders why the big boss is indifferent, never expecting, holding back...

Brother Hao understood the meaning of the big boss and was gearing up, "Boss, don't worry, I decided to make this task beautiful."

"Well, I can rest assured that you are doing business."

Ge Xiaotian took out a map and circled five artificial islands close to Malay, "Chemical plants, the farther away from our home the better."



half an hour later.

Tiansu Natural Rubber announced the establishment of 'Tiancheng Chemical', added a new fiber industry chain, and bought three artificial islands located at the southernmost tip of the southern sea from Tiancheng International Holdings, with a total transaction volume of 360 billion red notes.

"What is Tian Cheng going to do?"

This sentence has become a hot search keyword on the mother star Internet.



Ge Xiaotian had lunch with Tongsou of Huaxia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who is currently the chief dean of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

This old man was originally Taishan Beidou in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in China. Later, he was fooled into a small follower by a Taoist monk. He started from the development of dog skin plaster. , and its own traditional Chinese medicine technology is known as the "living Bian Que".

What? Taoist monk?

One of them is a scientific research leader, and the other is the founder of new philosophy, which has nothing to do with traditional Chinese medicine.

This is also Tongsou's long-standing heart disease.

Just like last year's parent star track and field championship, a reporter from Tiancheng Sports, with a microphone in hand and a camera on his shoulder, followed a non-area 400-meter athlete to complete the race, and then overtook the opponent to reach the finish line ahead of time for an interview. The opponent spoke the first sentence Words: You make me feel unfulfilled!

Tongsou is in this mood now.

Resentful, complicated, don't want to play anymore...


Seeing the old man not moving the bowls and chopsticks, Ge Xiaotian poured wine for the two of them, persuading them.

"Can't eat it."

"Then let's talk about becoming a Chinese medicine hospital."

"Say it." Tongsou was listless.

"It's like this. I plan to move some industries to the southern sea area and develop the southern sea area free trade zone. However, the international situation is changing, and there may be casualties in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a medical institution for emergency treatment there. .But Tiancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine mainly adopts traditional Chinese medicine therapy, and there are few effective treatment methods."

"They're all your employees. At worst, they all drink or inject colored bottles of genetic medicine."

"The cost is too high. Even if we realize the self-production and self-use of Chinese medicinal materials, the process of processing genetic medicine is still complicated."

"What are you going to do?"

"Set the medical ship and medical cabin of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine on an artificial island in the southern waters."


The medical ship is equivalent to a top-level hospital on the mother star that can be moved. It has two sets of Chinese and Western medicine technology, well-equipped, and its value far exceeds that of an aircraft carrier. At present, this ship is the only one on the mother star, docked in Tianjin Port.

The medical cabin is equivalent to the future biotechnology cabin. It has various types of fully automatic diagnosis and treatment equipment, and a series of mature "nutrition solutions". It can be cured, and has the functions of exchanging blood, viscera, and bones. It is invaluable. At present, there is only one on the mother planet, which is set up in the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Tiancheng has the ability to produce a second medical ship and a second medical cabin, but the high maintenance costs of daily drug replacement, daily testing and maintenance cannot be afforded by even a small country.

The point is that these two things are placed near the capital and have special significance.

Now that the transfer to the southern sea area, is it possible that those big bosses who need to continue their lives to survive also move to the southern sea area?

It's a bit of a mess over there!

"Old Tong, things belong to me, and I have the right to make decisions."

"Can those old guys be willing?"

"In 2004, Tiancheng launched the real four-season constant temperature room, using the ground source heat pump system, plus the mature sea view room, island room, submarine room... how beautiful the environment is? If you can help persuade them, I think they will definitely be willing to go."

"Little thief, are you blatantly using me?!"

"Smart people don't say dark words, indeed."


"As the saying goes, you can eat people with soft mouths and short hands. You have learned a lot in Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and now it's time to pay back."

"I'm a fart, I don't have any sense of accomplishment!"

"That's it. If you can do it, I will allow you to learn 'photon diagnosis and treatment technology' afterwards."

"What's that?"

Tongsou cheered up instantly, "Don't fool me!"

"Tiancheng's best technology is optoelectronic technology. Among them, there must be a branch of medicine. To put it simply, it is to use optical means to identify and diagnose biological tissues. It can diagnose various diseases earlier and more accurately. It is the most important medical technology in the future.

For example, in diagnosis, compared with traditional surgical biopsy, photonic diagnosis is a non-invasive histopathological analysis, which can overcome the possible changes in the chemical properties of biological tissues caused by surgical biopsy. Compared with examinations such as X-ray, CT and MRI, it can not only avoid ion radiation, but also accurately reflect the real situation of the lesion tissue. "

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, Daoyi appeared on the stage, and launched a photon diagnosis and treatment all-in-one machine.

Aim at Tongsou, press the start button, and the internal AR delivery cabin will immediately display the biological information of Tongsou's whole body.

Muscle, blood vessel, bone, and the corresponding oxidation degree, activity value, hematopoietic bone age, etc.

If you zoom in on a certain part, you can directly observe the cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplast, mitochondria...

Tongsou was dumbfounded.

"Hey, this patient has kidney yang deficiency, it is recommended to continue taking the red bottle of Jiannaobunisu liquid..."

"It's too much!"

"Then you said, is it a correct diagnosis?"


"Of course, this is only photon diagnosis and treatment. In the field of treatment, there are many methods. You should know that powerful laser surgery is to use high-power and high-intensity laser to focus into a 'light knife' to cut and vaporize the body. , coagulation and other operations, but we also have a more advanced 'optical fiber cavity surgery', which does not require thoracotomy, no blood, and can even be performed in the infected area."

"With such awesome equipment, why use the hospital ship and the medical cabin?"

"This is a component that needs to be added to the hospital ship, the medical cabin, not used alone."


"Old Tong, if you get things done and convince the bosses to live together in the southern waters, you can use this device to fiddle with it."

"make a deal!"

"Then buy an artificial island. At present, there are three remaining near the Philippines and two remaining in the Malay waters."



half an hour later.

Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine announced that it has decided to build a brand new Qingshan Clinic in the southern waters that combines technology and traditional Chinese medicine. It plans to invest 30 billion red notes and purchase an artificial island from Tiancheng International Holdings, with a transaction price of 130 billion red notes.

When the news spread, people felt that they suddenly realized that they had overlooked a very serious problem.

How many artificial islands did Tian Cheng build in the southern waters?

Especially in the Philippines, Malay and other regions, they can't wait to arrange ships to go to investigate.


After sending Tongsou away, Ge Xiaotian met Shen Zhipeng.

Since the strategic cooperation between the two parties, the Jifu Ginza industry has experienced explosive growth, and Dongshan Jianlian has leapt to the top ten private construction companies in China, and Lao Shen has also changed his old style of searching and searching, donating money, materials and buildings everywhere.

Therefore, a representative of the whole people of Dongshan was mixed up.

In addition, Dongshan Jianlian went abroad in 2003 to support the construction of Myanmar, develop an industrial chain in Southwest Asia, and win a copper mine and a tin mine.

Now Lao Shen is in the country... because he dared to publicly scold Ge Heizi, his status is no less than that of Old King Longtian.

But in fact……

This guy is more cowardly than Chen Feng, and the bright VIP is beside him.


This is a big client.

"Mr. Shen, please do it quickly."

"Don't do this, it makes me a little guilty."

"Then let's get straight to the point, how about buying an artificial island? I heard that you have two mines in Myanmar, which just happen to build a smelter."

"How big is it?"

"Five thousand square meters."

"Can you put down the smelter?"

"The floating island can be expanded, and besides, buy the island and send it to the factory."

"Don't trick me."

"No, there are three artificial islands next to them, namely Tiansu, Tianjiao, and the newly established Tiancheng Chemical."

"How much pollution does this cause?"

"Tiancheng has pollution control equipment, besides, that place is farther away from us than the 'ends of the earth', why are you so careless?"


"That's it. The public price is 130 billion red notes. I'll give you the smelter. By the way, tell Chen Feng later that if he also buys an artificial island, I'll give him the fruit processing plant."

"Five islands, five highly polluting companies, will Malays agree?"

"If you don't agree, hit me up."


"In addition, if you want to engage in island real estate, you can also buy an artificial island near the Philippines."

"How many did you build?"

"Twelve, five near the Philippines, five near Malay, one near Xiangjiang, and one near South Vietnam. Now there are only two unsold in the Philippines. Look, how popular are they? Buy another one quickly?"

Ge Xiaotian originally thought that Shen Zhipeng would complain that his dog had too many pets, but he never expected...

"Also, give me one near the Philippines to build a Ginza on the sea."


"Contribute to the motherland and expand the coastline!"

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