Build Madness

Chapter 985 Prepare to go south

"Contribute to the motherland and expand the coastline!"

What Shen Zhipeng said was very heroic.

He is so bold that Ge Xiaotian suspects that this guy is not Shen Zhipeng, but Chen Feng, a second-hand businessman who likes to put on a show in front of the public.

But then again, since Lao Shen got on the Mi Erliu on his way to the Canal Development Zone in Zaoshi back then, and chatted with him about his responsibilities as an entrepreneur, a lot has changed in the past two years.

Support the construction of China's backward areas, donate roads, bridges, and schools.

Supporting the Huaxia Poverty Alleviation Project, launching the Ginza Low-Rent Community and the Reemployment Project for Laid-Off Workers, which helped many remote areas get rid of poverty and become prosperous.

And Lao Shen has now become a veritable Chinese entrepreneur and was selected as the representative of the whole people of Dongshan.

Now that we have the strength to contribute to the motherland, it is reasonable to buy artificial islands to expand the coastline.

But the problem is...

There are not many companies like Tiancheng who can provide huge amounts of cash at any time.

Although Shen Zhipeng is rich, he contracted two mines in Southwest Asia last year, and Dongshan Jianlian needs advance funds for many domestic and overseas projects, plus support for the construction of China's backward areas, etc. The idle funds in his pocket are estimated to even buy an artificial mine. Islands are not enough.

The reason why I can buy it is because I have Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce Brilliant VIP, that is, recharge hundreds of billions, and I have to pay nearly one billion membership fees every year.

According to the treatment of the Chamber of Commerce, in addition to enjoying the cost supply of building materials, free logistics system, free network service, and free equipment maintenance, Shen Zhipeng can also withdraw funds ten times the membership quota from the Chamber of Commerce for production and operation. There is no interest within two years and no reminders within three years. , the assets will be compensated after five years.

And so...

Shen Zhipeng, who has a "trillion-dollar loan", added a sentence after the bold words, "Why don't you buy me another one?!"

"Chairman Shen, please come back." Ge Xiaotian's face darkened.

It's not that I don't want to sell more artificial islands to this guy, but I'm worried that the other party won't be able to repay the "operating expenses" drawn from Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce in three years, and then return the artificial islands to repay the loan.

It turned around, and then returned to my own hands...

Based on what the other party has learned from Chen Feng, he can do it in all likelihood.

No, if adding himself as a factor, Lao Shen did it with peace of mind.

You know, back then, my strong man ate the Ginza Buffet until it went bankrupt...

"Not for sale?"

Shen Zhipeng shook his head and sighed, "I still want to build Twin Islands."

"I'll let you know when it's in stock."

"Your service is not in place~~"

"You are right to criticize, we strive to improve as soon as possible."

"Well, I'm here first today. My company is very busy. Let's talk later."

After finally putting on a show in front of someone, Shen Zhipeng couldn't get enough of it, but everyone knew that he would let it go, and the person in front of him was Ge Heizi.

After Shen Zhipeng finished his harsh words, he uploaded the secretly recorded small video to the forum, resisted the urge to shout aloud, and ran away with two legs...

Ge Xiaotian looked at his back and couldn't help but raise his middle finger.


Half an hour later, Shen Zhipeng announced in the name of Dongshan Jianlian that he had purchased an artificial island located in the southern waters from Tiancheng International Holdings, with an area of ​​about 5,600 square meters, and later expanded the floating platform to build Nanyang Shen's Smelter.

Affected by the previous similar news, people didn't pay much attention to it.

But the video uploaded by Shen Zhipeng shocked countless netizens.

"Damn it, Lao Shen is so stubborn in front of Ge Heizi?"

"I always feel that Lao Shen's style has surpassed that of Old King Longtian."

"Boss Shen is right. Contribute to the motherland and expand the coastline. If there is a small artificial island, I will buy it with a loan! Don't doubt me, Boss Mei."

"+1! I, the chairman of Daheng."

"+1! I, Chairman Dawan."

"+1! I, Chairman Kewan."

"Farewell, me, a passing netizen."


"Old Shen's way of acting reminds me of Chen Feng, that soft bastard. When he met Ge Heizi, he was like a traitor meeting a Japanese pirate."

Chen Feng: "???"

Two hours later.

Chen Feng rejected the artificial island sold by Shen Zhipeng, and took a business jet from Nanyun to Shacheng in the west to meet with Ge Xiaotian.

With Ge Xiaotian's face full of bewilderment, he first came up with a set of rhetoric, and then bought an artificial island near the Philippines.

Another half hour later.

Shangpin International announced...

Chen Feng uploaded a small video...

Netizens: "666!", "Old Chen Niubi!"

Internet robot A: "Mr. Chen is mighty!"

Internet robot B: "Mr. Chen is domineering!"

Internet robot C: "Mr. Chen scolded Ge Heizi angrily, every second!"

The first vest of aircraft No. 1: "Shen Zhipeng, the bird man, how can he be compared with our beloved Mr. Chen?"

The second vest of the No. 1 machine: "What the upstairs said is great, the old king Longtian is like a lump in front of our President Chen!"

Chen Feng: "Be humble and humble, don't make trouble."

'But... how comfortable it is! '

Ge Xiaotian: "???", "So you are all here?!"

Chen Feng: "Well, I will withdraw first."

Seeing Ge Xiaotian, Shen Zhipeng didn't dare to show his face...

And being slammed by Chen Feng's fans, Old King Longtian was so angry that he couldn't help but eat two more bowls of rice...


The 12th artificial island built by Tiancheng in the southern waters was finally bought by Li Xiuxiu and used to build Splendid Huaxia branch.

So far, the "Enter Hong Kong Project", which was deployed in 2001, has been officially put on the development agenda after three years of uninterrupted improvement.

Relevant industries include: the floating horse racing island on the sea that has been built, the sea golf under construction, the proposed air passenger transportation system in the southern waters, three chemical plants, a smelting plant, a fruit factory, a Qingshan phototherapy center, and four Tiancheng Xingyue Bay community and supporting facilities.

The project is under the charge of Brother Hao.

Due to the disbandment of Tiancheng Group in Guangzhou, its business was divided up by Tianhao, Tianbo, Tianwang and other independent groups. The plan to enter Xiangjiang was extended to the "Southern Sea Project" and included in the annual plan of Tiancheng International Holdings.

Therefore, Brother Hao also worked as a project manager at the headquarters.

After Ge Xiaotian dealt with these, he had dinner with Shuai Bo in the evening.

Simple whole two meat dishes, served with three cold dishes, open a bottle of five-star Moutai, and at the end, a pot of high-protein pimple soup.

During the meeting, we chatted about homework, had enough food and drink, and talked about work.

Shuai Bo is now mainly responsible for laying Tiancheng's new energy in the north.

Different from the energy supply station built by my second uncle, this industry mainly includes wind power towers, photovoltaic power plants, ground source heat pumps, hydropower dams, and 'seaweed bioenergy' based on the expansion of ground-effect transportation transfer stations.

As of 2004, Tiancheng Energy's total power generation capacity was 500 billion kWh, accounting for one-fifth of China's total power generation capacity, and equal to the total power generation capacity of non-regional power plants.

But this is only public data, that is, the amount of electricity transferred to Huaxia Power at a price of eight cents per kilowatt-hour.

According to non-public data, Tiancheng Energy still has nearly 2 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity consumed by the system, which is used for system function building charging, or to support the operation of photovoltaic cells, or to manufacture energy blocks.

It can be said that Tiancheng Energy is the largest logistics support company in the Tiancheng industry chain.

Although Shuai Bo didn't know the existence of the system, although Shuai Bo felt that selling electricity could not keep up with real estate to make money, he understood the importance of this unknown company to Tiancheng's industrial chain.

Just like the cement factory and brick and tile factory in charge of Da Mao, this is fundamental.

Ge Xiaotian has given up the difficult-to-smok tea cigarettes and changed to cigars, while Shuai Bo has been smoking cigars.

The two lighted one respectively, and sat on the top of Tiancheng headquarters in the west, overlooking the main seat of Shacheng.

"Shuai Bo, do you feel a bit inferior to work in Tiancheng Energy?"

"How is it possible? All I can feel is that the boss values ​​me."

"This flattery..."

Ge Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, "Our family is preparing to go south. As the saying goes, food and grass go first before soldiers and horses are moved. The construction of Hanzhong Expressway is completed, and the new canal will be completed in the middle of this year. Cheap materials will be transported there, and with the foundation laid by Nandu Tianfu Group, It is easy to conquer the Southwest market, but follow-up, such as community electric buses, brand-new energy supply stations, etc., all need electricity.”

"You mean, let Tiancheng Energy go south first?"

"Well, more than that, we also need to build tidal power stations offshore, especially in the southern waters."

"Boss, do we need so much electricity?"

"You don't know what projects our family has in the ocean."

"Isn't it just a dozen oil production platforms and three oil protection brigades?"

"Ever heard of 'sea water refining'?"

"I have heard and read overseas reports that seawater is rich in trace elements and inorganic salts, and is the largest treasure house of resources on the mother planet, but it seems that our family does not have such industries?"

"Yes, at the bottom of the Incheon Bridge."


Shuai Bo couldn't help taking a deep puff of his cigar, trying to suppress the surprise in his heart, and squeezed out the expression of "Sure enough, our family has everything".

"The photovoltaic system of the Incheon Bridge provides enough energy for the Incheon Seawater Refining Project. The Incheon Bridge Management Office is responsible for the operation and maintenance. In April, August and December every year, the Incheon Bridge is overhauled and the metals are transported back to storage. Pump."

Ge Xiaotian brought up the AR image, "After two years of experimentation, the technology related to this project has fully matured. Today, building an industrial chain in the southern waters is actually mainly about secretly refining seawater."


"Having been installed at the bottom of the artificial islands, the ten artificial islands near the Philippines and Malaysia can provide us with inexhaustible sea salt and inexhaustible macronutrients and micronutrients every year."


"However, such a large workload requires the support of a larger power system. This is the work you were mainly responsible for in 2004."

"I see."

"There is not enough funds to find Tianrong."


Shuai Bo left, representing Tiancheng's main force in the country, and began to move to the southern waters.

After that, Ge Xiaotian summoned overseas supervisors one after another.

For the five brothers 'Red Orange Yellow Green Blue', Xiao Zeng came to report on his work, mainly talking about Mocos and the Nordic industry.

The overall development there is very good, especially Mokos Real Estate. In the next round, we will kill all the overseas developers who run Ice Bear's investment, and we will be able to share the profits with Ice Bear.

As for whether the ice bear will clean up his own house, it depends on whether the other party still wants Siberia.

Ge Xiaotian hoped that Bingxiong would do it, but felt that the other party was not that stupid.

Xu Ling, director of non-regional Tiancheng, is in confinement, and her husband, Xiao Liu, comes to report on his work.

It mainly talks about the development of the non-regional industrial chain. Affected by the situation, one's own side cannot enter the North African market, nor can it enter. It must be ensured that the non-regional alliance has an opponent. South African industries range from power generation, mines, real estate, finance, to roads, Railroads, sports, all flourished.

But if you want to perfect it, it will take at least ten years.

In this regard, Ge Xiaotian is not in a hurry. When will the mineral resources be emptied, and then the Sahara desert will be filtered again. When there are no resources there, we will talk about other things.

After Xiao Liu left, Qi Feifei, who had returned from Europe, and Lin Yang, Yang Lin's nephew, who went to South America to expand the market, visited late at night.

The latter announced the happy event when he opened his mouth: "Boss, we will have a long vacation this year, and I decided to get married next month."

"Haha, then I have to join in."

Many of Tiancheng's employees got married, but apart from Ge Wangwang and Da Mao who was engaged to Xuanxuan, none of the executives had married yet.

Including Zhu Changfa, who has a crush on the female executive of the Supervisory Institute. The two live together and have even received their certificates, but the ceremony has not yet been held.

Without it, too busy.

Learn from the sayings circulating in the company: Big bosses are too busy to take a break, so how can we ask for leave?

This is also one of the reasons why Ge Xiaotian decided to take a long vacation this year.

Unexpectedly, Qi Feifei said, "Aren't you curious about who Lin Yang is going to marry?"

"Huh? Who?"

"You may not believe it, it's Shu Duoduo."

"Shu Dahong's daughter?"



Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to talk too much, after all, Da Mao had been with Shu Duoduo before.

Lin Yang understood what the two of them had revealed, and looked at it quite openly, "Hey, it's normal to be in a relationship, and I even invited Deputy Director Ge to the wedding. This matter has long since passed, and it has no effect."

"That's good."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, "Well, don't go to South America next year, I'll help you change jobs, only promoted but not degraded."

"No need, boss, I have made an appointment with Shu Duoduo. After we get married, we will be stationed in Brazil, South America. I will expand Tiancheng's business, and she will be in charge of lending."

"Wait, Shu Duoduo is playing with loans again?"

Ge Xiaotian couldn't believe it, but he knew how small Shu Duoduo's structure was.

Qi Feifei curled her lips, and interjected: "Everyone will make progress, don't judge people's present by the embarrassing things in the past."


Lin Yang said cheerfully: "Mr. Qian, oh, Qian Dabao opened up a special area for buying cars with loans in the Auto Trade City. Shu Duoduo often came to play with me. He was curious about the legendary first person in private loans, so he became a teacher of Mr. Qian and studied for two years. In 2000, it is considered clear now, not to mention a foreigner who went to South America to flicker and doesn't know how to play tricks."

"Okay, don't smash our own brand."


The South American market has just been opened, and there are not many new plans. After Lin Yang finished speaking, he took a look at Qi Feifei and left early.

Seeing that there were only two people in the room, the latter sat directly on the desk. "There is no industrial base in the European region, including energy supply stations that support electric vehicles. It is currently impossible to open up the market there."

"The industrial chain that France wants to build basically imitates us. When they have it, electric vehicles will be able to run in France. And Germany, Baima, and Volkswagen have cooperated with us, and they will inevitably launch electric vehicles in the future. Now BYD The batteries they make are the most advanced. They will definitely introduce graphene batteries with ultra-fast charging and discharging speeds. In this way, the three countries will have energy supply stations. These things are intertwined. I can solve them in the first half of the year. What you need to do It is to build an automobile trade city, open in the second half of the year, and then use the superior performance of Tiancheng cars to open up the European market."

"I understand the truth, but after several rounds of negotiations, France, Germany and other countries have not agreed to sign an agreement to import Tiancheng vehicles."


Ge Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, never expecting this to be the reason.

"Their position is very firm. Perhaps Baima, Volkswagen, and French Automobile are worried that we will seize their market. Even if I threatened to 'terminate all cooperation', they would not do anything."

"What about the agricultural machinery?"

"Their level of agricultural mechanization far exceeds ours, and they look down on our agricultural machinery and equipment."

"I took out the most advanced intelligent agricultural machinery, how could they not like it?"

Ge Xiaotian frowned, "It seems that things are not what we thought, but they plan to 'kill the donkey'."

"What do you mean?"

"After the cooperation, get rid of us and delay the benefits promised to us."

"Impossible? The agreement has been signed."

"Agreement? At the level of both parties, the agreement is waste paper."

Ge Xiaotian smiled noncommittally, "Don't pay attention to the European market for now. When this round of cooperation is over, we will almost finish the southern waters. At that time, we will open their doors with strong ships and sharp guns, so that they can experience the 'Eight-Nation Allied Forces'."

"You are so bold."

"Hey, when have I been cowardly?"


Qi Feifei leaned over, revealing the collar that was unbuttoned on purpose, "How dare you?"

"Shouldn't you just button it? If you don't dare, don't move."


What does my wife mean?

Qi Feifei kicked the table angrily...


On the evening of January 4th.

Ge Xiaotian spent three days meeting with the main management of his own industrial chain, and also finished the follow-up work of the year-end meeting.

At the same time, Tiancheng's domestic enterprises announced their annual holidays one after another.

The busy land of China gradually became lively.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Ge Xiaotian boarded the dedicated business jet to Fengdu.

"Is Li Wei here?"

"It arrived this morning."

"Where is the underworld?"

"A notice was issued on New Year's Day, and it will be overhauled on January 5th, and it will not be open to the public for the time being."

"Very good. Whether we can quickly win the Southern Market depends on a day trip to the underworld tomorrow."

"Boss, the lady boss hasn't arrived in Fengdu yet."

"She is so cowardly, dare to go?"

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