Build Madness

Chapter 986 Returning to Fengdu

Nandu is known as "mountain city" and "foggy city", and Fengdu is no exception.

January 4th, the thirteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

It was night, the moon was shining brightly, and clouds of white mist appeared between the mountains and mountains, making the world look extraordinarily ethereal and illusory.

The vast Yangtze River hiding in the shadow of the embankment seems to have turned into a black giant snake, coiling around the Pingdu Mountain where the underworld is located, cruising eastward under the gaze of the huge bust of Hades on the top of the mountain.

The night sky turns and the stars move, and the earth changes.

The flickering street lamps illuminate the impermanence of black and white, the bull's head and the face of a horse, and the dense towering ancient trees, hiding countless ghosts, demons and evil spirits...

Just as this terrifying aura was about to invade the world, two giant golden claws covering the sky and the sun descended from the sky, one held down the black giant python, and the other stepped on the top of the underworld mountain.

The golden light in mid-air gradually solidified, and finally formed an ancient dragon with its head raised and roaring.

In an instant.

The fantasy colors suddenly fade away, there is no black and white impermanence, no black python, no ancient dragon, here is only the peaceful Pingdu Mountain, the beautiful Yangtze River bank, and the majestic Fengdu Bridge.

False and real, it seems like a world away.

This is the Fengdu Development Zone where virtual and reality are combined.

Ten o'clock in the evening.

A business jet from West Air made a vertical landing at Tiancheng Square in Fengdu.

Chi Cheng, the chairman of Nandu Tianfu, including Hu Chuan, the general manager of Nandu Construction who defected to Tianfu Group and later became a good person, Liu Hai, the general manager of Nandu Earth and Stone, and the star Tong Yin, the chairman of Nandu Tiancheng, Teddy, the chairman of Datai Road and Bridge, and many others The above company executives gathered together to welcome the arrival of the big boss.

Not long.

The business jet lowered the boarding ladder, and a handsome young man stepped out.

Many senior executives collectively raised their left hands in salute, "Hi, boss!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Ge Xiaotian looked around and sighed, "The change is really great."

Tiancheng Plaza has already taken shape, with a "wild fire" landmark in the middle, surrounded by shops, and a green path between the two, tall buildings in the distance, and the bustling riverside.

There are no dilapidated fences, no low stone houses, no muddy mountain roads, everything is full of vigor and refreshing.

"Is it zoned out?"

Chi Cheng stepped forward and said, "Back to the boss, Mr. Yu is worried that the new leader arranged by Zhao's father will cause trouble for us everywhere, and he has not agreed to divide the area for the time being."

"It's good for such a nice small mountain town to develop independently."

Nandu's status is second only to the capital city, and if Fengdu is rowed across, it seems like a rising tide lifts all boats, but in fact...

This is like Nandu has 100 resources, Fengdu has 10 resources, Fengdu is assigned to Nandu, and can get 20 resources, and itself immediately has 30 resources for development.

Normally, it's fine.

But Tiancheng's investment here is tantamount to opening an unlimited resource model for Fengdu. If it is allocated to Nandu, Nandu will squeeze Fengdu instead.


As one of the four main cities in China, Nandu is well developed?

These days, especially before the ruthless storm started, Nandu is far from being worthy of the title of 'Main City'.

Its salary level is not even comparable to that of Nanhe in the past, only 350 red notes.

Therefore, Yu Zong and Zhao's father, the two players, are now facing the severe problem of "population loss".

After all, the south is already developed, and the north has developed explosively in recent years. The west is rising strongly. Who will stay in the remote southwest?

According to big data statistics, this year only in Nandu area, there are as many as 1.75 million migrant workers.

This is the main reason why Nandu has never had a manager, and the secretary, Father Zhao, can grow up.

To put it bluntly, the local environment is complicated, not only is it difficult to realize the ambitions in my heart, but it may also be in deep doom, and no one dares to come.

Fortunately, Fengdu Industrial Park has relieved the pressure on Nandu, retained some talents, and spawned a series of new industries.

For this reason, Father Zhao has always wanted Fengdu to enrich his achievements.

But Mr. Yu is in charge of the overall situation, everything is his own achievements, and with the many big projects that Tian Cheng gave him, he will definitely not let Father Zhao live a good life.

As a result, Zhao's father had to use the old leaders to put pressure on the general manager, even at the expense of Cai Bin, a young man with a white head.

However, Shaobaitou is not a vegetarian. It is said that after the first round of development is over, Ulu City will be wiped out...

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and accompanied by everyone, he went to the Tiancheng headquarters in Nandu.

The Fengdu project is handed over to Tianfu Group from real estate development, construction contracting, to building material production, logistics and transportation.

Nandu Tiancheng is only responsible for coordinating the overall situation and assisting all emerging companies to grow rapidly.

In line with the concept of saving resources, the structure of the group is extremely simplified, with only the starlet Tong Yin and less than a hundred staff members.

But Tiancheng is well-known, as a regional branch company, it is impossible not to have a face-to-face meeting.

Tiancheng Architectural Design and Research Institute considered for a long time and built a suspended building integrating food, accommodation and office.

The 30-meter-long steel structure at the bottom is empty, and the upper part is set with three layers of oblate main body, the first floor is used for entertainment and entertainment, the second floor is used for office, and the third floor is used for food and accommodation.

The whole looks like a flying saucer on the ground, and with the aid of lighting, although it is not as shocking as the flying saucer gymnasium, it is also interesting.

Ge Xiaotian and everyone took the direct elevator to the first floor, and the staff had already arranged the venue.

"It's all our own people, so there's no need to be so formal."

"Boss, everyone expects you to say a few words."

After Chi Cheng finished speaking, Hu Chuan, Liu Hai and others who were following behind cheered up.

Ge Xiaotian understands that this group of "fish that slipped through the net" who escaped the first round of the president's blackout is still worried about the president's settlement after autumn, and wants to hold his thigh tightly.

"There's nothing to talk about. Follow me to start a business. As long as you don't do things against your will and can take the initiative to make up for past mistakes, you are all on your own. Everyone knows how I, Lao Ge, treat my people."

"Yes, boss, this year you are really domineering. You paid trillions in salary in one go. My God, I, Hu, really admire you."

As Hu Chuan spoke, his body trembled.

I don't know if I am too excited to see the big boss, or I have a lot of fear in my heart.

"Old Hu, I heard that you used to blackmail those hawkers in the fish market."

"Boss, I have already returned it. I used to blackmail someone 800 yuan, but now I pay 80,000 yuan to him. Moreover, during holidays, I also offer to help deliver the goods. Now the relationship is good. Boss, I really changed my mind." new."

"That's good."

Ge Xiaotian patted his shoulder, and was just about to give him a red envelope with his smart card, but unexpectedly, the unshaven man's knees gave way, and he slumped on the ground, crying bitterly.

"Boss, I'm a good person now and I don't want to mine."

Liu Hai and the others in the back trembled suddenly, and they were about to bend their knees...

Ge Xiaotian picked up Hu Chuan with one hand and stopped the crowd, "What are you doing? Worshiping the pier? Believe it or not, I'll let you all bow to the sea?"


"Okay, sit down wherever you want, let's chat for a while."

hula la...

Everyone scrambled to find a seat, and they all sat down while breathing.

Ge Xiaotian was silent for a moment, summing up his words.

"As we all know, in the north, there are countless iconic development zones of the Tiancheng industrial chain. Now the west is rising strongly and has a series of unique industries. Before I came, the planning of the southern sea area was completed, plus Jianfu and Guangzhou, only the southwest has no Tiancheng industrial chain."

"It's not that Tian Cheng doesn't want to develop the Southwest, but that everything is difficult at the beginning."

"So, in the past year, we invested in Hanzhong Expressway, explored new canals, planned to build Fengdu Bridge, laid logistics enterprises, and built a benchmark community."

"Today, everyone has also seen that everything is ready, and it is short of a big explosion."

"I came here to tell everyone: As long as you have a good idea, as long as you have boldness, as long as you dare to do it, I believe that the history of Fengdu will be written by you."


The audience applauded.

Ge Xiaotian paused for a while, "In 2004, Tiancheng invested in Fengdu Stadium to build the Southwest Sports Center, and introduced Sancha Cup football, XBA basketball, K.O Dance Forest Championship and other events, and Hu Chuan was the project leader."

"Yes, boss!"

"In 2004, Tiancheng invested in Fengdu Vocational Technical Secondary School to build a junior and intermediate vocational education center in Southwest China, and Liu Hai was the project leader."

"Yes, boss."

"Other projects, I will send you back to the smart card. If you are short of money, you can apply for it, if you are short of people, you can contact labor dispatch, and if you are short of equipment, you can handle leasing business. I don't expect everyone to make me much money, because I am not short of money. In 2004, everyone can make a leap forward and become a veritable entrepreneur."


The applause was even louder.

"Okay, it's getting late, so Dong Chi, Teddy, and Tong Ying stay here, and the rest go back to take a closer look at the newly acquired projects, and go to bed early."

ten minutes later.

Ge Xiaotian and the three people left behind came to the office on the second floor.

Teddy saw his own people around, and whispered: "Brother, I brought you all the people."


Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, "Who?"

"Li Wei's younger sister Li Liqin, cousin Tang Zhaoyang, and uncle Li Hongde... It is said that she has two illegitimate children, but unfortunately we couldn't find them."

"???", "Why do I need these people?"

"Aren't we going to negotiate with Li Wei? These are all bargaining chips!"

"To raise your head, what do you think I am doing?"

"Aren't you?"

"Get out of here!"


Tong Ying, who was standing aside, almost laughed out loud, "Boss, Teddy was joking, he only investigated the other party's background."

"No need, we have arrangements in South Vietnam."

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "Let's talk about work, the Hanzhong Expressway has not been connected all the way to the west, and Teddy will have to work hard next."

"Don't worry, brother, the project will be completed before May Day."

"The opening of the new canal is imminent, and Dong Chi will speed up the construction of the pier in Fengdu."

"No problem, I promise not to delay the plan."

"Well, Shuai Bo will come to lay new energy sources later, but he is mainly in charge of the southern waters, and he may stay here for a short time. Then you must actively cooperate with the work, especially laying photovoltaic systems around the highway, building wind power towers around the canal, etc. The project requires a large number of construction teams.”

Ge Xiaotian said, looking at Tong Ying, "Although it is not difficult to recruit workers here, it is difficult to learn the skills, and the training system must be done well."

"Yes, boss."


Nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, Ge Xiaotian went for a routine morning run.

After leaving Tiancheng Headquarters in Fengdu, step onto the Yanjiang Road built by Linjiang. While admiring the industries along the river, you can look at the ever-growing Fengdu County.

For Fengdu, the loss of population in Nandu is a good thing. At least in this remote and small county, in the past year, the permanent resident population has increased by nearly five times to 1.57 million, of which the urban population is 550,000.

You know, this is not Dongshan, but the Southwest, especially the new county town that has been remodeled. Compared with other surrounding areas with such a population, it is simply a metropolis.


Even in the early morning, there are countless boats coming and going on the river, delivering fish, seeing off passengers, and transporting vegetables from the north bank...

And on the embankment, those who eat breakfast, those who jog in the morning, those who exercise...

Before eight o'clock, many shops facing the street opened their doors to welcome customers in advance, and countless tourists came out of hotels, large or small.

People held small flags, or wore yellow hats, or carried all-colored cloth pockets, and went straight to Pingdu Mountain where the underworld was located.

On the hillside of Pingdu Mountain, the King of Hades, who was painted pale white, stared at all this with wide eyes.

"It's better to change it to the Jade Emperor."

Dao Shishi was far away, so he failed to reply.

Ge Xiaotian shrugged, sat down at a roadside stall, ordered two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge, and listened to the diners chatting around.

Where are most of the work started, labor is urgently needed, and how much is the wage.

Only a few people are discussing what technology to learn to make more money.

it `s just normal.

Fengdu is in the early stages of development, and there is no shortage of skilled workers, but a large amount of labor is urgently needed.

But after passing through the initial stage, the situation will be reversed, so Tian Cheng began to set up vocational technical secondary schools, online schools and night schools.

In general, development takes time, and everything has to be done step by step.

After Ge Xiaotian had breakfast, he strolled around the shops facing the street, took a look at the business conditions, and found that almost all consumers were tourists, and there were very few locals.

Dao Shishi explained: "Boss, the products here are expensive and belong to tourist consumption. Local people go to Tiancheng Mall when they buy things."

"This is a bit of a scam. Tourists are also our own customers. We can't use the name of 'tourism consumption' to make more profits from them just because they are tourists."

"what do you mean?"

"Based on operating costs, unify the tourism consumption industry, and formulate transparent product prices. At least, you can't let customers who use our travel system buy products that are higher than the outside price in the tourist area. On the contrary, come to our tourist area. Can you If you buy cheaper and more affordable goods, if the physical store loses money, then let Tianle Travel Group subsidize it, and it will make money no matter what, why bother with a bad reputation of being a 'deceit'?"

"I understand that the price of travel tickets can be increased appropriately. Of course, it is not the ticket price, but the cost of a three-day tour, a five-day tour, etc., but the price of commodities in the tourist area must be reduced, so that more tourists can be attracted. Come to our tourist area to spend. If tourists question our travel fare, we can say: the products in my tourist area are cheaper.”

"What do I mean?"

"Isn't it?"

"I'm not that dark."

"Oh, boss, am I smart? Here's my attention."

While the two were arguing, an accompanying secretary trotted over.

"Boss, Li Wei has arrived in Fengdu."

"Come by yourself?"


"The road is long and the mountain road is bumpy. Help her arrange a hotel, have a rest, and meet again after lunch."


After Ge Xiaotian gave his orders, he turned around and met the old leader of Fengdu, "Hello, leader!"

The latter was still unpretentious, but he changed into a clean suit. Judging by the texture on it, he should have just bought it. It seems that the price tag has not been torn off yet. "Mr. Ge, welcome to Fengdu."

"you are welcome."

Seeing the other party handing the cigarette, Ge Xiaotian quickly took it with both hands, "Leader, is everything okay?"

"Thanks to you, it is thriving."

The current situation of the old leader is actually very difficult.

On one side is Zhao's father and on the other is Yu Zong. The former is in charge of salary, while the latter is in charge of position.

No one can be offended, but they are faced with the problem of dividing Fengdu into districts.

In particular, Mr. Zhao also wanted to acquire land in Fengdu.

"Actually, it's nothing. Stick to the principles, and this matter will pass soon."

"I'm alone. If they dare to move here, I'll be killed at the door of Lao Zhao's house. I don't think the superiors will care."

"No, no, Feng needs a leader like you, so we must not go too far."

Ge Xiaotian quickly dissuaded, "By the way, leader, let's talk about the second round of Fengdu's development plan later."

"no problem."

After chatting for a few words, the two separated, and Ge Xiaotian walked into Tiancheng Shopping Mall.

Passing by the entrance of the hall, I saw a dozen middle-aged men in ragged clothes lying on the ground, seemingly sleeping.

Before it got close, a foul smell came out.

The local customers who walked in behind were not surprised by this and walked away from it.

At this time, the manager of the mall, who had already heard about the arrival of the big boss, rushed over, his face flushed, and he lowered his head and said in a muffled voice, "Boss."

"What's the meaning?"

Ge Xiaotian grumbled at the middle-aged men in the distance.

"They are homeless people in the Nandu subway."

"Then find them a job."

"Boss, Father Zhao arranged security guards to keep an eye on us. Once we send them to... well, Father Zhao will immediately make a fuss about it."

"Hey, the bullying is on my old Ge's head."

Ge Xiaotian was amused by this tactic, "The board of directors was easy to talk and persuade, so I dispelled the idea of ​​Xiaoye looking for trouble with him. Now, he took the initiative to provoke me, so I can't blame me."

Dao Shiyi cheered up instantly, "Boss, leave this to me."


"Tonight, I will dance on the bedside for Old Zhao."

"Go aside."

During the conversation, the homeless man seemed to be hungry, and went to the nearby shops to beg for food, and even approached customers to ask for money.

Ge Xiaotian frowned, "What about our security?"

"It was all because of stopping homeless people. The security guards arranged by Zhao's father took him away, saying that he was disturbing public order."

"Hey, interesting."

Ge Xiaotian grinned, tore off his shirt abruptly, and rushed towards the homeless man, "Help, someone is attacking!"

The manager of the shopping mall shook his head and contacted the monitoring room as soon as possible...

Dao Shishi pressed Tiancheng's highest alert.

In an instant.

Fengdu raised countless aerial photography aircraft...

the other side.

Boss Yu kicked over his beloved desk, furious, "Check it out for me, I want to see who has the guts to assassinate Ge Hei...Mr. Ge!"

Tianyu International released current news in just a few seconds: Ge Xiaotian, Chairman of Tiancheng, was assassinated in Fengdu, his injuries are unknown, and he is undergoing emergency rescue.

Board of Directors:"???"

Father Zhao: "???"

Mr. Zhao: "Hurry up and buy me a plane ticket to North America, let's go now!"

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