Build Madness

Chapter 987 Do you think my nickname is just for fun?

It is no small matter for Yu Zong to go crazy.

this day.

Since ten o'clock in the morning, whether it is Fengdu or Nandu, there are few pedestrians on the street, and there are only safety cars whizzing past, and many green pickup trucks covered with canvas.

People couldn't count how many security guards came, let alone how many armed green clothes were dispatched.

only know:

The billionaire who once ran rampant in the North District and now started the steel business was copied away.

The second prince of Nandu, who used to rely on his mother being an executive, was domineering and bullied, and was fed peanuts on the spot because he gathered a crowd to resist.

The Little Overlord of the West District, who had been behind bars three times but always came out quickly for some reason, was put on a green pickup truck together with his parents.



A well-known "big man" either cried, or made noise, or resisted, or wanted to escape, or yelled, but in the end it was inevitable to wear iron chains.

No one is watching, and no one is watching from a distance, but if you pass by some closed doors and windows, you can always vaguely hear:

"My God, don't let them out!"

"If that guy eats peanuts, I will definitely set off firecrackers to celebrate."

"Father, he was finally caught. If you are alive, let him die inside."

"My store finally has hope to get it back."

"Brother, that guy was arrested, we don't need to 'filial piety' this year, the saved money is enough to expand production, and even build a second factory!"

12 o'clock noon.

Mr. Yu appeared on the news channel of Nandu Radio Station and personally gave an official explanation of what happened today, "With the approval of the superiors and a thorough investigation in half a year, today Nandu launched a comprehensive attack on the evil forces... We will never tolerate any infringement of public interests. We look forward to the positive feedback from the general public, and the Nandu General Manager Office Hotline 02..."


the other side.

two hours ago.

Boss Ge, with an 'unknown injury', confronted more than a dozen 'vagrants' controlled by Tianwei.

Normal people, no one wants to wander.

Unless you are depressed, or have mental problems, or are forced, or lazy.

The homeless people in front of them are obviously not in the above category, but are arranged by others.

Talking about homeless people on the subway is just a layer of identity packaging.

"I believe you have all heard of me more or less. I am very busy and only give you two chances."

Ge Xiaotian raised his index finger, "The first chance, who will say it?"

The middle-aged men dressed as homeless men were indifferent, and some even curled their lips secretly.

Obviously, Father Zhao's status in the hearts of this group of people far surpassed Boss Ge's prestige.

"Courage is commendable. Since this is the case, let me open your eyes today."

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, and the staff in the monitoring room turned on the monitor and played the live video.

On screen:

Ge Xiaotian walked into Tiancheng Mall chatting and laughing with Dao Shishi. Suddenly, more than a dozen middle-aged men in ragged clothes who were sleeping in the lobby of the mall rushed up in unison.

Some punched and attacked, some swooped and hugged, some took out short blades, and some took out a black biubiu...

Seeing this scene, the 'vagrants' suddenly widened their eyes, and their pupils were full of disbelief.

What he had experienced personally turned into a scene that he did not remember in the blink of an eye.

This is not about being told what embarrassing things you have done after drinking the pill, but seeing another self doing something you have never done in a sober state.

It's weird, it's scary.

"You guys are lying!"

"It's fake!"


Ge Xiaotian clapped his hands, "With the current technology, it is not difficult to process pictures, but it is impossible to process videos, so this video is real."


More than a dozen middle-aged men dressed as homeless people stared blankly at themselves in the video, unable to refute for a while.

At this time, the staff played the second video.

On screen:

Ge Xiaotian walked into Tiancheng Shopping Mall chatting and laughing with Dao Shishi, and a dozen or so vagrants in ragged clothes raised their long-tube spray guns one after another...

Immediately, the staff played the third video.

On screen:

Ge Xiaotian didn't show up, but Mr. Yu and other leaders walked in, and a dozen or so vagrants in ragged clothes rushed up...

The fourth video: Nandu Tianrong Treasury, five vagrants in ragged clothes are robbing...

Fifth video...

The sixth video...

As the playback progressed, the expressions of more than a dozen middle-aged men became more and more exciting. In the end, all of them were pale and sweaty on their foreheads...

Ge Xiaotian: "Optoelectronic technology subverts the traditional cognition of human beings. Who would have thought that I can get all the scenes I want just by entering your current form into the database, which is very simple and direct.

You know, I can totally create events and events that justify all of this that you guys do in the video.

And I also believe in Tianke's technology, so that the inspection department cannot detect the authenticity of the video... No, this is the live video, because it has no defects. "


"Assault on me, at most a few years, but if I customize a set of videos for each of you, and then arrange to deal with the sufferer, eating peanuts is a small thing, and it will be troublesome if you involve your family.

You know, the reputation system that is being popularized is developed by Tiancheng. If this happens, your wife may be laid off soon, your children will not be able to go to school, your parents will cancel the pension, your unit will take back the housing allocation, and the bank will freeze your deposits. Exactly the same as the roles you play now.

Nowadays, various places are developing rapidly. In order to maintain the image of the city, no one wants to take in homeless people. Most of them will be loaded with garbage trucks in the dead of night and thrown to other areas, and other areas will definitely not want to take in these people. , and then use the muck truck to transport them to more remote places. If you encounter black brick kilns or black coal mines during the period, you close relatives can help them work for free.

It's easy to talk about men, women with little strength may be sold to poor mountain valleys, in case the other party is a desperate?

What's even more desperate is that the man's body is exhausted by carrying bricks and mining, and it's useless to wait... Look at the beggars on the street with missing arms and legs, how miserable are they? "

"Ge Heizi!!!"

A middle-aged man couldn't bear the blow, his spirit almost collapsed, and he struggled frantically, but was forcibly held down by Tianwei.

"You think my nickname is just for fun?"


"Let's talk, the second chance is also the last chance. I have explained the ins and outs of the matter, and after serving my sentence, I will arrange jobs for you, so that you will have nothing to worry about in your life."

"I'm recruiting, I'm recruiting, it's a man named..."


half an hour later.

The security chief of Nandu and the green clothes chief of Southwest got the edited confession video.

The latter seemed to think of something, hesitantly said: "Xiao Ge, are you sure this is not an analog video?"

"According to the agreement we signed with the Nine Institutes and the board of directors, all simulated videos must be encrypted, otherwise we will be held accountable. If such a big thing happened, how dare I use the simulated video as a fake?"

"That's good, if that's the case, let's go back and start our operations, and follow the clues."

"I wish you all the best, but that's an old fox. Everyone knows the reason why geckos cut off their tails, so don't have too much hope."

"What's your opinion, Xiao Ge?"

"Sorry, I'm just a businessman and I don't want to get involved in this matter."



After the joint law enforcement took away more than a dozen 'vagrants', Ge Xiaotian checked the time. It was two and a half hours before meeting Li Wei.

Simply call out the monitoring system of the Southern Metropolis to appreciate the super storm that is rare in a century.

Dao Eleven explained:

"This is a well-known local steel merchant in Southern Metropolis. He used to be regarded as the 'big brother'. Later, he used Mr. Zhao's influence to wash his hands and engaged in the steel processing business. He distributed half of the profits to Mr. Zhao's cousin every year. Last year, he bought a batch of channel steel from our Dongshan. He made half of the profit when he transported it to Nandu, but in fact, he forced the buyer to increase the price by means of evil methods."

"This is a famous little bully in Nandu. In junior high school, he would force girls, but he was suppressed by his parents. In high school, he got killed in a fight, and he was suppressed again. He was crushed to death some time ago..."

"This is the second prince of Nandu, second only to Young Master Zhao, and his father is Father Zhao's old partner..."

"This is……"

Numerous 'big shots' were on the lookout, Ge Xiaotian roughly counted, at least more than two thousand were killed by Lao Yu, not counting Father Zhao's gang who hadn't yet entered the set.

"At a critical moment in the game, Zhao's father must have left behind. He ordered Tianrong to keep an eye on the signs of the opponent's capital flow, and then notify Teddy's godmother, Mother Star Development Bank, Standard Chartered Bank of England, etc., to prevent Zhao and his son from transferring assets."

"Good boss."

"Let's go and meet Li Wei."


Nandu compound.

Father Zhao's face was calm, and he sat quietly at the desk.

He already knew the cause of the storm in Nandu, but the homeless people were not arranged by him, but 'pig teammates' who had already entered.

"This matter will not affect us. The most important thing at the moment is to do everything possible to transfer the invisible assets to the names of reliable people and then legalize them."


The old man who served as a military adviser and partner was deeply convinced, "It's just that there are many assets and a huge amount, and it needs to be handled by Chen Donghai."

"Ge Heizi has been eyeing Chen Donghai for a long time, otherwise he wouldn't have made an appointment with Li Wei. We must find an 'outsider'."

"So... Wei Changfeng?"

"He has been frightened by Ge Heizi and is unreliable."

"New Magic City Chamber of Commerce?"

"There are too many people talking."

"In this way, the only ones who are reliable and can handle huge amounts of assets are counted, and only Old King Longtian remains."

"He is indeed one of his own and can be trusted, but he is too upright to do such a thing."

Zhao's father shook his head and pondered for a moment, "Contact Xiangjiang Li, his identity and status are extraordinary, and he also has connections in England."

"Can you believe it?"

"Giving sufficient benefits is more trustworthy than trustworthy."

"Okay!" The old man got up and was about to leave.

Father Zhao said again: "Mr. Yu is not someone to wait for nothing, especially in the economic field. He went crazy this time and cut so many chess pieces. The matter is far from over."

"what do you mean?"

"There are a lot of positions on the chessboard, and the rest are almost all our people. Under the temptation of huge interests, there is no guarantee that someone can't help but take a shot, but those people were arrested. In addition to their own innocence, the company also has a lot of bad debts, so , fell into Mr. Yu's trap."

"Hiss... this move is ruthless enough."

"Order, no one can act rashly."

"I'm afraid I can't control it..."

"If you are not obedient, just give up, and save yourself from being burned."



the other side.

Li Wei arrived in Nandu as early as yesterday, and secretly discussed with Father Zhao for a long time.

Ge Heizi made an appointment and mentioned big business, it was nothing more than Tiancheng entering the southern market and wanting to use his own business plan.

According to Zhao's father, this matter is easy to discuss, as long as Tian Cheng shows sincerity and proposes a plan that satisfies both parties, he will agree to it.

Therefore, Li Wei relaxed her mind and no longer worried about what Ge Heizi would do to her.

But she never expected that Ge Heizi would set off a super storm in Fengdu.

Li Wei didn't know if this storm would affect her decision to make an appointment with Zhao's father, let alone if she would be involved in this storm.

With this feeling in mind, she met Ge Xiaotian.

The other party is still so young, so handsome, so rich...

"If I can be more than ten years younger, without so many messy things, maybe I can become Li Xiuxiu, no, I can do better than Li Xiuxiu!" '

At this moment, Li Wei actually came up with an extremely absurd idea, and even fell into it a little bit.

"Li Dong?"

"Oh, Mr. Ge, hello."

"Fengdu is far away, and the mountain road is bumpy. I think I didn't have a good rest all morning. I should postpone the meeting until tomorrow. I'm sorry, Mr. Li."

"Mr. Ge is polite."

Li Wei looked at the gentle and refined young man in front of him, who was completely different from what he had seen in his impression, and his mind was in a trance again.

Ge Xiaotian observed the words and expressions, and soon found that the other party's expression was wrong, especially the way he looked at himself, almost showing a heart...

I don't even use beauty tricks!

"Ahem, Mr. Li, please."

Lunch is arranged at the "Tingyu Pavilion" under Tianfu Group. The name is taken from the Yijian sect in the 3D online game Dragon Continent. The overall layout also fully matches the game scene. As the first batch of stable customers.

Go into the box.

The service staff delivered famous dishes in central Sichuan: Dongpo pork, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices, boiled cabbage.

For two people to eat, four dishes are enough.

Ge Xiaotian moved the bowl and chopsticks, and chatted: "I heard that Li Dongzu is from South Vietnam?"

"Mr. Ge was misled by the Taoist rumors. My family has lived in Nanyun for generations. It was only in the 1930s that we moved to South Vietnam to escape the war. After the South Vietnam War broke out, we couldn't live there. We just moved to South Vietnam in the 1970s. Return to Nagumo."


Ge Xiaotian was 'thoughtful', "But I heard from a friend in South Vietnam that your grandfather had great status in South Vietnam, and he was one of the few... Well, he is equivalent to a big landlord, with tens of millions of assets, tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land, and a very prosperous family Otherwise, where did your father get so much money as a financial businessman? How could he have a deep friendship with Nanyun Index Finger at that time?"

Li Wei's face froze, with an unnatural expression, "Mr. Ge, don't be joking, my grandfather is a local farmer in Nanyun, how could he be a rich man? This matter has been recorded in Nanyun's hometown. My father and Nanyun's index finger are just business There is no personal friendship in the investment relationship.”

"With Li Dong's current status, it is completely possible to falsify the records. After all, what my South Vietnamese friend said is quite credible."

"I wonder who your South Vietnamese friend is?"

"Chairman of Nanyue."


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