Chapter 145 Nick Fury

At this moment, Ivan Vanke let out a painful cry and staggered against the pillar, holding his broken arm.

Ye Zixun came to his senses instantly, took out the anesthetic gun from his waist, and accurately aimed at Ivan Vanke's neck.


A bullet containing a special anesthetic hit Ivan Vanko in the neck.

Ivan Vanke's body stiffened, and then his left arm dropped weakly and he fell limply to the ground.

Ye Zixun took out a black certificate from his arms, raised it high, walked into the venue, and shouted loudly.


Hearing the familiar voice, Natasha breathed a sigh of relief, quietly put the pistol back into her bag, and stood up pretending to be scared.

Ye Zixun first checked Ivan Vanke's condition and saw that blood was still flowing from his broken arm, so he took out a piece of hemostatic agent and stuck it into his broken arm, temporarily saving his life.

Later, Ye Zixun stepped over Ivan Vanke's body, came to Tony, and said with a serious expression: "Mr. Stark, we have reason to suspect that this terrorist wearing simple armor is coming for you. I It is recommended that you accept our protection..."

"Accept your protection?"

Tony glanced at him, then stepped on the center of the red suitcase.

In an instant, the red-painted Mark V steel suit quickly unfolded, and the flowing red metal covered the whole body at an extremely fast speed, completely wrapping Tony Stark's body.

In just a few seconds, Tony Stark transformed into Iron Man wearing a silver-red suit.

Tony turned his head and glanced at Ye Zixun lightly with his bright white visor.

"I can protect myself..."

After saying that, Tony walked towards the unconscious Ivan Vanke, took off the energy source that lit up on his chest, and silently looked at the simple Ark reactor in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

Natasha comforted the frightened Pepper, then came to Ye Zixun and whispered: "You are late."

Ye Zixun looked at the floor covered in blood and the three corpses lying in a pool of blood, and nodded silently.

Natasha also sighed quietly and blamed herself: "I should have taken action."

Ye Zixun shook his head and said: "I don't blame you. You have your own mission and cannot be exposed until the critical moment. If you want to blame me, it's because I am too conceited and believe in my own judgment too much, which led to the death of several people at the hands of Ivan Vanke." .”

Having said this, Ye Zixun paused and asked in a low voice: "But, what was that golden lightning just now?"

Natasha shook her head: "I don't know, but I suspect it may be related to the target of my investigation."

Kama Taj, Library.

Lin Zhongtian's hand that was flipping through the pages of the book paused slightly, and then thoughtfully closed the heavy ancient book in front of him.

The gray mist coin engraved with the seal of the void contained a trace of his remaining consciousness. It was this trace of consciousness that activated the gray mist, transformed it into golden lightning, and saved Tony Stark in time.

At the same time, Lin Zhongtian also saw everything that happened at the banquet through the gray fog's vision.

Including Natasha who quietly pulled out a pistol, and finally the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who hurried over.

Since the gray fog's field of vision is a high-dimensional white-eye-like perspective, Lin Zhongtian clearly saw the Hulk serum carried by Ye Zixun. The liquid stored in the needle-free syringe contained extremely rich vitality.

"What is that? Could it be the Super Soldier Serum?"

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian suddenly became interested. He gently raised his right hand, and in the shocked eyes of the librarian Master Wang, he showed him the Wuxuan Ring to open the golden spark portal.

Later, Lin Zhongtian put the ancient book back into its original position through the portal, opened a new portal and walked into it.

On the other side, the unconscious Ivan Vanke had been arrested by the local police and, after simple treatment, was locked into a cell awaiting interrogation.

Not long after, Tony Stark, wearing casual clothes and accompanied by Ye Zixun, came outside the cell and looked at the unconscious one-armed man in the cell through the iron fence.

"How long will it take for him to wake up?"

"I'll probably have to lie down for a few hours..."

Ye Zixun shrugged and said: "Thanks to logistics, the things I use have greater stamina. If you have something to ask him, it's best to stay here for two more days and wait for him to recover."


Tony twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at him, and suddenly said: "You are not the FBI!"

Ye Zixun thought for a while and smiled: "I can be."

Tony thought thoughtfully, seeming to understand what he meant.

"Let me guess, is your boss that annoying black bald one-eyed man?"

"...Huh?" Ye Zixun's eyes widened when he heard this, and he quickly raised his hand and said, "Boss, you must listen clearly, this is what Tony Stark said himself, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"No need to explain. Although I am blind in one eye, there is nothing wrong with my ears."

Faint words came from behind, Tony raised his eyebrows and turned around.

I saw a black bald man wearing a black trench coat and a black eye patch walking from behind.

It was Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, who had met Tony Stark.

"I told you, I have no interest in your super secret boy band."

"Haha." Nick Fury laughed when he heard this, shook his head and said, "Of course you are not interested. I remember you said that no matter what you do, you want to do it by yourself. What is the result now?"

"..." Tony fell silent.

Nick Fury said calmly: "Four days ago, you confidently announced at the auscultation meeting that no one would be able to imitate your steel armor and Ark reactor in the next 20 years, but in just four days, a tattooed man Wearing simple steel armor and the same Ark reactor as you, he appeared in front of you and killed three people in front of you."

"who is he?"

Tony asked suddenly.

Nick Fury turned to look at Ye Zixun, who very wisely introduced the identity of Ivan Vanke to his boss.

After listening to Ye Zixun's introduction, Tony frowned tightly.

"Since you already knew that he would come for me, why didn't you remind me?"

"Remind you?" Nick Fury sneered, "Who do you think you are? Do you think you are Iron Man and a billionaire, and the whole world revolves around you?"

"And who told you that we already knew the whereabouts of Ivan Vanko?"

With that said, Nick Fury pointed to Ye Zixun beside him and said: "Rivers Skinner, a seventh-level SHIELD agent, is responsible for investigating the mysterious exoskeleton warrior incident that appeared in Russia. He is my most powerful person." One of the outstanding agents, but even he spent more than half a month to find out Ivan Vanke’s identity this morning.”

"As for Ivan Vanke's whereabouts, it is Rivers's guess."

"He is not sure that the target will definitely appear here. He is allowed to come alone because of his past experience and my trust in his ability. To be honest, I have more important things in the southwestern region of the United States. Unless this matter involves you, I will never waste my best manpower in Morocco, let alone come here in person."

Hearing this, Tony couldn't help but turn his head and look at Ye Zixun.

Ye Zixun nodded, confirming that what Nick Fury said was true.

Tony frowned: "So what exactly do you want to say?"

Nick Fury looked into Tony's eyes and said calmly: "I want to tell you that the world is still the same world, and nothing has changed because you became Iron Man. Even at this moment, in every corner of the world, there is still There's a lot of evil going on, and my people are fighting in these dark corners that you can't see."

"And you, the great Iron Man, the famous billionaire Tony Stark, even if you are not willing to condescend to join us, please don't hold us back, let alone become a problem that needs our intervention like you are now. …”

"Problem person?" Tony frowned, "What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

Nick Fury said calmly: "Right now, I have at least three things related to you. The first thing is your steel armor. The military is trying to force you to hand over your technology, and at least hand over a finished product. And I’m easing your relationship with the military.”

"The second thing is this Ivan Vanke. Like you, he has mastered the technology of the Micro Ark Reactor. No one is sure whether this person has sold this technology to ambitious forces on the earth. As for the third The other thing is that thing on your chest - how about it, the feeling of palladium metal poisoning should be unpleasant, right?"

"If you need it, I can give you some lithium dioxide, which can relieve the symptoms of palladium metal poisoning..."

Perhaps because he was a little distracted by Nick Fury's words, Tony subconsciously shook his head in rejection.

"No, I feel fine now."

"Oh?" Nick Fury's eyes flashed, "Someone solved the problem of palladium metal poisoning for you. Who was it? The person who gave you a white jade coin that can emit golden lightning? What's his name?"


Tony Stark spoke subconsciously, then suddenly came back to his senses and frowned tightly.

"Wait, are you trying to trick me?"

"How do you know this?"

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