Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 146 There is no absolutely safe system

Ye Zixun looked at Nick Fury with admiration. If he didn't accept anything else, he would only accept his boss's words.

Being able to make the rebellious Iron Man lose his mind is not something that ordinary agents can do.

Nick Fury shook his head and said: "How do I know? It's not important. What's important is that the mysterious man who cured your palladium metal poisoning is probably a more dangerous problem person than you."


Tony had come to his senses at this moment, his expression a little uncertain.

"You have been monitoring me. By what means have you hacked into my security system?"

"What do you mean?"

Nick Fury had an unknown smile on his face.

There is no absolutely safe system in the world, and even a smart guy like Tony Stark cannot build an iron-clad wall without loopholes.

In other words, it is precisely because Tony Stark is so smart that he believes so much in his own technical level that he ignores a very important part of his own security system-that is, people.

Nick Fury doesn't intend to reveal Natasha's identity just yet.

Before actually finding the mysterious man, Natasha, who was undercover next to Tony, was a trump card in his hand.

Looking at the inscrutable look on Nick Fury's face, Tony Stark was in a very bad mood.

In just three hours, he first met a Russian who had mastered the manufacturing technology of the Ark reactor, and then learned the bad news from the bald braised egg that his own security system was useless to SHIELD.

The successive blows made him doubt his own technical level for the first time in his life.

After a long silence, Tony suddenly laughed at himself: "You don't think I can contact him, do you?"

Nick Fury frowned slightly: "You mean, he has been contacting you all this time?"

Tony nodded: "That's right."

Nick Fury immediately speculated: "Then he must want something from you. What does he want?"

Tony glanced at him: "Since you have been spying on me, don't you know what he wants?"

Nick Fury shook his head: "Don't think too highly of us. I only know that you gave him a supercomputer, but I feel that this is definitely not what he wants most."

It has to be said that Nick Fury has a very keen sense of smell.

Tony looked at him deeply, shook his head and said: "I can't tell you this, I can only say that if I have to choose between you and him, I will choose him without hesitation! "

Nick Fury was surprised: "Is there anyone in this world that you dare not offend?"

Tony suddenly laughed and seemed to have regained his confidence: "Nick Fury, I'll give you the same words again. Don't think that you are the director of SHIELD. The world will revolve around you. You are just like me." , knowing nothing about the truth of this world.”

After saying that, Tony chuckled, turned and left the cell.

Ye Zixun finished watching the play on the side and leaned in front of Nick Fury thoughtfully.

"Boss, what do you say?"

"..." Nick Fury came back to his senses and glanced at him, "Ivan Vanko has been arrested. I will extradite him to the United States as soon as possible. Your mission ends here. Next, you will be responsible for investigating this case." There is a mysterious target named Lin, I will pass on all the information that Agent Natasha has investigated to you, so investigate it carefully!"

With that said, Nick Fury patted Ye Xun on the shoulder, turned around and left here.

Ye Zixun happily agreed, and then looked at Nick Fury's back thoughtfully.

The mysterious figure who changed the plot...

Who is the one?

For some reason, Ye Zixun felt an inexplicable expectation in his heart.

On the other side, Tony Stark lost interest in interrogating Ivan Vanko. After leaving the cell, he took a private jet and left Monaco without stopping, flying towards California, the United States.

On the plane, Tony looked absently at the clouds outside the window.

Pepper looked at the TV screen in front of him calmly.

On the screen, the senator who was severely criticized by Tony during the hearing said sarcastically to the camera: "It turns out that the devil in the bottle has been released, but our Mr. Stark is still like a Naive children regard Iron Man as a toy, and he firmly stated at the hearing that no one will be able to imitate the Iron Man suit within the next twenty years."

"But now, we have seen the same steel armor in Monaco - click!"

Tony turned off the TV and shrugged: "I have known for a long time that this guy is blind. No one with eyes can say the same thing about steel armor. My Mark series armor is higher than he doesn't know." Where have you gone!"

"Of course I know this..."

A helpless smile appeared on Pepper's face: "But I am the CEO of Stark Industries, and you personally appointed me. Do you remember? I need to watch this news interview so that I can know how to face the media when I go back." say."

"……you're right."

Tony pursed his lips and turned on the TV again.

At this moment, golden sparks appeared out of thin air in the cabin.

Tony was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Lin Zhongtian walking out wearing a pure white T-shirt.

"How did you come?"

"What do you think?" Lin Zhongtian glanced at him, "Is the lucky coin I gave you broken?"


Tony subconsciously touched his breast pocket and sighed: "Yes, it saved my life."

Lin Zhongtian sat across from the two of them. He picked up a piece of exquisite dessert from the table in front of him and put it into his mouth with an expression of admiration on his face.

“Sweet but not greasy, good stuff!”

"If you like it, I'll give it to you."

Lin Zhongtian smiled when he heard this, looked into Tony's eyes and said softly: "The better the thing, the more you have to try it briefly."

Tony twitched the corner of his mouth and shook his head: "If it weren't for your extremely young face, I would have thought that the person sitting in front of me was an old man with a gray beard. How did you develop such an old mentality at such a young age?"

Lin Zhongtian said calmly: "Who told you that I am very young?"

Tony was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and looked at his young face in disbelief.

Pepper couldn't help but widen her eyes, and after considering her words, she said, "How old...are you this year?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "I don't know, but it should be bigger than all of you combined!"

Tony and Pepper looked at each other and couldn't help but said: "Excuse me, are you really from Earth?"

Lin Zhongtian chuckled and said: "Of course, it will be replaced if it's fake!"

Even with Lin Zhongtian's personal confirmation, Tony and Pepper were still a little unbelievable.

Lin Zhongtian asked with a smile: "If I guessed correctly, someone should ask you to investigate my matter today, right?"

Tony sighed and nodded: "Yes, they have been monitoring me, and they also hacked into my security system, and then they learned about you - but don't worry, except for some things that can be found Besides, I didn’t tell them anything.”

At this point, Tony paused and said awkwardly: "Maybe there is a last name..."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you don't know me well anyway, so what if you tell them everything. As for your security system, don't underestimate yourself. If you are not the smartest genius in the world, I will Why would I want to trade with you?"

Tony was startled for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he said, "You mean, there is no problem with my security system?"

Lin Zhongtian recalled the plot and nodded: "At least there should be no problem for now."

"Then how did they do it?" Tony was deep in thought, suddenly raised his eyebrows and said thoughtfully, "There are their undercovers in the company - Pepper, are you an undercover?"

"What do you think?"

Pepper rolled her eyes at him angrily.

Tony nodded: "Very good, you are not an undercover agent. Then help me check when you go back. Who has handled these holographic projection devices and the 'Qianzhan' supercomputer these days."

Pepper nodded and agreed, silently writing this matter into his schedule after returning home.

Tony turned his head, looked at Lin Zhongtian and said seriously: "Can you give me another lucky coin? I feel that my luck has been bad recently, and I urgently need some treasures blessed by the master to turn around."

Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but laugh when he heard these two sentences in Chinese.

"You do understand very well!"

"I understand a little bit, I understand a little bit."

Tony smiled and pushed the dessert tray away from the table, placing the red suitcase next to him on the table.

"How about I exchange this portable Mark V steel armor?"


Lin Zhongtian nodded somewhat unexpectedly, as if he did not expect an unexpected gain.

But he also knew that this was Tony's tactful way of thanking him for his advice and life-saving grace.

Of course, being able to take this opportunity to get another life-saving lucky coin is also a very worthwhile thing for Tony.

The deal was concluded, and Tony transferred the authority of this portable steel armor to Lin Zhongtian.

Afterwards, Lin Zhongtian revealed the real purpose of his trip, which was to entrust Tony to help investigate the Chinese agent.

Tony also readily agreed.

Soon, Jarvis investigated Ye Zixun's apparent life trajectory.

"In addition to Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Mr. Rivers also has two identities on the surface, namely an FBI agent and a partner of the law firm Skinner \u0026 Dane."

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