Bruce Banner smiled bitterly when he heard this, shook his head and said, "I know everything you said, but I don't have time."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and threw a blue-covered book on the table, and said softly: "This exercise book is called "Qing Jing Gong". It contains the original original text of the Qing Jing Sutra. If you understand Chinese, you should not need to translate it. You should recite it every morning and evening. After ten times, you will be able to calm down and practice to a deep level, and you can also control the flow of qi and blood in the body..."


Bruce Banner picked up the Qing Jing Kung on the table and looked a little moved.

No way, Lin Zhongtian's newly revealed hand of golden thunder is really convincing. At first glance, he is a real expert, maybe one of those immortals who travel around the mountains and seas in Chinese legends.

When Bruce Banner was in China, he often heard legends such as "immortal teachings".

After thinking for a moment, Bruce Banner accepted the blue book, turned to look at Lin Zhongtian and asked:

"what do you want from me?"

"Of course it's you, or the blood of that big green guy in your body."

Bruce Banner frowned slightly, then took out the blue book in his arms and put it back on the table.

"Sorry, I can't agree."

"Don't worry, I won't use it to create monsters."

"But you want to study it." Bruce Banner said calmly, "Besides, even if I am willing to trade with you, I am afraid that the other home in my body will not be what you want."

"Then why not give it a try?"

Lin Zhongtian had a smile on his face.

Bruce Banner was slightly startled.

The next second, golden lightning burst out from Lin Zhongtian's body, covering Bruce Banner's vision.

Bruce Banner was so frightened and angry that he finally no longer suppressed the Hulk personality in his body.

In an instant, Banner's skin began to turn green rapidly, and the swollen muscles burst his clothes.

In just a few seconds, Bruce Banner changed from an elegant intellectual to a two-meter-seven-meter-tall Hulk with green tendons all over his body.


Hulk roared at Lin Zhongtian, then raised his huge fist and smashed the golden lightning in front of him.

There was just a loud noise, and the air in front of Hulk was exploded by the punch. The surging air waves spread in all directions, but the golden lightning disappeared without knowing when.

"Finally it showed up."

Lin Zhongtian showed a smile on his face and waved his right hand gently.

The ceiling above his head and the surrounding walls suddenly flowed, like waves of metal and concrete, turning into a floor with complicated patterns under his feet under Lin Zhongtian's control.

In the blink of an eye, the place the two of them were in changed from a cramped house to a spacious outdoor space.

Looking at the building fragments and towering ancient trees floating in the air around him, Hulk couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

It turned out that at the moment Banner transformed into Hulk, Lin Zhongtian put away the golden lightning and opened the mirror space at the same time, covering the entire house at extremely fast speeds.

Hulk personality aside, Lin Zhongtian still has a good impression of Bruce Banner in human form, and naturally he will not let his hideout be destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

After coming back to his senses, Hulk roared again, kicked off his feet, and hit Lin Zhongtian with his green fist.

This time, Lin Zhongtian did not dodge or evade. He raised his left hand and actually blocked Hulk's right punch with his arm.

Terrifying power erupted from the point where their wrists came into contact, setting off strong air waves and shock waves.

The whistling air turned into a violent wind, blowing the black hair around Lin Zhongtian's ears.

Feeling the powerful power contained in Hulk's body, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but sigh.

"As expected of Hulk!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Zhongtian waved his palm lightly and hit Hulk in the chest.

In an instant, Bruce Banner felt as if his soul had been hit hard. His whole body flew backwards like a truck hit, and then passed straight through a barrier like a water curtain, completely breaking through the shackles of his body.


Hulk's body fell to the ground, his size quickly shrank, and the bulging green muscles also quickly disappeared.

At the same time, the soul of Bruce Banner floating in the air quickly degenerated from the Hulk state into a human being.

Looking at his own naked body at his feet, Bruce Banner was filled with astonishment and couldn't help but look at Lin Zhongtian.

"What's this?!"

"Astral projection, or spiritual projection." Lin Zhongtian raised his head with a smile and looked at the soul floating in the air and explained, "But I prefer the name in China-Chu Yin Shen."

"..." Bruce Banner looked at him blankly, "You mean, you pushed my soul out of my body."

"That's right." Lin Zhongtian nodded and said with a smile, "You understand quickly!"

Bruce Banner had a complex expression on his face, feeling that his worldview had been completely overturned by this palm.

"Now I believe that the exercise you gave me is really effective."

"So...the deal is done?"

"Do I still have the right to refuse?"

Bruce Banner looked at him with a complicated face and said.

Lin Zhongtian nodded seriously and said: "Of course, I have already said that this is a transaction between you and me, but I really want to facilitate this transaction, so I have to show you some means - now you should believe it Am I sincere?"


Bruce Banner fell into deep thought. After a long time, he nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you."

"very good!"

With a smile on Lin Zhongtian's face, he took out an ordinary-sized syringe, squatted down and began to draw Bruce Banner's blood.

Bruce Banner just looked at it with complicated eyes at first.

But as he watched, Bruce Banner suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The syringe, which had a capacity of only 20 milliliters at most, was not filled even after being pumped for three consecutive minutes.

What's even more outrageous is that his body was directly transformed from the human state into the Hulk by Lin Zhongtian.

What does this mean...

It means that his body has sensed a fatal crisis and had to transform into the Hulk state.

How much blood did you draw from me? !

Bruce Banner's soul's face turned dark, and he quickly fell from the air to Lin Zhongtian.

"Hey, hey, that's it. Do you want to drain all the blood from my body?"

"Don't worry, you won't die so easily..."

Lin Zhongtian said casually while pulling out the needle with regret.

He took a total of 4,500 ml of blood. This amount would have been several times more lethal for an ordinary person, but it was nothing to Hulk, who had extremely strong regenerative and hematopoietic abilities.

When Lin Zhongtian pulled out the needle, Hulk produced more blood at an extremely fast speed to fill the gap that was lost, even more than before he extracted it.

After collecting Hulk's blood, Lin Zhongtian snapped his fingers.

Bruce Banner's soul suddenly felt a strong suction, and his whole body flew into his body unconsciously like a baby swallow falling into the forest, reuniting with his body and soul.

After returning to his body, Bruce Banner got up from the ground and looked at his green palms in surprise.

This is the first time he has consciously controlled the Hulk's body.

"How is this going?"

"What else could be going on..." Lin Zhongtian shrugged, looked at Bruce Banner and said calmly, "He was scared by me, so he didn't dare to come out for the time being."

Bruce Banner twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said in surprise: "I can understand that he won't come out, but why hasn't his power faded?"

"You have to ask yourself." Lin Zhongtian was in a good mood, so he explained with a chuckle, "What do you think the Hulk is, a monster living in your body?"

"No, he is you, you are him."

"You may have different memories and personalities, but you share the same soul."

Bruce Banner thoughtfully said: "You mean, Hulk is actually my split personality?"

Lin Zhongtian thought for a while and said: "The real situation may be a little more complicated than this, but this understanding is not wrong."

Afterwards, Lin Zhongtian waved his hand to open a golden portal. As he stepped into it, he waved his hand and said, "The deal is done. I wish you an early reconciliation with Hulk. Goodbye, Dr. Banner!"

After saying that, Lin Zhongtian's figure completely disappeared into the closed portal.

The strange mirror space surrounding the landscape quickly collapsed, pushing Bruce Banner out of the Hulk state.

Back in the room, Bruce Banner stared blankly at the intact rooms around him, then lowered his head, looked at his green palms and said seriously: "Hulk, I think it's time for us to have a good talk. .”

As soon as he finished speaking, the green color on his skin quickly faded, as if Hulk was responding to his request.

"Well, it seems you don't want to communicate with me yet..."

Bruce twitched the corner of his mouth and shook his head. After changing his clothes, he picked up the blue book on the table and started reading.

On the other side, New Mexico.

A cordon has been set up around the huge crater, and a temporary observation camp has been set up with simple iron sheets and plastics. The camp is full of vehicles and soldiers armed with live ammunition.

In the square building in the center of the camp, several technicians wearing isolation suits held various instruments to detect the unknown object 084 at the bottom of the crater - Thor's hammer in Norse mythology.

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