"I knew that there was no satellite impact here at all. If that was the case, they should drag away the satellite debris instead of building a city here like now..."

On the hills outside the camp, a blond woman was lying in the grass with a telescope, observing the situation in the camp while complaining to the handsome blond man next to her.

The blonde woman's name is Jane Foster and she is an astrophysicist.

Not long ago, Jane observed a special astronomical phenomenon and was deeply fascinated by it. In order to study this phenomenon, she invited the famous astronomer Dr. Eric Schavig to come over and work with her intern. Together with his assistant Daisy Louise, they came to the outskirts of New Mexico one night a few days ago to prepare to observe this astronomical phenomenon.

Soon, the special astronomical phenomenon Jane was looking forward to did appear.

But what followed was a blond man falling from the sky, that is, the blond man squatting next to Jane at this time.

He seems to be suffering from severe delusion and claims to be Thor Odinson, the God of Thunder in Norse mythology.

Jane and her friends naturally didn't believe it. They planned to take care of him for a few days and then tried to send him to a mental hospital.

But at this moment, Agent Coulson of SHIELD appeared and took away their observation instruments and observation data.

Later, they learned from other customers in the restaurant that on the same night, a satellite crash occurred fifty miles away, and it has now been jointly blocked by the military and police.

After hearing the news, Thor suddenly became excited. He said that the so-called satellite was actually his hammer. He also said that he was the God of Thunder in Nordic mythology. He only temporarily lost his divine power because he was punished by his father. As long as Jane could Help him retrieve Mjolnir, and he can return to Asgard and ascend to the throne of God King.

By then, whatever Jane wants, Sol can give her.

Naturally, Jane would not believe this clumsy fraud method, which was similar to Qin Shihuang's money transfer.

But her astronomical instruments and observation data were also placed in that camp. If she wanted to get her observation data back, she could only take the risk and come here with the Sol instrument.

Hearing Jane's words, Sol smiled slightly, took off his coat and put it on Jane's body.

Jane was a little confused and looked at him in surprise: "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I just think you might need it more than me." Thor said with a smile, "Stay here now, once I get Mjolmir (Thor's Hammer), I will steal them The things will be returned to you..."

"Are you crazy?!"

Jane looked at him in disbelief, pointed to the camp below and whispered: "Open your eyes and take a look. There is at least an army there. Do you think you can walk in with arrogance, pick up our things, and go?" come out?"

"No, I'll fly out."

Thor smiled confidently, and then walked towards the camp under Jane's uncomprehensible eyes.

Looking at Sol's figure quickly approaching the camp fence, Jane couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

"Confident men always exude a different kind of charm, what do you think, Dr. Foster?"

"I think he must be crazy..."

Jane subconsciously complained, then her eyes widened suddenly, she turned around from the ground in horror, and looked at the figure behind her that appeared at an unknown time and opened her mouth in horror.

But before she could scream, her mouth closed tightly involuntarily.

There seemed to be an invisible force controlling her body.


Lin Zhongtian put his finger to his mouth, blinked his eyes, and signaled Jane to keep quiet.

Jane closed her mouth and nodded repeatedly, and then Lin Zhongtian released her from the confinement and gave her her freedom.

"Who are you?"

After regaining control of her body, Jane couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Lin Zhongtian glanced at her, then looked at Sol's back and said softly: "A casual passerby."

Jane was confused after hearing this, and just when she was about to continue asking questions, Saul, who had sneaked into the camp, had already clashed with the patrolling soldiers.

Seeing this scene, Jane wailed in her heart, feeling that she would definitely be arrested as an accomplice tonight.

After thinking about it, Jane ignored Lin Zhongtian beside her, took out her mobile phone and left a message to Dr. Eric.

"Hi, Eric, it's me. Don't worry. I'm fine. I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you and did something I shouldn't have done. In order to prevent me from being speechless next hour, please tell me tomorrow Come to the crater site as soon as possible and try to find me, even if it’s just a body..."


Lin Zhongtian glanced at Jane speechlessly, shook his head, and began to appreciate Thor's battle with the SHIELD agents.

At this moment, Lin Zhongtian suddenly noticed a prying gaze, immediately frowned and turned to look at the source of the gaze.

On the slope not far away, I saw a handsome man wearing a dark green suit with a handsome face and his hair neatly combed behind his head, standing there quietly, holding a black umbrella in his hand, thoughtfully Looking at himself.


Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows and waved hello with interest.

Seeing this scene, Loki was startled for a moment, as if he didn't expect that the other party could actually see him.

When he came back to his senses, Loki's face looked a little ugly. He came here quietly, avoiding Heimdall's eyes. He thought that no one could find his traces, but he didn't expect that Lin Zhongtian would see through him as soon as he appeared. True form.

After thinking for a moment, Loki walked to Lin Zhongtian and said calmly: "Who are you, the mage of Kama Taj?"

Lin Zhongtian thought that he had learned so many Kama Taj's spells, so he nodded and said: "Barely..."

Loki's face showed a look of "Sure enough," and then he said in a calm tone: "For the sake of the Supreme Mage, leave now and I can spare your life."

Lin Zhongtian couldn't help laughing when he heard this, as if he had heard some funny joke.

Loki's face darkened and he snorted coldly: "Arrogant Midgardian, you asked for this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Loki's body lit up with a dense green light, but before he could release even a single spell, the surrounding air suddenly became heavy like the magic engraved on Thor's hammer.

The solid space was like amber wrapped in ancient insects, locking him in place.

Except for the thoughts that are still spinning, everything is frozen at this moment as if time has stopped.

Including the green light on Loki and the invisible dust in the surrounding air.

Jane was startled when she saw the man in a dark green suit suddenly appearing next to her. She quickly got up from the ground and stared at this mysterious man who exuded a dense green aura with wide eyes.

"Who is he?"

"Another casual spectator."

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly, then turned to look at Loki, who was imprisoned in the space by him, with extremely frightened and angry eyes, and said lightly: "We are also famous mage in the nine realms, you are far worse than Gu Yi, she can tell at a glance I have lost my true identity, and you, Loki, the prince of Asgard, are not even aware of the danger of offending me..."

Having said this, Lin Zhongtian suddenly paused, raised his head thoughtfully, and looked at the sky.

Those eyes as deep as the night spanned the layers of space and looked at each other with a pair of golden eyes. It was Heimdall who subconsciously turned his gaze here after Loki appeared.

Seeing that Lin Zhongtian seemed to see himself across space, Heimdall, who was wearing golden armor, suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He couldn't help but clenched the long sword in his hand that could open the Rainbow Bridge.

...Is that Asgard?

Lin Zhongtian looked back thoughtfully, looked at Loki and said calmly:

"For Odin's sake, I can spare your life, so get out!"

After speaking, Lin Zhongtian waved his hand, and a golden spark portal emerged from behind Loki. Behind the door was Heimdall holding a sword on the console of Asgard's Rainbow Bridge with a look of astonishment on his face.

The next second, Loki, who was imprisoned in space, spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards as if he had been hit hard.

After Loki's figure disappeared behind the golden spark portal, Lin Zhongtian turned his head as if nothing had happened and continued to enjoy the battle between Thor and SHIELD agents in the camp as if nothing had happened.

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