Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 161 Odin’s Treasure House

Li Yun could barely afford it at this price, but there was really no need.

His physique value will soon exceed 15. To reach the 20 points of physique required by Godzilla Kung Fu, a large amount of gray mist coins will be consumed, so it is absolutely impossible to spend the gray mist coins on such a place.

After roughly looking at the parameters of [Destroyer (Counterfeit)], Li Yun arranged the transaction list in front of him by price, and then scrolled directly to the bottom of the list, intending to take a look at the most expensive product in the [Pavilion of Rare Treasures]. What is it.

[Void Sphere: It is engraved with the dimensional magic 'Space Confinement'. After activation, it can confine all spaces within a hundred miles. In the imprisoned space, only the holder of the Void Sphere can move freely. When purchasing, you can It has 60 minutes of use time. After it is exhausted, it needs to be recharged by using gray fog coins. Every 1,000 gray fog coins can be recharged for 10 minutes. The price is 50,000 gray fog coins. 】

"Is this the most expensive item in the Treasure Pavilion?"

Looking at the item introduction of [Void Sphere], Li Yun was a little amazed, then shook his head and closed the transaction list in front of him.

The price of 50,000 gray mist coins is not something he can afford at this moment.

It should be said that no one in the entire Traveler Alliance except Lin Zhongtian can afford it.

Lin Zhongtian created this [Void Sphere] just to put it in the Treasure Pavilion for fun, and did not really think that any alliance members would choose to buy it.

After leaving the Treasure Pavilion, Li Yun returned to his room with the newly purchased items, intending to test their power.

Daenerys stayed in the trading hall, listening carefully to Void's introduction to the changes in the Traveler Alliance after her departure.

On the other side, Lin Zhongtian is receiving hospitality from God King Odin and the gods of Asgard in Asgard.

Unlike the banquets on Earth, the Asgardians were full of energy. The banquet lasted for a whole day and night and still had no intention of ending.

Looking down at the Asgardian warriors who were still drinking and having fun, full of laughter and joy, Lin Zhongtian, who was sitting next to Odin, had his cheek muscles twitching, and finally couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "How long will it take for it to end?"

Odin glanced at him and said with a smile: "According to Asgard's custom, it is common for the banquet to last for seven days and seven nights."

Seven days and seven nights? !

Lin Zhongtian twitched the corner of his mouth and whispered suspiciously: "You don't want to drag me here, and then secretly send someone to sort out Odin's treasure house and move all the truly precious treasures away, do you?"

Odin frowned and said, "How is that possible? Do you think I am such a person?"

"Stop pretending, we are all like this." Lin Zhongtian curled his lips and whispered, "Don't try to lie to me. I know what is in your treasure house, at least it must be the eternal fire and the ice." A treasure of this level."

"...You think too highly of me!"

Odin shook his head and sighed: "Since the disappearance of the Cosmic Cube, the highest level treasures in my treasure house are the Eternal Fire and Ice Box you mentioned..."

"Really?" Lin Zhongtian looked suspicious, "I don't believe it, unless you take me to see it now - let alone wait for the banquet to be over, I can sit here for a day and a night, which is already a great honor to you! "

Seeing that Lin Zhongtian was already showing signs of impatience, Odin thought for a moment, waved his hand to create an illusion constructed by divine power, then stood up from the Supreme Throne with Gungnir's gun in hand, and looked at Lin Zhongtian beside him.

"follow me."

After speaking, Odin gently waved the spear in his hand, and the figure in golden armor disappeared from the spot instantly.

Lin Zhongtian sensed the traces left by Odin, waved his hand to tear open a crack in space, and came to his side.

Looking at Lin Zhongtian walking out of the silver crack, Odin was not surprised. Ever since Lin Zhongtian tore apart the space and forced his way through the protection he laid to enter Asgard, Odin knew that the other party must have very powerful space authority.

To put it bluntly, in front of Lin Zhongtian, the entire space protection of Asgard was like soap bubbles in the sun, which looked gorgeous but burst at the first touch.

Even if Odin doesn't lead the way, he will find the location of Odin's treasure house sooner or later.

"It seems that we can only spend money to eliminate the disaster..."

Odin sighed, then held out a hand.

Golden brilliance bloomed in his palm, and the golden door in front of him slowly opened.

Following Odin's footsteps, Lin Zhongtian finally walked into Odin's treasure house, which is quite famous in the entire universe.

Walking on the metal floor, Lin Zhongtian curiously looked at the treasures on the stands on both sides.

"Can you introduce it to me?"

"Of course, my friend."

Odin came to the first booth on the left with Gungnir's gun in hand. He looked at the eye-shaped magic weapon above and said, "This is the magic weapon that the Supreme Mage once used - the Warlock's Eye. It can dispel Darkness and illusion can also detect the future, and the Supreme Mage once used it to resist Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension."

"Sounds like a good thing."

Lin Zhongtian nodded, glanced at Odin and asked, "But, how come it appears in your treasure house?"

Odin smiled and said: "Of course it was given to me by the Supreme Mage!"

Lin Zhongtian doubted: "Really?"

Odin chuckled and said: "You underestimate the Supreme Mage. The treasures collected by Karma Taj are no less than my treasure house. Although this Warlock's Eye is precious, it is nothing to the Supreme Mage."


Lin Zhongtian's eyes lit up, and he seemed a little moved.

Odin glanced at him, coughed slightly, and continued to move forward, arriving at the next booth and introducing: "This is the life card, from Atlantis, a civilization that has disappeared on earth, with the equation of the evolution of life engraved on it. , it is said that as long as you crack the equation of life, you can continue to evolve according to the equation of life, and even evolve into the supreme life, possessing unlimited power and wisdom."

This sounds somewhat similar to gray fog...

Lin Zhongtian was thoughtful and suddenly asked: "Have you deciphered it?"

Odin shook his head: "Not yet."

Lin Zhongtian curled his lips, looked away and said, "Forget it then, next one."

Odin continued forward and came to the booth where the Infinity Gauntlet was displayed.

Unlike the left-hand glove worn by Thanos, the Infinity Gauntlet in front of you is the right hand, inlaid with six shining gems. Although the gems contain powerful energy, they are obviously not comparable to the real Infinity Stones.

Before Odin could introduce him, Lin Zhongtian shook his head and said, "Fake, next one."

Odin twitched the corner of his mouth and continued to move forward, standing in front of a blue ice box.

"The Box of Ice is an artifact of the Jotunheim Frost Giants in the Nine Realms. It contains infinite ice energy. If all of it is released, it will be enough to freeze the entire planet and return it to the Ice Age."

"...the real thing?"

"Of course it's the real thing!"

"Good, that's it, there are two left."

Lin Zhongtian nodded with satisfaction and put away the Ice Box in front of Odin.

Odin's heart was bleeding, but he still had to take Lin Zhongtian with him to continue the introduction.

"This is the Ball of Agamotto. It is a treasure that I exchanged for a huge price from the Supreme Mage. It has extremely powerful prophecy. The ending of the Nordic mythology and Ragnarok spread on the earth is The results it predicted.”

"Sounds like a good thing, but it's useless to me. Next one."

"The Eternal Fire is the trophy I captured from the fire giant Surtur when I conquered the Nine Realms. It is a flame that burns forever and never goes out. It has nearly unlimited energy and the power of rebirth..."

"I want it!"

Lin Zhongtian said decisively.

Odin knew that he would not let go of his eternal fire, so he was mentally prepared.

But when he really watched Lin Zhongtian put away the eternal fire, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Later, Odin introduced Lin Zhongtian to the remaining treasures in this level of the treasure house.

But just as Lin Zhongtian expected, these treasures were either not worth as much as the Box of Eternal Fire and Ice, or like the Life Card and the Ball of Agamotto, they were precious but of no use to him.

After shopping around, he really found the Eternal Fire and Ice Box that Lin Zhongtian had mentioned that caught his eye.

Lin Zhongtian knew that some precious and powerful treasures must have been hidden by Odin, such as the legendary Sword of Odin that contains the curse of the Nibelung Ring, and Slades, which is comparable to Gungnir's Spear. Scepter of Tok.

However, these two treasures are considered Asgard's national treasures and are strategic weapons at the national level.

Even if Odin really takes them out, Lin Zhongtian probably won't be able to take them away.

It's not that he is embarrassed, the main reason is that Odin should be anxious and choose to fight him to the death.

After a moment of reflection, Lin Zhongtian returned to the previous booth and picked up the sword placed on the platform.

This sword is called the Sword of Truth. It is a powerful weapon used by Sigurd, the first generation hero of Asgard. It was forged by soaking in the blood of the ancient dragons. It had been sealed here by Odin before and was later given to the prince. Loki.

Now that Loki fell off the Rainbow Bridge and disappeared into the void universe, this sword of reality was re-sealed here by Odin.

Seeing Lin Zhongtian choose all three treasures, Odin finally breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Can you return the Destroyer to me now, my dear friend?"

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