Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 162 [Cage of Despair]


Lin Zhongtian waved his hand, and the Destroyer in standby mode suddenly appeared on the floor of the treasure house.

A flash of light flashed in Odin's eyes, and he scanned the Destroyer in front of him. After confirming that the magic spells and divine blessings in its body were intact, Odin breathed a sigh of relief, waved his hand, and controlled the Destroyer to walk to his own compartment. .

As the most powerful humanoid weapon in Asgard, the Destroyer is usually stored in Odin's treasury.

Lin Zhongtian watched the Destroyer leave, then turned his head, looked at Odin and said with a smile: "Since you and I have abided by the agreement, all the previous disputes have been wiped out. You and I are now friends. Since we are friends, naturally we can't just know Ask for it, so be it, I will also give you a treasure as a testimony of our friendship."


Odin's eyes lit up, as if he didn't expect such an unexpected gain.

Lin Zhongtian smiled, stretched out his hand, and a black crystal ball instantly appeared in his palm.

From the outside, this black crystal ball seemed ordinary, but Odin felt a sense of death and threat from it for some reason.

Out of caution, Odin did not take the crystal ball immediately, but asked with a smile: "My friend, can you introduce this treasure to me?"

"Of course." Lin Zhongtian chuckled, looking at the black crystal ball in the palm of his hand and said, "This is a space magic weapon made by myself. I named it the Cage of Despair. Three forbidden dimensional magics are engraved inside it, namely Space Seal, space confinement and space exile, the lives imprisoned in it will stay in this dark space forever, accompanied by death and silence all day long."

"Can't see, can't hear, can't move, and can't escape..."

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's faint words, the muscles on Odin's face trembled, as if he had imagined the extremely desperate state of imprisonment.

At the same time, according to the three forbidden dimension magic mentioned by Lin Zhongtian, Odin can roughly guess the principle. The spatial confinement makes the space in the crystal ball solidify, and the space seal makes the solidified space heavily reinforced, even if it is A life that possesses the power to tear apart space with every movement of its hands and feet, cannot move at all in this double-reinforced state.

As for the final space exile, it is an even more abnormal form of dimensional magic. As far as Odin knows, it can connect all spatial coordinates in the entire space. No matter how the life trapped in it moves, it cannot break through the constraints of space. The fist you swing out will hit you the next moment, and the feet you step out will return to the original place the next moment.

"It is indeed a dark cage full of despair!"

Odin couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Zhongtian smiled and handed the [Cage of Despair] to Odin: "Take it, I took away the eternal fire, and I must leave some means for you to deal with the Twilight of the Gods that may happen in the future..."

Upon hearing this, Odin's hand that took the black crystal ball suddenly paused.

Lin Zhongtian smiled, put the crystal ball in his hand, and then whispered: "I have given the magic weapon to you. As for whether you want to use it in the future, it depends on your own decision!"

After speaking, Lin Zhongtian patted Odin on the shoulder.

There is no doubt that this black crystal ball is the cage he prepared for Hela.

In the Marvel Universe, Hela is Odin's first child, Asgard's executioner and goddess of death, and the former owner of Thor's hammer. She once helped Odin conquer the Nine Realms, but after conquering the Nine After the war, Odin planned to rule the country with benevolence, but Hela opposed it out of ambition and warlike character.

In the end, the father and daughter parted ways. Odin sent the Valkyrie Legion to conquer Hela, but they were almost completely destroyed by Hela. Odin had no choice but to take action himself, depriving Hela of her divine power and imprisoning her on the earth.

In the plot of "Thor 3", Odin died at the end of his life. Without the suppression of Odin's power, Hela instantly escaped from trouble. This has since triggered the subsequent plot of Thor 3 and the Twilight of the Gods in Asgard.

Now with this black crystal ball, even if Odin really dies, he doesn't have to worry about Hela destroying Asgard.

The only question is, does he really have the heart to imprison his eldest daughter in this [Cage of Despair]?

Lin Zhongtian was also very curious about this issue, so he gave the decision to Odin.

There was only a moment of hesitation on Odin's face, and then he put away the [Cage of Despair] with a normal expression.

"What a powerful and precious treasure. Compared with it, the other treasures in Odin's treasury pale in comparison!"

Odin praised a few words, then looked at Lin Zhongtian and said seriously: "I will place it in the center of the treasure house, making it a witness of our friendship and the most dazzling pearl in Odin's treasure house."


Lin Zhongtian twitched his lips, feeling a little disappointed that he couldn't see Odin losing his temper.

But then, he put these bad thoughts behind and asked enthusiastically: "Where is my Uru metal?"

"It's already been prepared!"

Odin smiled and waved, and the metal wall behind him turned into square pieces of metal and retreated to both sides.

Lin Zhongtian looked beyond Odin to the secret room behind him, and saw a large amount of dark silver metal piled inside, which was Uru metal, the special magic metal of Asgard.

Odin waved the Gungnir gun in his hand, and the metal in the vault suddenly separated from the middle.

"According to the agreement, I will give you fifty kilograms of Uru metal. But since you gave me such a precious treasure, as a friend I can't be stingy, so I will give you five tons of Uru metal!"

At this point, Odin paused and said with some pain: "This is half of the metal stockpiles in Asgard today, and it should be barely comparable to the value of this [Cage of Despair]."

"If you say it's comparable, then it's comparable!"

Lin Zhongtian followed his kindness, then walked into the secret vault with a smile, and took away half of the Uru metal that Odin had given away.

After the deal was concluded, the two smiled at each other, opened a portal each, and returned to the banquet venue quietly.

On the other side, at a press conference held by Hammer Industries.

Ye Zixun was wearing a black suit and looked with interest at Justin Hammer, who was boasting on the podium. Beside him were Lorna Dane, who was wearing a black evening gown, and their former classmate Emily.

They were invited to attend the press conference held by Hammer Industries because there was an old man in the nursing home case that the law firm was handling, who was the father of the third shareholder of Hammer Industries.

"……ladies and gentlemen!"

"Today I will introduce to you the new face of the American military-Hammer Steel Soldiers!"

Along with Justin Hammer's passionate speech, blue lights lit up on the stage, and two rows of silver-gray-painted steel soldiers slowly rose from the audience amid the passionate music.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience applauded excitedly.

Ye Zixun clapped his hands while sighing in his heart about the corrective nature of fate.

Although he had some premonitions when he received the invitation letter, it was not until he saw the Ark Reactor on the Iron Soldier's chest that he was truly sure that the plot had returned to its original trajectory.

Hammer Industries has mastered the technology to build the Ark Reactor, which is currently owned by only two people, one is Iron Man Tony Stark, and the other is Ivan Vanko, who has lost an arm.

It is naturally impossible for Tony to sell his technology to his competitors.

Therefore, the engineer who created these steel soldiers must be Ivan Vanko.

It seems he escaped from prison just like in the movie and is now working for Hammer Industries.

Just when Ye Zixun was sighing in his heart, a phone call suddenly came over.

Ye Zixun took out his cell phone and gestured to Lorna, then stood up and left the table, and answered the phone.

"What's the matter, Boss?"

"You were at the Hammer Industries press conference?"

Nick Fury's deep voice rang from the phone.


Ye Zixun raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle: "Why, Boss, do you also want an invitation to the press conference? Unfortunately, I only have three invitations in my hand, and they have all been used up. If you want to come, you can finally It's good to let the military think of a solution..."

"There's no time for nonsense. I'm now officially informing you that your vacation is over."

"Ah? Is this the end? I haven't had enough, Boss!"

"Just ten minutes ago, Tony just informed me that Ivan Vanko, who had attacked him in Morocco, appeared again. This time he called Tony and showed off that he had successfully improved the Ark Reactor..."

"Wait, Ivan Vanke?" Ye Zixun pretended to be confused, "Didn't he die in prison?"

"It's a long story. After I hang up the phone, I will pass the information to you. After reading it, you can act accordingly. It is best to cooperate with Tony Stark to kill Ivan without any casualties. Vanke arrested..."

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