Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 170 It’s better to be a goddess than to be a queen

Seeing the latest news reported on the Void Jade Tablet, Li Yun and Daenerys couldn't help but look at each other.

Just before his eyes, the Shadowbinder threatened to use flames to predict Daenerys's fate, but was inexplicably killed by the backlash. The Alliance's Treasure Pavilion instantly put on the shelf a treasure called [The Complete Godhead of the Lord of Light]. New.

To say that these two things have nothing to do with each other, Li Yun and Daenerys will definitely not believe it.

After all, there is a true god named the King of Light in the world of Game of Thrones. He has many incarnations and has followers all over the world, and the Shadowbinders are one of their branches.

Li Yun guessed that the two should not just have the same name.

"You mean, just when that guy used fire magic to predict my fate, Boss Lin and the King of Light had a fight somewhere we couldn't see."

"Yes." Li Yun nodded, "And the results are obvious."

Not only did Boss Lin easily defeat the King of Light, he also stripped out his godhead and put it into the Treasure Pavilion.

And the source of all this is because Daenerys wanted the Shadowbinder to predict her fate on a whim.

One thought led to the fall of a true god, and his fall was so funny and hasty...

Thinking of this, Daenerys couldn't help but blushing slightly and feeling excited. At the same time, she had a new understanding of the power of the alliance and how strong her backstage was.

God is nothing, she is a veteran member of the Traveler Alliance.

No one can predict her fate, not even the Lord of Light!

After suppressing the pride and excitement in her heart, Daenerys couldn't help but ask: "How strong is the Boss?"

Li Yun thought for a while, shook his head and said: "To be honest, I don't know. In the entire traveler alliance, perhaps only Brother Zhao and Brother Zuo, who first met Boss Lin, can answer your question."

Daenerys was thoughtful, then changed the topic and complained: "But then again, this complete godhead is worth 120,000 gray mist coins. Who can afford it?"

Li Yun said with a smile: "If you can't afford the complete set of Godhead, you can try to buy part of it. Didn't Void say that it supports split retail sales of Godhead authority? According to the power shown by the King of Light in the original work, His There should be quite a lot of authority. When you save enough gray mist coins, you can try to buy two authority to play with."

"That's right!"

Daenerys nodded repeatedly when she heard this, and said with bright eyes: "I have decided that after I conquer the continent of Essos, I will go back to the Alliance and use all my savings to buy the power of [Light] or [Fire]! "

Preferably flame so she can become the goddess of ice and fire!

Thinking of this, Daenerys quickly changed her goals.

What a queen, she wants to be a goddess!

Just when Daenerys was thinking about the future, Li Yun coughed twice, calling her back to reality.

"Stop daydreaming. There are still two people kneeling outside. Let's take down Qarth first!"


Daenerys's cheeks were slightly red, she coughed slightly, and turned her head to look at the countryside.

I saw the skinny wizard Hai Ya Puri and the fat Qarth giant Xaro Xanwan Daxos kneeling on the ground, their bodies trembling and their foreheads pressed tightly to the ground, as if they were afraid that they would end up with Qarth. Same fate.

Daenerys stood up from her collapse, walked with her bare feet through the hot ashes, and came to the two men.

Feeling the cold breath coming from in front of him, Daxos couldn't help but shudder, and his head suddenly dropped lower.

Daenerys looked down at the backs of their heads and said calmly: "Quixi came here to find the dragon, where are you?"

"I'm here to welcome the Dragon Queen!"

Daxos responded quickly, with a respectful and flattering tone.

Daenerys raised her eyebrows: "Is Qarth ready to welcome their future queen?"

"That's not the case, Your Majesty the Queen!" Daxos raised his head slightly, looked at Daenerys' naked feet and said respectfully, "After hearing the news that you are about to come to Qarth with your army, the arrogant royal family We have united with the Tourmaline Brotherhood and the Ancient Spice Guild, and plan to rely on their camel cavalry and powerful fleets at sea to keep you out of the city."

"But the loyal Daxos and the wise Thirteen Giants saw the consequences of stubborn resistance. It was destruction full of blood and fire, and the darkest and desperate abyss in the world..."

"Your Majesty, the powerful, beautiful and noble Queen, I, Xaro Xanwan Daxos, come on behalf of the Thirteen Giants. When Her Majesty leads the army to Qarth, the Thirteen Giants will dedicate themselves to you. Loyal and the gates of Qarth, your army can march straight in and easily sweep away those villains who resist."

After saying that, Daxos once again put his forehead to the ground, as if waiting for Daenerys's judgment.

Daenerys looked at him deeply and suddenly said: "Get up."

Daxos was relieved, quickly got up from the ground, and stood respectfully in front of Daenerys.

Daenerys looked into his eyes and said calmly: "I accept your loyalty, but one thing is that under my rule, no evil slave trade will be allowed to exist. All slaves will be granted free citizenship, even if The slaves in your house must also be restored to their status as freemen and receive their due remuneration and regular salary.”


Daxos looked embarrassed. After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and said: "I can accept your Majesty's request, but I can't guarantee that the other members of the Thirteen Giants will accept this request like me. After all, they have not seen it with their own eyes. In spite of your power and magic, I suggest you..."

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Daenerys said calmly.

Daxos's body trembled and he quickly fell to his knees.

"Daxos doesn't dare!"

"You go back and tell them that liberating slaves is a decree that must be implemented in the kingdom under my rule. Anyone who opposes or disobeys will be severely punished, even you, the Thirteen Giants, are no exception. Do you understand?"


Looking at Daxos who respectfully agreed, Daenerys nodded, and then turned to look at the wizard Darius.

"What's your purpose?"

"The Immortals of the Immortal Palace want to meet the great Dragon Queen."

"Then let them come to see you in person!"

Daenerys said lightly at first, then thought about it and changed her words: "Forget it, I'll go see them in person. It just so happens that I have a job in hand and I need the help of immortals and wizards."

Hearing these words, Haiya Puli was startled, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart for no apparent reason.

Daenerys didn't give them time to think about it. After waving her guests off, she ordered the army to continue to the city of Qarth.

Qarth is the richest giant city in the southeast of Essos continent and one of the largest ports in the world. They claim to be located in the center of the world, a gateway connecting north and south, and a bridge connecting east and west.

At the dock of Qarth Port, merchant ships from all over the world are docked, whether they are merchant ships from Slaver's Bay, the Free Trade City, the Summer Islands or Westeros, you can see them here.

Next to the pier, there is a huge trade market close to the seaside. Various shops, wine cellars, warehouses and gambling houses are scattered on both sides of the road in the trade market, and they are operating day and night.

One can imagine just how wealthy Qarth and its rulers are.

Daenerys had long coveted this, so she immediately sent her army to Qarth after returning.

When Daenerys led the army from the red wasteland in the northwest to the outside of Qarth, the first thing she saw was the magnificent city gate and the solid and thick triple city wall.

The outer wall is made of red sandstone, about 30 feet high, with various animal reliefs carved on it. The middle wall is made of gray granite stacks, about 40 feet high, with lifelike battle carvings on it. The interior wall of the scene is made of black marble, about fifty feet high, and is covered with various erotic sculptures.

Daenerys had been strengthened by the Gray Mist Coin, and her eyesight was amazing. She could see the reliefs on the innermost city wall at a glance. A look of shame and anger appeared on her fair and delicate face. She thought that if Qarth was captured, He sent people to shovel down all these shameless reliefs.

At the same time, the rulers of Qarth also learned of the arrival of the Dragon Queen.

The bronze city gate carved with exquisite patterns suddenly opened slowly, and a line of carriages and horses walked out of the city.

The leader was a handsome man with unusually fair skin riding a tall horse.

This man calls himself 'Egon Elmore the Elegant' and is a representative of the royal family of Qarth.

And he went out of the city to give gifts on behalf of Qarth. He hoped that Daenerys would lead the army to leave after receiving the benefits, so that Qarth could be protected from the invasion of war and the trade losses caused by the war. .

"What if I say no?"

Daenerys stood on the carriage, looking down at Aigon Elmoro below and said lightly.

Aigon Elmoro was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect Daenerys to refuse so decisively.

"Your Majesty the Queen, don't you intend to see Qarth's sincerity first?"

"The vehicle behind me carries countless precious belongings, including lace from Myr, saffron from Yidi, amber and dragon crystal from Asshai, and countless gold and silver coins..."

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