Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 171 Where is my Italian cannon?

"To show our sincerity, we also specially created a pure gold throne for you, as well as a crown made by the best craftsmen in the world. The crown has three dragon-shaped statues that represent your noble bloodline. Their torsos are made of gold, and their wings are made of gold. It is silver, and the three heads are carved from emerald, ivory, and agate.”

Aegon Elmore kept showing off the crown to Daenerys, but Daenerys remained unmoved.

"When I capture Qarth, these things will still belong to me."

"Your Majesty is a little too arrogant." Aigon Almoru frowned and persuaded earnestly, "Although the Unsullied in Astapor are powerful, only three thousand Unsullied want to capture the Kuaishou." Qarth is undoubtedly a fantasy, even with the three still young dragons behind you, it is impossible for you to be Qarth's opponent."

"Instead of losing both sides in the war, why not discuss and negotiate in advance and make peace with each other?"

The greatest advantage of the Qarthen people is that they are polite. They claim to be civilized people, but no matter how much they claim to be civilized, they cannot hide the fact that Qarth is a slave city-state.

As the breaker of shackles on the continent of Essos, Daenerys was never merciful in dealing with slave-owning city-states like Qarth. No matter how tempting Agon Elmoro was, she could not change her determination.

"You know nothing about power."

Daenerys said in a calm tone: "Go back. For the sake of these gifts behind you, I will give you thirty minutes to think about it. After thirty minutes, if you are still unwilling to surrender, I will act like Take Qarth as you did with Meereen and Yunkai, and then all the slave owners in the city will not escape the fate of death."

"……You will regret this!"

Egon Elmore looked at Daenerys hatefully, then turned and left with his servants.

As for the carts of gold and silver it brought, Daenerys naturally kept them forcefully.

At this moment, Li Yun suddenly frowned and turned to look at the red wasteland on both sides of the army.

I saw a thin black line suddenly appearing on the high slope at the end of the field of vision.

Li Yun took a closer look and found that it was a dense group of camel cavalry. It was the cavalry legion that Qarth had quietly sent out of the city to flank the Unsullied army on both sides during the negotiation.

Now that the negotiations have broken down, a gorgeous firework explodes over Qarth.

When the camel cavalry on both sides saw the fireworks, they immediately drew their weapons from their waists and charged towards the Unsullied army with shouts.

"I knew it!"

Looking at the camel cavalry charging from both sides, Daenerys curled her lips.

Then she pulled out the thin sword from her waist, raised it high, and said loudly without fear: "Brave and fearless warriors, I have given you powerful weapons that only warriors of God can possess. In the face of these weapons, The enemies in front of us are just a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered!"

"Now, draw your weapons and prove to me your strength and loyalty!"

Accompanied by Daenerys' passionate declaration of battle, the army of three thousand Unsullied erupted into earth-shaking shouts.

The enthusiastic and high-spirited fighting spirit shocked the charging camel cavalry regiment. The camels beneath them seemed to be frightened by the neat shouts, and the formation instantly showed signs of chaos.

Hearing the roar of the surrounding mountains and the tsunami in response, Daenerys smiled on her face and swung her sword forward with all her strength.

"Dracarys (dragonfire)!"


The three young dragons flying in the sky sprayed out raging flames, and then dived towards the camel cavalry on both sides.

The Unsullied army formed a formation on the spot, with the Unsullied holding heavy shields and wearing heavy armor at the front. The remaining Unsullied stood behind these heavy infantry, placing their rifles on them. On his shoulder, he aimed at the camel cavalry in front.

"Bang bang bang——"

Along with countless tongues of fire, dense bullets were fired at the camel cavalry charging ahead.

The hot bullets easily penetrated the light leather armor on their bodies, tore apart their flesh, and penetrated into their bodies.

With just one encounter, the camel cavalry at the front suddenly fell on their backs in large numbers.

Before the camel cavalry behind realized what happened, they were hit in the body by the second round of bullets. Not surprisingly, they fell off their camels and were trampled to dust by the iron hooves that followed.

For the next minute, drum-like gunfire sounded from the Unsullied army.

The camel cavalry charging on both sides fell inexplicably amidst the thunder.

The distance of just a few hundred meters was like a direct passage to hell, causing these young warriors to complete their lives at an extremely fast speed.

Looking at the falling companions in front of them, and listening to the gunshots that kept ringing in their ears like the bells of hell, those camel cavalry who still didn't know what happened finally collapsed.

The fear of death and the unknown overwhelmed their minds and made them forget their mission.

There was only one clear thought left in my empty mind——

Run away!

The further away the better!

In just a few minutes, the menacing camel cavalry regiment was defeated.

On the opposite side is Daenerys's army of Unsullied.

Not only were they fighting high, but no one died.

Only three people suffered minor injuries from rifle blasts.

Outside the sedan, Feng En stared blankly at the defeated camel cavalry in the distance, feeling extremely shocked.

After living for so many years, he has experienced countless wars, but he has never seen such an easy battle as before.

...No, this cannot be called a battle at all!

Because the two armies have never faced each other head-on.

Those Unsullied with rifles only need to stand on the spot, aim at the charging targets, and mechanically pull the trigger to take away the opponent's life easily. Occasionally, a lucky person will get close to the military formation, and only You need to pull off the grenade from your waist, pull out the ring, and throw it out with all your strength. The opponent will be blown to pieces by the flames that appear out of thin air.

At this moment, he finally understood the meaning of Her Majesty the Queen's words, 'Times have changed'.

Looking at the fleeing camel cavalry ahead, Daenerys could not help but curl her lips.

It was really vulnerable. Fortunately, she had prepared twelve vehicle-mounted machine guns, as well as ten RPGs and two hundred rounds of rockets. Now it seemed that these things were not needed at all.

The opponent's field corps couldn't even break through the front line of fire defense, let alone organize a decent attack on a large scale.

It can be seen that the Unsullied Legion equipped with thermal weapons is already invincible in this world.

But if it's an siege, it's different...

Thinking of this, Daenerys couldn't help but turn her head and look at the tall and solid walls of Qarth.

On the watchtower behind the city wall, there were many figures furtively observing the battle outside.

"Daxos, didn't you say that when I bring my army to the city, the Thirteen Giants will dedicate the city gate to me?"

Hearing Daenerys' emotionless words, his eyes widened. The shocked Dasoul suddenly came back to his senses, with a large amount of cold sweat on his forehead, and quickly explained: "Your Majesty the Queen, our Thirteen Giants have already We have agreed that tonight we will send people to seize the city gates and usher your invincible army into Qarth."

"Tonight?" Daenerys frowned slightly, "Why does it take so long?"


Daxos looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

They originally thought that Daenerys would choose to camp outside the city, negotiate with Qarth for a few days, and then find an opportunity to launch an attack. However, who would have thought that Daenerys would break up with Qarth on the first day and Easily defeated the camel cavalry regiment that Qarth was proud of.

Looking at the expression on Daxos's face, Daenerys seemed to realize something.

"...Forget it, I'll take over the city gate myself!"

After speaking, Daenerys clapped her hands, and the ten steel puppets carrying the sedan suddenly cooperated in pairs to push the five steel behemoths to the front of the formation.

These five steel behemoths have green camouflage coatings, thick and long huge gun barrels, and heavy open-leg gun mounts behind them. They are the Italian 1935-style 210mm howitzers that Zuo Yu strongly recommended to her.

This was the best Italian artillery piece during World War II, and its performance was not lagging behind the large-caliber artillery of the same period.

Since the surrender of Italy, Germany has continued to produce this artillery, which proves that its performance is very excellent.

It has an exaggerated caliber of 210 mm. The shells are available in two types: light 101kg and heavy 131kg. The muzzle firing speed can reach 560 meters per minute, and the range is as long as 15.4 kilometers.

In this medieval era where swords were king, a range of thirty miles was a number that made all enemies despair.

Looking at the steel giant that was fifteen meters long from head to tail, Daxos felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Daenerys controlled the steel golem to load ammunition, adjust the parameters, and aimed the muzzles of the five steel behemoths at the city wall of Qarth and the watchtower full of figures.

"Watch it!"

Daenerys said calmly.


With a loud noise that almost shattered the eardrums, the cannonballs weighing hundreds of kilograms turned into afterimages and hit Qarth.

A few seconds later, the watchtower full of human figures exploded. The Qarth nobles inside could not even utter a scream before turning into countless blood and mutilated limbs flying all over the sky.

The power is not bad...

Daenerys nodded with satisfaction, then ignored the frightened screams coming from the city, turned her head, looked at Daxos, whose back was wet with cold sweat, and said softly: "Go back and tell them to surrender within ten minutes. "

"Otherwise, this city will be completely annihilated by blood and fire..."

Thanks to book friend Yu Lian Qinglian for the 500-coin reward, and thanks to book friend 0oabcdo0 for the 100-coin reward.

Ps: The number of words updated this month has exceeded 210,000 words, which is a bit higher than my expected goal. To be honest, I didn’t expect that I could add so many words. It seems that my handicap also has the potential to explode (cross out ), seeing that I have updated so many words this month, I will reward myself by updating one less chapter today!

(Saving money: second update of leave request note)

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