Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 172 Whether the warship can be sold or not

After ten minutes of commotion, Qarth's solid bronze city gate finally opened slowly.

Daxos, who was stained with blood, stood behind the door with eleven rich merchants in gorgeous clothes, and respectfully welcomed Daenerys and the army of Unsullied behind her into the city.

After entering the city gate, Daenerys and Li Yun stepped out of the sedan.

The ten steel puppets carrying the sedan stopped the sedan at the door, then picked up the heavy weapons hanging on the sedan, turned and walked towards the Unsullied, and cooperated with them to seize control of the city gate.

Following the arcade streets that traverse the city, Daenerys officially entered this city known for its wealth.

Different from the thick and solid bronze outer city gate, the inner city gate is full of exquisite and complicated patterns and reliefs, with many eyes made of gold inlaid on it. The surrounding architectural style is also magnificent, full of atmosphere and grandeur. .

Walking on the spacious arcade streets, you can see many white and green marble columns on both sides, with many humanoid statues five or six meters high standing on them. According to Dasos, these statues were built when the city was built. An ancient hero who made great contributions.

While Daxos recounted the deeds of these ancient heroes, Daenerys passed through a bronze arch. The top of the arch was decorated with two intertwined snake-shaped reliefs. The relief's scales were made of exquisite emerald, obsidian and lapis lazuli. become.

Passing through this bronze arch, you enter the largest square in Midtown.

The city's defense guards have been disarmed and kneel in the square to be reviewed by Daenerys the Conqueror.

Daenerys stood on the high sky prepared by the Thirteen Giants, looking around at the city guards kneeling in the square in front of her, and then turned to look at Daxos and his eleven companions beside her.

"There are thirteen giants of Qarth, why are there only twelve of them?"

"This..." Daxos hesitated and explained in a low voice, "Hakon is on that watchtower, Her Majesty the Queen."

Daenerys twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard this, waved her hands and said, "A generous burial."

Daxos responded respectfully.

Daenerys continued to ask: "I heard that Qarth is controlled by the royal family, the Thirteen Giants, the Tourmaline Brotherhood and the Spice Ancient Guild. Then why are there only the Thirteen... Twelve Giants standing in front of me now?"

Daxos respectfully explained: "Almost all the adult leaders of the royal family are on that watchtower. Only the old Leicha did not go to check in person due to physical reasons. He only sent his only son to the tower to watch the battle. I am offering you In front of the city gate, we found Leicha and tried to persuade him to work for you, but unfortunately, Leicha had already fallen into madness due to the death of his only son, so..."

"So you killed him."


Daxos responded quickly, and then lowered his head anxiously.

Fortunately, Daenerys didn't care and continued to ask: "What about the Tourmaline Brotherhood and the Spice Ancient Guild?"

Daxos explained: "Two of the three most powerful wealthy merchants in the Tourmaline Brotherhood are on that watchtower, and the remaining one maintains a good relationship with the Seizer of Westeros. He I was worried that you would be angry with him because of this, so when you broke the city, you had already boarded the merchant ship with your men and goods, intending to escape Qarth."

"Four of the seven leaders of the Ancient Spice Guild boarded the watchtower. After learning the news, their successors angrily decided to fight you to the end, but the remaining three leaders did not think so. They I admire your power very much, so when we were discussing countermeasures, we gathered together and stabbed the four successors in the back, and the Spice Ancient Guild fell into civil strife."

"Today, people on both sides are still fighting at the dock outside the trade market."


Daenerys was filled with dark thoughts.

She also didn't expect that she just fired a cannon, causing the huge Qarth to fall into an unprecedented chaotic civil war.

But this is reasonable. After all, in this era when the maximum range is only more than a hundred steps, who would have thought that Daenerys would have an Italian cannon with a range of more than thirty miles?

If these people in power had not believed that the watchtower was absolutely safe, they would not have personally taken the risk and climbed up to the watchtower to observe the battle outside the city.

Well, death is the best way to reshuffle a city with solidified classes.

This saves her from wasting time arguing with these stubborn surrendering nobles...

Thinking of this, Daenerys immediately issued an order, ordering a thousand Unsullied people and five steel puppets to go to the dock to help the three leaders of the Ancient Spice Guild quell the civil strife.

After the order was given, Daenerys turned her head again and looked at Daxos beside her.

"Are the Tourmaline Brotherhood and Spice Ancient Guild's maritime power very strong?"

"Very strong!" Daxos said solemnly, "The Tourmaline Brotherhood has more than 800 ships, including more than 600 merchant ships and more than 200 warships. The Spice Ancient Guild is even more powerful. They have a There are about 1,200 to 1,300 ships, most of which are merchant ships, and the rest are warships."

"Sounds really strong."

Daenerys curled her lips, turned to look at Li Yun and asked, "Does Jade want to sell the aircraft carrier?"

Li Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, thought for a while and said: "The aircraft carrier is definitely not for sale, but the destroyer of World War II should be fine. After all, Zuo Yu is not an ordinary billionaire now. He has replaced the Anthony family and established the Zuo family." The family's status has been successfully promoted to the real power of the high table."

"Even John Wick, who was wanted by the High Table, was protected by him. He is now serving as the chief instructor at the 'Kunlun' training camp in San Francisco and living a high-paying retirement life - Oh, by the way, Zuo Yu last time You also mentioned to me that if you feel that you are short of talents, you can send a few smart officers to sneak into the world of John Wick for training."

"Who should I train with, John Wick?" Daenerys rolled her eyes, "I need an officer, not a killer!"

Li Yun shook his head and said: "Assassin training is only part of the Kunlun training camp's business. Zuo Yu's original words are that whether you want an officer or a driver who can fly a tank or an airplane, he can provide corresponding services."

"If you hadn't told me earlier, I would contact him right away!"

Daenerys's eyes shone, and she immediately took out the jade token made in the void and edited a message with her spiritual sense.

Daxos and the other eleven giants looked at each other, and they didn't know what Daenerys and Li Yun were talking about.

But it should be a joy to see the look on Daenerys' face.

After about three minutes, the jade plaque vibrated.

Daenerys's eyes lit up and she quickly read the message with her spiritual sense.

"You want a warship, right? No problem. I have a Russian general friend who was once a rear admiral in Ukraine. At that time, the Ukrainian government couldn't pay the navy's wages, so they blew up the warship in anger and sold the parts for money. After acquiring it, the members immediately disbanded, and as the captain, he ran to Russia with his subordinates."

"According to what he said, many disintegrated countries that were once part of the Red Empire are facing the same problem. If he comes forward with me, there is a high probability that he can contract all those warships that are no different from decommissioned... "

"As for the Kunlun training camp, we undertake training for all modern arms such as killers, special forces, officers, tank drivers, warship pilots, helicopter pilots and fighter pilots. We also offer cross-border services for a limited time, buy one get one free. !”

"If you need this service, I can make the decision to give you the same black gold VIP membership as Zhao Lihe, and only charge 40% off for each service. How about it? Are you interested?"

Daenerys was indeed very moved, and immediately edited a message: "Deal, I want all the warships you can buy, and by the way, there will be twenty officer training places, as well as ten tank pilots and ten bomber pilots... ...Well, I feel like it’s not enough, forget it, let’s wait until we meet to discuss the details!”

After sending the message, Daenerys put down the jade token, turned to look at Li Yun and said, "I want to go to the Palace of the Immortal and meet those wizards and so-called immortals. Do you want to come with me?"

Li Yun said happily: "Of course."

Daenerys had a smile on her face, turned to look at Feng En, who had been silent, and said, "I'll leave it to you to deal with the city guards and quell the civil strife in the Spice Ancient Guild. You won't let me down, right?"


Vonn did not expect that Daenerys would leave this matter to him. He was stunned for a few seconds, and then he quickly knelt down in front of Daenerys in flattery and said in a feverish tone.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Your will is the point of my sword!"

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