Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 173 The Palace of Immortality

The House of the Immortal is one of the most famous palaces in Qarth.

But people usually don’t call it the Palace of Immortality, but the Palace of Dust.

Judging from the appearance, it does live up to its name. It is an ancient gray ruin. The main hall is long and low. Many of the black tiles on the roof are broken, and most of the plaster between the stones is dry and crumbled. , and there are no towers or windows around it. The overall look is like a huge gray stone snake coiled in a forest of black bark.

These black-barked trees have ink-blue leaves.

Daenerys' main goal, 'Water of Night Shadow', is brewed from these leaves.

Li Yun stretched out his hand and picked off a few dark blue leaves, sensing them with his spiritual consciousness, and then frowned slightly.

"Is there any energy fluctuation?"

Daenerys asked expectantly.

Li Yun frowned and said, "A little bit, but it's very slight, and it smells like corruption."

Daenerys didn't care, but said happily: "It's good if there are energy fluctuations, which means this thing can be sold for money. When I return to the Traveler Alliance to discuss matters with Zuo Yu, I will pick some off to see if they can be sold directly. Is it valuable, it is more valuable to brew the night shadow water..."

With that said, the two of them walked side by side towards the gate of the Palace of Immortality.

Before he got close, a voice came from the black bark forest nearby.

"Queen Daenerys must enter alone!"

Li Yun raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the source of the sound.

The wizard Darya Purim, who had previously met Daenerys, walked out of it. He looked at the two of them and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the palace of immortality was not built by humans. If you cherish your soul, please obey my words." , be extra careful!”

"Oh?" Li Yun looked at him with interest, "Tell me about it."

"There is no way in or out of the front door. Please follow me and enter through the side door."

After saying that, Haiya Puli turned around and walked into the forest, followed the fork in the road to the side of the palace.

Daenerys and Li Yun followed him until they stopped in front of the side entrance of the Palace of the Immortal.

Yaya Puli stopped, turned to look at Daenerys and said: "From now on, only Her Majesty the Queen can continue to move forward, and Her Majesty the Queen, when you enter, you will find that there are four doors in the room. Please take the door on the right. From now on, every time you encounter a door, go to the right. Every time you encounter a staircase, climb up. Do not regret or retreat."

"So troublesome?"

Daenerys raised her eyebrows and said calmly: "How about you enter the Palace of the Immortal in person, find the group of immortals, and let them all come out to meet the great Dragon Queen?"

"Be careful, Your Majesty the Queen." Haiya Puli said solemnly, "Immortals are great beings who live forever. Our short lives are as insignificant to them as mayflies."

Daenerys and Li Yun looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Yaya Puli was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect Daenerys to have such a reaction.

Logically speaking, all human beings are in awe of the unknown and mystery. Even if they don't completely believe what he said, they are at least half-convinced. How could they be as devoid of awe as Daenerys and Li Yun.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he thought, he never expected that the two people in front of him were time travelers who had foresight of the plot.

In their eyes, these mysterious immortals are just a group of wizards surviving on the water of night shadow.

In the original plot, the Immortals tricked Daenerys and her dragons into the Temple of the Immortal and tried to suck their life force, but were eventually killed by the rebellious black dragon Drogon.

It can be seen that, except for some illusion-like magic, these immortals do not have too much power.

If it weren't for the Water of Night Shadow, Daenerys probably wouldn't have come in person. She could just send some Unsullied and Steel Golems and pull her Italian cannon over, and she could easily wipe them out.

Soon, Daenerys had had enough laughter.

She looked at Haiya Puli and asked seriously.

"I have a question."

"You say."

"Who brewed the Night Shadow Water?"

"Wizards and wizards' servants, of course."

"In other words, the Immortals did not participate in the brewing of Night Shadow Water."

Daenerys nodded, then looked at the gray palace in front of her and said calmly: "A group of old people who are struggling to survive are worthy of me meeting in person?"

As she spoke, countless white chills filled Daenerys' body.

Haiya Puli, who was standing in front of her, trembled and turned around to run away.

But before he could take a few steps, he was frozen into an ice sculpture by the cold air that was dozens of degrees below zero.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yun took a step forward and stretched out a hand. The ring on his index finger flashed a gray light, and a sci-fi-looking pistol appeared in his palm. It was the one worth 1,500 gray fog coins. Nuclear version of the XK-2 standard pistol.

The next second, blue light lit up on the black lines on the gun body, and finally converged on the thick muzzle.


With a loud noise, cyan-blue nuclear energy rays burst out instantly, penetrating the ancient gray stone wall in front of them.

Looking at the molten bullet marks the size of pigeon eggs on the stone wall, Daenerys couldn't help but be startled.

"……That's it?"

"Sorry, forgot to adjust the mode."

Li Yun quickly adjusted the mode of the pistol, changing from nuclear energy rays to nuclear energy bullets.

This time, the bullets fired from the muzzle changed from laser-like rays to cyan-blue light groups.

When the blue light hit the ancient stone wall of the Immortal Palace, terrifying energy exploded. The cracked gray stone wall instantly shattered, and the violent air waves blew away all the stone bricks and black tiles. .

The heat ignited the vines climbing the walls, sending waves of fire flying into the surrounding black bark forest.

Daenerys was originally admiring the collapse and shattering scene of the Immortal Palace. When she saw this scene, she rushed towards the dark forest and released a large amount of freezing cold air with a wave of her hand, saving the ignited trees.

"so far so good."

Daenerys breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly stopped Li Yun and said: "I'll do it!"

Li Yun followed his kindness, put away the nuclear pistol in his hand, and turned to the sidelines to watch the battle.

Daenerys took out her frozen version of the XK-2 standard pistol, aimed in front of her and pulled the trigger.

"call out--"

In an instant, a blue freezing ray shot out from the muzzle, leaving clearly visible white marks in the air where the ray penetrated, which were ice crystals frozen by the cold air.

The next second, the blue freezing ray hit the gray stone wall, and the white air-emitting ice spread rapidly at an extremely fast speed, turning a ten-meter-long section of the palace into hard and cold ice in the blink of an eye. piece.

Afterwards, Daenerys kept pulling the trigger in her hand.

Every time a shot is fired, part of the Immortal Palace is wrapped in ice.

In the ever-spreading cold air, the immortals hiding in the Palace of Immortality finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Please stop, great Dragon Queen!"

Accompanied by a magnetic male voice, a wizard with a handsome face and a luxurious robe made of white ermine, ruby ​​velvet and gold cloth walked out of the broken wall and bowed deeply to Daenerys.

"I am the Immortal of Qarth. I am waiting for you here. Please stop destroying the Immortal Palace. We will share the knowledge with you as in the prophecy and teach you how to use magic. Weapons, and dragon language to communicate with the dragon..."

Before he could finish speaking, Daenerys sneered, and the cold air around her covered her like a wave of air.

Seeing this scene, the handsome wizard suddenly looked horrified and turned around to run away.

It's a pity that his speed is far less than the freezing radiation released by Daenerys.

In just a few seconds, the cold white air caught up with the handsome wizard, and the hard ice spread rapidly from back to front, wrapping his entire body in it, turning him into another humanoid ice sculpture.

The handsome wizard was killed instantly, and the cover-up he had cast was also broken.

Li Yun took a closer look and found that the handsome wizard in the ice sculpture had turned into an old man with wrinkles. He had no hair, his skin was shriveled and shriveled, his skin was a strange blue-purple color, and his lips and nails were Bluer, almost black, even the whites of the widened eyes are an ink blue similar to the night shadow water.

"Is this the immortal who drinks Night Shadow Water all year round?"

Li Yun looked at the ice sculpture thoughtfully, thinking that no wonder Vukong didn't recommend them to drink the night shadow water.

Afterwards, Daenerys continued to move forward, and the cold air around her was like the god of death from the ice hell, freezing the immortals who escaped from the Temple of the Immortal into ice sculptures one by one.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun couldn't help but marveled at the power of the radiation technique.

In terms of combat power alone, Daenerys can definitely not beat Li Yun. After all, she only has less than 9 points of physical fitness, while Li Yun's physical fitness value has exceeded 16. The gap between the two is like flesh and blood and hard-tempered warriors. Steel.

But if the physical value is the same level, Li Yun feels that he will definitely be beaten by Daenerys.

Taking the game as an example, the physical value is like the character's level and basic attributes, and Daenerys's radiation power is an advanced skill that allows her to double her power and have the ability to fight across levels.

Thinking of this, Li Yun couldn't help but feel hopeful.

The "Skulla Kung Fu", which only requires 8 points of physical strength to achieve such a powerful performance, and his "Godzilla Kung Fu", which requires 20 physical points to practice, must have even more powerful power!

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