The void gap, the Traveler Building, the trading area of ​​the trading floor.

Wearing a comfortable and expensive black T-shirt, Zuo Yu sat opposite Daenerys, drinking a drink while discussing matters such as warship sales and officer training with her.

Twenty minutes later, the deal was reached and the two had a great conversation.

Daenerys got up and left happily, preparing to go to [Wanjie Technology] to buy steel soldiers.

After destroying the Temple of the Immortal, Daenerys summoned all the wizards and servants who could brew the Nightshade Water and asked them if they were willing to work for her. Those who were willing to work, Daenerys gave them to them. A sufficient salary and free citizen status, and those wizards who are unwilling to do things for her, naturally cannot be wasted.

Danielle enslaved them without mercy, shackled them, and planned to purchase steel soldiers from [Wanjie Technology] to guard and manage these blind wizards.

They can only create illusions visible to the naked eye, and are helpless against the steel soldiers with thermal imaging capabilities.

Looking at Daenerys' bouncing back, Li Yun couldn't help but look worried.

In the world of Game of Thrones and the League of Travelers, Daenerys behaves like two people. The former is a fierce and cruel queen, and the latter is a lively girl consistent with her appearance.

Zuo Yu saw the worry on his face, chuckled and stood up, sat next to him, put her arms around his shoulders and said: "Don't worry, I believe she has enough ability and wisdom to deal with her dual identity. Well, Boss Lin has discovered two new worlds, but he has to study the Eternal Fire and the Box of Ice, and has no time to go to the new worlds for the time being. Are you interested?"

"Did you discover two more new worlds?"

Li Yun's eyes lit up, and he seemed a little moved by Zuo Yu's proposal.

But thinking of Daenerys, Li Yun felt a little uneasy.

Zuo Yu patted his shoulder and said: "Don't worry. With Daenerys's strength and financial resources, no one in the entire Game of Thrones world can hurt her life. But you, you are obviously the number one in the alliance." Walker, you have wasted so much time in the world of Game of Thrones, and you have only completed one mission so far, and you are not afraid of newcomers making fun of you!"

Li Yun was a little embarrassed when he heard Zuo Yu's teasing.

Zuo Yugang wanted to strike while the iron was hot, but suddenly he raised his eyebrows and waved his hand towards the air in front of him.

"Hey, Lao Bai, are you free to go shopping again?"


Li Yun was slightly startled and looked at the air in front of him in surprise.

"Who are you...greeting?"

"Old Bai, didn't he come back from Game of Thrones? I saw that his Godzilla body was quite inconvenient to move, so I recommended him to visit the Scripture Pavilion to see if he could learn something like astral projection. Magic, I didn’t expect that Lao Bai is quite talented, he quickly learned astral projection, and now he leaves his body every day and wanders around with his soul.”

At this point, Zuo Yu slapped his head and said with a smile: "I almost forgot, you haven't seen Lao Bai's appearance yet - the void, use holographic projection to depict Bai Lang's soul!"

"Okay, Mr. Zuo Yu."

In an instant, blue rays of light intertwined in the air, converging into the shape of a human body.

The man was about 1.8 meters tall, with a well-proportioned figure. He was wearing a hooded sportswear. He looked above average, but the sunny smile on his face was a plus. He looked like a typical sports department student in a university. boy.

At this moment, the sunshine boy made of blue light waved his arms excitedly, seeming to say hello to Li Yun.

"As we guessed, although Lao Bai traveled through time and became Godzilla, his soul is still that of a human being."

Li Yun stared at Bailang blankly, and then couldn't help but ask: "Why can't I hear what he said?"

Zuo Yu said angrily: "Of course it's because you don't have the ability to release your spiritual consciousness!"

Li Yun reacted and quickly released his spiritual consciousness. Sure enough, he heard what Bai Lang said. However, even if he released his spiritual consciousness, he could only vaguely perceive a group of souls in front of him, and could not really see the other party's appearance.

In this regard, Zuo Yu explained: "Astral projection is the magic of Karma Taj, similar to our Chinese Chuyin God. If you haven't learned it, it's normal to not see his appearance. As long as you can communicate."

"...I've heard of Deyang God, what is Deyin God?"

"Both souls leave the body, but the soul of the Yin God is invisible to ordinary people. Compared with the Soul of the Yang God, it is more advanced. The soul that leaves the body in this way can not only be noticed by others, but also has many wonderful things. The ability is like an incarnation outside the body."

Having said that, Zuo Yu paused and explained with a smile: "Of course, astral projection is just similar to Chu Yin Shen, not completely the same. As long as you also learn astral projection, you can see through the spiritual vision of astral projection. The look of white waves.”

"Have you learned it yet?"


Looking at Zuo Yu who nodded calmly, Li Yun suddenly felt that he had indeed wasted a lot of time.

Although the strengthening of gray mist has not fallen, the exploration of knowledge and power has slackened a lot.

After thinking for a while, Li Yun suddenly said: "Two new worlds, which one do you want to go to?"

Zuo Yu waved goodbye to Bai Lang, then looked at Li Yun and said with a smile: "It's clear for now - you choose one, let's go together as two brothers, and team up to download the dungeon. Isn't it more interesting than going alone?"


Li Yun was startled and seemed to be hesitant.

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "There is no need to act separately. Now Boss Lin, Zhao Lihe, and Ye Zixun all have things to do. As long as you nod, the task of guiding newcomers in the two new worlds is ours. If we act together, maybe we can still do it." Complete it faster - as for the task reward, according to international practice, it is divided into 50 and 50, how about it?"

Li Yun thought for a moment and nodded decisively.

Zuo Yu showed a smile on his face, patted his shoulder and said: "Very good, see you across the hall early tomorrow morning."

After saying that, Zuo Yu stood up and left the trading area, seemingly planning to go to the alliance store to buy some useful items.

Li Yun thought about his words for a while, got up and walked towards Daenerys.

Early the next morning, Li Yun brought his things and came to the crossing hall wearing a standard bulletproof suit.

As expected, two more metal doors appeared in the hall. There were no names of the worlds on the doors, which showed that they were still in a state of exploration.

Zuo Yu was still wearing yesterday's black T-shirt and black trousers, with a silver sword-shaped necklace hanging on her slender neck. There was a silver ring on the index finger of her left hand and right index finger, and a silver earring was nailed to her left ear. nail--

Li Yun knew that Zuo Yu purchased these things from the [Exquisite Treasure Pavilion].

They are either space items with huge capacity, or rare treasures with powerful power.

"A wealthy family!"

Li Yun sighed in his heart, and then walked into the last metal door with Zuo Yu.

In an instant, the grand crossing hall turned into a street filled with cars and horses.

Zuo Yu and Li Yun stood on the roof of a beef ramen restaurant, looking down thoughtfully at the flow of people below.

"It's a modern world again, and it's located in China."

"The time is 2015." Li Yun retracted his gaze from the passerby's mobile phone and turned to look at Zuo Yudao, "In 2015, there is nothing wrong with the year of the cash I brought. It should come in handy - you have the cash prepared. ?"

"No." Zuo Yu shook his head, turned over his hand and took out a gold brick, and said with a smile, "But I prepared this!"

Li Yun frowned slightly, shook his head and said: "There are too many. Unless the price is lowered or the black market is found, it will be difficult to sell..."

Zuo Yu put away the gold bricks, shrugged and said, "Then use yours. How can we, two brothers, know the difference so clearly?"

Li Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, smiled helplessly, took out a stack of red cash bricks and threw it to Zuo Yu.

Zuo Yu reached out to take it, put it into the space ring smoothly, and then jumped off the roof with Li Yun, quietly blending into the crowds of people coming and going on the road.

Five minutes later, the two walked out of the mobile phone store, using WiFi to download software and chatting in low voices.

"Where to go next?"

"Let's go to the police station first. I have prepared a USB flash drive with a virus, which contains a void editing program. As long as it can be plugged into the police station's computer, we can hack their system and forge an identity for us..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zuo Yu's words stopped abruptly.

Li Yun stopped and looked at Zuo Yu in surprise.

Zuo Yu said with a strange expression: "I seem to know which world this is..."

Li Yun was slightly startled and followed Zuo Yu's gaze. He saw a four-story building at the corner of the road ahead. At the door of the building was a blue notice board with five big characters written on it - —

【Express delivery anywhere】

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