Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 176 Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain

"You mean these people are all fake Taoists?"

Zhang Chulan looked at the Taoist priest in front of him who was bowing to the tourists in surprise.

"That's not entirely true." A slightly lazy voice came from behind everyone, "You know, there are always some unlucky people in this world who have enough heart for the Tao, but don't have the corresponding talent. No matter how hard they work, , and can only hover outside the door, not allowed in..."

Hearing these words, Zhang Chulan's heart trembled, and he immediately understood that this person should be a stranger in the circle.

Before he could turn around, a young Taoist priest wearing a black Taoist robe, carrying a brown satchel, and a rather unruly hairstyle walked up to the four of them, turned his head slightly, glanced at Zhang Chulan and the four of them and said with a smile: " King Wudang, what do you call the donors?"

Zhang Chulan looked at the young Taoist priest in front of him, and then said softly: "My name is Zhang Chulan."

"Hey, Zhang Chulan..."

Upon hearing this name, Taoist Master Wang Ye suddenly laughed twice with unknown meaning.

Zhang Chulan was so embarrassed by his smile that he couldn't help but take a step back and asked nervously: "Is there... any problem?"

Taoist Master Wang Ye chuckled, shook his head and said: "It's nothing, I just heard your name a lot recently, and suddenly seeing a real person, I couldn't help but feel a little excited!"

Zhang Chulan stammered: "Excited...excited?"

Wang Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in men. Compared to this, Zhang Chulan, you don't know how famous you are now, right?"

"Let me just say this. The people from various sects who are currently rushing to Longhu Mountain may not know the real name of the Laotian Master, but they must all know that the descendant of one of the Eight Wonders of Jiashen, Qi Ti Yuanliu, is named Zhang Chulan !”

...has the situation become so troublesome?

Zhang Chulan narrowed his eyes slightly and was about to speak when he suddenly noticed a familiar figure on the antique stall behind Daoist Wang Ye.

"Sister Bao'er?!"

Zhang Chulan's eyes widened, and he quickly ran over, ignoring the confused Taoist Wang Ye.

At the antique stall, a handsome young man wearing a black Taoist robe and dark red eyes sat cross-legged on the ground, holding Feng Baobao's white palm and looking at her palm prints seriously.

"Tsk, tsk, female donor, your palmistry is extraordinary!"


"Of course, you see, this palm line is called the life line. Your life line has a clear outline, long and uninterrupted lines. This is a sign of wealth and longevity!"


Feng Baobao opened his eyes wide and nodded quickly: "You are so right, I don't have any abilities, I just can survive!"

The handsome young man had a smile on his face, coughed lightly, took out a white jade necklace, and said solemnly: "My senior brother collected the essence of the sun and the moon at the top of Mount Hua, and refined it for ninety-nine and eighty-one days. When he handed this unique magic weapon to me, my senior brother specifically asked me to give it to the first woman I met who had the appearance of fortune and fortune after coming down the mountain."

"Now it seems that the female donor is the destined person for this treasure. For the sake of our destiny, if you don't want ninety-eight, not nine thousand eight, but only nine-nine-eight, I will give this peerless magic weapon to the donor. how?"


Feng Baobao's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

But just as she was looking for her wallet, Zhang Chulan and the Xu brothers arrived in time, stopped Feng Baobao, and dragged him away under the disappointed eyes of the handsome young Taoist priest.

Later, Taoist Master Wang Ye came to the stall with his bag on his shoulder and looked at the white jade necklace thoughtfully.

"Brother Dao just said that this necklace only sells for 998, but is it true?"

"..." The smile on the handsome young man's face faded, he looked at the young Taoist priest in front of him for a few times, and suddenly said, "It is indeed only 998 for a destined person like her."

Wang Yedao smiled and said, "What about me?"

The handsome young man thought for a moment and said as if he had made a difficult decision: "Two hundred million!"

Taoist priest Wang Ye had a look of astonishment on his face, then curled his lips, turned around and left, muttering "crazy" in his mouth.

When Taoist Master Wang Ye caught up with Zhang Chulan and others, the four of them were still arguing over the sale of the treasure just now.

Feng Baobao's eyes widened, and he kept struggling in Xu Si's arms while holding the phone: "That is a peerless magic weapon that was collected from the top of Huashan Mountain and refined for ninety-nine and eighty-one days. It is already very cheap to sell it for only nine-ninety-eight! "

Zhang Chulan's head was full of black lines: "Sister Bao'er, do you believe this?"

Feng Baobao retorted: "Why don't you believe it? He is so good-looking, so he will definitely not lie to others."

Zhang Chulan twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly: "Sister Bao'er, remember, the better-looking boys are, the better they are at deceiving others."

Feng Baobao looked at him blankly: "Really?"

Zhang Chulan said seriously: "Of course, I will never lie to you!"

Xu San held a cigarette in his mouth, put his hands in his pockets, and laughed to the side, neither interfering nor stopping.

Wang Ye looked back at the handsome young man's stall thoughtfully, then turned around and said, "You shouldn't have stopped her."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Chulan and the Xu brothers were stunned for a moment.


Zhang Chulan asked in surprise.

Taoist priest Wang Ye chuckled and said, "Because that necklace is real."

"Really?" Zhang Chulan widened his eyes and said, "You mean, that is really a peerless magic weapon?"

"Of course not!" Wang Yedao said, his head covered with black lines, "I mean that white jade is definitely the purest Hetian jade, and judging from the carving, it is probably the work of a certain master, although I don't know the real value. How much, but it’s definitely a big mistake!”


Zhang Chulan and the Xu brothers looked at each other.

"Are you sure, Taoist Master Wang Ye?"


"I'll go back and buy that necklace right now!"

Zhang Chulan's eyes shone and he turned around without hesitation, wanting to return to the young Taoist priest's stall.

But before he could take a step forward, he was shocked to find that the young Taoist priest and the stall under the tree had disappeared.

"What's happening here?"

"What else could it be?" Wang Ye curled his lips and said calmly, looking at the open space under the tree, "I've met an expert!"

At the same time, the handsome young Taoist priest had put on a black T-shirt and was walking on the mountain road with a tall and sturdy young man in a black suit, heading towards the back mountain of Longhu Mountain. .

Li Yun glanced at Zuo Yu's slightly smiling profile and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing much." Zuo Yu shrugged and said casually, "I just went to meet the protagonist group in advance and see if there are any of our fellow time travelers in the plot protagonist group."

"What's the result?"

"Sadly, no."

"It seems that the fellow countrymen in this world have not traveled through time and become the protagonist of the plot..."

Li Yun sighed: "It will be difficult to find!"

Zuo Yu nodded in agreement, and then suddenly said: "Do you think it is possible for him to travel through time and become a heavenly master?"

Li Yun was slightly startled and nodded thoughtfully: "It is indeed possible. How about we go to the Heavenly Master now and ask?"

Zuo Yu thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Forget it, the Luotian Festival will be held soon. Sooner or later we will have a chance to meet the Heavenly Master. As for now, we'd better go to the back mountain to register as soon as possible!"

Li Yun frowned and said, "Are you really planning to participate in this Luotian Festival?"

"Of course!" Zuo Yu nodded matter-of-factly, "The power in this world is full of strange things. Since we have the opportunity, we naturally have to experience it ourselves. It would be even better if we can win the championship in an honest and fair manner!"

"Tongtianlu and Jiashen Eight Wonders should be worth a lot of gray mist coins..."

When they talked about Gray Mist Coins, Li Yun immediately felt no longer sleepy, and immediately went to the back mountain of Longhu Mountain with Zuo Yu.

Just like in the original work, whether you want to be a contestant or a spectator, as long as you plan to participate in this unprecedented Luotian Dajiao, you must pass the test of Tianshi Mansion.

And this test is also very simple, it is to use any means to pass through the cliff and rift valley in front of you.

This rift valley is a hundred meters deep and about thirty meters wide. The walls on both sides are extremely steep and are only connected together by two thick hemp ropes.

Without the help of tools, it is impossible for ordinary people to pass through it. Even the best acrobats who are good at walking on tightropes need balance poles to stabilize their bodies.

But this is nothing to a powerful alien.

When Zuo Yu and Li Yun arrived here, many strangers had already passed through.

Most of the strangers jumped over directly, and most of the rest relied on various magical means to pass through the rift. As for those who honestly walked or climbed over the hemp rope, there seemed to be very few.

At least Zuo Yu and Li Yun didn't see it.

Seeing Zuo Yu and Li Yun standing on the edge of the cliff, observing the stranger who was passing the test and talking in a low voice, the Taoist Priest of Tianshi Mansion who was waiting aside finally couldn't sit still.

He had long seen that the two of them did not have any innate energy, and they were probably ordinary tourists who accidentally wandered into this place.

The Taoist priest complained in his mind to the senior brother who was responsible for intercepting ordinary tourists, while walking towards Zuo Yu and Li Yun.

"If the two donors can't get through, please go back the way you came!"

"..." Zuo Yu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Who told you that our brothers can't make it?"

The Taoist priest frowned: "With all due respect, you two don't seem to be..."

Before he finished speaking, Zuo Yu's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot and appeared on the other side as if teleporting. Then he turned around, put one hand in his pocket, and waved in the direction of Li Yun and the Taoist Priest.

"So fast!"

The Taoist Master of Tianshi Mansion shrank his pupils.

Li Yun next to him patted his shoulder apologetically.

"Sorry, Taoist Priest, our brothers chatted for a long time and caused you trouble!"

After saying that, Li Yun kicked his feet violently, and his body looked like a newly fired cannonball, carrying a howling wind, and appeared on the other side of the rift valley across a distance of thirty meters.

Because the speed of the two of them was so fast, few people at the scene noticed this scene.

Only the cracks on the ground made by Li Yun and the thick hemp rope in the rift that was blown by the strong wind could prove that what he just saw was not an illusion.

"Another two masters who hide their secrets..."

The Taoist Master of Tianshi Mansion sighed in his heart: "Senior Brother Lingyu, you have to work hard!"

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