After passing the test, Zuo Yu and Li Yun finally arrived at the back mountain venue.

Li Yun raised his head and looked at the large building in front of him that resembled an open-air stadium.

"Is this the battle venue of Luotian Dajiao?"

"That's right." Zuo Yu nodded, put his hands in his pockets and said, "We arrived a little early, let's go find a place to stay for a while. According to the plot in the original comic, Zhang Chulan and the others should have just met the Heavenly Master now, It won’t officially start until they finish chatting.”

Li Yun nodded, and then whispered with some worry: "There won't be any problems with your forged identity, right?"

Zuo Yu said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, the void is fed by three modern worlds, and it will definitely crush the technological level of the world under one person. As long as we don't tell, no one can find out the problem from the identity."

"I can rest assured that."

Li Yun felt relieved, entered the venue with Zuo Yu, and found a corner to chat.

While the two were talking, there were more and more strangers in the venue, and Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao also entered the venue.

At the same time, the white-haired siblings wearing the same sportswear came from the side and greeted Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao with a smile.

"Hey, we meet again, Zhang Chulan, do you still remember me?"

Zhang Chulan was startled for a moment, turned his head, looked at the young man wearing a green striped sportswear and with white curly hair, and said with sudden realization: "It's you, you are the one who is the best in the world..."

The white-haired boy smiled and added: "Feng Xingtong!"

Zhang Chulan nodded repeatedly and asked curiously: "Why are you two here?"

The tall white-haired girl said calmly: "It goes without saying that Xingtong and I are both contestants."

Feng Xingtong nodded and said with a smile: "But don't worry, my sister and I did not come here for the position of Heavenly Master, or Mr. Lu's Tongtianlu. After all, my father has just become one of the ten men. This It’s such a big occasion, no matter what, you have to send people to support you..."

Before she finished speaking, Feng Shayan next to her suddenly took steps and walked in a certain direction.

Feng Xingtong stretched out his hand in front of Zhang Chulan, waved it gently, attracted his attention back, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about my sister, she went to find an acquaintance. You just entered the alien world not long ago, you should still be there." Are you not familiar with young handsome men from various sects?"

Zhang Chulan nodded: "Indeed."

Feng Xingtong smiled and said: "Just in time, I have collected a lot of information and can share it with you - the Taoist priests who passed by us just now are Maoshan disciples, and the one holding a fan looks like Deyun The guy from the club is called Xiao Xiao, who has a smiling face, and this purple-haired girl is called Bai Shixue. She is a money-lover. If you meet her, you might be able to buy her off..."

Just as Feng Xingtong was chattering about introducing the strangers present, Feng Baobao suddenly tugged on Zhang Chulan's sleeve.

Zhang Chulan was slightly startled and couldn't help turning his head to look at Feng Baobao next to him. He saw her with a pair of big black and white eyes, staring blankly at the front right corner of the venue.

There, Zuo Yu and Li Yunzheng were chatting and laughing.

It's him!

Seeing that familiar handsome face, Zhang Chulan's pupils narrowed slightly.

Feng Xingtong, who was next to her, kept talking: "The black-haired girl with glasses and a good figure is called Zhi Jinhua. Let's not mention her abilities. Her brain is said to be very useful, but I don't like people who are too smart. woman……"

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Chulan interrupted: "Feng Xingtong."


"Do you know these aliens very well?"

"I understand fairly well."

"Then do you know who those two people are?"

Zhang Chulan stretched out his hand and pointed at Zuo Yu and Li Yun in the corner of the venue.

Feng Xingtong looked along his hand, frowning and identifying it carefully, but finally shook his head: "Sorry, Zhang Chulan, I really don't know these two people, maybe they are outstanding disciples hidden in some sect... …You know, these famous sects like hiding their clumsiness the most. If Mr. Lu hadn’t brought out the Tongtian Rui, I’m afraid many sects wouldn’t have sent out their best disciples.”

"is that so?"

Zhang Chulan looked thoughtfully at the corner of the venue.

At this moment, a group of elderly figures with gray beards suddenly appeared on the high platform at the front of the venue.

The leader was tall, wearing a Celestial Master's uniform embroidered with complicated patterns. He had long white eyebrows, a gray beard, and a face full of furrows and a gentle smile, making the old man look extremely kind-hearted.

There is no doubt that this is the current old Heavenly Master of the Heavenly Master's Mansion - Zhang Zhiwei!

"Young people are full of energy..."

The old Heavenly Master's steady laughter rang out over the venue. Although his voice was not loud, it miraculously spread throughout the entire venue, even drowning out the conversations of everyone in the venue.

"It's the Heavenly Master!"

"It's not just the old Heavenly Master, look behind him, Mr. Lu, Mr. Wang and Mr. Lu are actually here!"

"Three of the four families came!"

"Not just three families, but four of the ten guys are here!"

"Yes, even Feng Zhenghao, the president of Tianxiahui, is here..."

The young strangers in the venue were talking excitedly.

Li Yun looked thoughtfully at the elderly heavenly group on the high platform, trying to find signs of the time traveler.

It's a pity that the old youtiao are the old youtiaos after all, and each one of them has a very deep city. Even if a time traveler really replaces one of them, it is impossible to show it on such an occasion.

Zuo Yu already knew that nothing could be discerned by looking at them, so he only glanced at the old men and then turned his attention to the venue, searching with interest for the comic characters that interested him.

For example, Zhang Chulan was chatting with Feng Baobao about something.

And Zhang Lingyu, a high-ranking official in Tianshi Mansion, has long silver hair and a little red between his eyebrows.

Of course, what finally interested Zuo Yu was the blue-haired young man with a blue-haired young lady.

This guy seemed to be sitting upright, but in fact he was using strange magic and eavesdropping on the chatter of everyone on the field.

If Zuo Yu guessed correctly, he should be Zhuge Qing, a descendant of Zhuge Kongming...

However, why do Zhuge Kongming’s descendants have blue hair?

Is it because of the influence of Qi?

After all, many of the strangers on the field have strange hair colors.

Bloodline and genes alone cannot perfectly explain this phenomenon.

At the same time, the old Heavenly Master on the high platform spoke again.

"I kept you waiting for a long time!"

"The Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain, in addition to routine sacrificial rituals, has always been an opportunity for us Qi practitioners to communicate."

"Of course, you are not here to sit down and discuss mysteries like me and the old man. The old man has also come from a young age, so he understands your thoughts very well."

"Since everyone wants to learn from each other, I won't be nagging here..."

"I declare that the Luotian Dajiao has officially begun!"

After saying that, the old Heavenly Master turned around and walked off the platform together with the seniors around him.

Several young Taoist boys carried red boxes to the foot of the high platform and shouted at the crowd.

"Please come forward one by one and draw your own slips of paper!"

finally come!

Zuo Yu and Li Yun looked at each other and jumped onto the field to join the team drawing lots.

At the same time, the Taoist boy next to him also began to introduce the rules of the lottery. Each note said the combination of heavenly stems and animals. The heavenly stems represented the order of entering the competition, and the animals represented the groups.

There are four of each animal, and people who draw the same animal enter the game together.

Of the four people who entered the field, only one could qualify for promotion.

In other words, today's audition will eliminate three-quarters of the aliens.

"I'm Bing Qingniao. And you, Lao Li, aren't you assigned to me?"

Zuo Yu came over with the note and looked at Li Yun curiously.

"Bing Green Turtle... Well, the event is the same, but the animals are different. It means we are not in the same venue. You are from the venue next door!"

"No." Li Yun put away the note and looked at the notice board in front of him and said, "You are from the venue next door."

"Ah?" Zuo Yu opened her eyes wide and quickly followed Li Yun's gaze.

Sure enough, Bing Qingniao is the venue next door, and Bing Green Turtle is the venue under their feet.

Zuo Yu pouted and muttered: "If it's so troublesome, can't we keep pace with the times and use Arabic numerals to group them?"

"After all, it's a rule handed down from our ancestors. It's so boring to change it..."

At this moment, a slightly lazy voice came from the side.

Zuo Yu raised his eyebrows and turned his head with interest. He saw Taoist Master Wang Ye, whom he had just met in the front mountain, walking over with a smile and putting his head next to the two of them very skillfully.

"Two Taoist brothers, let me take a look at your groups...Bing Green Turtle, Bing Blue Bird, okay, okay!"

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