Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 180 Who is the real dark horse?

"The first round is over!"

"Winners of each group please assemble!"

With the shouts of the masters of Tianshi Mansion, all the winners entered the first venue.

The old Heavenly Master stood on the high platform with a smile, and the red lottery box was still next to him.

"Congratulations to everyone, being able to stand here means that you have entered the top 32 of this conference. The next competition will be conducted in a one-on-one format. Please come forward and draw lots!"

Following the Heavenly Master's smiling words, everyone stepped forward to draw lots with anticipation.

This round of drawing adopts the method of selecting opponents. Only the first 16 people who win the earliest are eligible to draw lots. The names of the remaining 16 people are written on the slips of paper for the top 16 people to draw.

Due to the competition round, Li Yun of Bing Green Turtle happened to be the seventeenth player, so he was not eligible for the draw.

Zuo Yu competed later than him, so naturally he was not eligible for the draw.

The two of them could only watch from the sidelines, waiting for the 'lucky guy' who was about to draw them.

Zhang Chulan prayed in his heart that he would not meet a too strong opponent, and then gritted his teeth.

"...Tang Wenlong?"

Looking at the name on the note, Zhang Chulan breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as they are not the most difficult people to deal with in his heart!

Later, Zhang Chulan approached Feng Bao'er and asked curiously: "Sister Bao'er, who is your opponent?"

"Xiao Xiao." Feng Baobao showed the note to Zhang Chulan and explained in passing, "It's the one from Deyun Club."

"..." Feng Xingtong twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly, "Sister Bao'er, Xiao Xiao is not from Deyun Club. I just said that he dresses like a cross talk artist. This is a metaphor."

At this moment, Feng Shayan, wearing tight sportswear, walked over.

Feng Xingtong quickly came over and said, "Sister, who did you draw?"

Feng Shayan looked a little ugly and handed the note in her hand to Feng Xingtong.

Feng Xingtong quickly took the note and saw two big characters written on it - Zuo Yu.

"Ah, it's that guy!" Feng Xingtong's eyes widened and he said with a look of disappointment, "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no They were all eliminated from the competition, and I won’t be able to bear it in my dad’s face if I tell you this!”


Feng Shayan punched her brother in the head and said with a black face: "You brat, the game hasn't even started yet. Are you just expecting your sister to lose? That guy is very powerful, but I don't have no chance of winning. "

Feng Xingtong covered his head and retorted: "Then you should tell me where your chances of winning are!"

Feng Shayan was speechless for a moment and raised her fist in anger, scaring Feng Xingtong into hiding behind Zhang Chulan.


Feng Shayan snorted softly, turned around and walked towards the outside.

Feng Xingtong blinked and asked quickly: "Sister, where are you going?"

Feng Shayan said without looking back: "Go and see if Shan Shitong is awake, and ask for information about that guy."

On the other side, Zuo Yu and Li Yun stood on the high platform of the auditorium, chatting and looking at the contestants below.

After the results of the lottery came out, the two of them came to the notice board together and frowned slightly as they looked at the schedule above.

They discovered that, except for the two of them, all the aliens participating in the competition were characters who appeared in the original work, and there were no suspected time travelers at all.

"How is this going?"

"Is there no fellow villager in this world, or is it that he didn't come to participate in the Luotian Festival at all?"

"It's all possible." Li Yun frowned and guessed, "Of course, it's also possible that he traveled through time and became a plot character, but he was disguised very well and was not discovered by us."

"But why does he have to pretend?" Zuo Yu asked doubtfully, "To say the least, even if he didn't want to recognize us, he would have secretly observed us after discovering our identities, but I didn't notice anything strange. The snooping is just the normal kind of admiration for the dark horse player..."

As he was talking, Zuo Yu suddenly had a guess, so he said with a weird face: "Old Li, tell me, is it possible that this guy doesn't know the plot at all?"


Li Yun was slightly startled and couldn't help but look at each other with Zuo Yu.

"It's really possible. If that's the case, wouldn't we be showing our flattery to a blind man?"

"...Forget it, just take it one step at a time!"

Zuo Yu shook her head helplessly and walked out of the venue with Li Yun.

At this moment, a fat man wearing glasses and a pink plaid shirt walked over, holding a tablet in his hand, and stopped in front of the two of them with a smile on his face: "Brothers, can I interview you?"

Zuo Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at the fat man in front of him with interest.

If he remembered correctly, this fat man's name was Hidden Dragon. His strength was pretty good and he could force Zhang Lingyu to use thunder techniques. However, compared to his strength, this guy had a greater reputation for intelligence collection.

Hearing about this conference, he specially collected information about the contestants and opened the market for the Luotian Dajiao on the Yiren Encyclopedia website he created. After hearing the news, many Yiren rushed in and put their savings on it. On the promising players.

Having said this, I have to mention that in order to better manage the aliens across the country, the official set up an internal network for the alien world specifically for the aliens to use.

Previous news about Zhang Chulan and the origin of Qi Ti spread rapidly through this internal network.

The Yiren Encyclopedia website established by Hidden Dragon is also in this internal network and cannot be found on the outside Internet.

Upon hearing Hidden Dragon's request, Li Yun decisively refused: "Sorry, I'm not free."

Zanglong hurriedly followed up: "No, brothers, the next round of competition will not start until tomorrow. If you two brothers have nothing to do tonight, why don't you accept my interview? To show my sincerity, I can add other contestants I will tell you the information - and this website I created to collect information about strangers. I opened a market on it. Are you two interested in competing?"

Li Yungang wanted to refuse, but Zuo Yu snatched the tablet from his hand and started sliding it with interest.

"This is the handicap of the conference. It's interesting. Let me see!"

"Well, Zhang Chulan's odds are 100 to 1, Lao Li and I both have 1 to 2 odds, Tianshi Mansion Lingyu Master and Wuhou Sect Zhuge Qing's odds are 1 to 1..."

Zuo Yu made a movement with his hands, glanced at Hidden Dragon and said, "Why, do you think our brothers can't defeat them?"

"How can that be impossible!" Canglong quickly cried out, "Those who pressured the handicap all thought so - after all, the two eldest brothers had not been well-known before, and no one knew what their actual strength was, but if the two Accept the interview with me, and I will include the information collected in the interview into the website. Maybe the two of you will become the favorites to win the championship tomorrow!"

Zanglong tried to persuade him while the iron was hot, but Zuo Yu didn't accept the move at all.

I saw him holding the tablet in front of Li Yun, pointing to Jia Zhengliang's name on it and saying with a smile: "Old Li, the odds of Jia Zhengliang are also 1 to 1. He is your next opponent. Tomorrow you two will play against each other." The odds are as high as ten to one!”

"Tsk tsk, no wonder so many people like to open the handicap. What's the difference between this and picking up money?"

Seeing Zuo Yu's easy words, Zanglong was dissatisfied and couldn't help but say: "This Jia Zhengliang is not a good person. He is the biggest dark horse in this competition. He masters the running palm and object control skills of Jiajia Village in the west."

"Especially the latter. In this competition, he took out twelve immortal-killing flying knives. The number of his weapons is four times that of his famous brother Jia Zhengyu!"

The so-called art of controlling objects is one of the abilities that interests Zuo Yu and Li Yun the most in the world under one person.

Those who practice the art of controlling objects need to practice secret techniques from a very young age and feed specific items with their own Qi. In the end, these items will become weapons that the practitioner can control at will.

Strangers like Xu San who are born with telekinesis can also control objects, and the types are not limited. However, their control accuracy is far inferior to weapons fed by the means of controlling objects. If the telepathic person spends effort to move objects, then the object-controlling person controls the weapon. As flexible and easy as using your own fingers.

In ancient times, those guardians who were witnessed by ordinary people had a familiar nickname - Sword Immortal!

"Twelve immortal-killing flying knives..." Zuo Yu curled her lips and said, "You are not old, but your tone is not young. Old Li, I will leave this kid to you. Teach him a lesson for me!"

With that said, Zuo Yu turned to look at Canglong and took out a wad of cash with a serious expression.

"This is all the cash I have on me. Please help me put it all on Lao Li. Thank you!"


Li Yun glanced at Zuo Yu speechlessly, knowing that this guy's bad taste had exploded again.

Zanglong frowned tightly, seeming to be aware of the contempt the two brothers in front of him had for the other contestants.

"Aren't you two eldest brothers too arrogant?"

"Arrogance, no no no, this is the strong man's confidence in his own strength."

Zuo Yu said seriously: "Little fat man, let me tell you something. A person with a strong mentality may not necessarily be a strong person, but without a strong mentality, you will never become a truly strong person!"

"Don't say that Jia Zhengliang only controls twelve immortal-killing flying knives. He even controls twelve immortal-killing machine guns. I also want to put this money on Lao Li!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and help me get on top!"

Hidden Dragon took the wad of cash from Zuo Yu with a black streak on his head, and found that this mysterious master who appeared out of nowhere seemed to be a funny guy with no personality.

Compared with him, the guy named Li Yun next to him is obviously calmer, more like a popular dark horse with signs of winning the championship.

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