Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 181 Descendants of the Qi Family Army

The next day, four large screens were erected in the open space outside the venue.

Taoist priest Gao Gongrongshan of Tianshi Mansion stood on the wooden platform, looked around at the strangers below and said loudly:

"Everyone, today's competition of 32 players will be held in four venues. Those who come from afar can choose any venue to watch the game. If you plan to watch all the games, then please stay in this open space. Each venue There are dedicated people responsible for transmitting the live footage of the stadium to the four big screens in front of you——"

"The first batch of contestants are invited to come on stage!"

"The king is also against the iron horse!"

"Feng Shayan versus Zuo Yu!"

"Lu Linglong versus Yun!"

"Cai Lu vs Zero!"

Hearing the words echoing over the venue, Li Yun in the audience turned to look at Zuo Yu.

"It's your turn, don't go too far."

"rest assured."

Zuo Yu patted his shoulder and jumped into the field with a relaxed expression.

Feng Shayan, wearing tight-fitting sportswear and short white shoulder-length hair, was already standing in the field.

Looking at Zuo Yu, who had dark red eyes and a rather mixed-race appearance, Feng Shayan felt a little nervous.

She had already gone to see Shan Shitong, but she didn't get any information. In yesterday's battle, Zuo Yu didn't show any means at all except his extremely tough meridians and flames similar to the Qi of the Five Elements.

Both of these are the most basic abilities of a practitioner, and they are simply crushing in terms of cultivation.

If she couldn't gain an advantage through strategy or other means, Feng Shayan couldn't see any possibility of winning.

"Anyway, let's try it out from a distance first..."

Feng Shayan thought so in her heart, and at the same time she took a step back and raised her hands to take a stance.

As a natural alien, Feng Shayan has mastered the super power of space travel. This ability allows her body to travel freely in the space within the visible range. In theory, she can also travel within the invisible range, but it is risky. If the body happens to overlap with other objects or creatures at the end of the shuttle, it will be irreparably damaged.

Because of this, when Feng Shayan uses her ability to attack, she will try her best to make the attack appear at a place where the opponent is not aware of it but ensures a certain safe distance, in order to prevent the space overlap between herself and the opponent's body.

At this moment, Feng Shayan took a stance, pacing around Zuo Yu from a distance of more than ten meters, trying to find a weakness to launch an attack.

Finally, Zuo Yu seemed a little impatient, frowned and said: "You..."

"It's now!"

The moment Zuo Yu spoke, Feng Shayan's eyes flashed and she suddenly waved her fist forward.

In an instant, Feng Shayan's fist traveled through space and appeared behind Zuo Yu's head with a strong wind.

Here is a boxing technique created by Feng Shayan based on her own abilities. It is called Baibu Shenquan. The name sounds domineering, but in fact it is based on the ability to travel through space to adjust the position of the fist, and remotely control it from various tricky positions. Attack the opponent.

But... showing off your spatial abilities in front of me?

Zuo Yu raised her eyebrows, swallowed the words she had not yet spoken, and turned her head to avoid the fist that came from behind her head. Then she kicked her foot, cracking the hard bluestone floor, and her body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the wind. Sayan.

"Can you escape this?"

Feng Shayan was shocked when she saw this, and punched Zuo Yu repeatedly. The fists with strong winds came out from tricky angles and hit Zuo Yu's body.

But Zuo Yu seemed to have seen through her attack. Not only did he easily dodge all the incoming fists, he even suddenly stopped moving forward, turned around suddenly, and punched the fist coming from behind.


His fists collided, and severe pain and numbness spread down his arms.

Feng Shayan cried out in pain and quickly retracted her fist, holding her swollen fingers in secret fear.

Her fist hit Zuo Yu's fist, as if she had hit hot metal. The scorching heat and hard texture caused the surface of her fist to be instantly burned, and a shock of numbness and pain reverberated throughout her arm. .

With just one punch, Feng Shayan felt that her entire right arm had been destroyed by the opponent.

How can this be? !

How did he see through it? !

When Feng Shayan was shocked, Zuo Yu had already arrived in front of her.

Looking at the face that was so close, Feng Shayan bit her silver teeth secretly and immediately activated her ability to move back and distance herself.

But just before she was about to activate her ability, Zuo Yu had already taken a stance, placing her left foot forward and stepping back with her right foot. At the same time, she twisted her waist and hips, raised her fists from her waist, and used the waist and horse to unite. He swung forward violently.


Both fists collided with Feng Shayan's arms that were crossed in front of her with her last strength.

The terrifying power exploded instantly, sending Feng Shayan flying upside down.

In the audience, Mr. Lu Jinlu, who was watching the match, frowned.

"Standing at the elbow, shooting in the head, is this Chen style Tai Chi?"

"No!" The well-informed Master Tian slightly narrowed his eyes and said softly, "This is the most orthodox Qi Family Boxing!"

Qi Jia Quan was created by Qi Jiguang by combining the strengths of various boxing schools at that time, while Chen Wangting compiled it by drawing on Qi Jia Quan and his own years of practical experience. Many moves in the latter have the same names as the former.

But in the final analysis, Chen style Tai Chi is Tai Chi, while Qi Jia Quan is a military training style that is biased toward actual combat.

Although there are many similar moves between the two, the styles of boxing are completely different. Lao Jianghu, who is well-informed and discerning like Lao Tianshi, recognized the difference at a glance.

"The last time I saw such pure Qi Family Boxing was forty or fifty years ago..."

The Heavenly Master sighed with emotion, then looked at Zuo Yu in the field and said softly: "If my prediction is correct, this boy named Zuo and his companion named Li should both be descendants of Qi Jiajun!"

"So she's the Queen of Heroes?"

Lu Jin was stunned when he heard this, and then his eyes towards Zuo Yu became appreciative.

At the same time, Feng Shayan hit the wall of the venue hard and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The arms that had been hit hard were hanging in front of him, blood was flowing down the sleeves, and it seemed that he could no longer lift them up.

Zuo Yu put her hands in her pockets and walked toward Feng Shayan, who was leaning against the wall.

"Do you want to fight again?"


Feng Shayan swallowed the blood that surged up in her throat, raised her head with difficulty, and looked at him with extremely complex eyes.

"You are strong, I am no match for you."

"But before I admit defeat, I want to know how on earth you saw through my Hundred Steps Divine Fist?"

"It's very simple." Zuo Yu shrugged and said softly, "When your senses are powerful to a certain extent, you can detect many things that ordinary people cannot perceive, such as fluctuations in space..."


Feng Shayan twitched the corner of her mouth, shook her head, and said in a complicated tone: "You are really a monster."

A smile appeared on Zuo Yu's face: "Thank you for the compliment."

Feng Shayan curled her lips, turned around and said, "I give up!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the auditorium and the audience in the open space outside the stadium were in an uproar.

What I thought was the most exciting game among the first batch of contestants turned out to be the quickest to end.

Moreover, the disparity in strength between the two sides made everyone extremely surprised and shocked.

Looking at Zuo Yu's leaving figure, Lu Jin narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered: "Old Heavenly Master, why do I feel that your disciple is no match for this kid!"

"Don't worry, Lingyu is indeed no match for him."

The old Heavenly Master said calmly, with no fluctuations in his tone.

Lu Jin said in surprise: "Then you're not in a hurry?"

"Why should I be anxious?" The old Heavenly Master glanced at him and said softly, "Maybe they are not interested in the position of Heavenly Master, but they are here for your Tongtianlu!"

Lu Jin laughed when he heard this and said cheerfully: "If this boy named Zuo is really a descendant of Qi Jiajun, what's the harm if I teach him the Tongtianlu?"

While they were talking, the next group of players on the field had already taken the stage. It was Li Yun and Jia Zhengliang from the Jia family in the west.

Unlike the taciturn Li Yun, Jia Zhengliang was a bit out of tune as soon as he came on stage.

I saw him holding his mobile phone and chatting with his mother about trivial matters, from whether he remembered to eat fruit to whether he used a hotel toothbrush to brush his teeth in the morning. He explained almost every detail to his mother.

If it were anyone else, they might have been unable to stand Jia Zhengliang and his mother talking on the phone for a long time and started to take the initiative to make sneak attacks.

But Li Yun is an exception.

Looking at Jia Zhengliang, who was dealing with his mother impatiently, he suddenly remembered himself and his sister in his previous life.

My sister was like this back then. She made at least one phone call every day, taking care of every aspect of his life in every detail, as if she was worried that he wouldn't be able to take care of himself——

He is just autistic, not an idiot...

Recalling the memories of his previous life, the corners of Li Yun's mouth raised slightly.

Finally, Jia Zhengliang hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he looked at the silent Li Yun opposite and said calmly: "I'm sorry, my mother likes to chatter, so it delayed me for a while. Seeing that you waited patiently and didn't make a sneak attack, I will show mercy to you."

"this is nothing."

Li Yun shook his head, then looked at Jia Zhengliang and suddenly said: "I heard your mother said that she wants you to go home for a blind date?"

"..." Jia Zhengliang twitched the corner of his mouth and said with black lines on his head, "So what, I won't go back!"

"Go back, boy, you are no match for me." Li Yun looked at Jia Zhengliang and said calmly, "Your mother is a good and competent parent, don't let her feel sad for you."

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