"You seem to understand very well?!"

Jia Zhengliang looked at Li Yun with black lines on his head, and his tone seemed a little unhappy: "Sir, what I hate the most is those people who like to make decisions for me in the name of my good. My mother is enough for me to suffer such people. Come on, buddy, who are you?"

As he spoke, Jia Zhengliang gently raised his hand, and twelve flying knives were suspended behind him.

"You want me to admit defeat..."

"Let's get past my twelve immortal-killing flying knives first!"

After saying that, Jia Zhengliang sneered and waved his right hand forward suddenly.

The twelve flying knives turned from static in an instant, passing by him with a whistling airflow, and shot towards Li Yun in front.

Facing the attack of twelve flying knives, Li Yun did not dodge and took off his suit calmly.

Seeing this scene, Jia Zhengliang was slightly startled. After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and controlled the flying knife to shoot at Li Yun.

Since you are unprepared, don't blame me for being too harsh...


The sharp flying knife hit the gray suit, but it spattered a series of sparks as if it hit metal.

Looking at the flying knife and the white marks left on the surface of the suit, Jia Zhengliang was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out.

"What the hell?!"

"A little self-defense equipment."

Li Yun replied softly, then ignored the flying knives floating around him, took off his suit and threw it on the ground.

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of the equipment. Let's continue!"

Seeing this scene, Jia Zhengliang's face was uncertain. He waved his hand violently and controlled the flying knife to slash at Li Yun.

But Li Yun still did not dodge or evade as before, and even stepped forward, facing Jia Zhengliang's attacks from twelve flying knives.


The twelve flying knives turned into countless rays of silver light, forming a dense network of knives that cut Li Yun's shirt into pieces in the blink of an eye.

But no matter how badly the white shirt was cut, there was no blood seeping out from the knife marks.

Seeing this scene, Jia Zhengliang finally realized something was wrong, and immediately controlled twelve flying knives to hover in the air, looking gloomily at Li Yun, who was wearing tattered clothes and a calm expression.

"Are you humiliating me?"

"No, I'm just showing you a fact."

Li Yun shook his head, then stretched out his hand to grab the broken collar and tore it hard.


The torn white shirt turned into rags and floated in the air, revealing his angular and extremely strong muscles.

The body that had experienced countless sword strikes did not even have a scratch on its skin, leaving only some invisible white marks on the surface.

"How can this be?!"

Jia Zhengliang's eyes widened and he looked at Li Yun's body in disbelief.

"Are you...are you a monster?!"

Faced with Jia Zhengliang's blurted question, Li Yun looked calm and did not answer.

Compared with ordinary people, Li Yun, whose physical fitness value has reached almost 17 points, is indeed a monster.

The strength of his tendons is as high as 17GPa, which is two to three times that of ultra-high-strength carbon fiber. The strength of his bones is as high as 2.5GPa, which is five times that of high-strength alloy steel. The hardness of his skin and muscles far exceeds that used by Iron Man to make steel weapons. A titanium alloy.

Such a hard body can be called a steel body made of alloy.

Let alone Jia Zhengliang's twelve immortal-killing flying knives, even a machine gun to the face would be difficult to penetrate his flesh.

In contrast, the source of power in the world under one person is the innate Qi. Without Qi, they are still flesh and blood.

Although the two are not the same power system, if we only talk about potential and life evolution, the power system of the Traveler Alliance is obviously superior, and it must be more perfect and comprehensive.

Looking at Jia Zhengliang with an unbelievable face across from him, Li Yun became even more determined about the path he wanted to take.

After all, fancy tricks are just the icing on the cake. Pure power like Boss Lin is the real power!

"I don't believe it!"

Jia Zhengliang came to his senses, gritted his teeth, and controlled the twelve immortal-killing flying knives to continue slashing at Li Yun.



Twelve flying knives kept cutting and colliding around Li Yun, but they could not hurt him at all.

The hard muscles are like alloy steel that has been tempered thousands of times. No matter how much the flying knife cuts, it cannot break through the defense. Even the most superficial skin tissue is difficult to be damaged.

"Da da da……"

Li Yun walked towards Jia Zhengliang calmly, and every step he took seemed to be stepping on the other person's beating heart.

Seeing this scene, not only did Jia Zhengliang feel an indescribable feeling of powerlessness in his heart, but even Lao Tianshi, Zhang Chulan and others who were watching the battle in the audience could not help but fall silent.

"...Another monster!"

Mr. Lu Jin couldn't help but mutter.

"And it's even more exaggerated than that boy named Zuo."

Lao Tianshi added, and then whispered with a complicated look: "Old Lu, have you ever seen anyone in your life who has mastered the art of horizontal training to his level?"

"No." Lu Jin shook his head, "Not only have I never seen it, but I have also heard of it."

"Yes, if Henglian was so powerful, there wouldn't be many masters who died at the hands of the invaders back then."

The old Heavenly Master sighed with emotion, and then couldn't help but wonder: "Where did they come from?"

Behind the two of them, Xu Si, the person in charge of the North China Region of the company, was slightly startled. Then he realized that Old Master Tian was actually asking him, so he quickly took out the cigarette in his mouth and whispered: "Old Master. Heavenly Master, Mr. Lu, I have sent people to check, these two people are from Xi'an and live in Qijia Village near Qinling Mountains."

"It is said that the village appeared in the Ming Dynasty. It seemed to be called Dingjia Village in the early years. It was renamed Qijia Village after the founding of the People's Republic of China..."

After hearing Xu Si's explanation, Master Tian and Lu Jin looked at each other.

Lu Jin tried to ask: "Qi Jiguang's relative?"

Xu Si shook his head: "Qi from the land of Qi Lu."

Lu Jin laughed when he heard this, shook his head and said, "It should be Qi Jiguang's Qi!"

Xu Si was slightly startled, and just about to refute, he suddenly seemed to understand something and couldn't help but said: "You mean, these two people who appeared out of nowhere are descendants of the Qi family army who escaped from the world back then?"

"It should be so." Master Tian nodded, turned to look at Zuo Yu in the auditorium opposite and said softly, "That boy named Zuo is a master of Qi Jia Quan, and his technique is extremely pure. He should be the true successor of Qi Jiajun !”

In the auditorium opposite, Zuo Yu, who was eavesdropping on the conversation between Lao Tianshi and others, looked strange.

He just asked Void to forge an identity casually, but he didn't expect that there really was such a village, and from what it sounds like, it was probably the same as Zhao Lihe in the Xiuchundao world, a village founded by the surviving descendants of the Qi family army.

Zuo Yu was a little confused at first, but then he thought about it. Qijia Village, where Zhao Lihe was located, was not in the plot of Xiuchundao. Maybe there was such a village in real history!

At the same time, Li Yun had already arrived in front of Jia Zhengliang with the blows of twelve flying knives.

Unwilling to be defeated like this, Jia Zhengliang immediately controlled two flying knives to fly to his feet, stepped on the flying knives and rose into the air, suspended in the sky and looked down at Li Yun below.

"I admit that you are indeed very strong, but it is not that easy to defeat me..."

As Jia Zhengliang spoke, he controlled the other ten flying knives to float around him. At the same time, the Qi in his body poured in crazily, evenly wrapping the ten flying knives in front of him like light blue amber.

At this time, due to this special layer of blue energy, the friction of the ten immortal-killing flying knives is infinitely close to zero.

When these ten flying knives are shot out under his control, their speed will reach an extremely exaggerated level.

This is Jia Zhengliang's secret trick - nine hundred births and deaths!

"I can't control this move accurately yet. If you can block it, I will admit defeat, but if you can't block it..."

Jia Zhengliang's eyes were indifferent and he said in a cold tone: "Then go to hell!"

Before he finished speaking, ten immortal-killing flying knives wrapped in blue energy burst out.

In an instant, ten blue lights pierced the air and struck Li Yun standing on the ground from ten directions.

This time, Li Yun did not stand still and resist, but stepped hard.

The stone floor beneath his feet instantly dented and shattered, and a huge crater with a radius of several meters appeared.

At the same time, Li Yun's figure soared into the sky as if teleporting, and appeared behind Jia Zhengliang in an instant.


With a loud noise, Jia Zhengliang, who was looking at the ground with a look of astonishment on his face, was kicked out by a huge force from behind before he realized what happened. His body was thrown in an arc and hit the ground heavily.


Jia Zhengliang lay on the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood. Then he got up from the ground with the overwhelming feeling in his body, stood up unsteadily, and raised his head with difficulty.


The moment he raised his head, a strong wind came towards him.

Jia Zhengliang was slightly startled when he saw a huge fist stopping about five centimeters in front of his eyes, followed by a strong arm that looked like it was made of steel, and Li Yun's calm face.

"So be it……"

Li Yun said lightly, then lowered his arms, waiting for Jia Zhengliang to admit defeat.

Jia Zhengliang looked at him silently and suddenly said: "You escaped."

Li Yun frowned: "..."

Jia Zhengliang looked at him and said seriously: "You avoided my Nine Hundred Life and Death, which means it can hurt you."

Facing Jia Zhengliang's seemingly firm but actually wavering gaze, Li Yun couldn't help but fall into silence.

He knew that Jia Zhengliang's words were not meant for him, but for Jia Zhengliang himself.

After all, it is a unique skill that has been practiced for a lifetime, and suddenly it is discovered that even other people's skin and flesh cannot break through the defense.

This kind of blow is not something ordinary people can bear.

Thinking of this, Li Yun nodded and said seriously: "Your Nine Hundred Life and Death is indeed very strong. If you are given enough acceleration distance and acceleration time, even I will probably be killed by the knife of hatred..."

"I knew it!"

A smile appeared on Jia Zhengliang's face, and then he fell back as if he had finally lost all his strength.

With a plop, Jia Zhengliang fell to the ground, looking at the sky of the field and murmuring: "Admit defeat, admit defeat...Mom, don't blame your son for not living up to expectations. I don't want to meet a monster..."

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