Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 187 Monsters are also beasts

Make up a lesson?

Li Yun frowned slightly, looked at Zuo Yu and asked, "Do you want to take him back now?"

Zuo Yu thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Let's wait until the Luotian Dajiao is over. I went back to the alliance before and found that the time flow rate ratio between this world and the void gap is 3:1, which is the largest gap in the world discovered by the alliance so far. The biggest one, if we take him back now, it will take at least half a day just to introduce the alliance. By the time we come back from the alliance, the top 16 games may be over..."

"3:1, bigger than the Marvel world?"

"Yes, if you want to speed up your cultivation in the future, you can come to this world more often."

Seeing the two senior time travelers chatting as if no one was around, Deng Yougang looked at this and that for a while, and finally couldn't help interrupting the conversation between the two.

"Brothers, can you first tell me what this Traveler Alliance is all about?"


Zuo Yu and Li Yun both turned their heads and looked at the black-haired boy in front of them with a strange expression.

The black-haired boy blushed slightly and whispered, "Is there any problem?"

"No problem." Zuo Yu shook his head, looked at him with interest and said, "It's just that ordinary time travelers will keep asking about the situation of our alliance after hearing the name of our alliance, but you were just a little surprised. , seeing you acting so calmly, I thought you weren’t curious at all!”

"How could I not be curious?" Deng Yougang shook his head and said with some embarrassment, "I'm just introverted and don't like to talk."

"Tsk tsk, the passive and introverted male protagonist Asasi..." Zuo Yu tsk-tsked in surprise, and said jokingly, "It's a pity that you couldn't time travel into the Japanese manga love story, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to recruit several female leads from the protagonist. "

"Lao Zuo!"

Li Yun glanced at him helplessly, then turned around and said seriously: "Our organization is called the Travelers Alliance. As the name suggests, it is an alliance formed by a group of time travelers. Its purpose is to help each other and find a way back home..."

"And dominate the heavens and so on!"

Zuo Yu added with a smile.

Li Yun ignored him and continued: "Our headquarters is located in the void gap, which is the gap between worlds. Logically speaking, we should take you back now, but time flows faster in this world. In order to be able to participate in the plot, we think it is safer to stay first. After all, the exercises and eight magical skills in this world are very unique, and they should be able to exchange for a lot of gray mist coins."

"What is the Gray Mist Coin?"

"A currency that is exchanged within the alliance. It contains powerful life energy and can perfectly strengthen the body."

"How to get it?"

"All alliance members are guaranteed a benefit of one hundred gray mist coins every year. In addition, they can also obtain it from alliance officials or other time travelers through transactions. Under normal circumstances, we only accept various forms of transactions of power and knowledge, and do not accept secular money……"

Afterwards, Deng Yougang asked several more questions, and Li Yun answered them one after another.

After asking and answering, he finally got a general overview of the Traveler Alliance.

Deng Yougang couldn't wait to ask: "Does the alliance have a way to solve my problem?"

Zuo Yu said in surprise: "The problem with you, what problem, soul? That is not a problem. Every time traveler has a powerful soul that is one in a million. This is not your special case, and we are the same."


"This involves a topic that the Alliance is currently studying. I can't explain the specific situation to you. I can only say that people whose souls are not strong enough and tough enough cannot become time travellers."

"So, even the Alliance can't solve my problems?"

Deng Yougang couldn't help but look disappointed.

Zuo Yu rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Why are you so stubborn? I have told you that your problem is not a problem, it is a sign that you have a strong soul and great talent. If you just want to become stronger, the alliance has There are many power systems for you to choose from, ensuring that you can become the top powerhouse in the world in a very short time..."

Li Yun shook his head and interrupted Zuo Yu's words: "Old Zuo, you didn't understand what he meant."

Zuo Yu was startled for a moment, then realized and said in surprise: "You just want to learn the skills of the Ma Xian family?"

Deng Yougang nodded and admitted.

Zuo Yu was puzzled: "Why?"

Deng Yougang sighed and explained: "The two eldest brothers don't know something. Among all the 'witches' in this world, the mutual choice between our lineage and the elves is the most cautious. In order to achieve this kind of cooperation, at least It will take several generations of hard work and even lives. Once cooperation is achieved, we will treat each other as family members. This is where the name 'Family Fairy' comes from."

"Take the uncle Liu Kunsheng that my eldest brother invited before as an example. He is not only the family immortal enshrined in my family, but also my elder, the ancestor who watched me grow up."

"And when my aunt saw the Gulingsendants of the Wang family and the Feng family, she discovered that the family immortals we respected as our ancestors were being barked around like pet dogs in front of this group of strangers who had mastered the Julingsendants. , this kind of thing is unacceptable to all strangers from the Celestial Family."

"My aunt and the elders in the family want me to learn the skills of the Ma Xian family, not only for my talent and strength, but also for the sake of these family immortals in the family. They think that with my talent, once I can master the method of inviting gods, With this technique, we may be able to find a way to deal with Ju Ling’s generals.”

"I'm not afraid that my two eldest brothers will know that I was an abandoned orphan in my previous life. I have never experienced the feeling of family, so I cherish my family in this life. Although I don't think I really have the ability to solve this matter, even if I only have a hundred If there is a one-in-one possibility, I will try my best..."

Hearing Deng Yougang's sincere words, Li Yun fell into silence.

Zuo Yu said thoughtfully: "So, the key to the problem is not that you have to practice the skills of the Ma Xian family, but to solve the suppression power of Ji Ling Qian and other elves such as the family immortals!"

"Yes, but for now, only if I master the art of inviting gods can I possibly solve this problem."

"Did your elders tell you this?"

"That's right."

"They know nothing!" Zuo Yu curled her lips and said, "A bunch of frogs in a well..."

"Old Zuo, be careful what you say!" Li Yun frowned and said, "After all, we are Yougang's family members, please give me some face."

"It doesn't matter." Deng Yougang shook his head, "I know that Brother Zuo is complaining about me. Besides, compared with the two elder brothers who travel across the world, we are really just a group of frogs in a well who have never seen the world..."

"What you said makes me a little embarrassed." Zuo Yu chuckled, and then asked with a smile, "Boy, your problem now is that all the immortals are not worthy of you, and they can't be with you. Bar?"


Deng Yougang nodded, not paying attention to Zuo Yu's unintentional offense just now.

A smile appeared on Zuo Yu's face: "I have an idea."

Deng Yougang looked expectant: "What do you think?"

Zuo Yu chuckled and asked: "Are there any restrictions on the objects of the art of inviting gods?"

Deng Yougang hesitated and said, "This...can you be more specific?"

Zuo Yu explained: "It means the race and status of the spirit being invited, etc. For example, it must be a creature other than human beings, or it must be an elf that has separated from the body and exists in the form of a soul, etc."

Deng Yougang thought about it carefully and said softly: "As far as I know, the vast majority of elves are cultivated from animals, but there are also many evil cultivators who will take away the souls of human beings after death, so there should be no restrictions on race. As for status, there should be There are limits, at least in my understanding, all elves are souls separated from the body."

"What about the Deyangjin and the Deyinjin?"

"Deyang Shen definitely can't do it. It is the incarnation of the soul in the form of an external body, but Deyin Shen...maybe it can be done, but no one has ever tried it. After all, the human soul has many limitations. If you rashly invite it, it will be very difficult for both parties. It all carries huge risks.”

As he spoke, Deng Yougang seemed to have thought of something and looked at Zuo Yu with wide eyes.

"Brother Zuo, you're not trying to get a ghost on me, are you?"

"of course not."

Zuo Yu shook his head, then turned over his hand and took out a piece of black scale armor, and handed it to Deng Yougang with a chuckle: "What I'm wondering is, can you invite this guy to you? After all, to a certain extent, he is also a Animals that have been cultivated into spirits..."

"Isn't it?"

Seeing this black scale armor, Li Yun had a strange expression on his face.

Zuo Yu chuckled, put her arms around his shoulders and said, "Old Li, think more openly, monsters are beasts too!"

"Isn't it because Yougang couldn't find an elf who was worthy of him, so he has never been able to master the art of inviting gods? Then I will find him someone who is absolutely qualified. However, if he wants to be recognized by Lao Bai, just It’s up to you!”

Speaking of the last sentence, Zuo Yu turned to look at Deng Yougang.

Deng Yougang dazedly took over this piece of black scales the size of a turtle shell. Feeling the rough and hard touch of the surface, he couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Brother Zuo, what kind of creature's scales are these?"

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "It's not a living thing, it's the scales that fell off the bodies of our alliance members."

"Member of the United... Alliance?" Deng Yougang's eyes widened, "Is he also a time traveler?"

"Yeah, you don't think that time travelers can only travel through time and become humans, right?"

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