Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 188 Invite Mr. Godzilla to get up

"..." Deng Yougang swallowed and looked at the black scales the size of a turtle shell in his palm and guessed, "Could it be that this senior traveled into the world of the python disaster and turned into a black python?"

"Python? Boy, what are you thinking about!"

"Isn't it a python? What is it? Is it a black dragon?"

Deng Yougang's eyes widened and he looked at the two of them in shock.

Zuo Yu and Li Yun looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces.

"Well... that's about right. You'll know after you try it!"

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "By the way, this guy's name is Bai Lang, he is your senior."

Deng Yougang nodded clearly, looking at the black scales the size of a turtle shell in his palm and couldn't help but sigh.

"Isn't this too big?"

"Is it big?"

Zuo Yu was noncommittal. This was only a part of the scales on Bailang's body. The diameter of the complete scales was measured in meters and contained strong nuclear radiation, so he did not take it out rashly.

"Among the various spells you have learned, there should be a way to establish contact with spirits through a medium, right?"

Deng Yougang nodded and said hesitantly: "Indeed, there is, but this connection is very weak. Even in the same world, as long as the distance is a little farther, it may fail, let alone across the world - this senior Bai should not be in this world. Bar?"

"Indeed, but it doesn't matter. I will establish a communication channel for you."

With that said, Zuo Yu took out a gray mist coin and played with it flexibly with his fingers.

"Oh, by the way." Zuo Yu suddenly raised his head, looked at Deng Yougang and said with a chuckle, "Generally speaking, unless you are a member of the alliance with a very good relationship, if you want to ask other alliance members for help, it is not free. "

"Lao Li and I like you, and we can also earn mission rewards from you, so you don't have to worry about it, but Lao Bai has no obligation to help you for free. If you want to get his approval, you have to pay something, or you will be gray. Fog coins, or favors..."

Deng Yougang smiled bitterly and said, "Do I have a choice?"

Zuo Yu smiled and said: "Of course, the skills in your world are quite valuable. If you are willing, just collect some skills from each family, plus the unique skills passed down by your family, you should be able to sell them for several thousand gray mist coins. It’s still okay.”

"Can it still be like this?" Deng Yougang thought carefully and looked at Zuo Yudao seriously, "I owe you a favor - not just Senior Bai, but also the two elder brothers."

Zuo Yu was a little surprised: "Are you sure?"

Deng Yougang nodded lightly and said: "I'm sure - Brother Zuo, you don't need to explain. Free things are often the most expensive. I understand this truth, but I am willing to owe you a favor. In the future, if you are driven, you will I will definitely obey you!"


The corners of Zuo Yu's lips curled up: "Then let's get started!"

Deng Yougang nodded and solemnly held the black scales in his palm.

As the energy from Deng Yougang's body radiated, Zuo Yu decisively activated the gray mist coin in his hand.

In an instant, a silver crack appeared out of thin air in front of the three people.

Deng Yougang suppressed the shock in his heart and continued to try to communicate with the owner of the black scale armor.

Finally, through the silver crack in front of him, Deng Yougang felt a hot and dangerous huge consciousness.

In the face of this huge consciousness, his consciousness was like a hiker who had just arrived at the foot of the mountain, looking at the towering mountain peaks in front of him with shock and emotion.

As both time travellers, the quality of their souls is actually about the same, but their quantity and volume are incomparable.

Bailang is Godzilla after all. If he wants to control such a huge body, his consciousness must be stronger than that of ordinary human members.

And not just Bailang, the souls and consciousness of alliance members strengthened by gray mist will also be strengthened simultaneously. Therefore, even the consciousness of Li Yun and Zhao Lihe is far from what Deng Yougang can match today.

"Senior Bailang?"

Deng Yougang suppressed the shock in his heart and tried to call out.

At the same time, in the Traveler Building, Bai Lang, who was lying on the sofa watching the show, was slightly startled.

He noticed that a consciousness was carefully touching him, but the consciousness of the other party was too weak and the speech was too fast, so that he could not hear the meaning of the vague words clearly.

Bai Lang looked at the mini Mothra standing quietly on the table with some surprise.

"Little Mo, is that you?"


Mothra flapped her colorful wings, sending a negative signal.

Bailang blinked, thinking that he was in the Traveler Building, and the only people who could contact his consciousness were members of the alliance, so this consciousness was probably a newcomer to the alliance.

"Interesting, are there any new members?"

Bailang thought so in his heart, and at the same time linked to that consciousness with great interest.

"Are you new to the alliance?"

A loud yet slow voice sounded from Bailang's heart.

Deng Yougang was surprised at first, and then quickly and respectfully replied: "Yes, Senior Bailang, my younger brother's name is Deng Yougang. He is a traveler in the world under one person. Brother Zuo Yu and Brother Li Yun introduced me..."

"Wait, slow down, you speak too fast!"

Deng Yougang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this should be related to the difference in the time flow rate between the two worlds.

There was no other way, so Deng Yougang could only slow down his tone, say it again, and tell him his purpose.

Hearing Deng Yougang's words, Bai Lang couldn't help but sit up straight, his fat black face full of interest.

"Did I hear you correctly? Do you want to invite me to get on top of you?"

"Interesting, I know that there is a way to invite gods in the world under one person, but can you even invite me?"

Deng Yougang explained: "It's just a try. I don't know if Senior Bailang is willing."

"Of course I am willing!" Bai Lang agreed happily, and then said with a smile, "Let me guess, this is Zuo Yu's idea!"

"...That's right."

"I knew that guy Lao Li couldn't come up with such a brilliant idea!"

Hearing Bai Lang's admiration, Deng Yougang forced a smile, thinking that this senior was also the same type of person as Brother Zuo.

At the same time, Bai Lang used astral projection to get his soul out of his body, but unlike the pure human soul before, at this time, Bai Lang's body and soul had a wonderful fusion and mutual influence because of his practice of soul magic.

Now his soul has a body of nearly three meters tall, with limbs as sharp as dragon claws. Black scales cover the whole body, spreading from the legs to the neck and chin. Only the facial features and face still look like humans.

It looks like a black dragon man without dragon horns, exuding a mighty and intimidating aura.

But at this moment, this senior dragon man with a mighty and domineering appearance was urging Deng Yougang enthusiastically.

"Boy, hurry up and get on me, I can't wait any longer!"

Hearing Bai Lang's enthusiastic urging, Deng Yougang suddenly felt unsure for some reason.

But at this point, he could only grit his teeth and shake his head like Deng Youfu did before.

"Young, the third generation descendant of the Deng family!"

"Uncle Bai, please—uh uh uh uh—please get on top!"

As Deng Yougang stepped hard, a soul from a foreign land followed the call and entered his body.

In an instant, a billowing heat wave containing nuclear radiation surged out of Deng Yougang's body, instantly igniting his clothes.

On his bare chest, the dense blood vessels glowed with golden red light, like lava flowing in his body. His body, which was only 1.75 meters tall, instantly swelled, his muscles continued to bulge, and his bones continued to rise amidst the creaking sounds. Black scales emerged from the flesh accompanied by steaming white steam, quickly covering Deng Yougang's body surface.

In just ten seconds, Deng Yougang quickly transformed from a boy who was originally 1.75 meters tall into a devilish muscular man with a height of more than two meters and covered with black scales.

The next second, Deng Yougang opened his eyes suddenly, and the originally black pupils had turned into extremely scarlet vertical pupils.

"Is this the art of inviting gods?"

Deng Yougang or Bailang raised an arm and looked at his sharp black dragon claws with interest.

"Human body, I haven't experienced it in many years..."

Bailang sighed, then seemed to hear something, lowered his arms and said: "Boy, don't worry, this is the form that will appear when you ask me to get on top of you. I have recently been practicing the secret technique of integrating soul and body. The soul is more or less It will have some influence on the body, and after I leave, your body will naturally return to its previous appearance..."

"What, you ask me what my true form is?"

"Didn't they tell you that I am Godzilla?"

Following Bai Lang's surprised answer, Deng Yougang's consciousness suddenly fell into silence for ten seconds.

Immediately afterwards, panic-filled consciousness signals came like raindrops.

Bailang's head was full of black lines, and he quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, the art of praying to gods you used is very strange. It allows me to use the energy in my soul to simulate the power of my body. In other words, the nuclear energy in your body does not It’s not real nuclear energy, but mimetic energy whose external appearance is very similar to nuclear energy!”

"When I leave your body, the remaining nuclear radiation will naturally disappear."

"You ask about the impact on the outside world?"

Bai Lang blinked and glanced at the burning trees around him, as well as Zuo Yu and Li Yun who were looking at his naked body. He said in a somewhat uncertain tone: "It should, probably, maybe it won't disappear, right?"

Deng Yougang: "..."

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