Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 189 It’s easy to go up the mountain but hard to go down the mountain

After trying his best to persuade Uncle Bai to leave, Deng Yougang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Zuo Yu casually threw him two pieces of high-temperature and radiation-resistant clothing made of Laton's flesh-wing skin membrane, and asked with a smile: "How is it? You should have mastered the art of inviting gods now, right?"

"It's indeed done."

Deng Yougang put on a T-shirt and trousers, looked at the dry trees and ground around him and smiled bitterly: "But Brother Zuo, why didn't you tell me in advance that this Uncle Bai... he is Godzilla!"

"Nuclear radiation is no joke. If my body can't bear it..."

"Don't worry!" Zuo Yu said with a chuckle, "As long as you don't turn into fly ash, we are all capable of saving you. The magical power the alliance possesses is beyond what you can imagine now."

Deng Yougang sighed deeply at the strength of the alliance, and then shared with Zuo Yu and Li Yun the feeling of inviting Bailang to come up.

"At that time, I almost thought my body was on fire, as if my skin and flesh had turned into coals, and my blood had turned into lava... Fortunately, now I have established a connection with Uncle Bai in terms of power, and I can borrow it from him without having to ask him to get on top of me. the power of."

"This is a lot more convenient." Zuo Yu nodded, and then threw a gray mist coin to Deng Yougang, "But you are not in the same world after all. If you want to borrow Lao Bai's power, you must activate this thing first."

"Is this the Gray Mist Coin?"

Deng Yougang looked at the white jade coin in his hand curiously.

Zuo Yu nodded and said: "That's right, the Seal of the Void is engraved on the Gray Mist Coin, which can open the crack to the Alliance anytime and anywhere. If you don't plan to return to the Alliance now, I can lend you a hundred Gray Mist Coins first. , just return it to me when you return to the alliance."

Deng Yougang didn't show any pretense, he nodded calmly and said: "Then I'll trouble Brother Zuo!"

Zuo Yu smiled and handed him a hundred gray mist coins, and then asked: "Now that you have mastered the art of inviting gods, what are you going to do? Do you want to act with us and participate in the plot?"

Deng Yougang thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Forget it, I plan to go back to the Northeast first, tell my family the good news, and then continue to try to practice the secret skills passed down from my family to see if I can find out how to deal with the generals who are sent to arrest the spirit." Methods."


Zuo Yu and Li Yun looked at each other.

"Well, since this is your decision...see you in the Alliance!"

"Well, see you in the Alliance!"

Deng Yougang had a smile on his face, waved to Zuo Yu and the others, then turned around and walked towards the way he came.

But unlike the anxiety he felt before coming, now he is full of confidence and confidence.

"Finally completed the guidance mission!"

Zuo Yu stretched out, glanced at Li Yun and said with a smile, "How do you say that?"

Li Yun thought for a moment: "Let's go find Lu Jin. I can't attack an upright person, but a full-blooded demon can be arrested and interrogated. I remember that they have quite a lot of skills and secret techniques. They should be worth it." A lot of gray mist coins.”

Zuo Yu smiled and said: "I think so too. It just so happens that the alliance now provides soul searching services. As long as they can be captured alive..."

Li Yun looked at him in surprise: "Is there such a thing?"

Zuo Yu nodded and said, "Yes, it's the gray ball in the Traveler's Square."

Li Yun frowned and said, "I remember it, but doesn't it only provide body repair and healing services?"

Zuo Yu said casually: "There are several versions of this, and it has been updated a long time ago!"

The two of them were chatting while walking towards the back mountain of Longhu Mountain.

On the other side, Deng Yougang returned to the room and told his two brothers that he had mastered the art of inviting gods.

Both of them were surprised. Deng Youcai wanted to ask his fourth brother what happened just now, but was stopped by Deng Youfu.

He believed that since Zuo Yu and Li Yun avoided talking to their fourth brother alone, it meant that there were secrets that could not be known to outsiders.

Since it is a secret, you cannot pry into it at will, otherwise it will lead to unreasonable disasters.

Hearing his eldest brother's considerate words, Deng Yougang breathed a sigh of relief, and then proposed to go home and inform his family about the situation Zuo Yu told them and the good news that Deng Yougang had mastered the art of inviting gods.

The three brothers hit it off immediately and quickly booked air tickets to fly to Northeast China overnight.

But just as they were rushing down the mountain, several black shadows quietly lurked on their path.

"call out--"

A slight sound of breaking the air sounded from the mountain forest at dusk.

Deng Youfu's ears twitched, and without hesitation, he grabbed his fourth brother's arm and pulled hard.


With a muffled sound, a three-inch-long flying knife pierced into the trees not far to Deng Yougang's right.

Under the illumination of the evening sun, the highly toxic substance smeared on the blade shone with a faint green light.


Deng Youfu was furious and looked towards the woods with cold eyes.

I saw three black figures emerging from the forest. They were all wearing black suits, and their bodies were filled with powerful Qi. The thin figure on the far left among them held four flying knives that were also coated with poison. It was the person who made the sneak attack just now.

Seeing this scene, Deng Youfu sneered, stretched out his hand to stop the furious Deng Youcai next to him, pushed up his glasses, and said coldly: "Which road are you from, and why do you want to block the way of our brothers?"

"What do you think, Deng Youfu?"

The leader had a smile on his face, and while taking off the black gloves on his right hand, he said casually: "I have long heard that the influence of the Chuma Xian family in the Northeast has gradually faded. In recent years, their reputation has not been good, and even the ten members One of them, Guan Shihua, didn’t dare to go south, and now it seems that this is indeed the case!”

At this point, the man in the suit paused and said in a sarcastic tone: "After all, even a coward like you can represent the Chuma Xian family in the Luotian Festival. It seems that the Chuma Xian family really has no successor—— You ask me why I want to block your way, why else, of course it’s to kill you, do I still want to play house with you?!”

As he said that, the man in the suit rushed out of the forest like lightning and slapped Deng Youfu with his right palm.

Deng Youfu snorted coldly, turned his left hand into a palm, and faced the man in the suit's right palm from bottom to top.


With their palms touching, the man in the suit jumped back and landed easily with a backflip.

At the same time, the thin man in the woods also threw the throwing knife in his hand.

The poison-coated blade cut through the air and shot toward Deng Youfu, but was kicked away by a black leather shoe on the way, rolling and embedded in the dirt of the mountain road.

After stopping the flying knife, Deng Youcai quickly approached his eldest brother, standing back to back with his fourth brother in the middle to protect him.

"Brother, do you want to ask a god to come up to you?"

Deng Youcai asked in a low voice while suppressing his anger.

Deng Youfu covered his left hand and whispered: "Don't be anxious, just wait."

After saying that, Deng Youfu shook his hand, looked at the man in a suit and said coldly: "Hmph, Iron Sand Palm, there are not many people who can practice Iron Sand Palm as hard as you these days. As far as I know, there are only two or three A sect—boy, don’t let me find your heels!”


The man in the suit laughed when he heard this, as if he had heard something funny.

"Heel? Deng Youfu, what are you talking about? I have joined Quanxing, why would I still care about my previous sect?"

"...Are you a full-blooded monster?"

Deng Youfu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The man in suit said calmly: "That's right!"

"I was shocked..." Deng Youfu breathed a sigh of relief, pushed up his glasses, and a cold light flashed in his pale yellow eyes, "I thought you were sent by the Wang family!"

After the words fell, Deng Youfu quickly rushed towards the man in the suit and started fighting with him.

Just as Deng Youcai wanted to help his eldest brother, he was stopped by the second person who rushed out of the forest.

In this way, the two brothers were fighting against each other, and at the same time they had to guard against the flying knife of the last person.

"Bang bang bang——"

As the fists and kicks struck each other, Deng Youfu could not help but frown tightly as he felt the pressure brought by his enemy.

The three people in front of me are really troublesome. The first two practice iron sand palm and hard qigong respectively, and are both good at close combat. The last one is good at light kung fu and has a fast and fierce flying knife.

With such a combination, it would be difficult to defeat them quickly without asking for help.

At the same time, Deng Yougang hid behind a tree, leaning his head to observe the battlefield.

He kept Deng Youfu's instructions in mind and did not expose his skills easily.

But seeing the difficult situation of his two brothers, Deng Yougang hesitated and couldn't help but speak out.

"Eldest brother, second brother, why don't you let me..."

"Just stay still!"

Deng Youfu scolded, and then finally made a decision. He put his hands in front of him and prepared to invite the spirit to come up.

Hearing the strange words from his elder brother, Deng Youcai smiled. He immediately distanced himself from the enemy in front of him, put on the same posture as Deng Youfu, and prepared to invite Uncle Hui to get on him.

Finally, as two waves of cold black energy filled the air, both Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai successfully summoned the gods.

Looking at the Deng brothers who had changed greatly, the expressions of the three men in suits changed and they quickly retreated towards the woods.

"Do you know how to run away now?"

Liu Kunsheng, who had fallen in love with Deng Youfu, said lightly, and when he was about to step forward to capture them, he suddenly heard a sound of gnashing teeth coming from the woods behind the three of them.

"Finally, we tricked these two beasts out!"

After the words fell, a young man with bandages all over his body appeared in the woods.

Seeing the swollen pig head that had been burned, Liu Kunsheng finally recognized the person's identity.

It was Deng Youfu's original opponent during the day, the Wang Bing who was easily defeated by Zuo Yu.

Seeing Wang Ting appear, three men in suits quickly stood behind him and lowered their heads respectfully.

"Master, it's your turn to take action."

"I know, do you need to teach me? It's useless!"

Wang said impatiently, and then stretched out his hand towards the Deng brothers who were asking for help, with a cheerful smile on his lips.


Following Wang Bing's calm words, both 'Deng Youfu' and 'Deng Youcai' suddenly widened their eyes.

"Come quickly!"

Wang Bing shouted loudly, and Uncle Liu and Uncle Gray on the Deng brothers finally couldn't bear it any longer, and turned into two black qi that separated from the bodies of the Deng brothers and surged towards Wang Bing's palm as if they were uncontrollable.

At this moment, a violent figure smashed into the trees, appeared in front of Wang Bing with a surging heat wave, kicked him to the ground, stepped on his bandaged right hand, his eyes were cold and filled with anger. Looking at that frightened face.


"Give me these two gentlemen!"

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