Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 190 Accepting the baptism of nuclear energy

Time goes back to one minute ago.

The moment he saw Wang Bing appear, Deng Yougang instantly realized something was wrong.

He still remembered the way his aunt talked about the spirit-gathering and dispatching generals alone in front of him. The look in her eyes full of fear, solemnity and expectation was the source of motivation for him to persist in practicing the art of inviting gods.

He knew very well that even Uncle Liu and Uncle Gray had no power to resist in front of General Ju Ling.

Because of this, Deng Yougang disobeyed his elder brother Deng Youfu's instructions for the first time in his life and activated the Gray Mist Coin in his hand without hesitation.

In an instant, the familiar consciousness that had just left him established contact with him again.

Bailang asked enthusiastically: "Boy, have you changed your mind? Do you want to invite me to get up again?"

Deng Yougang quickly communicated with him: "No, senior, I have encountered a user of Julingshuangjiang. Asking you to get up rashly may put you in danger. You just need to lend me some strength!"

"General Ju Ling Sen?" Bai Lang said with great interest, "I really want to see if General Ju Ling Sen can restrain me!"

Although Bai Lang showed great confidence, Deng Yougang still insisted on his own ideas and did not want Bai Lang to take risks himself.

There was no other way, Bailang could only say helplessly: "Okay, okay, since you just want to borrow some power, then take it!"

"Brother, I have always been generous. How much I can eat is up to you!"

Along with Bai Lang's hearty voice, a hot power poured into his body from the silver cracks.

Deng Yougang's eyes widened for a moment. He felt as if magma had been injected into his body. His heart was beating like a roaring volcano. All the pores on his body opened unconsciously and began to emit steaming white gas. .

At the same time, an extremely powerful force filled his body, giving him some illusions. It seemed that he could destroy everything in front of him just by exploding this force.

After borrowing the power, Deng Yougang immediately saw the scene of Wang Bing arresting the spirit.

Seeing Uncle Liu and Uncle Gray turning into black energy and being taken away by Wang Bing, infinite anger instantly surged into his heart.

Without hesitation, Deng Yougang stepped forward, his body turned into a black light, violently smashing all the trees on the path, and kicked Wang Bing to the ground with a billowing heat wave, and stepped on his right hand hard.


"Give me these two gentlemen!"

Hearing this familiar roar, Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai couldn't help but look shocked.

"Fourth brother?!"

Deng Yougang ignored the shock of his two brothers. While glaring at Wang Bing, he subconsciously stepped on Wang Bing's wrist.

Under his terrifying power, Wang Bing's wrist bones were easily crushed into powder like cookies in the hands of a naughty child.

With the screams coming from his feet, Deng Yougang realized how far his power had been enhanced.

The three Wang family members behind them looked horrified, but after hearing the young man's screams, they gritted their teeth and stepped forward to try to save the young master.


The palm of iron sand wrapped in hard steel slapped the back of Deng Yougang's head hard.

Deng Yougang shook his head, turned around, glared at the man in the suit fiercely, and then stretched out his right arm like a heavy hammer, hitting the chest of another hard qigong stranger like a heavy hammer.



The dull loud noise was mixed with the sound of several bones breaking.

The stranger who practiced hard qigong flew backwards in an instant, his chest was sunken, his bones were broken, and large amounts of blood mixed with dark red visceral fragments spurted out from his mouth and scattered all over the ground.

Then, Deng Yougang reached out his hand again and grabbed the man in the suit by the neck while he looked at him in horror.


With an angry roar, Deng Yougang followed his instinct and poured out the power in his body.

In an instant, golden-red light emerged from the blood vessels of his right arm, and the hot nuclear energy turned into billowing heat waves, instantly turning all the flesh in contact with his palm into black charcoal.

The next moment, before Deng Yougang could react, the man in a suit who had been baptized by nuclear energy had his body and head separated.

The charred neck was like the most fragile dead branch, torn and broken under the influence of gravity.

The headless body collapsed to the ground, with only one staring eye left, and the dead head resting on Deng Yougang's palm.

Seeing this scene, Deng Yougang finally woke up from his anger, threw it away in a hurry, looked at the head that was rolling on the ground like a rubber ball, and murmured to himself.

"I killed someone..."

"Fourth brother! Be careful!"

Deng Youfu shouted anxiously.

Deng Yougang woke up from his daze immediately. Hearing the whistling sound in his ears, he subconsciously raised his arm and grabbed the flying knife that hit his eyes.

Seeing this scene, the thin man hiding in the tree raised his lips.

His throwing knife was smeared with bungara venom. Once the toxin invades the body, unless antivenom is injected or the skin is cut in time to remove the muscles eroded by the venom, the venom will quickly spread from the wound to throughout the body, causing drowsiness, muscle paralysis, difficulty breathing and other complications, and eventually causing heart paralysis...

Suddenly, the sinister smile on the thin man's face froze.

I saw the flying knife in Deng Yougang's palm turning red and soft in the high temperature, and finally turned into a pool of molten iron dripping to the ground.

The bungara venom on the flying knife is composed of polypeptides and proteins, which naturally cannot be retained in the high temperature that melts steel.

Deng Yougang shook his hand to shake off the iron juice attached to his palm prints, and then looked up at the thin man squatting on the tree.

The thin man was shocked when he saw this. He quickly threw out the remaining flying knives and turned around to escape.

Deng Yougang was about to catch up, but was stopped by Deng Youcai and Deng Youfu.

After calming down for a moment, Deng Yougang endured the discomfort in his heart and asked aloud.

"Brother, are Uncle Liu and Uncle Gray okay?"


Deng Youfu shook his head, and then looked at Wang Bing who was unconscious from severe pain on the ground.

They had taken the opportunity to take back the spirits of Uncle Liu and Uncle Gray.

Now that the crisis has been resolved, the top priority is how to deal with the king in front of us...

"What else can we do? This guy blocked our way and wanted to detain Uncle Liu and Uncle Hui. Now that his arm was disabled by Gangzi, he has already formed a grudge with us. Instead of letting the tiger go back to the mountain, it's better to kill him now!"

Deng Youcai's eyes flashed fiercely, as if he wanted to take action immediately.

But Deng Youfu stopped him and looked around the surrounding forest with a faint look.

He knew that just because of Wang Bing's words, he didn't have the courage to take action against them.

The only person who can really make this decision is Wang Ai, one of the ten men at the helm of the Wang family.

If he guessed correctly, Wang Ai must be nearby observing this scene at this moment.

"Mr. Wang, since you and I are already at odds with each other, why don't you show up and see us?"

"Do you really want to watch your great-grandson die in our hands?"

Deng Youfu looked around at the dark woods around him and shouted angrily.

But no matter how he shouted, he couldn't get any response.

It seemed that the truth was not as he expected, Wang Ai did not come in person at all.

Just when he was about to speak again, a lazy voice came from the woods.

"Okay, stop shouting!"

As the words fell, a black shadow flew out of the woods and landed heavily on the ground beside the three of them.

Deng Youfu and the others were slightly startled. After a closer look, they found that the black figure was the thin man who had just escaped.

At this moment, the thin man's eyes were staring, and his orifices were bleeding. He was obviously dead.

Deng Yougang seemed to realize something and quickly looked up, and sure enough he saw two familiar figures walking out of the forest.

"Brother Zuo! Brother Li!"

"Why are you here?"

Deng Yougang hurriedly greeted him in surprise.

But Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai were stunned on the spot, staring blankly at Li Yun behind Zuo Yu, or rather at the short and fat corpse being dragged in Li Yun's hands.

"Wang...Wang Ai?!"

Deng Youfu stared blankly at the deadpan face, as if it was hard to believe that the boss behind the scenes, whom he treated so seriously, died so easily in the hands of these two people.

"What do you think, brat?"

Zuo Yu ignored the stunned Deng Youfu, looked at Deng Yougang and said angrily: "Of course I'm here to wipe your ass!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Yun threw Wang Ai's body next to the unconscious Wang Bing, then squatted down and stretched out a hand to check Wang Bing's life condition.

"Still alive."

Li Yun stood up with his knees supported.

"That's good."

Zuo Yu nodded when he heard the words, then turned to look at the three stunned Deng brothers and said with a smile: "Okay, you guys leave here quickly and leave the rest to us - Oh, by the way, we have cleared the road ahead. It’s clean, you don’t have to worry about being ambushed, just concentrate on your journey.”


The three Deng brothers looked at each other.

Deng Yougang showed hesitation and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Brother Zuo, this is Longhu Mountain after all, and it's the time of the Luotian Festival. The disciples of all sects gathered on the mountain. You killed ten guys on the mountain. One of them, Wang Ai, may not end well if he is discovered, so why not... why not come back to the Northeast with us!"

Zuo Yu rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Why didn't you say that the Wang family was trying to rob and kill you on the mountain!"

"Why, good people should be cautious and fearful, but bad people can act recklessly without any scruples, right?"

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