Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 199 I am the founding emperor of Daxia

When Xu Si recovered from the shock, he couldn't help but frowned tightly.

"I'm telling you, man, it's the 21st century now, and civil science has no future. Let's find another way to deceive. Just take a model and say it's controllable nuclear fusion. Do you think I'm going to—"

"This is not a model..."

Xu San interrupted Xu Si's words, staring closely at the Ark Reactor emitting blue light on the table, and said in a deep voice under Xu Si's dazed eyes: "It's true, I can feel what's inside with my mind." energy of."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Si's expression immediately changed.

"Who the hell are you?"

Xu Si couldn't help but take a step back, looking at them with shock and vigilance as if he had just met the three of them.

He knows the meaning of controllable nuclear fusion. This is definitely not a technology that a few reclusive strangers can come up with.

"Get acquainted again."

Zhao Lihe stood up from his chair. The suit on his body transformed into a black dragon robe in the silver light. The golden dragon with its teeth and claws hovered over the black robe, staring at the astonished two people in front of him with its majestic dragon eyes.

Under the crown that reaches the sky, a crown made of white jade hangs in front of his forehead, and the black pupils below are filled with golden lightning.

"I am the founding emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty, Zhao Lihe!"

The void generates electricity.

Golden arcs of electricity spread in the air around Zhao Lihe. Together with the noble black dragon robe and his extremely natural and unpretentious demeanor, he looked majestic and majestic.

Xu San and Xu Si couldn't help but look at each other with astonishment on their faces.

As the head of the company's North China region, the two Xu brothers have seen the world. They have even met the top leaders who often appear in the news.

But it wasn't until today that they finally understood what the power of an emperor meant.

The aura of the man in front of him is definitely not something that can be faked through acting.

That is the majesty of an emperor that can only be cultivated by someone who truly holds a high position and controls life and death.

Seeing that the two people in front of him were intimidated by his words and momentum, Zhao Lihe breathed a sigh of relief. While praising his acting skills, he raised his hand and took off the crown of heaven and placed it on the table, covering the ark that was emitting blue light. reactor.

"Now, you can go inform your superiors..."

Zhao Lihe looked at Xu San and Xu Si and said calmly.

Xu San came back to his senses, looked at Zhao Lihe with a calm expression for the last time, took a deep breath, pulled Xu Si and turned around to leave.

When the two people's hurried footsteps gradually drifted away, the expression on Zhao Lihe's face changed, revealing a proud smile.

"How about it? My acting skills are pretty good, right?"

"What kind of acting skills? This is what you should look like!"

Zuo Yu rolled his eyes, then picked up the Tongtian crown on the table, played with it, and said in wonder: "This is an imitation of the Tongtian crown made by Qin, right? When did you get such an outfit?"

"It's not a bad idea of ​​my people!"

Zhao Lihe sighed helplessly: "Now that I have conquered the entire Guanzhong and most of the north, my group of people persuaded me to call me the king of Guanzhong first. After I conquered the world, I would change my name and ascend the throne. This dragon robe and crown were from when they persuaded me to enter." Take it out..."

Zuo Yu asked with great interest: "Then have you become king?"

"No." Zhao Lihe shook his head, lowered his eyes, looked at the dragon robe on his body and said lightly, "To be honest, if your sister-in-law hadn't been blocking me, I would have almost destroyed this dragon robe and crown with a bolt of lightning. Humph, we have just conquered half of the north, and the area of ​​​​power is not even comparable to that of Cao Cao in the Battle of Chibi. These people are starting to think about becoming princes and generals..."

"Do you really think I am the king of the mountains like Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng?!"

Zhao Lihe snorted coldly, and golden arcs of electricity emerged unconsciously from all the acupoints in his body.

Zuo Yu and Li Yun looked at each other, their expressions seemed a little strange.

Although Zhao Lihe didn't notice it himself, he did have the majesty of a superior person.

The performance just now was not just about acting, there was also a sense of true acting in it.


"Old Zhao, your dragon robe is burnt."

Zuo Yu reminded me kindly.

Zhao Lihe was slightly startled, then reacted quickly and quickly restrained the golden lightning on his body.

But unfortunately, it was too late to restrain himself now, and several holes had been burned out in the black dragon robe.

Zhao Lihe's body surface shimmered with silver light, he put on the suit in the space ring, then touched the hole on the surface of the dragon robe and said depressedly: "It's broken, it's broken, now Bai Ying has to blame me again!"

"Leave it alone!"

Zuo Yu casually grabbed the dragon robe and burst out flames from his palm, burning it to ashes.

Zhao Lihe's eyes widened immediately. Before he could speak, Zuo Yu said with a smile: "When you return to the Alliance, I will give you some better ones. What material do you like? How about Ghidorah's scales and wing membranes?" Sample?"


Zhao Lihe closed his open mouth again, thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I still prefer black."

"It doesn't matter, just dye it." Zuo Yu didn't care and asked curiously, "You just said that you were the founding emperor of the Xia Dynasty. Is Xia the country you wanted to name?"

"That's right."

Zhao Lihe nodded: "Originally, I thought about making up a country name myself, or changing the country name to Qin, Han, or even simply inheriting the country name from Ming Dynasty, but in the end I chose Xia..."

Zuo Yu asked curiously: "Why?"

Zhao Lihe chuckled and said: "Because the Xia Dynasty is the first hereditary dynasty recorded in my Chinese history books, and the dynasty I founded will be the last dynasty in the Ming Dynasty. If I change the country's name to Xia, then the Central Plains will be It is China from beginning to end, so it can be regarded as having a beginning and an end!”


Zuo Yu said with interest.

Li Yun also nodded thoughtfully.

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Zhao Lihe asked with a smile, "Is the afternoon game going to start soon?"

"There are still about ten minutes." Zuo Yu picked up the Ark Reactor on the table, threw it in his hand, and said casually, "But these two games are nothing interesting. If Lu Linglong doesn't have the ability to control blood, then she He is definitely no match for Zhang Chulan, and Yun is definitely no match for Feng Baobao."

"It can be said that from the moment the top eight were listed, Zhang Chulan has already entered the finals with one foot. As long as his and Feng Baobao's performances do not fail, he will be the Heavenly Master."

Zhao Lihe said thoughtfully: "It means there is a shady story."

Li Yun nodded and said: "There is indeed a shady story."

"What about you two?" Zhao Lihe looked at the two of them with interest, "Is your game tomorrow?"

Li Yun thought for a while, looked at Zuo Yu and said: "Brother Zuo should win, my physical strength is slightly higher than that of Brother Zuo, but I haven't started practicing radiation skills yet, so I am definitely no match for Brother Zuo in terms of combat power. "

"You really want to fight with me?"

Zuo Yu looked at him in surprise, then took out a coin from his pocket.

"Let's toss a coin, Lao Li. Can you guess one, heads or tails?"

"..." Li Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, thought for a moment, and said, "Front."

Zuo Yu tossed it casually and the coin landed on the table, spinning for a few seconds before landing smoothly.

It's really positive.

Zuo Yu pouted: "Very good, go deal with Zhang Chulan!"

Li Yun didn't refute, nodded lightly, and thus decided the outcome of tomorrow's semifinals.

At this moment, Zhao Lihe's cell phone vibrated.


Zhao Lihe perked up, took out his cell phone, read the latest text messages, and then looked at Zuo Yu and Li Yun with a smile.

"The latest news is that Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of Nadutong Express Company, wants to meet with me. It is said that there are higher-up leaders coming with him. Are you interested?"

"Of course!" Zuo Yu showed a smile on his face, threw the Ark Reactor to Zhao Lihe, stretched and said, "Finally there is something more interesting than watching the game!"

At the foot of Longhu Mountain, the presidential suite of a five-star business hotel.

Zhao Lihe sat elegantly on the sofa, surrounded by Zuo Yu who was playing with coins and Li Yun who looked calm. In front of him was a huge screen with three old men on it.

The old man in the center is wearing a Chinese tunic suit, with a kind face but a calm and authoritative aura.

There are two old men sitting next to him. The one on the left is wearing a white shirt and has an elegant temperament. He looks like a scholar. The one on the right is wearing round reading glasses and has a handsome figure. He works for the Nadu Express Company. Chairman Zhao Fangxu.

very good……

The person who can keep Zhao Fangxu company must have a higher status than him.

It seemed that the higher-ups really paid attention to this seemingly joking information about the Xu brothers.

"Let me introduce you to the three of you."

Xu Si stood in front of Zhao Lihe and others and said with a serious expression he had never seen before: "The person on the right is Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of our Nadutong Express Company, and the person on the left is Academician Liu, who has presided over many key projects. Defense engineering, today comes as a scientific advisor.”

"As for the man in the middle, Mr. Li, if you have watched the news on TV, you should know him..."

"We do know him." Zhao Lihe nodded, with a complicated look in his eyes.

Can you not recognize him? After all, in their hometown, the old man in front of them also exists.

After Xu Si finished introducing the identities of the three old men, Xu San stepped forward and introduced Zhao Lihe and the others.

Although Zhao Lihe, Zuo Yu and others knew that the other party must have read all their information since their emergence.

But the necessary procedures still need to be followed...

After the introductions were completed, Zhao Lihe crossed his hands and placed them on the table, looking at Mr. Li on the screen and speaking seriously.

"Mr. Li, do you know about parallel universes?"

Today’s second update of the leave request note, save the manuscript (Note: All the heavens and the world are all imaginary worlds, please do not compete with reality.)

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