Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 200 Pan-Chinese Alliance

"Parallel universe... I really know this." Mr. Li said with a smile, "But as far as I know, parallel universe is just a conjecture that cannot be confirmed or falsified. It is something in young people's fantasy works. Similar elements often appear, and my grandson likes to watch this type of fantasy works."


A smile appeared on Zhao Lihe's face, and then he chuckled and said, "Now, you can confirm it."


Academician Liu and Zhao Fangxu's eyes lit up and they couldn't help but look at each other.

Mr. Li was also shocked in his heart, but he still maintained a very friendly smile on his face.

"So, Your Majesty actually comes from China in the parallel universe?"

"That's right."

Zhao Lihe nodded slightly, uncrossed his hands at the same time, and sat up straight.

In an instant, the scene in front of Mr. Li and others was in a trance. It seemed that something awakened in the young man in a suit on the screen, causing him to quickly transform from a polite and serious young man to a talented and strategic founding emperor.

"The Great Xia Dynasty..."

Academician Liu was thoughtful, and then said softly: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, the Xia Dynasty is the first hereditary dynasty recorded in my Chinese history books. You claim to be the founding emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty. Could it be that you are the legendary Great Xia Dynasty?" Yu?"

"Of course not." Zhao Lihe said lightly, "I have said that my ancestor is Zhao Gaowen of the Qi Jiajun."

"It turns out to be the end of Ming Dynasty!"

Academician Liu suddenly understood, and then asked with some surprise: "Your Majesty, did you overthrow the Ming Dynasty?"

Zhao Lihe nodded.

"What about the Qing Dynasty?"

"Dorgon's head was hanging on the wall of the Liaodong border. Huang Taiji fled northward in panic under the iron heel of our Daxia soldiers. He took the remaining Jiannu slaves into the ice fields of the far north. He is still shocked three times in one night. Panicked like a lost dog..."

Hearing Zhao Lihe's faint words, Academician Liu, Mr. Li and others couldn't help but look at each other.

This news sounds very domineering, but it also exposes a problem.

According to the information revealed in Zhao Lihe's words, he should have just founded the country at this moment, and he has not yet exterminated all the slaves who founded the country, and he even has cavalry under his command.

How did such a feudal dynasty in the late Ming Dynasty come up with controllable nuclear fusion technology?

Academician Liu coughed lightly, signaled Mr. Li to turn off the microphone, and then whispered something in his ear.

There was no emotion on Mr. Li's face. Hearing Academician Liu's words, he just nodded lightly.

Turning the voice back on, Mr. Li said seriously: "With all due respect, according to Your Majesty's description, your empire does not seem to have enough scientific research capabilities to develop controllable nuclear fusion technology that even we cannot succeed, but Xiao Xu and the others are very sure , His Majesty took out a real micro nuclear reactor. In view of the above, we have a guess——"

"You...have also received help from other parallel universes, right?"

Make bold assumptions and verify carefully.

Behind Mr. Li is not only Academician Liu, but also an entire think tank hidden behind the scenes.

They quickly eliminated the impossible options and came to this bizarre conclusion.


Zhao Lihe couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and then turned to look at Zuo Yu.

Zuo Yu nodded, stood up with a smile, looked at Mr. Li and others on the screen and said.

"Let me introduce you again. My name is Zuo Yu. I come from the parallel world of 2030 and am now the chairman of Kunlun Group."

2030? !

Academician Liu's eyes lit up, and he really wanted to ask the other party about the development of science and technology in fifteen years. However, considering that it was the meeting of the century between two... no, three worlds, he still suppressed the desire for knowledge in his heart and did not show up. Voice.

Mr. Li was also moved for the first time and couldn't help but ask: "Is the controllable nuclear fusion technology the technology of Mr. Zuo's world?"

Zuo Yu chuckled and denied, "No, that's technology from another world."

Is there a third parallel world? !

The think tank hidden behind Mr. Li and others was in an uproar and started talking in low voices.

Li Laoqiang endured the shock in his heart and said in a deep voice: "It seems that you have formed an alliance of interests."

Zhao Lihe nodded lightly and said with a smile: "That's right, I wonder if you are willing to join us and establish a pan-Chinese alliance across the multiverse with me and with China in all the worlds..."

As soon as these words came out, Academician Liu and Zhao Fangxu on the screen couldn't help but look at each other, both of them feeling a little excited.

Zhao Lihe quietly waited for the other party's response.

He had no intention of hiding the truth about the Ming Dynasty.

Under the influence of the Traveler Alliance, the technological development of the Ming Dynasty is very abnormal, and it is in urgent need of the help of the infrastructure maniacs.

In his vision, the cooperation with the Chinese government in the world under one person was not a one-time thing. He originally planned to establish deeper cooperation with the Chinese government as the founding emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty.

It is better to be open and honest from the beginning than to be seen through later cooperation.

Although this will reduce the voice and mystery of Zhao Lihe and the Ming Dynasty, at the same time, they can also replace it with another larger cross-border alliance to establish a greater sense of mystery and deterrence.

Of course, we must not tell them about the Traveler Alliance.

However, affiliated forces of the alliance can establish cross-border cooperative relationships with it.

Anyway, the cross-border channels and initiative are in their hands. Even if the other party has different intentions, they cannot pose a threat to them.

Looking at the excited Mr. Li and others on the screen, who seemed to be digesting the news, Zhao Lihe chuckled and said: "I know there are many people behind you listening, so I am willing to give you some time to think about it..."

"Don't think about it."

Mr. Li took off his headphones and said calmly but resolutely: "On behalf of China in this world, I accept your cooperation!"

Zhao Lihe raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Don't you need to discuss it with that person?"

Mr. Li calmly said: "We discussed this before coming. I am fully responsible for this matter. My decision is his decision."

As mentioned in The Three-Body Problem, contact with extraterrestrial civilizations already contains unimaginable military and economic significance. Contact with China in the parallel universe, which inherently carries friendly information, is even more rare.

Since we have the opportunity to establish cooperative relations with extraterrestrial civilizations with the same cultural background and the same historical outlook, or even establish cross-border strategic alliances, of course we must make a decision as soon as possible!

As before, Rabbit is never ambiguous about strategic decisions involving the destiny of the country.

"Congratulations then!"

A smile appeared on Zhao Lihe's face, and then he stretched out his right hand. A gray light flashed on the ring on his index finger, and an Ark Reactor emitting blue light and a USB flash drive storing the corresponding technology appeared in his palm.

"This is the first transaction, controllable nuclear fusion technology and micro-reactor technology. As for this finished reactor, consider it a meeting gift from me and a testimony of our friendship!"

Zhao Lihe chuckled and placed the Ark Reactor and USB flash drive on the table.

Seeing this scene, Academician Liu's eyes were slightly red, and he seemed to be on the verge of tears with excitement.

Zhao Fangxu patted his shoulder gently to comfort his emotions.

Be calm in every big event.

At this moment, Mr. Li calmed down.

He didn't even look at the Ark Reactor. He just looked at Zhao Lihe and asked, "What about your needs?"

Zhao Lihe said seriously: "I want all the techniques and secret techniques you can collect."

Mr. Li frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "There are no aliens in your world?"

Zhao Lihe smiled and nodded: "That's right."

Zhao Fangxu's eyes widened and he couldn't help but said: "How is this possible? If there are no strangers and you can't practice Qi, how can you become as powerful as you are now?"

"Is it genetic modification and bioaugmentation technology?"

Academician Liu, who finally calmed down from his excitement, suddenly said.

Seeing Zuo Yu smiling and nodding, the think tank hidden in the room next to Mr. Li started discussing in low voices again.

"No wonder the data shows that the Qi in them cannot be detected. It turns out that there is no Qi in them at all!"

"I've said it a long time ago, no matter how powerful the aliens are, there will be a day when they can't keep up with the development of technology!"

"The three people in front of me are living proof!"

Mr. Li thought for a while, and then solemnly said: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

A smile appeared on Zhao Lihe's face: "Happy cooperation!"

Then Mr. Li made a phone call, and a series of sirens suddenly came from outside the hotel.

Li Yun raised his eyebrows and walked to the window. He saw dozens of police cars turning out of nowhere, quickly evacuating pedestrians from several streets around the hotel and blocking all intersections.

Soon, a seemingly ordinary black van drove up from the evacuated street and parked in front of the hotel.

Three men in black suits got out of the car, walked into the hotel with the police around them, controlled the hotel employees, and took over all aspects of the hotel's security and surveillance.

None of the hotel residents knew what happened, but when they saw the police uniforms and badges on those people, they all realized the seriousness of the matter.

So I could only stay in my room and didn't dare to go out.

Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, three men in suits entered the room where Zhao Lihe and others were staying under the protection of a large number of police officers.

At this time, the Ark reactor and the USB flash drive storing controllable nuclear fusion technology had been taken away by Xu San and Xu Si and put into a black explosion-proof suitcase.


The three men in suits saluted Zhao Lihe and others on the sofa, then took the explosion-proof suitcase and turned around and left without saying a word.

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