Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 201 Official big move

Zhao Lihe watched their departing figures with admiration.

After the explosion-proof suitcase was put on the armored vehicle, Zhao Fangxu stood up, looked at Xu San and Xu Si on the screen and said: "Little three, little four, from today on, you will be transferred to the Third Foreign Trade Co., Ltd., responsible for liaison and communication with friends from other worlds. trade."

Xu San and Xu Si looked at each other and nodded.


Mr. Li nodded slightly, then turned to look at Zhao Lihe and said with a smile: "If there is no problem, I will now order people to collect various skills and secret techniques. They will be delivered within three days at the latest. During this period, everyone If you want to play or eat anything, just go find them. Finally, I wish you all a happy time in our world!"

After speaking, Mr. Li showed a friendly smile on his face.

Soon, the signal was interrupted. Xu San and Xu Si left their personal contact information, shook hands with Zhao Lihe, Zuo Yu and others, then turned and left the room, preparing to handle the handover procedures for the North China Region first.

Naturally Zuo Yu, Zhao Lihe and others will not stay.

They thought there was a high probability that there would be surveillance or eavesdropping devices in this room.

Therefore, Zhao Lihe directly activated the Gray Mist Coin and stepped into the silver crack with Zuo Yu and Li Yun.

In the safe house not far away, the surveillance personnel stared at the silver cracks on the screen.

As Zhao Lihe expected, there was indeed a miniature camera embedded in the wall of this room, but this miniature camera was not installed by them, but by a voyeur quietly installed it.

That's why they chose this room.

Even if Zhao Lihe and others noticed it, they could still blame the peeper.

Half a minute later, in the rooftop conference room of the headquarters building of Kyoto Third Foreign Trade Co., Ltd., the surveillance footage of Zhao Lihe and others leaving was being played on the big screen.

"Fortunately, they didn't take action. They do have the technology or ability to teleport through space."

Seeing the silver crack that appeared out of thin air, the old man with black and white hair couldn't help but sigh.

Zhao Fangxu glanced at him, then looked at the members who were transferred from various places in the conference room and said softly: "Do you have anything to say about the Pan-Chinese Alliance proposed by the Emperor of Great Xia?"

Before he finished speaking, a young man in a white shirt raised his hand.

"you say."

"Yes, Chairman."

The young man pushed up his glasses and said calmly: "As we all know, no matter what kind of strategic alliance it is, there will inevitably be a problem, and that is the issue of the alliance's right to speak."

"If there really is such an alliance, then the future world, whose technological level is much higher than ours, will definitely have a higher say in the alliance. But according to my observation, they seem to have an equal relationship, even the one who His Majesty, who is still in the feudal dynasty, seems to have sufficient right to speak, and can even speak for Zuo Yu from the future world."

"...That's true." Zhao Fangxu couldn't help but nodded, "Why do you think this is?"

The young man said softly: "So far, we have discussed many reasons, but only four reasons are the most likely."

"First, they do come from a parallel universe, but there is no Pan-Chinese Alliance at all. They are just time and space travelers with higher technology and stronger individual strength. The so-called emperor status and Pan-Chinese Alliance are just lies they use to intimidate us."

"Second, the Pan-Chinese Alliance does exist, and the Emperor of Great Xia has the ability and method to travel across the world, so he can achieve the same status in the alliance as other worlds."

"Third, the world of Daxia is not a purely technological world. Instead, like us, it has individuals who are similar to or even more powerful than aliens. Only in this way can we make up for the issue of voice caused by insufficient technological level."

"Fourth, behind them, there is a more powerful Chinese civilization. This civilization is powerful enough to crush all the remaining parallel universes, so it occupies an absolute dominant position in the alliance. It is the rules they set up for the alliance that lead to Feudal dynasties and modern society have the same right to speak in the alliance.”

"If it is the first situation, I suggest turning a blind eye, completing the transaction at this moment first, getting the benefits that can be seen, and then discussing other things. But if it is the other three situations, I It is recommended that we treat each other with sincerity within a certain limit and implement cross-border cooperation as the most important strategic plan in the next twenty years..."

Just as Zhao Fangxu and others responded solemnly and discussed how to deal with the matter, Zhao Lihe, Zuo Yu and Li Yun had returned to the Traveler Alliance through the silver crack.

Standing in the Traveler Square, Zhao Lihe glanced at Zuo Yu and Li Yun beside him.

"See, this is the most efficient method!"

"Effective, but boring."

Zuo Yu curled her lips and said.

Li Yun frowned and said, "Brother Zhao, do you really plan to cooperate with them?"

"Of course." Zhao Lihe nodded and said, "In terms of technology alone, having Brother Zuo and Brother Ye is indeed enough, but the development of a country or civilization is not limited to technology. The experience accumulated by China's decades of urbanization development, As well as urban design and road planning for various terrains, etc., these are all what I need.”

"And these are things that you in the United States cannot bring."

Yo, grown up!

Zuo Yu nodded appreciatively: "To be honest, the Pan-Chinese alliance you proposed is really interesting. If you really have similar ideas, then there is another world where you can try to unite..."

Zhao Lihe said thoughtfully: "You mean Lao Bai's monster world?"

Zuo Yu smiled and nodded: "That's right."

Zhao Lihe thought for a while and decided to go to that world after a while.

At the same time, Li Yun turned off the blue light screen in front of him and frowned: "I just checked, the technology of the Ark Reactor is worth 3,000 gray mist coins in the alliance, and the technique of the world under one person is only one The Ju Ling Dispatch General is worth 3,000 gray mist coins, is there something wrong with this pricing?"

"I have already asked Void this question."

Zuo Yu chuckled and said: "She believes that Ju Lingsending General is indeed worth 3,000 gray mist coins, not to mention what kind of power Julingsending General can exert in the hands of a real strong person, just the soul knowledge behind Julingsending It’s worthy of vigorous research.”

"According to Void's calculations, if the government can vigorously research the Spirit-Restraining Generals and related secret techniques, then they will have a 47% probability of developing soul technology, and a 23% probability of embarking on the path of spiritual ascension... "


Zhao Lihe and Li Yun looked at each other.

Li Yun said helplessly: "Well, I shouldn't doubt Vong Kong's judgment."

Zuo Yu stretched and said in a lazy tone: "Okay, it's almost time. We should go back to Longhu Mountain - do you want to go back with us?"

Zhao Lihe shook his head and said: "No, I plan to get the customized weapons first, and then go back to the Ming Dynasty to discuss cross-border cooperation with my counselors. I will leave the follow-up transactions to you two. When the rewards are received, Remember to give me a share..."

Zuo Yu said in surprise: "Don't you want it?"

Zhao Lihe said angrily: "That's because I didn't participate at that time. Now that I have participated and I have gained controllable nuclear fusion technology, I naturally can't work for you in vain!"


Zuo Yu pouted, turned around, and walked into the sixth metal door with Li Yun.

In the next two days, the Luotian Dajiao will be held as usual.

Zuo Yu and Li Yun returned to Longhu Mountain, obtained the exercises and secret techniques promised by Master Lao, and participated in subsequent competitions.

In the semi-finals, Zuo Yu abstained and gave the victory to Li Yun. Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan also staged a fake match with extremely poor acting skills, successfully sending Zhang Chulan to the finals.

In the final, facing the monster Li Yun, Zhang Chulan could only refuse to lose even if he tried his best.

The match without any suspense finally ended. Li Yun won the inheritance of Tongtian Ru, and Zhang Chulan became the successor of Tianshi.

Everything seemed to be going as expected by the Heavenly Master.

But for some reason, Master Tian always feels that something is wrong...

Finally, when Liu Xingyang, the Buddhist master of Baiyunguan, and his junior brother Huang Mingli came to say goodbye to the Heavenly Master, he finally knew what he felt was wrong -

The semi-finals and finals of the last two days of the Luotian Dajiao should have been the most popular time with the largest audience, but the number of strangers in the audience was getting smaller and smaller, and it seemed like people were leaving without saying goodbye every day.

The Heavenly Master seemed to have unintentionally made some insinuations, and finally got the truth from the hesitant Huang Ming.

It turned out that the local police and company employees came to ask for the inheritance of Baiyunguan's exercises, and their attitude was very tough.

The leader of Baiyun Temple felt that this might be a sign of a change in the official attitude towards strangers, so he felt a sense of crisis and hurriedly called all the disciples outside to the temple to deal with the sudden changes that might occur next.

After sending away the two people at Baiyun Temple, the old master contacted many old friends and judged from their cryptic attitude that they must have encountered the same thing.

Knowing this, it is understandable that people from various factions on the mountain left without saying goodbye.

But why?

Why did the authorities suddenly start to take a tough stance on asking for the inheritance of the exercises of various sects?

Why hasn’t it been Tianshi Mansion’s turn yet?

...No, it's already our turn.

The old Heavenly Master suddenly remembered Xu San and Xu Si who had not yet left the mountain, and Zhang Chulan, who was about to inherit the position of Heavenly Master - he was also an employee of the company!

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