Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 202 The fish has taken the bait and it’s time to close the net

Thinking of this, the old Heavenly Master felt relaxed.

If the person responsible for the inheritance of Tianshi Mansion's skills is Zhang Chulan, then their ideas are destined to fail.

Once Zhang Chulan inherits the position of Heavenly Master, the restrictions imposed by Heavenly Master will prevent him from speaking again.

In the afternoon of that day, Longhu Mountain announced that it was closed for rest. Most of the people on the mountain who should leave had left. Only Zuo Yu, Li Yun, and the young people summoned by Lu Jin remained on the mountain.

In the evening, the old master took Zhang Chulan and many disciples to a three-story attic.

Looking at Zhang Chulan who seemed a little nervous, Tian Jinzhong said with a smile: "Chu Lan, don't be too nervous. Becoming the heir to the Heavenly Master does not mean that you will inherit the position of the Heavenly Master immediately. You, the master, are still alive and kicking, and will not die until the day you die." It’s still early, and it’s not your turn to take over…”

For some reason, Zhang Chulan always felt that there was a hint of nervousness and vague pleading in Tian Jinzhong's words.

It seemed that this sentence was not meant for him.

The old Heavenly Master glanced at him and said softly: "Xiao Yuzi, Old Tian is tired, send him to rest quickly!"

"Ah! Yes!"

Xiao Yuzi nodded quickly, pushed Tian Jinzhong's wheelchair and turned around to leave.

The old Heavenly Master turned to look at his ninth disciple, Rongshan: "Rongshan, something is going to happen tonight. Please take good care of Uncle Qin."

"Yes, Master!"

Rongshan took the order, turned around and left with Xiao Yuzi.

After dealing with Junior Brother Tian's affairs, the old Heavenly Master turned his head and looked deeply at the backs of Zuo Yu and Xu Si not far away. Then he turned around as if nothing had happened and said calmly while walking towards the attic.

"Chu Lan, you come in with me, and I will personally deliver the message to you tonight!"

Whether it is for Tianshi Mansion or Zhang Chulan, this should be the best choice...

The Heavenly Master sighed in his heart, and then led Zhang Chulan into the attic.

Feng Baobao blinked and stood blankly in front of the attic, staring at the backs of the old Heavenly Master and Zhang Chulan.

Beside her, Xu San was frowning and arranging something on the phone.

Xu Si stood next to Zuo Yu and whispered: "According to Mr. Lu's arrangement, tonight when the Heavenly Master personally delivers the sermon to Zhang Chulan, that is the time when the omnipotent demon is most likely to take action, and the Tongtian Rui will definitely be Their first goal..."

Zuo Yu glanced at him, a little amused: "Are you worried about my safety?"

Xu Si laughed sarcastically, walked around to the other side of Zuo Yu and said: "I know Mr. Zuo is very powerful, but who doesn't get his shoes wet when he often walks by the river? Mr. Zuo, let me tell you the truth, I am the leader I came with an order. Your identity is important. There is really no need to deal with Quan Xing personally. As long as you say a word, we can do it for you!"

Since knowing Zuo Yu's identity, Xu Si has been responsible for contacting Zuo Yu.

They say they are responsible for liaison, but in fact they are taking good care of this visitor from another world.

After all, this is the chairman of the group from the future world, and he has countless good things in his hands.

If you serve well and provide some future technology, it will be a great achievement!

"No need." Zuo Yu shook his head and refused, then asked, "By the way, for a Quanxing person, there is nothing wrong with the focus, right?"

Xu Si said decisively: "Of course there is no problem!"

Not to mention Quan Xing, even Wang Bing and Wang Ai, who were suspected to have died at the hands of Zuo Yu and Li Yun, the company and the Xu brothers have never mentioned them in front of Zuo Yu, as if these two people never existed Same as in this world.

The power of the Wang family is indeed huge, but compared to the country, the Wang family is nothing more than a mud frog in a puddle on the roadside.

Zuo Yu received the answer, nodded with satisfaction, and then looked towards the direction Tian Jinzhong left with interest.

According to the plot they knew, this all-out attack on the mountain was apparently for the Tongtianlu, but in fact it was for the secret of the Jiashen Rebellion decades ago, and this secret was hidden in Tian Jinzhong's mind. middle.

In order to get this secret, Lu Liang, the traitor of the Lu family who has mastered the Soul Ming Technique, or in other words, will take action himself.

The goals of Zuo Yu and Li Yun's trip are Lu Liang's Shuangshou and Barun's Liuku Immortal Thief.

Obviously, the two of them have already made a division of labor. Li Yun will deal with Barun, who has the Liuku Immortal Thief, while Zuo Yu will stay here and wait for Lu Liang to appear.

Finally, the Master's transmission began, and a golden light lit up in the attic.

At the same time, in the dim forest not far away, a small earth bag suddenly stood up on the ground. A pair of black eyes emerged from the earth bag, looking excitedly at the golden light-lit attic in front of it.

"It's started, it's started!"

The Heavenly Master began to teach Zhang Chulan.

At this time, he absolutely couldn't make a move.

So now is the best time to get started!

Thinking of this, the man under the dirt bag quietly escaped to the ground, preparing to retreat first and report the news to his companions.

At this moment, a black figure silently appeared on his path. His right hand pointed like a knife, thrust into the hard earth under his feet, and grabbed the neck of the man underground.


The soil flew up, and the person who had escaped to the ground was forcefully pulled out by him.

The rough technique stretched the man's neck visibly to the naked eye, and the severe pain frightened him.

But before he could scream, the man in front of him covered his mouth.


"Keep your voice down, otherwise it will be bad if you alert the Heavenly Master!"

Looking at the handsome smiling face with black hair and red eyes in front of him, the man looked frightened and nodded repeatedly.

Zuo Yu grabbed his neck and lifted him up high, looking at the frightened face and marveling: "I have long heard that there is an earth escape technique called Diyouxian, which can move freely underground - you are You practice this kind of technique, right?"

"Yes, it is……"

This man's face was red from suppressing his emotions, but he still managed to answer Zuo Yu's question with a smile.

He had already recognized the identity of the man in front of him. He was one of the two monsters who had emerged from the Luotian Dajiao.

‘Hasn’t his companion already obtained the Tongtian Ru? Why haven’t he left yet? ! ’

This man was angry and frightened, but no matter how incompetent and furious he was, he had to face the fact that he was captured by Zuo Yu.

Just as he was racking his brains to think of a way to escape, Zuo Yu suddenly turned his head and looked at the trees behind him.

"Does the company have the skills of the Earthly Immortal?"


Xu Si appeared from behind the tree with a cigarette in his mouth, looked at the shocked face in the sky, and said seriously: "Leave him to me. This person is registered in the company. He has committed many serious crimes based on his ability and needs to accept The sanction of the law.”

Zuo Yu raised his eyebrows: "What about a serious crime?"

Xu Si said softly: "Breaking into houses, killing people and hiding corpses, breaking into houses to pick flowers..."

"Then the victim should really be given an explanation."

Zuo Yu nodded, pressed his fingers slightly hard on the main artery in the man's neck, causing him to become comatose due to lack of oxygen. Then he took out a mobile phone from his arms and threw his unconscious body to Xu Si.

Xu Si caught the man, took out a needle from his arms, and inserted it into the back of his neck.

This is called Guanyuan Needle, which is specially used to deal with strangers. As long as it is inserted along the Du Vein, it will not be able to mobilize the Qi in the body, and can only be slaughtered like ordinary people.

Zuo Yu held her cell phone, editing text messages, and asked casually: "Are you ready?"

Xu Si tied up the man's hands and feet, stood up and nodded: "Get ready."

"Very good." A smile appeared on Zuo Yu's face and she pressed the send button of the text message without hesitation.

As the text message was sent, everyone in Quanxing who received the message began to take action.

Figures in different clothes appeared in every corner of Longhu Mountain.

Looking at the three malicious people in front of them, the two Longhu Mountain Taoist priests looked at each other and asked tentatively: "Three donors, the Luotian Dajiao has ended, and Longhu Mountain has also been closed. If you are looking for If you can’t find the way down the mountain, I can do it for you.”


The three of them looked at each other, and then couldn't help laughing.

"That's not necessary!" The tallest young man among the three laughed and said angrily, "Two Taoist masters, this Luotian Dajiao is over, but we haven't had enough fun yet!"

As they spoke, the Qi shield covering the three people slowly faded away, as if a layer of outer shell had been peeled off, revealing the true appearance inside.

At the same time, the full-sex demons located in Longhu Mountain also shed their disguises, and colorful Qi lit up everywhere in the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

"She's a full-blooded monster!"

The two Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain suddenly widened their eyes and turned around and ran away without hesitation.

The three of them were covered in various colors of light, and they laughed and chased after them.


"Does the Taoist master of Longhu Mountain just run away?"

"A bunch of cowards! Today we are going to turn the Tianshi Mansion upside down!"

Hearing the taunts and shouts of the all-sexual monster behind them, the eyes of the two Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain who were escaping were filled with anger.

If their master hadn't ordered them to cooperate with Mr. Lu and the company's actions, they would have turned around and taught these three idiots a lesson!

Finally, the two Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain arrived at the agreed place and stopped immediately.

The three people chasing behind them also stopped, with malicious smiles on their faces.

At this moment, three iron balls hit the back of their heads with a roaring sound.

The three of them suddenly fell forward, rolled their eyes, and fell into a coma completely.

"Hey, these three are our opponents!"

The two Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain widened their eyes and glared at Xu San who had rashly intervened on the roof.

Next to Xu San, there were dozens of figures hidden on the roof, wearing Moutong Company uniforms.

Facing the glares of the two Longhushan Taoist priests, Xu San responded with an apologetic smile. Then he took out his mobile phone, looked at the unconscious three people below and said calmly: "The fish has been hooked, you can close the net..."

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