Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 203 The Thousand-Faced Man Realm Paints Poison

Longhu Mountain, in the dark forest behind the mountain.

The tall young man grabbed the middle-aged man in front of him by the neck and lifted him high.

"Ho ho——"

The middle-aged man stared, his face turned red from holding back, his feet kept kicking in the air, and his two Qi-wrapped palms kept grabbing the young man's arms like claws, but no matter how hard he fought back, he couldn't hurt him. Looking at the opponent, it seemed that the arm was not made of flesh and blood, but made of fine steel.

"What is this, the art of disguise?"

Li Yun frowned slightly, ignored the struggle of the man in front of him, and turned to look at the young Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain beside him.

He had only watched the anime Under One Person in his previous life and could not remember the details of the plot very clearly.

The little Taoist priest quickly said: "There is a man named Yu Huadu in Quanxing, who is known as the Thousand-Faced Man and has the ability to change the appearance of himself and others..."

Li Yun asked in surprise: "Can the voice and body shape also be changed?"

The little Taoist priest nodded: "Yes."

"That's quite interesting!"

Li Yun nodded and threw it away.

The terrifying muscle power exploded instantly, and the middle-aged man's body turned into a stream of light, smashing seven or eight trees in an instant, and crashed into a broken wall not far away across a distance of twenty or thirty meters.


With a loud noise, the middle-aged man's body was embedded in the stone wall, and spiderweb-like cracks spread along the edge of the human-shaped pit.

Looking at the middle-aged man hanging his head on the stone wall not far away, the little Taoist priest's eyes widened in horror.

"He...he's dead?"

"He's not dead."

Li Yun didn't even look at the middle-aged man on the stone wall. Instead, he looked at the little Taoist priest in front of him and said calmly: "According to what you said, isn't it possible that everyone on Longhu Mountain will be swapped?"


The little Taoist priest finally reacted and looked at the oppressive Li Yun in front of him in horror.

"I'm not a full-blooded monster! Don't come over here!"

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, hearty laughter came from the forest nearby, saving the frightened little Taoist priest.

Li Yun turned his head and saw Mr. Lu Jinlu in a black suit walking out of the forest, followed by seven or eight figures, who were the young masters he had summoned.

"Li Xiaoyou, you are worrying too much."

Lu Jin explained with a smile: "Yu's ability to draw poison is not so exaggerated. Except for himself, as long as others use the Qi in their bodies, their true colors will immediately appear."

"I see."

Li Yun turned his head thoughtfully and looked at the little Taoist priest beside him.

The little Taoist priest quickly mobilized the Qi in his body to prove his identity.

Li Yun nodded, no longer doubting.

The little Taoist priest was relieved and just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Li Yun blocking him in front of him, looking at Lu Jin, Lu Linglong and others with a calm but dangerous expression.

"Isn't that right? Even I doubt it?"

Lu Jin raised his eyebrows in surprise, but seeing Li Yun's calm face, he reluctantly stopped and mobilized the Qi in his body to prove his identity.

The people following him also mobilized the Qi in their bodies to eliminate the suspicion.

Time was running out, so Lu Jin kept his story short and told Li Yun his thoughts.

Li Yun looked surprised: "You want me, who has won the Heavenly Barrier, to be used as bait?"

Lu Jin smiled and shook his head: "What are you thinking? Your bait is too hard, I'm afraid they won't bite the hook. I want you to hold a forged copy of the Tongtian Ru, pretend to be practicing, and lure them out to snatch it."

With that said, Lu Jin took out a copy of Tongtianlu and handed it to Li Yun.

Li Yun took the copy and opened it. The contents inside were all blank.

"no problem."

Li Yun nodded, put away the forged copy, and turned towards the stone wall.

Looking at Li Yun's back, Lu Jin took out his mobile phone and leaked the agreed-upon location information.

At the same time, in the woods not far away from the attic.

The man who was exactly the same as Zhang Chulan frowned tightly, restrained his energy, hid behind the tree and quietly looked at the black-haired girl Feng Baobao standing blankly outside the attic.

This person is none other than the Man with a Thousand Faces - Yu Huadu.

On the orders of the acting boss, he came to seduce the company employee named Feng Baobao.

In this all-out attack on the mountain, in addition to the two targets of Tongtianlu and Tian Jinzhong's hidden secrets, their third target is this mysterious girl who once appeared in Zhang Huaiyi's memory.

In Zhang Huaiyi's memory before his death, Feng Baobao looked like this now.

More than ten years have passed, but her appearance has not changed at all. This almost immortality and eternal youth attracted the attention of Gong Qing, the head of Quanxingdai, so he listed Feng Baobao as the most important person in this trip. One of the goals.

"Yu Hua Po, why haven't you taken action yet?"

A cold voice came from behind, and Yu Huadu turned around quickly.

I saw Xiao Yuzi wearing a Taoist robe...or in other words Gong Qing, the head of Quanxingdai, walking slowly with a calm expression.

Yu Huadu looked depressed and lowered his voice and complained: "Master, it's not that I don't take action, it's that Zuo Yu and Xu Si who have been staying here. I don't dare to show up easily!"


Gong Qing frowned when he heard this, his eyes swept over the people outside the attic, thought for a while, and whispered: "Forget it, don't worry about that Feng Baobao for now, Tian Jinzhong's secret is our most important goal - now the mission has changed, you Come and cooperate with me first, lure away the protectors around Tian Jinzhong, and then find a way to deal with this idiot after you succeed."


Yu Huadu responded decisively, feeling relieved.

During these days of staying in Longhu Mountain, he also watched the games, so he naturally knew what kind of existence Zuo Yu was - that was a monster that he could never handle with his strength!

Soon, the two figures quietly disappeared into the woods.

Outside the attic, Zuo Yu glanced at the woods not far away with a half-smile, and then patted Xu Si beside him on the shoulder.

"You stay here and look after Feng Baobao. I have something to do, so I'll leave for a while."

"Hey, Mr. Zuo, wait!"

Xu Si turned around quickly and wanted to call Zuo Yu.

But when he turned around, Zuo Yu's figure had disappeared in front of him, leaving only a faint breeze.

"...Running so fast."

Xu Si lowered his arms helplessly, then turned his head and glared at Feng Baobao, who was standing in front of the attic.

"Bao'er, Mr. Zuo has left too, now we are the only ones left!"

In the remote back mountain courtyard, Rongshan stood in the room, whispering comfort to Tian Jinzhong who was in a wheelchair with a complicated expression.

"Uncle Master, just stay here and don't worry about the situation in the mountains. The company and Mr. Lu have already laid a dragnet against the omnisexual demon, so there won't be any surprises."

"Of course I know that."

"Then what are you worried about?"


Tian Jinzhong glanced at the confused Rongshan and said nothing, just looking at the door with complicated eyes.

He still remembered the scene when his senior brother Zhang Zhiwei accepted the inheritance from the Celestial Master. After the master delivered the message to the senior brother, the senior brother walked out of the attic with a heavy and sad face and announced two pieces of news to them.

They were the news that the senior brother had officially inherited the position of Heavenly Master... and the news of the master's death.

Combined with the secrets he learned from his junior brother Zhang Huaiyi, Tian Jinzhong naturally knew very well that the inheritance of Tianshidu also represented the death of the previous generation of Tianshi.

If Zhang Zhiwei really intends to pass on the Heavenly Master to Zhang Chulan.

Then after tonight, he will receive the news of his senior brother's death.

This is the real reason why Tian Jinzhong is uneasy tonight...

Naturally, Rongshan didn't know about this kind of thing, and it was impossible for Tian Jinzhong to tell him.

Just as Rongshan was scratching his head and thinking about how to reassure Master Tian, ​​there was suddenly a fierce fighting sound outside the house.

Rongshan was startled when he heard the sound, and immediately stepped in front of Tian Jinzhong, looking at the door warily.

"Master Tian!"

"Master Rongshan!"

With a horrified shout, the door was pushed open.

Gong Qing, who had lost his boy hat, rushed into the room in embarrassment, his freckled face full of horror.

As soon as he entered the door, Gong Qing tripped over the threshold and fell forward involuntarily, revealing the grinning face behind him.

"Full-sex monster!"

Rong Shan was immediately furious, and a golden light that was even richer than Zhang Lingyu's appeared all over his body. He then moved forward without hesitation, waving his palms covered in golden light to slap the Quanxing Yaoren who was chasing behind Gong Qing.


Accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, the man outside the door flew up upside down, crossed an arc and fell to the ground.

"He is a disciple of the Heavenly Master!"

Looking at Rongshan who was covered in golden light in the room, Quanxing Yaoren was immediately shocked and quickly retreated holding his broken arm.

Rongshan's face was full of anger, and he was about to catch up when he suddenly remembered his uncle who was unable to move behind him and his master's instructions. He could only suppress his anger and stop, snorted, turned around and picked up Gong Qing, who was lying on the ground.

At this moment, a scream of panic came from outside the high wall of the courtyard.

Rongshan turned his head suddenly and saw the all-sexual monster flashing past the courtyard door. He seemed to be holding an unconscious Taoist boy with tears on his face under his arm.

"It's Xiao Qingzi!"

Gong Qing anxiously grabbed Rongshan's sleeves, his face covered with big tears, and said with sobs: "Xiao Qingzi was captured by them in order to let me escape!"


Tian Jinzhong and Rong Shan couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"These bastards!"

Tian Jinzhong angrily hammered the armrest of the wheelchair with his arm.

Then he turned to look at Rongshan and said angrily.

"Rongshan, go quickly and rescue Xiao Qingzi!"


Rongshan agreed without hesitation.

But just as he was about to walk out of the room, Rongshan suddenly stopped hesitantly.

"Uncle Master, if I leave, your place..."

"It doesn't matter. My place is very secluded. Besides, you don't really think Quan Xing would be interested in me, a useless person, do you?"

"But Master said -"

"What kind of master is this? If you can save Xiao Qingzi, it's better than anything else!"

Tian Jinzhong glared at Rongshan who stopped at the door, and said angrily: "Rongshan, let me tell you, if Xiao Qingzi does anything tonight, you and I will never be able to feel at ease in our lives!"

"Go quickly!"


Rongshan gritted his teeth, turned around quickly, and chased the Quanxing Yaoren in the direction of his escape, wrapped in golden light.

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