Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 209 [Lighter that never goes out]

This time, the number of omnisexual demons attacking the mountain was several times greater than the company expected.

So the work of disposing of the bodies and prisoners continued throughout the night.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on the earth, the company's finishing work is finally completed.

Needless to say, those omnisexual demons who died, most of the omnisexual demons captured alive were taken by the company to secret prisons specially designed to detain aliens. Only that idiot, a naturally stupid weapon refiner, could still be disciplined. Therefore, the company sent it to a place called the bunker, saying that it would be observed for a few years before being released depending on the situation.

At the same time, the transmission of the old Celestial Master failed, and Zhang Chulan failed to inherit the position of Celestial Master. Instead, he returned to the company and was inexplicably promoted to the head of North China by the company's chairman Zhao Fangxu.

The former directors Xu Si and Xu San were transferred to the Third Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. and were responsible for liaison with visitors from other worlds.

Li Yun and Zuo Yu said goodbye to their old master and returned to the five-star hotel at the foot of the mountain. After receiving the exercises sent by the company, they activated the gray mist coins and returned to the Traveler Alliance.

The void gap, the time traveler's building.

A cold electronic female voice echoed over the trading floor.

"Scanning completed, a total of 134 exercises and secret techniques, worth 24,850 gray mist coins, do you confirm the exchange?"

"Confirm redemption!"

"The exchange has been completed and has been transferred to both of your [Void Bank] accounts."

"Sure enough, traveling through the new world is the fastest way to make money!"

Looking at the rapidly increasing numbers in his bank account, Li Yun couldn't help but sigh.

The skills and secrets exchanged this time include not only the Tongtian Lu, Shuangquanshou and Liuku Immortal Thief, but also the Danfa of the Longmen Sect, the Talisman of the Shangqing Sect, the Qimen Dunjia of the Wuhou family, and the Royal Objects of Jiajia Village in the west. Techniques, as well as weapon refining classics from various sects, etc.

These things are of extremely high value in the void's evaluation standards.

Among them, the three Eight Wonders alone are worth 8,000 gray mist coins.

However, among these 134 kinds of skills and secret techniques, the most valuable ones are not these three Eight Wonders, but the Qimen Dunjia from the Zhuge Wuhou family, which is worth up to 4,500 gray mist coins.

According to Void's explanation, this is because there are many methods related to time and space in Qi Men Shu Shu.

Although these methods only scratch the surface, they have great potential. They are the most suitable introductory techniques for newcomers who want to study the rules of time and space.

In comparison, Tongtianlu, Shuangquanshou and Liuku Immortal Thief are a bit useless.

Tongtianlu is a method that can quickly draw the talisman by relying solely on the energy in the body without resorting to altar rituals.

Although this method is powerful, it is more auxiliary and requires the cooperation of various talisman knowledge.

The "Shuangquan" in Shuangquan's hands refers to the Taoist concept of "Shuangquan of life and life". "Xing" represents the control of the body, and "ming" represents the control of the soul. "Shuangquan of life and life" shows that Shuangquan's hands can control and modify a person's body. and soul.

Coincidentally, the gray ball in Traveler Square also has the same ability, and it is more comprehensive and powerful than both hands.

The Immortal Thief of Liuku is also known as the Saint Thief. It is said that if a saint does not die, he will continue to be a great thief. Those who have become the Immortal Thief of Liuku can steal the vitality of the world for their own use, transform the vitality of all things, and nourish the innate energy.

From Barron's memory, we can know that at the beginning of his cultivation, the Immortal Thief of Liuku created a perfect absorption and digestion system based on the six organs of the large intestine, small intestine, stomach, triple burner, gallbladder, and bladder. Anything between heaven and earth can be perfectly digested by this digestive system, thereby delaying aging and even being able to satisfy one's hunger without eating.

For new travelers who join the alliance, Liuku Immortal Thief is indeed a good technique.

But for Li Yun, who has strengthened his physical strength to 17 points, the Liuku Immortal Thief is a bit useless.

Because he already has an extremely powerful digestive system.

The reason why he couldn't eat the wind and drink the dew like Barron was because his overly powerful body brought a huge burden, forcing him to obtain enough energy by eating or absorbing gray mist.

If his physical body degraded to the same level as Barron, he would be able to satisfy his hunger without eating.

After storing the copies of these 134 exercises in the warehouse, Zuo Yu put the acquired memory items on the shelves.

There are a total of 34 memory items obtained this time, worth 680 gray mist coins. After the sale, the alliance will charge a 15% handling fee. Although the value is not high, it is better than nothing!

After the distribution of the spoils was over, Li Yun turned to look at the crystal ball in Zuo Yu's hand.

Inside were lying unconscious Lu Liang and Barron.

"What should these two guys do?"

"Send it back."

Zuo Yu said without hesitation.

Li Yun thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

After all, they really had no reason to kill these two people.

At this moment, a spatial fluctuation suddenly came from the direction of the elevator.

Zuo Yu turned around and saw a black-haired boy in a white sportswear walking out of the elevator. It was Deng Yougang who had returned to the Northeast and failed to participate in the all-out mountain attack.

"Oh, isn't this a peerless genius that is rare to see in a thousand years in the Chumaxian family!"

Hearing Zuo Yu's teasing, Deng Yougang looked at the two of them with surprise on his face.

"Two eldest brothers! You are here too!" Deng Yougang came over in surprise, and then said with some shame, "Brother Zuo, please don't say that. I have already read the headlines of the first issue of [League Daily], Tenacity The soul is just the standard configuration of all the time traveler members of the alliance, and it is really not worth boasting about..."

"If you follow the alliance's power system, it's really not worth boasting about, but if you follow the path of Qi training, it's different!"

Zuo Yu smiled and patted his shoulder: "Don't belittle yourself!"

Deng Yougang smiled shyly.

Li Yun asked with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you now? Have you found a way to deal with Ju Ling's generals?"

Deng Yougang sighed: "Not yet..."

Zuo Yu pouted: "I knew it."

Deng Yougang said quickly: "Although I haven't found a way to deal with Ju Ling's generals, I have found an idea. The reason why Ju Ling's generals are able to attack the family immortals is because of their strange methods and the fact that the family immortals are not strong enough. , a soul as powerful as Senior Bailang cannot be taken away by the spirit-detaining general."

"So I plan to go shopping at the [Sacred Beast Pavilion], buy a monster, and see if I can use the family's secret method to cultivate it into our family's fairy - the two eldest brothers are well-informed, do you have any recommended monsters? ?"


Zuo Yu and Li Yun looked at each other.

Titan giant beast, cultivated into a fairy?

This is an interesting idea, but...

"Are you still planning to take the path of worshiping gods?"

Hearing Zuo Yu's words, Deng Yougang was stunned for a moment, a little at a loss.

"This is the path I have been taking before..."

"Who says the path you've been taking all the time can't be taken another way!"

Zuo Yu rolled his eyes and said angrily: "I helped you practice the art of praying to gods before. Firstly, I wanted to temporarily increase your combat power. Secondly, I wanted to fulfill your obsession. But now, I have to tell you. , we can no longer rely on others!"

"You are currently the only member of the alliance who has both Gray Mist and Lian Qi cultivators. You have great potential. Instead of expecting the Immortal to become stronger, it is better to become an Immortal yourself. As long as you are strong enough, just like Lao Bai, let others invite you. !”

Instead of expecting the family immortal to become stronger, it is better to become a family immortal yourself...

Zuo Yu's words made Deng Yougang suddenly enlightened.

But then he worriedly asked: "What about the elders at home?"

"What should I do, cold salad!" Zuo Yu said angrily, "As long as you become strong enough, who dares to use the Spirit-Removing General on your family's elders?"

Deng Yougang pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Brother Zuo, you are right, I am blind. With the alliance as my backer, my own potential is much greater than that of the Immortal. I really shouldn't sacrifice the near for the distant."

"now it's right!"

Zuo Yu smiled and patted his shoulder.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone as if teleporting.

Deng Yougang was startled, but then he heard the smiling greetings of Zuo Yu and Li Yun.

"Boss, are you finished with your seclusion?"

"it's over!"

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said with a smile: "[The Pavilion of Rare Treasures] has updated a batch of new products. They are all researched by me based on the Box of Eternal Fire and Ice. They are not expensive but very useful. You have Sora can go and have a look.”


Zuo Yu nodded enthusiastically.

Lin Zhongtian ignored his clone and turned to look at Deng Yougang, who looked a little nervous.

"Are you a newcomer to the world under one person?"

"Yes, Boss Lin!"

Deng Yougang quickly imitated Zuo Yu and shouted.

Under the influence of his own clone, except for Daenerys, the other members began to call him this, and now even the newcomers who just joined the alliance also call him this...

Lin Zhongtian twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head helplessly, and then threw a square metal block to the three of them.

Li Yun took it and looked at it, surprised: "Lighter?"

"It's [a lighter that never goes out]!"

Lin Zhongtian emphasized, and then said with a smile: "It contains a flame ignited by the eternal fire. As long as the eternal fire does not go out, it will not go out."

"It's interesting!" Zuo Yu asked casually while playing with it enthusiastically, "Given it to us?"

"That's right."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and nodded, then looked at the somewhat flattered Deng Yougang and said, "Don't worry too much. This is just an experimental sample. It's not precious. It can't even be put on the shelves of the [Pavilion of Rare Treasures]. Just accept it honestly." Just think of it as a meeting gift from me to the newlyweds!"

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