Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 210 The Seventh World

"Experimental sample?"

Li Yun caught the key words and asked curiously: "Then what is the finished product?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and waved his hand, and the space in front of him suddenly collapsed. The silver space cracks spread to both sides, revealing the armory hidden in an independent space in the void gap behind.

Li Yun and Deng Yougang couldn't help but widen their eyes as they looked at the countless neatly arranged firearms in the armory, with red light emitting from all parts of their bodies, as well as the heavy artillery and tanks that also had red light flowing on their bodies.

"Eternal series of magic technology uses eternal fire as energy source and combines magic and technology to create energy weapons. They are engraved with the seal of the void and magic spells. They can connect the eternal fire in the heavens and the world, making real bullets unlimited!"

Lin Zhongtian explained softly.

Then he waved his hand and closed the silver crack in front of him. He turned to look at the three people and chuckled: "Of course, the hot weapon series is prepared for alliance members with affiliated forces. For loners like you, I prefer cold weapons." Weapons series.”

"For example, this Flame Demon Blade..."

With that said, Lin Zhongtian pulled out a long knife from the silver light.

As soon as he appeared, a scorching heat wave spread.

Deng Yougang couldn't help but take a step back, using his energy to protect himself, and then looked at the long knife in shock.

The entire blade was bright silver in color, with a cold light flashing on the blade, and strange red lines attached to the blade. There seemed to be red energy flowing in the lines, similar to the texture of magma.

"[Blade of Balrog], a cold weapon of eternal series of magical technology, made of Uru metal. The blade is engraved with the seal of the void and shaping magic. It can cut out flames of various shapes and can also be compressed in the sword body. Fire energy increases the power of explosions, which can be said to be both powerful and powerful at the same time..."

With that said, Lin Zhongtian seemed to feel that he was not convincing enough, and immediately swung a knife towards his side.

In an instant, a thirty-meter-long golden-red sword slashed out from the blade, carrying blazing flames and surging heat waves into the silver space crack that suddenly appeared in front of it.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Zhongtian swung another knife.

This time, what flew out of the blade was not the sword energy like last time, but a red firebird that flapped its wings of flame, like a phoenix and a red bird in mythology.

The firebird flapped its wings of flame and flew into the silver space crack.

In a daze, Li Yun and Deng Yougang seemed to hear a clear cry.

"How about it? He's very handsome!"

Lin Zhongtian placed the [Blade of Flame Demon] back in the Pavilion of Rare Treasures and said with a smile: "Currently, the [Pavilion of Rare Treasures] only sells 3,500 gray mist coins. If you are interested, you can go and take a look!"

After hearing this price, Deng Yougang, who was originally very excited, immediately backed down.

Zuo Yu was unambiguous and rushed to the [Pavilion of Rare Treasures] with great interest, ready to buy this thing.

Although he has the ability to shape flames, the flames cut with a knife are obviously more handsome than rubbing them with his hands.

Lin Zhongtian ignored Zuo Yu who left, turned to look at Li Yundao and said, "How long do you plan to stay in that world?"

Li Yun thought for a while and said: "The all-out attack on the mountain is over. We have to go to Wudang Mountain to get the Fenghou Qimen, and then go to Biyou Village to get the Divine Machine Bailian... I guess , it shouldn’t be over in a short time.”

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said: "Then leave the latest world to me!"

Deng Yougang was a little surprised: "Boss Lin, do you want to take action personally?"

Lin Zhongtian glanced at him.

"Is it weird?"

"It's a little strange..."

Deng Yougang smiled and nodded.

As a traveler in the world under one person, Deng Yougang subconsciously regarded Lin Zhongtian as a being similar to the old master, thinking that he was the Dinghai Shenzhen of the traveler alliance and would not leave the alliance easily.

Li Yun smiled and explained to him. This was the first time that Deng Yougang knew the true number of members of the Traveler Alliance.

"I am actually the eighth member of the alliance!"

Deng Yougang couldn't help but look surprised, and then he realized the advantages behind this ranking.

"Okay, after resting for so long, it's time for me to move around!"

Lin Zhongtian stretched and disappeared in front of the two people in an instant.

Deng Yougang blinked and turned to look at Li Yun, the only one left.

"Brother Li, Brother Zuo just said that the dual cultivation of gray fog and Qi Qi has great potential. Is it true?"

"Of course." Li Yun nodded and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Vukong - and it's not just this question, including recommendation of exercises and future plans, etc. You can ask her, and you don't have to worry about troublesome her. Vukong is still a junior at the moment. For artificial intelligence, every question and word you ask will become nourishment for her evolution."

"That's it, I understand."

Deng Yougang nodded suddenly, and then asked Vukong to recommend the exercises to him.

Vukong said: "Based on your physical data and financial situation, I recommend that you major in the Quanzhen Alchemy Method, and also master the Spiritual Discipline General, the Art of Inviting Gods, and the Liuku Immortal Thief. After analysis, the Liuku Immortal Thief will improve Your Gray Mist Coin absorption efficiency allows you to absorb more Gray Mist Coins when your physical value is low, strengthening your body at a faster rate."

"However, due to the all-round strengthening of life by gray mist coins, the effect of "Liuku Immortal Thief" will gradually weaken after the physical value exceeds 10 points, and will eventually disappear completely after the physical value reaches 15 points."

"As for the Spiritual Dispatch General, the Art of Inviting Gods and the Quanzhen Dan Method are both methods of cultivating both life and life. By cultivating these three, you can make full use of the all-round strengthening effect of Gray Mist Coins and amplify the powerful natural advantages of the soul of the traveler. …”

Listening to Vukong's analysis results, Deng Yougang nodded repeatedly.

But then, he realized a very important problem.

That is, with his current account deposit, he can at most buy Quanzhen Danfa, and one of "Juling Dispatch" and "Liuku Immortal Thief", but he cannot buy both of them.

Deng Yougang asked this question, and then he learned that there was another email that had not been received in his Void Bank account, which was the "Ju Ling Dispatch General" sent to him by Zuo Yu.

"This is so precious!"

Deng Yougang said quickly.

Li Yun shook his head and said: "You are overthinking this. This book "Ju Ling Dispatch" is not given to you, but what you deserve. You have a share of the credit for inducing the Wang family's grandson to take action, and the spoils you get will naturally be the same. Share it with you."

"So that's it..."

Deng Yougang suddenly realized it, and then he accepted "Ju Ling Dispatch Generals" with peace of mind.

At the same time, Lin Zhongtian stepped into the last metal door.

In an instant, the grand crossing hall turned into a dark forest.

The moon hung high in the sky, mostly blocked by thick dark clouds. The clear moonlight poured down through the gaps in the dark clouds, illuminating the dim forest with colorful tree shadows.

The night wind blew through the treetops, shaking the leaves and branches, turning the mottled tree shadows on the ground into strange shapes.

Lin Zhongtian looked at the surrounding environment with great interest, then rose into the sky, turned into silver light and flew high into the sky, overlooking the dark forest below him that was like a sea of ​​trees.

Suddenly, Lin Zhongtian turned his head thoughtfully and looked towards the dense forest in the southwest.

Next to the river valley, there is a towering rocky hill with an exposed top and no trees. On top of it stands a terrifyingly solid fortress. The sky above the fortress is covered with dark clouds, seeming to be shrouded in an unspeakable dark force.

No wonder he always feels that the atmosphere in this forest is weird...

Lin Zhongtian looked at the fortress with great interest. Just when he was about to fly over and take a look, several owls hooted suddenly from the dark forest at his feet.

Lin Zhongtian looked down and saw a dozen owls flying from the forest.

Under their feet, agile figures marched quietly.

Lin Zhongtian looked along the direction they were traveling and saw a foggy river separating the north from the south in the dark and deep forest. The river was filled with white mist, as if it carried a dark power that bewitched people's hearts.

Countless twisted trees with strange shapes grew on both sides of the river bank. Dense spider webs were entangled between the trees and branches. Several large spiders climbed along the webs——

These big spiders should be their targets!

Lin Zhongtian became interested and quietly descended towards the dark forest.

At the same time, the giant spiders had just captured a few wild deer that were drinking water, and were now using spider webs to tie them into white round cocoons, ready to take them back to enjoy.

Hearing the rustling sound of the giant spider tying up its prey, the figure at the front stopped and squatted on the hard treetop with his bow and arrow pointed at the giant spider below.

Accompanied by the faint sound of the bow strings being tightened, all the figures that were leaping between the trees stopped, and they all aimed their bows and arrows at the giant spider below.

At the same time, Lin Zhongtian quietly landed on the treetops behind everyone. His black eyes spanned a hundred meters and clearly saw the appearance of this group of people in the dim moonlight.

Their tall and well-proportioned bodies, delicate and handsome faces, and two pointed ears all proved their identities——


Lin Zhongtian was startled for a moment, then looked thoughtfully at the huge spiders.

Dark dense forests, giant spiders, woodland elves, and rivers filled with white mist...

He seems to know which world this is!

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