"call out--"

Along with the whistling sound of arrows piercing the air, the giant spider that was hunting let out a piercing scream.

All the giant spiders immediately stopped spinning their silk and turned warily to look in the direction of the arrow.


The next second, arrows pierced the air, covering the giant spider below like rain.

It has to be said that each of these elves are rare marksmen.

The arrows they fired seemed chaotic, but in fact they were extremely accurate.

After a volley, all the giant spiders' heads were filled with arrows.

The most unlucky one among them had more than a dozen arrows stuck in his head, and all of them hit the compound eyes. Each of the six pitch-black compound eyes had an average of more than two arrows stuck in it.


Severe pain hit their heads, and all the giant spiders let out shrill screams. Their slender limbs covered with black hair and sharp hooks were waving randomly in the air, as if they were trying to attack imaginary enemies.

Not far away, Lin Zhongtian was floating in the air, observing the battle with interest.

Just when he thought that this group of elves would jump down from the tree, pull out the swords from their waists and fight these spiders in close combat, the elves squatting on the treetops once again raised their bows and arrows, aiming at the giant spiders struggling below. .

"No, that's not how it is played in the movie..."

Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows, seeming a little surprised by the elves' vigilance.


The arrows continuously penetrated the tough shell of the giant spiders, and the dull sound was like the alarm bell sounded by the god of death, constantly draining the vitality of the giant spiders.

Soon, all the giant spiders lost their lives.

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but look regretful.

He also wanted to appreciate the graceful fighting postures of the elves up close!

At this moment, the female elf who was the first to shoot the arrow pulled out the short knife from her waist, jumped down from the treetop, and cautiously approached the giant spider's body.


The sharp and hard metal blade sank into the giant spider's forehead, and smelly green blood suddenly sputtered out.

The female elf frowned, avoiding the splattered blood, and endured nausea as she dealt with the dead giant spiders one by one.

Is this too cautious? !

Lin Zhongtian looked at the female elf with a strange expression.

She has a delicate and beautiful face, a tall figure, about 1.8 meters, with long dark red hair braided into braids, dotted with silver leaf-shaped hair accessories. She wears green leather armor inlaid with metal pieces, and her naked body Her skin is fair and delicate, like the finest mutton-fat white jade, but this does not mean that she is just a beautiful vase in appearance.

Both the arms and the long legs under the skirt armor have obvious muscle outlines outlined by the leather that facilitates movement. In the gaps between the leather armor at the waist, two conspicuous abdominal muscles can be vaguely seen...

This is not a female elf from the Woodland Kingdom. She is clearly an Amazon female warrior from Paradise Island!

Lin Zhongtian complained in his heart, and at the same time thought that he wouldn't meet a fellow time traveler as soon as he came in, right?

At the same time, a male elf wearing the same green leather armor jumped from the tree, landed next to the red-haired female elf, and whispered in Elvish language that Lin Zhongtian could not understand.

"Captain, all the spiders north of the Magic River have been eliminated."

"But there will be more to come..."

The red-haired female elf sighed solemnly: "They are becoming more and more bold. Now that they dare to cross the magic river, they may attack the Woodland Kingdom in the future - it is better to go back and report to Your Majesty as soon as possible. The Woodland Kingdom needs someone Action has been taken!"

After saying that, the red-haired female elf wiped the short knife with a leaf, put it back into the scabbard, and then prepared to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, a frightened cry suddenly came from the tree behind him.

The red-haired female elf turned around suddenly, and saw the female elf at the end of the team leaning against the tree trunk, looking at the giant spider that quietly appeared above her head with horror on her face. At the same time, she used the long bow in her hand to block the fangs coming from above. .

Its tail was hung with tough spider silk, and it slipped silently from the tree crown, so that all the elves were not aware of it.

At this moment, the giant spider's fangs were biting the long bow in the female elf's hand. Seeing that the fangs were ineffective, it waved its slender limbs again, trying to attack the female elf under it with its hooks and claws.

Without any hesitation, the red-haired female elf pulled out the short knife from her waist and threw it at the spider with all her strength.


The slender blade sank into the giant spider's head from top to bottom.

The giant spider let out a shrill scream and immediately released its fangs.

The female elf took the opportunity to draw her long bow, distanced herself, and looked up.

I saw a human man wearing silver armor standing on top of the giant spider, holding a strange long knife upside down in his right hand. The sharp blade was inserted into the giant spider's head from between the two compound eyes.

In his left hand, he also held a familiar weapon, which was the short knife thrown by the red-haired female elf.

Seeing this scene, the female elf and her companions were stunned for a moment.

The next second, except for the female elf, all the elves raised their bows and nocked arrows, aiming at the silver-armored man standing on the giant spider.

...This development is wrong!

Lin Zhongtian's head was covered with black lines, and then he pulled out the long knife with a little force on his right hand.


Blood splattered everywhere, and a fishy smell lingered on the blade.

Lin Zhongtian frowned, but he didn't see any movement. The slender blade suddenly burst into flames, washing away the green blood stained on the blade like golden-red water.

Seeing this scene, the elves around them with their bows and arrows ready couldn't help but exclaimed.

The red-haired female elf under the tree was also stunned for a moment, and then said something loudly.

Unfortunately, Lin Zhongtian still couldn't understand.

He could only smile and reply in English: "You're welcome!"

After saying that, Lin Zhongtian moved his right hand slightly, and the short knife in his hand instantly turned into a stream of light and flew towards the red-haired female elf under the tree, and was instantly nailed to the trunk of the twisted tree next to her.

This move made the surrounding elves even more nervous.

Fortunately, the female elf he rescued had some intention of repaying his kindness, and she quickly shouted and opened her arms, as if to protect Lin Zhongtian and asked her companions to put down their weapons.

It's a pity that the person who calls the shots in this team is the red-haired female elf.

The red-haired female elf frowned slightly, glanced at Lin Zhongtian who was standing on the giant spider, and then looked at the tree trunk next to her. She saw that the short knife was completely embedded in the hard trunk, and the exposed handle was still shaking...

What a powerful force!

The red-haired female elf looked amazed and couldn't help but reach out and hold the handle of the knife, trying to pull it out.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pull the short knife out of the tree trunk.

Seeing this, Lin Zhongtian sighed and waved to the female elf he had rescued.

The female elf looked hesitant, but finally walked over under the warning eyes of her companions.

...The road is widened, little girl!

Lin Zhongtian smiled. As the female elf approached, he suddenly raised his hand to hold her head, and gently touched his forehead with his thumb. The gray mist turned into filaments and penetrated into the flesh, acquiring language-related memories in the brain.

The presumptuous move made the female elf scream in surprise and quickly took two steps back.

At the same time, Lin Zhongtian has acquired the language of elves through this brief contact.

He looked around at the vigilant elves, and whispered in Elvish or Sindarin in Elvish language: "Is this the way of hospitality in the Woodland Kingdom when you use swords against your savior?"


Hearing these words, all the bows and arrows in the hands of the elves could not help but droop slightly.

The female elf looked ashamed and quickly turned to look at the red-haired female elf under the tree.

The red-haired female elf finally pulled out the short knife with great effort, put it back into the scabbard, and then looked up at Lin Zhongtian on the tree.

After a moment of hesitation, the red-haired female elf said, "Put it all down!"

After the words fell, the elves around them put down their bows and arrows.

Lin Zhongtian jumped up and landed in front of the red-haired female elf, looking at her with interest.

The red-haired female elf looked at Lin Zhongtian with some surprise.

This was the first time she had seen such a mysterious and powerful human being.

"Human, it turns out you know Elvish."

I said I just learned it, do you believe it?

Lin Zhongtian curled his lips and did not reply.

The red-haired female elf didn't pay attention, and just said seriously: "Human, as the captain of Lingol, I am very grateful for your helping hand. If it were ten years ago, I would definitely invite you to the Woodland Kingdom as a guest, but Now, the Woodland Kingdom does not welcome any outsiders who are not elves - if you have nothing important to do, please go back the way you came!"


Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows, his interest becoming more and more intense.

He has determined that this world is the world of "Lord of the Rings".

And the timeline is likely to be close to the plot of "The Hobbit".

If this is the case, then the words and deeds of the red-haired female elf have exposed some problems, and these problems are likely to be related to his fellow time traveler...

Could it be that this fellow traveled through time and became an elf in the Woodland Kingdom ten years ago?

While Lin Zhongtian was thinking this, he said with great interest: "What if I tell you that the purpose of my trip is to go to your woodland kingdom?"

"Then we'll have to turn you away."

Looking at the determined expression on the red-haired female elf's face, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but chuckle, and then changed the subject: "I heard that the Elf King Thranduil once commissioned a dwarf craftsman to create a precious white diamond necklace for his deceased wife. , but on the day of delivery, the dwarf king Thror I temporarily raised the asking price out of greed. Thranduil left angrily, and the white diamond necklace was also detained by the greedy dwarf king in the city of Ere under the mountain. Bo..."

"..." The red-haired female elf frowned tightly and couldn't help but said, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"It's nothing." Lin Zhongtian said with a smile, "I just want you to help tell the Elf King Thranduil that I can help him get back the white diamond necklace, but I have a condition."

The red-haired female elf asked subconsciously: "What are the conditions?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly: "It's very simple, help me find someone!"

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