Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 212 Elf King Thranduil

After hesitating for a long time, the red-haired female elf decided to take Lin Zhongtian back to the Woodland Kingdom.

On the way, Lin Zhongtian asked her name and learned that her name was Tauriel and that she was the captain of the Elf Guard of the Woodland Kingdom.

Hearing this name, Lin Zhongtian thought for a moment, and then his face suddenly revealed.

Isn't this the female elf who fell in love with the dwarf Kili in "The Hobbit 2"!

To be honest, he really didn't recognize her. After all, this girl was 1.8 meters tall. She could break a tree as thick as a bowl with her feet. Her abdominal muscles were so hard that she could kill mosquitoes. Except for her skin and facial features, everything about her body reminded him of him. The female elves in it are out of reach.

But then again, if Tauriel is such a female elf, then she should indeed be the most beautiful elf woman in the eyes of dwarves, so it is not surprising that the dwarf Kili would like her. Already...

At the same time, Lin Zhongtian finally confirmed that this is the world of "The Lord of the Rings", and it is a movie world whose timeline is likely to be before "The Hobbit 2".

This world, how can I say...

Just looking at the plot of the movie, it's not actually dangerous.

But if you say it's safe, it's really not that safe.

After all, this is still a world where the Creator and Gods exist, and there is also a destiny-like Ainu Great Movement. Although it is the end of the Third Era, many powerful beings have already withdrawn, and the Creator is like... Luvita and the gods he created didn't care much about things, but after all, they just didn't care about things, not that they couldn't.

Lin Zhongtian could imagine that if he interfered too much with the plot or the big movement, he would definitely attract the attention of the gods and even the creator Ilúvatar himself.

It's even possible that he's under Ilúvatar's gaze now...

Although he already had such speculation in his mind, Lin Zhongtian was not too panicked.

If Ilúvatar is really the omniscient and omnipotent creator of this world as described in the original work, then he will definitely be able to find traces of Lin Zhongtian the moment Lin Zhongtian travels to this world.

But until now, Ilúvatar still has no intention of showing up or communicating with Lin Zhongtian.

This shows that the other party either didn't notice him at all, or discovered him, but didn't care about his time-traveling behavior, and even meant to let it go.

No matter which one it is, it is good news for Lin Zhongtian.

Of course, it would be better if it was the former!

Although his subjective consciousness is strong, there is no comparison, and he does not know how powerful he is.

If even Ilúvatar cannot detect his time travel, it means that his subjective consciousness is comparable to that of Ilúvatar, and at worst, he is a second-level existence...

Lin Zhongtian was thinking as he followed the Elf Guard into the Woodland Kingdom.

Looking at the silver-armored human man beside him who was contemplating and silent, Tauriel sighed slightly in his heart.

She didn't know whether what she did was right or wrong. At this time, rashly bringing outsiders into the Woodland Kingdom would most likely make her have to bear the wrath of the Elf King Thranduil.

But no matter what, Lin Zhongtian mentioned the white diamond necklace after all.

As the captain of the Elf King's trusted guard, Tauriel knew very well the significance of that necklace to the Elf King. It was his emotional sustenance for his deceased wife. Even after nearly a hundred years, the Elf King still never wanted to get that necklace back. White diamond necklace.

"Perhaps getting that necklace can calm His Majesty's anger, and His Highness can be released..."

Tauriel thought so, and then ordered the members of the escort team to open the heavy door in front of them.

After entering the door, an underground palace transformed from a cave appeared in front of Lin Zhongtian.

The interior space of this palace is huge, and the architectural style is also very grand. The top of the palace is carved with exquisite murals. The sunlight shines into the palace through the hollow parts, bringing warm sunlight to the underground palace.

There is a strange kind of ancient tree growing everywhere in the palace. The white trunks are restrained by magic and form support pillars connecting the floor and ceiling. The stalactites and hard rocks hanging from the top of the cave are polished by elven craftsmen. Stone pillars and stone bridges carved with exquisite patterns support and connect every space in the cave.

Lin Zhongtian was walking on the magnificent arched stone bridge, looking at the surrounding scenery with a look of wonder on his face.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Elf Guard members couldn't help but straighten their backs, seeming to be proud of this.

Lin Ge, an elf woman who was rescued by Lin Zhongtian, walked towards Lin Zhongtian with a smile on her back, carrying a bow and arrows.

"How about it, our kingdom is beautiful!"

"Really beautiful."

Lin Zhongtian looked at the surrounding scenery and couldn't help but nodded.

A smile appeared on Lingol's face.

But then, her face darkened and she sighed: "What a pity. If you had been born thousands of years earlier, you might have been able to see the former Woodland Kingdom. At that time, our palace was even more beautiful than it is now!"



Ringor nodded and explained softly: "Actually, this place was not called the Dark Forest before, but the Great Green Forest. We didn't just live in the northeastern part of the Black Forest, but all over the north until nearly two thousand years ago. , a powerful necromancer occupied Dol Guldur next to the Green Forest, and the dark power began to erode the Great Green Forest, where countless evil creatures breed and multiply."

"Those giant spiders just now are one of them."

"In order to fight against these dark forces, His Majesty Thranduil led us to retreat to the northeast, and built fortifications near the Jungle River, and built an underground palace imitating Lenegroth as a fortress against foreign enemies..."


Before Lingol could finish speaking, Tauriel, who was immersed in his thoughts, came back to his senses, frowned and shouted.

Lin Ge quickly shut up and winked playfully at Lin Zhongtian.

Lin Zhongtian smiled, thought for a moment, stretched out his hand to open the rift in space, took out a silver alloy composite bow from the storage space in the void gap, and handed it to Lingol, whose eyes widened.

"Take it."

Lingol took it in surprise, stroked the alloy bow and said, "Is this a gift from you?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Just think of it as payment in Elvish and Continental Common Language.

He subconsciously ignored his previous actions of saving Lingol.

Because it was just a piece of cake for him, he didn't take it to heart at all.

Seeing the happy look on Lingol's face, Tauriel frowned.

But she didn't say anything, she just signaled for the others to step back, and she took Lin Zhongtian to meet the Elf King.

Not long after, Lin Zhongtian finally met Thranduil, the only Elven King named king at the end of the Third Era.

He sat on a throne of oak and satin, wearing a silver robe embroidered with exquisite patterns, and a crown of thorns and red leaves on his head. His hair was a silvery platinum color, his face was handsome, and his temperament was majestic and calm.

While Lin Zhongtian looked at Thranduil on the throne, he secretly compared him with Daenerys. In the end, he found that in addition to the powerful power that the alliance brought to her, Daenerys had various other qualities, whether it was temperament or posture. They were all blown away by the elegant, noble and majestic Elf King in front of them...

Not only that, even the appearance seems to be a complete loser!

Lin Zhongtian sighed for Daenerys in his heart, and then secretly took a screenshot of the memory screen, and passed the screenshot of the spiritual consciousness to Daenerys in the world of Game of Thrones through a jade tablet, so that she could learn from her temperament and posture.

This is the elegant and noble medieval Western king in the story!

When Lin Zhongtian looked at him, Thranduil frowned slightly.

He was keenly aware of the admiration in Lin Zhongtian's eyes, but this admiration was not admiration for the king, but a kind of appreciation mixed with a higher attitude...

Thranduil didn't like Lin Zhongtian's gaze, so he spoke calmly.

"Who are you?"

"Um...human ranger?"

Lin Zhongtian said with some uncertainty.


Thranduil frowned, carefully looked at Lin Zhongtian's face and attire, and then shook his head.

"You're not a ranger."

Although Lin Zhongtian knows about this world, he only knows the movie and some mythological background, and he does not know much about some details of this world.

He obviously didn't know that in this world, not all wandering warriors could be called rangers.

The true rangers are Aragorn and his remnants of the Dúnedain in the North.

In addition to the classic ranger attire and the silver brooch called the Star of Dúnedain on the left shoulder of the cloak, these people also have many easily identifiable traits. They often have serious expressions and are weather-beaten. Although they are taciturn, when they speak, His speech is always polite and courteous, quite like the royal family.

During the Warning and Peace of the Third Age, these rangers were the first line of defense against the dark creatures of the north, and they secretly protected the north from the invasion of dark creatures.

The hobbits prospered under the secret protection of the rangers.

Thranduil had no intention of explaining to him, he just frowned and looked at the lying human in front of him.

Suddenly, Thranduil straightened up and looked at Lin Zhongtian in shock as if he had discovered something.

"You're not a ranger, or even a human!"

"Who are you? Maia who serves the Valar, or..."

As he spoke, Thranduil's expression suddenly became serious.

He stood up and saluted Lin Zhongtian with a solemn and respectful expression.

"Welcome to the Woodland Kingdom, Your Majesty the Great Valar!"

Chapter 3 will be released later

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