Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 215 Ilúvatar’s Perspective

Ilúvatar explained very abstractly, but Lin Zhongtian understood what he meant.

The existence of life is different in Ilúvatar's eyes.

Although the souls of Legolas and the time traveler are integrated into one, they existed independently in the past timeline, so from Ilúvatar's perspective, both Legolas and Firitz are Never disappeared.

This strange perspective is incomprehensible to ordinary life.

Even someone as powerful as God King Odin might not be able to take his place.

In their eyes, life is life, death is death, soul fusion is soul fusion, there is no such thing as a state.

Although Lin Zhongtian can understand what Ilúvatar means, he is still unable to view life from such a transcendent perspective.

After thinking for a while, Lin Zhongtian made a decision and told Ilúvatar about the Traveler Alliance.

Ilúvatar listened with interest, and then suddenly said: "So, the Traveler Alliance, this is a good idea. No wonder we will become friends in the future - well, if I just join your Alliance of Travelers, Then I won’t stop you, but you shouldn’t interfere too much with my music, and you can’t force Legolas to leave my world, how about that?”

"make a deal."

Lin Zhongtian said decisively.

"Very well, friends should understand and help each other, right?"

A smile appeared on Ilúvatar's face, then she turned to look at Legolas in the cell and sighed.

"Two souls who have become one across the world will now embark on a journey across the universe again to find a solution to the fusion of souls - what a good story!"

"Speaking of stories." Lin Zhongtian suddenly whispered, "You should have seen the story called "The Lord of the Rings" in his memory, right?"

"Of course." Ilúvatar said with a smile, "The great music of the Ainur was born before the universe. At that time, there was still nothingness here. The songs of the Ainu will naturally spread to all the heavens and worlds through various methods. It is not difficult to understand that it is received by beings from other worlds and then written into stories.”

...What about other movie worlds?

Such doubts arose in Lin Zhongtian's heart, but he did not ask.

Ilúvatar raised the corner of her mouth, looked at Lin Zhongtian and said with a smile: "By the way, my friend, have you ever found that you are a little too obsessed with the soul of the time traveler."

"……Have it?"

Lin Zhongtian frowned slightly.

Ilúvatar said with a smile: "Of course, but there is a reason for this. The souls of these time-travelers you found have been infiltrated by the power of your world during the time-travel process. It can be said to be an extension of that world. Just like the Ainur I created with the eternal fire, to some extent, they are also children who are closely related to you."


Is this suddenly a super senior?

Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows, then fell into deep thought.

Ilúvatar said nothing more, just smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Well, my friend, I wish you a pleasant time in my world!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everything around him finally started to move again.

The scattered fallen leaves quickly returned to the treetops, and the rotten peaches appeared out of thin air and quickly shrank.

In the blink of an eye, the tall peach tree shrank back to the ground and turned back into the seed hidden in the ground that had lost its vitality. Everything around it was rapidly turning upside down. Only Lin Zhongtian's clone still stood in place, wrinkled. Eyebrow gazed at the world in front of which time was flowing backwards.

The silvery void seal has disappeared, but Lin Zhongtian's consciousness still exists.

This shows that his status is indeed very high, even so high that he is not bound by time, but his power is far inferior to that of Ilúvatar, who is the real transcendent who can swim unhindered in the long river of time.

This is the first existence that Lin Zhongtian has encountered that is more powerful than him since he took control of the void gap.

But I guess he won't be the last one.

"Thank you for your consideration."

The calm voice of Elf King Thranduil came from the side.

Lin Zhongtian turned around and saw him saying calmly but with a hint of sadness: "But no, you can take him away. Rather than returning Legolas's body, I don't want to see him turn into a human being." A pile of carrion..."

The familiar conversation happened again, but this time, Lin Zhongtian's answer was slightly different.

"Thrandil, as you wish, I will take him away, but whether the problem of soul fusion can be solved depends on his own efforts!"

After the faint words fell, Legolas in the cell and Thranduil outside the cell both turned their heads, staring blankly at Lin Zhongtian with a calm expression with those two pairs of very similar eyes.

The Elf King Thranduil asked blankly: "You mean, Legolas' soul has not disappeared?"

Lin Zhongtian chuckled and nodded: "Yes, just like what he said, their souls were miraculously fused together and did not disappear or be swallowed by the other party."

Legolas couldn't help but ask: "Then how should we separate?"

"I don't know either." Lin Zhongtian shook his head, and then whispered in the disappointed eyes of the two elves, "But I will give you a direction to solve the problem, or a road full of infinite possibilities. As for whether it can be solved It’s up to you to grasp it!”

As soon as these words came out, a look of hope appeared in the eyes of Legolas and Thranduil.


With the soft click of the lock, the cell door was opened.

Legolas walked out of the cell and unlocked the shackles with the help of Tauriel, the captain of the Elven Guard.

When the shackles were lifted, Legolas glanced at the Elf King Thranduil with complicated eyes, then walked to Lin Zhongtian, turned to look at the excited Tauriel and many members of the escort team and said softly.

"From today on, I will give up my identity as the Elf Prince of the Woodland Kingdom and follow this crown prince away..."

The gentle words were like a basin of cold water poured on the heads of the excited Tauriel and other elves.

"Your Highness, what are you..."

Tauriel said a little at a loss.

Unfortunately, reality did not give her enough time to think.

Soon, Legolas and Lin Zhongtian left the underground palace of the Woodland Kingdom.

Legolas stopped and looked at Tauriel and others with red eyes in front of the palace, who seemed a little reluctant to leave. He said softly: "Go back. The people of the Woodland Kingdom don't need me, but they need you very much." …”


No matter how reluctant Tauriel and the others were to leave, they could only turn around and leave helplessly in front of Legolas' words.

After the door of the underground palace closed, Legolas turned around, looked at Lin Zhongtian who looked at him with admiring eyes, and saluted respectfully.

"Your Majesty, can you tell me how to solve the problem of soul fusion now?"

"Not in a hurry."

Lin Zhongtian asked curiously: "More than this, I want to know, what does soul fusion feel like?"

Legolas smiled bitterly and said: "I can't tell. It's probably the feeling of living two lives at the same time. This feeling is different from schizophrenia. I am very clear and rational, but occasionally I can't tell the difference between myself and myself." Is it Fritz, Legolas, or a completely new existence besides these two - oh, by the way, schizophrenia is..."

"No need to explain, I know."

Lin Zhongtian interrupted him with a smile, and then said thoughtfully: "According to what you said, it's probably like the combination in "Dragon Ball", right - have you seen "Dragon Ball"?"

"heard about it……"

Legolas nodded subconsciously, then suddenly reacted and looked at Lin Zhongtian blankly.

"You...are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Lin Zhongtian shook his head and said: "The important thing is that if you want to solve the problem of soul fusion, you must complete my test."

Legolas nodded with a strange expression: "Okay, you say."

Lin Zhongtian chuckled and said: "My test is very simple. Kill the evil dragon in the city under the mountain 'Erebor' and get back the white diamond necklace of Elf King Thranduil. After completing this test, I will give it to you." The hope of solving the soul fusion problem.”

"Okay, I accept your test!"

Legolas said without hesitation.

A smile appeared on Lin Zhongtian's face, and then he took out a compound bow engraved with the seal of the void and a magic spell, and then took out a set of silver light armor engraved with ice blue patterns, and handed it to the stunned Legolas.

" this a compound bow?!"

Legolas stared at the compound bow in his hand with wide eyes.

Lin Zhongtian said seriously: "Don't pay attention to these details. The shape is not important at all. What is important is that it is a magic weapon that allows you to shoot infinitely low-temperature ice arrows. This set of armor can even resist the claws of evil dragons." With these two treasures, coupled with Legolas's skill in your memory, it should be enough for you to kill the dragon Smaug alone, right?"

Legolas's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately drew the bowstring skillfully.

In an instant, the inscription on the alloy bow suddenly lit up with blue light, and countless water vapors gathered in the blue light, turning into an ice-blue arrow exuding cold white air, which was attached to the arrow made by Scylla's tentacles. Made of cold-resistant bowstrings.

"call out--"

With a sharp sound of breaking through the air, the blue ice arrow instantly penetrated the trees in the distance, leaving a clearly visible white trail in the sky.

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