Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 216 Mithril and Balrog

"Good bow! Good arrows!"

Legolas couldn't help but admire it, as if he couldn't put it down.

Lin Zhongtian reminded: "Let me tell you in advance, these two treasures are only lent to you. When the task is completed, you have to - OK, OK, if you don't return it, don't return it. I'll give it to you. I'll find a place to put the armor back quickly." Put it on!"

Looking at Lin Zhongtian who suddenly changed his expression mid-sentence, Legolas was a little surprised, but he didn't dare to ask. He could only walk into the dark forest next to him with his armor, preparing to change out of the prison uniform that he had not yet taken off.

After Legolas' figure disappeared into the forest, Lin Zhongtian casually set up a space barrier and looked at the blue butterflies flying around him.

"Now you are satisfied. Your music and my test have killed two birds with one stone."

The blue butterfly flew happily around Lin Zhongtian, and finally stopped on his raised fingertips.

A smile appeared on Lin Zhongtian's face: "As long as you are satisfied, now hand over the mithril you just promised me!"

Mithril is a precious magical metal and a native product of Middle-earth. It has extremely strong hardness and light weight. Forging and polishing cannot damage it at all, nor will it fade. At the same time, it also has a very strong Due to metal ductility and good magic conductivity, many famous weapons and magic props in Middle-earth are made of mithril, such as Nengya, one of the three elven rings, etc...

When Lin Zhongtian came to this world, the metal he wanted most was mithril.

Therefore, when he heard that Ilúvatar wanted to exchange mithril for two of his treasures, Lin Zhongtian immediately agreed.

Although I don't know why Ilúvatar proposed this deal that was meaningless to him, I don't want to take advantage of the bastard. Anyway, Lin Zhongtian has his future self as a backer and has the confidence to trade with him.

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, the blue butterfly fluttered its wings and turned into a blue light and flew towards the misty mountains.

Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows, jumped up, turned into a silver light and followed behind the blue light.

Soon, Legolas changed into his armor and walked out of the dense forest.

Just when he was about to say hello to Lin Zhongtian, he suddenly found that the suspected traveler, or Vera Mianxia, ​​who had read his memory, had disappeared into the dark forest.

Legolas frowned, holding the alloy composite bow and cautiously exploring the dense forest.

Three minutes later, Legolas returned to where he was, looking at the alloy compound bow in his hand and sighing softly.

"It seems that Your Majesty has already left. I will have to walk the rest of the way alone, right?"

Thinking of this, Legolas showed determination. After identifying the direction, he took steps towards the dense forest river.

While traveling, Legolas began to recall the plot related to the mission goal.

In 1980 of the Third Age of Middle-earth, the dwarf clan of Durin, who had lived in Kezad-dum, over-excavated mines, which disturbed the terrifying threat lurking underground and awakened the Balrog sleeping in the misty mountains.

This powerful being, who had been sleeping for thousands of years, killed Durin VI, the dwarf king of Kezad-dum, as soon as he woke up, causing huge damage to Kezad-dum, and countless dwarves lost their lives as a result.

The remaining dwarves were forced to withdraw from Kezad-dûm. One of them went to the Lonely Mountain and rebuilt the kingdom on the Lonely Mountain with the help of the woodland elves, which was the famous kingdom under the mountain. Therefore, the Dwarf King Thrain I was called As the "King under the Mountain".

At this point, the Durin dwarves of the Lonely Mountain formed a deep friendship with the woodland elves of the Northern Dark Forest, and the two sides often traded with each other. However, the good times did not last long. With the mining of the Lonely Mountain, the name of Erebor's wealth spread widely. , the then Dwarf King Thror I was consumed by the increasingly prosperous money and treasures, and gradually became a slave to treasures and gold.

Until one day, the Elf King Thranduil commissioned a dwarf craftsman to create a precious white diamond necklace for his deceased wife. However, when delivering the goods, Thrall left angrily due to Thror's greedy price, and the white diamond necklace was also stolen by the greedy man. Thrór was imprisoned in Erebor, the city under the mountain, and the rift between the woodland elves and the Durin dwarves was complete.

Later, the richness of Erebor attracted the evil dragon Smaug who coveted wealth. In 2770 of the Third Era, Smaug first destroyed the valley city located in the southern valley of the Lonely Mountain, and then captured Erebor, the Lonely Mountain. , the dwarves failed to defend themselves and had to flee in all directions. Erebor fell for nearly two hundred years.

Until 2941 of the Third Era, Thorin Oakenshield, the son of Thrain II and the legitimate heir of King Durin and King Under the Mountain, brought twelve dwarf companions with the hobbit Bilbo Baggins and Gray Together with the wizard Gandalf, they regained the Lonely Mountain, and Erebor returned to the hands of the dwarves.

A series of stories that happened during this period are the entire plot of the "Hobbit" trilogy.

Legolas thought for a moment and decided not to act with the protagonist group.

He planned to go to the Lonely Mountain alone, use the artifact given to him by Crown Prince Valar to slay the dragon, and get back his father's white diamond necklace. In this way, he might be able to gain the forgiveness of his father, Thranduil, while completing the test.

Legolas thought well, but unfortunately, this is a world where fate exists.

And fate obviously won't let him get what he wants...

On the other side, Lin Zhongtian followed the blue butterfly to hover over the misty mountains. His white-eye-like perspective quickly spread, and he soon discovered a giant mithril vein in the mountain at his feet.

Not bad, generous enough!

With a satisfied look on Lin Zhongtian's face, he took out a crystal ball and planned to collect the mineral vein into it.

Accompanied by bursts of roaring, a huge gap opened in the rolling misty mountains, countless smoke and dust rose into the air, and the loose earth and rocks rolled down together with the trees rooted in the soil, making roars like the roar of giant dragons.

Immediately afterwards, the bright silver mithril veins squeezed out from the huge cracks in the mountain, like a giant silver silkworm, turning into a crystal ball that streamed into Lin Zhongtian's palm.

Call it a day!

Lin Zhongtian put away the crystal ball and was about to leave when he suddenly heard an angry roar coming from the mountain.

Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows, turned around and saw a huge claw sticking out of the crack, followed by blazing flames.

Soon, a human-shaped flame like a moving shadow crawled out from the crack in the mountain.

He has a pair of demonic goat horns, his whole body is covered with burning flames, a pair of yellow eyes bursting with golden red flames, the muscles of his arms are coiled, and the sharp claws are like steel, which is daunting, and on his back There was a pair of black bat wings on his back, and the flaming mane rose and billowed on his back, scorching and twisting the surrounding air.

As soon as this guy appeared, the moisture in the air was instantly evaporated, and a billowing heat wave spread from his body, instantly igniting the surrounding forests and shrubs, and the fire spread rapidly along with the mudslide.

In an instant, the entire mountain peak lit up with golden-red fire.

Obviously, this should be the evil creature Balrog sleeping underground!

I just don’t know if the Balrog in front of me is the same Balrog that destroyed Kesadoum.

It shouldn't be the same one, after all, the Balrog in the plot seems to be sleeping in Khazad-dum's palace...

Lin Zhongtian thought this while looking at it with interest.

Finally, the Balrog climbed out of the crack, stood in the sea of ​​fire and roared towards Lin Zhongtian in the sky.


Lin Zhongtian's head was covered with black lines, and he looked at the blue butterfly that had not yet left around him.

"Can I teach him a lesson?"

The blue butterflies were still flying around him, seemingly unresponsive.

Lin Zhongtian's eyes lit up, thinking that Ilúvatar had left, so he asked tentatively: "Then can I catch one and keep it for my collection?"

The flying figure of the blue butterfly suddenly stopped and hovered quickly in front of Lin Zhongtian, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Okay, you acquiesce!"

Lin Zhongtian quickly answered for him, then opened a crack in space, took out an ice box that exuded the air of ice, pointed the front of the ice box at the Balrog below, and gently opened it.


Accompanied by the whistling of the airflow, infinite ice energy surged out from the ice box, like seawater pouring out of an extradimensional space, covering the entire mountain peak with enough energy to turn the world into an ice age.

In an instant, the wildly spreading mountain fire was extinguished in the air of ice.

Feeling the ice energy pouring from above his head, the roaring Balrog couldn't help but widen his yellow eyes, and quickly turned around and wanted to crawl back into the ground, but it was too late at this time.

The surging ice energy covered his body, freezing him from top to bottom into an ice sculpture.

Ten seconds later, the entire mountain peak, including the raging mudslide, turned into a light blue ice sculpture.

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhongtian put away the box of ice with satisfaction, and his figure instantly appeared on the mountain. Looking at the Balrog still burrowing into the ground in the ice sculpture, he chuckled: "Set the mountain on fire, and sit through the prison!"

"If you dare to set fire in front of me, just follow me back to jail!"

With that said, Lin Zhongtian took out the crystal ball, put the Balrog frozen into an ice sculpture into it, and then turned into a silver light and flew towards the direction from where it came.

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