Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 217 Gandalf the Gray Wizard

At the edge of the dark forest, Legolas, holding an alloy composite bow and wearing blue-patterned silver armor, squatted on the treetops, looking at the elven door below composed of white birch and green vines with a complex expression.

As the prince of the Woodland Kingdom, entering Mirkwood was like returning to his own backyard for Legolas.

But in this dim and familiar hometown, he actually got lost for five whole hours!

Although he had endured years of imprisonment, and Mirkwood had undergone tremendous changes due to the erosion of dark power, being lost for five hours was still a situation he had not expected.

If you just get lost, that's fine.

The problem is that the direction he is traveling is completely opposite to Gushan.

The Lonely Mountain is located in the northeast of the Woodland Kingdom. If Legolas returns to the underground palace and crosses the Woodland Kingdom, he will soon be able to see the long lake at the foot of the Lonely Mountain.

But Legolas didn't want to go back to the underground palace, nor did he want to seek help from the Elf King Thranduil, so he thought of avoiding the underground palace and going around from the north of the Woodland Kingdom to the Lonely Mountain Erebor.

But who would have thought that he actually lost his way on the way north, and instead came to the entrance to the western part of the Dark Jungle.

"It must be the influence of the dark power permeating the dense forest..."

Legolas thought as he stood up from the treetop.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves came from the wilderness outside the dark forest.

Legolas was startled for a moment, and then he remembered the plot of "The Hobbit 2", and his face couldn't help but become a little ugly.

Soon, a group of people emerged from the horizon of the green wilderness.

Most of the people in the team were very short and rode short, stocky ponies.

Only the man at the front was tall, with white beard and hair, and an old face. He was riding a tall horse, wearing gray wizard robes and a gray pointed wizard hat. He held a wooden staff in his hand and hung it on his waist. He also wore a two-handed sword.

Seeing the shape of the staff and the sword, Legolas instantly determined the identity of this person.

It is Gandalf, the famous gray robe wizard in Middle-earth.

Sure enough it was them!

Legolas frowned, his expression a little uncertain.

What does this mean? Does fate have to make him act together with the protagonist group?

While Legolas was hiding his figure and hesitating, high in the dark forest, a silver figure hovered in the air. His deep black eyes penetrated the cloud valley in front of him, staring at Legolas across a distance of more than a thousand meters. Lars.

"Is this the corrective power of fate?"

Lin Zhongtian looked at Legolas thoughtfully.

Since he had also been affected by the power of destiny correction, he was already aware of such existences. He was keenly aware that there was something inexplicable about Legolas.

After looking at it for a while, Lin Zhongtian shifted his gaze and looked with interest at Gandalf and his party who had arrived at the entrance to the Dark Forest.

Seeing the elven gate in front of him, which was composed of white birch and green vines, Gandalf couldn't help but stop, turned over and dismounted, held the staff tightly with one hand, and pressed the hilt of the sword at his waist with the other hand, and walked into the elves first. trails.

After checking, Gandalf turned around, looked at the thirteen short figures behind him and said: "Okay, here is the Mirkwood, the vastest forest in the northern world. You need to pass through here and follow the rushing river. Go up the river and arrive at the long lake at the foot of Gushan Mountain..."

"Do we have to go through here?"

The young man in the team suddenly spoke, looking at the dark forest in front of him and swallowing nervously.

"This forest... it looks sick, like there's some disease hanging over it."

"Don't worry, Bilbo." The bald dwarf carrying two short axes patted Bilbo on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I didn't see the shadow of the Oaks (orcs). This is the best news. As for these trees, they just look ugly, and they won’t ride on wargs and actively attack us with weapons..."

Gandalf was noncommittal upon hearing this. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly noticed a giant bear appearing in the wilderness behind everyone.

That was Bion, the 'skin-changer' they had met before. He had the magic to transform into a giant bear, and the horses they rode were borrowed from him.

Now that he appeared behind everyone, it was obvious what his purpose was.

Gandalf immediately said: "Okay, everyone, now you have to send back these borrowed ponies!"

After the words fell, the dwarves looked at each other and were about to complain. Gandalf quickly warned them not to do stupid things.

"You'd better not break your promise. Bion is not an easy guy to mess with. It's not wise to be an enemy of him. Mr. Baggins's eyesight is much better than you guys. You didn't see it, but he noticed the things behind us every night. Followed by a giant bear..."

"That guy has been following us?"

The dwarf who looked like the leader said in shock.

Gandalf glanced at him and said softly: "Bion is a warm-hearted and generous man. He did this to protect you secretly and to protect his pony. He will never allow you to take the pony into the forest."

Bilbo seemed to realize something and immediately said in shock: "Is it dangerous to enter the forest?"

Gandalf chuckled and said: "Of course there is danger, but if you don't go through Mirkwood, you will need to travel two hundred miles north or four hundred miles south to bypass Mirkwood, and even if you are willing to take a long way around, , it won't be any safer than here. There are brutal goblins and orcs in the north, and the south is the territory of the necromancer..."

"Believe me, just follow this road through the forest. As long as you are lucky enough, you will be able to set foot on the land on the other side of the forest sooner or later."

"Us?" Bilbo felt nervous and asked quickly, "What about you, Gandalf?"

Gandalf said softly: "I have more important things to do in the south, so I think it's time to say goodbye..."

Hearing these words, Bilbo Baggins pursed his lips and looked at the tall gray-robed wizard in front of him with some reluctance.

Since leaving Bag End, Bilbo has never been separated from Gandalf. He thought that Gandalf would always stand by his side and accompany him on his adventures in this vast world. But he didn't expect that they would be separated so soon. Then came.

A gentle smile appeared on Gandalf's face, his eyes swept over the faces of Bilbo and the many dwarves, and he said loudly: "Don't worry, my brave friends, the separation is only temporary. When you pass through the Dark Forest, we will meet again." Meet again on the slopes of Erebor!"


The dwarf with black hair and black beard and a heroic face said impatiently: "Since you are not with us, then stop talking nonsense!"

"Yeah, let's go quickly!"

"Goodbye! Goodbye!"

The dwarves murmured, seeming to urge Gandalf to leave.

But in fact, everyone's eyes showed their reluctance for Gandalf.

A smile appeared on Gandalf's face, and then he glanced meaningfully at the dense woods, turned his horse's head, and galloped towards the south.

As the sound of horse hooves gradually faded away, Bilbo and the dwarves, who were walking towards the dark forest, looked back.

When Gandalf's figure completely disappeared on the horizon, the dwarves all let out sighs of disappointment. Bilbo's face was a little complicated. He touched the ring hidden in his pocket with his right hand, took a deep breath, and turned around to walk towards the Dark Forest.

At the same time, Lin Zhongtian's eyes followed the galloping Gandalf, wondering if he should also come forward and play a role in this magnificent epic movement...

Just when his face showed strong and obvious interest, a shining silver sword appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Lin Zhongtian was slightly startled, and then his head was covered with black lines.

"Performances require performance fees!"

Lin Zhongtian bargained seriously, and the sword floating in front of him suddenly emitted a white light.

"You mean this is my performance fee?"

Lin Zhongtian held the hilt of the sword thoughtfully and stroked the hard blade.

"Gandalf, I have felt that there is something moving in the invisible shadows. It is growing in power day by day, cunningly avoiding our sight..."

"Be wary of those necromancers, they are not as simple as we see."

"Go to the tombs in the mountains quickly. If the enemy has returned, we must know!"

Recalling Galadriel's words, the expression on Gandalf's face became more solemn.

The closer he got to the high hills, the more he could sense the dark power that made him uneasy.


Suddenly, there was lightning and thunder, dark clouds gathered, and heavy rain poured down instantly.

Gandalf frowned slightly and continued to gallop forward despite the rain.

Just as he rounded the protruding cliff in front, he suddenly found a figure of a galloping horse in the rain curtain ahead.

He has a tall and muscular build, wears light and strong black leather armor, and carries two two-handed swords on his back. His silvery white hair is neatly combed behind his head, and rises and falls with the galloping horses underneath him.

Gandalf narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling wary in his heart.

Looking from the back, he knew that this man must be a brave warrior.

If he were somewhere else, he would definitely come forward to get acquainted with this warrior.

But this place is high and hilly, and the dark power pervading everywhere makes him have to be wary of any strangers who appear here.

At this moment, the warrior galloping in front seemed to notice Gandalf following behind him, and immediately gradually slowed down his horse speed.

Gandalf's heart sank, he pulled the reins and stopped ten meters away from the opponent. He pressed the hilt of the sword with his left hand and looked at the opponent warily.

"Who are you?"

Gandalf asked in a deep voice.

The man controlled the horse and turned around, revealing a handsome face with a scar on the left eye.

"Geralt of Rivia." Lin Zhongtian lowered his eyes, looking at Gandalf in front of him through the rain curtain, and replied in a deep voice, "A witcher from the Far East."

Ilúvatar: "..."

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