Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 219 The Immortal Star Sword

Gandalf briefly explained his encounter with Lin Zhongtian and introduced Lin Zhongtian's identity.

"Geralt of Rivia?" Radagast looked surprised, "I have never heard of this name."

"This is normal." Lin Zhongtian glanced at him and said in a deep voice, "It's like I have never heard of your name."

With that said, Lin Zhongtian walked into the tomb with a flashlight, looked at the opened coffin in the tomb, and said with a solemn face: "Compared with this, I am more concerned about the tombs in the mountain - they seem to have been opened. Already..."

When this topic was brought up, Radagast immediately stopped worrying about the name and said quickly: "This is exactly what I want to say!"

"Gandalf, we are late. The tomb door has been opened, and the nine Ringwraiths have been summoned to Dol Guldur."

"This is definitely not the work of a necromancer. Human warlocks cannot summon such a powerful evil force!"

"..." Gandalf glanced at him through the light and said calmly, "Who told you he was human?"

Gandalf turned around with his staff, looked at the broken iron fence on the top of the tomb and whispered softly: "Radagast, have you forgotten that the nine Nazgul will only be loyal to one master."

Radagast looked at him blankly: "What do you mean?"

Gandalf sighed: "We have been deceived. The enemy has returned. He is looking for an opportunity to summon his servants. Azog, the sworn enemy of the dwarves, the Blasphemer, is by no means an ordinary half-orc leader. He is a commander with the power to rule. The talent of the army, his appearance means that the enemy is already preparing for war, and this war will begin in the east, and the location is Erebor, the Lonely Mountain!"

Gandalf muttered to himself, then suddenly turned around and walked quickly in the direction he came from.

Radagast asked quickly: "Gandalf, where are you going?"

Gandalf said without looking back: "I want to join my friends. I guided them on their journey to the Lonely Mountain. Now, they are in great danger. I must not sit idly by." reason!"

Radagast chased after him and said in a solemn tone, speaking quickly: "But if what you say is true, then it will not only be your dwarf friends who are in danger... but also the whole world!"

Gandalf stopped at the entrance of the cave, frowning tightly.

"Radagast, you want me to abandon my friends?"

"of course not."

Looking at the solemn expression on Radagast's face, Gandalf seemed to have some realization.

"You mean to hold a White Council and take the initiative to attack Dol Guldur?"

"Ah?" Radagast's eyes widened and he waved his hands quickly, "No, no, no, I didn't say that! What I meant was..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Zhongtian, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Wait a minute, I have a question."

Gandalf and Radagast turned their heads and subconsciously asked: "What's the problem?"

Lin Zhongtian said thoughtfully: "The so-called ring spirit you mentioned is wearing a chain silver armor, a black cloak, and riding a ferocious black flying beast like a monster. Wherever it goes, there are dark clouds and shadows. Accompanying…”

Gandalf frowned: "Yes, have you seen it?"

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said: "I have indeed seen it!"

Radagast quickly asked: "When and where?"

"Now." Lin Zhongtian pointed to the hole behind them, "It's right behind you."


Gandalf and Radagast finally realized something was wrong and turned around quickly. In the dark sky outside the cave entrance, four black shadows emerged from the billowing gray clouds, like shadows falling from the sky towards the mountains. The tomb is shrouded.

"The Ringwraith?!"

"How did they come back to the tombs?"

Gandalf and Radagast's eyes widened and they quickly ducked, trying to avoid the Nazgul's gaze.

But the four Ringwraiths descending from the sky were flying straight towards this side, and seemed to have locked their target.

Gandalf looked serious: "We seem to have been discovered."

"Nonsense!" Lin Zhongtian's head was covered with black lines and he raised the flashlight in his hand and said, "Are they blind?"

They are really blind!

Radagast hurriedly explained: "The body of the Nazgul was eroded by the Ring of Power and turned into an invisible spirit body. They are in the invisible world, making their perception of things in the visible world extremely hazy. Especially the strong light will blind them - Sir Geralt, please aim the light released by the magic weapon in your hand at them, this will cause them to lose their way and give up the attack!"

"So there is such a thing!"

Lin Zhongtian suddenly realized it, and then turned off the flashlight under the wide-eyed gazes of Gandalf and Radagast, pulled out the sword from behind, and stepped towards the entrance of the cave.

"But rather than dispelling it, I want to see how powerful this so-called ring spirit is..."

"Don't be careless, Lord Geralt!" Gandalf quickly stopped him, "The Ringwraiths are in the invisible world. Mortals and conventional weapons cannot touch them. Only those elves or Dúnedain who have been trained in the First Age can't touch them." Only weapons blessed by humans and powerful white magic can really hurt..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Zhongtian had already arrived at the entrance of the cave and waved the sword in his hand to slash at the first Nazgul that swooped in the sky.


Accompanied by the harsh sound of metal collision, the shining silver sword and the long sword burning with flames crossed each other.

A surging wave of air erupted from the collision site, beating the black cloak of the Nazgul and frightening the flying beasts beneath him.

The Ringwraith quickly pulled the reins and controlled the black flying beast under him to fly towards the top of the rock wall. The long sword in his hand broke from the collision position, and the tip of the sword burning with dark red flames fell into the endless abyss at his feet.

At the same time, blazing flames clung to the silver sword in Lin Zhongtian's hand, and the rich dark power eroded the magic spell on the surface of the sword, causing it to lose its disguise and reveal its true appearance——

Astonishingly, it was a sword that was completely black and reflected the luster of black metal.

Seeing this black sword, Gandalf and Radagast couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

"That's...'The Immortal Star Sword' Angeviril?"

Gandalf couldn't help but mutter to himself.

The greatest elven swordsmith of the First Era - Eol used meteorite iron that fell from the sky to forge two swords that were as sharp as clay. One of the swords named Anglahel was given to Dori by him. Thingol, King of Yath, in exchange for permission to live in South Elmoth, and the other sword was kept by him as his own sword.

This sword is the 'Immortal Star Sword' Angweril that Gandalf calls.

As far as Gandalf knew, Angweril was stolen by Eol's son Maeglin in 316 of the First Age, and disappeared when Gondolin fell in 510 of the First Age. His whereabouts are unknown since then. Whereabouts.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Ange Weiriel would appear again.

And it's in the hands of this mysterious witcher!

In the shocked eyes of Gandalf and Radagast, Lin Zhongtian shook the black sword in his hand and extinguished the dark red flames burning on the sword.

Then he stepped violently, and his figure soared into the sky like an arrow from a string. He caught up with the ring spirits and black flying beasts that were flying upwards. The matte black sword in his hand moved upwards from top to bottom. The Nazgul's head fell off.


With the sound of tearing cloth, the black cloak on the Nazgul was cut in half.

The ferocious flying beast riding underneath him was also cut into two pieces by the sharp sword light. The blood mist exploded, and hot blood and fishy internal organs were sprayed in the air.

Lin Zhongtian made a secret with his right hand, and under the protection of an invisible shield, he broke out of the blood mist and fell towards the rock wall. The black sword in his hand sank into the hard black rock like a knife cutting through tofu, causing his body to stagnate.

The next second, the hard black rock wall collapsed, and cracks spread like spider webs.

Lin Zhongtian's figure had already separated from the rock wall, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the other three Nazgul falling from the sky.

In addition to spirits that are almost immune to physical damage, the Nazgul also have many terrifying abilities. Their breath is called 'black breath', which is poisonous enough to make humans dizzy or even fatal. Their shouts can cause fear and despair. , there is also something like a fear aura surrounding him, which can affect all living creatures.

In the war that year, these Ringwraiths just rode flying beasts and passed over the enemy, causing great panic and despair. Only a few people with great courage could face them and fight them.

At this time, under the influence of the 'aura of fear' and the power of darkness, dark clouds rolled in the sky, the wind roared, and dark shadows covered the sky, as if the entire land was shrouded in darkness.

Under the billowing black clouds, three ring spirits with swollen black robes rode ferocious black flying beasts and rushed towards Lin Zhongtian, who was holding a black sword and soaring into the sky.

As the dark wind roared, it seemed as if three messengers from the underworld were hunting down the brave human beings who dared to resist.

The scene was epic even in Gandalf's eyes.

It would be better if Lin Zhongtian could have more power representing light...

Just as such a thought flashed through Gandalf's mind, the black sword in Lin Zhongtian's hand lit up with a bright silver light.

The next second, the silver sword light instantly cut the oncoming Ring Spirit in half diagonally, like the first ray of sunshine after the rain, tearing apart the dark clouds covering the sky and the earth...

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