
The silver sword light cut the billowing black robe and chain silver armor in half with great force.

The spirit body hidden inside seemed to be hurt, and let out a terrifying scream.

All the creatures that heard the screams fled in panic, but Lin Zhongtian was not affected at all. Instead, he stepped on the form of the Ring Spirit and jumped towards the other Ring Spirits with the help of his strength.

Silver light flashed and passed by the remaining two Nazgul in an instant.

The bright sword light stirred the air and chopped the black cloaks and chain silver armor of the two Nazgul into pieces.

At the same time, Lin Zhongtian landed on the back of the last black flying beast, turned the black sword in his hand upside down, and inserted it into its head with a pop.


The ferocious black flying beast let out a shrill scream, and its wings hung down weakly. It crossed a parabola like a broken paper kite and rushed straight towards the entrance of the cave where Gandalf and Radagast were.


The body of the black flying beast rushed into the cave entrance and hit the gray-black hard stone wall in the cave chamber.

Lin Zhongtian jumped up as he approached the entrance of the cave, and landed lightly next to Gandalf and Radagast.

"That's all."

With the faint words, Lin Zhongtian shook off the blood on the sword blade and inserted it into the scabbard on his back.

The four Ringwraiths were chopped down by Lin Zhongtian like lambs without any chance of fighting back. However, after the shock, Gandalf and Radagast did not show the slightest look of joy on their faces. Instead, they looked at the horizon with worry and fear as they left. Two black flying beasts went away.

"Sir Geralt, I admit that your strength and swordsmanship are impeccable. No one in the world can match you. However, the Ringwraiths cannot be defeated so easily. They are invisible spirits and cannot compete with you." The visible realm interacts normally, so the robes and weapons provided by Sauron are needed to shape the body.”

"But similarly, only these forms can be destroyed. Their spiritual bodies cannot be destroyed. Once the forms are destroyed, their spiritual bodies will return to Sauron through the invisible realm. Because of this, the second Only the Allied Forces of the Era will bury these Ringwraiths in graves..."

"There is another thing..."

Lin Zhongtian frowned solemnly.

But in fact, he deliberately let go of the Nazgul spirit body.

There was no way, Ilúvatar had been watching him, and he was too embarrassed to interfere too much with the fate of this world.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"..." Gandalf and Radagast looked at each other and said solemnly, "In this world, there is only one person who can make the nine Ringwraiths bow their heads and obey their orders, and that is their master Sauron. If I hadn't guessed, If I'm wrong, the Necromancer who established the 'Mountain of Witchcraft' Dol Guldur in the southwest of Mirkwood should be Sauron in disguise. I plan to summon members of the White Council to discuss the attack on Dol Guldur."

"Your Excellency Geralt, you have great power and a righteous heart. Are you willing to come with me?"

"Obligated." Lin Zhongtian nodded lightly and agreed in a calm voice that suited his personality.

On the other side, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins and his dwarf companions entered Mirkwood.

Legolas found that he had lost his sense of direction due to the erosion of dark power, so he followed them quietly, intending to use them to lead him out of the forest shrouded in dark power.

But he had no intention of showing up.

Influenced by Legolas' soul, Legolas now has no favorable impressions of the dwarves at all.

The dwarves also hated the elves because of the woodland kingdom's indifference.

The two are disgusted with each other, so Legolas naturally only wants to take advantage of the protagonist group.

During this time on the road, Legolas became extremely nostalgic for the great green forest in his memory.

At that time, the big green forest had lush branches and leaves, and the forest was filled with the air carrying the fragrance of leaves and flowers. But now, the dense and twisted canopy blocks the sky, blocking most of the sunlight, and there seems to be no sunlight in the forest. The air flow is always in a dull and suffocating state.

In this environment, not to mention the elves and hobbits who love nature, even the dwarves who are accustomed to living underground seem extremely uncomfortable.

At night, whenever Bilbo and the others tried to light a fire, they would attract thousands of moths. These black or dark green moths were extremely exaggerated in size, almost as big as a dwarf's hand.

The sound of flapping wings is eerie as they fly around everyone.

At this time, Legolas would unconsciously feel grateful to Lin Zhongtian.

The blue-patterned light armor given to him seemed to have the power to repel creatures. No birds or animals dared to approach him, including those desperate fire moths and giant bats that emerged from nearby caves.

Finally, Bilbo and his party crossed the magic river with difficulty.

This is a river originating from the northern mountains of the Black Forest. Its channel is not wide, but its flow rate is very fast. The surface of the river is filled with white mist, and the water quality is terrifyingly black. It also contains magical power. Drinkers will immediately fall into lethargy.

Fortunately, Bilbo and others accepted Gandalf's warning and did not drink the black river water because of thirst.

After crossing the Magic River, everyone followed the Magic River to the Jungle River, and followed the tributary at the east end of the Jungle River to the Black Forest Mountains.

Here, they found a cave not surprisingly, and this cave was the spider lair that the Elf Guards of the Woodland Kingdom had been looking for for a long time. There were a large number of giant spiders living in it.

Facing this group of short and delicious uninvited guests, the giant spider warmly welcomed them.

The two sides quickly got into each other and exchanged heated words.

Soon, the dwarves, who were already exhausted from the long journey, were defeated by the spiders and tied into a ball with spider silk.

Because Bilbo wore the One Ring, he became the only survivor.

Just when he was about to find a chance to rescue his companions, Legolas, who had been hiding all this time, took action.

I saw him pulling the bow string quickly, and the ice arrows exuding cold white air gathered and formed in the blue light, and then penetrated the air, carrying the whistling air current and the cold white air, quickly shooting at the people crawling on the cave spider webs. Giant spider.

Occasionally, a giant spider would approach, but it would only die tragically under Legolas's sword.

With the blessing of the fused soul, his control over the body became stronger and stronger. Even though he had not left prison for many years, his skills still did not deteriorate.

Soon, Legolas killed all the giant spiders in the cave.

Bilbo's eyes widened and he looked at this handsome elf who suddenly appeared in shock.

After coming back to his senses, Bilbo hesitated for a moment, then took off the ring and appeared in front of Legolas.

Legolas had already known the plot, and was not frightened by Bilbo who quietly appeared behind him. Instead, he took out the elf dagger from his waist and spoke calmly while cutting the tough cobwebs on the dwarves.

"Hurry up and save your companions, and then leave here, otherwise, the Elf Guard will be here soon!"

This was the main reason why Legolas took action. He had already seen Tauriel and others outside the cave.

Before being discovered by the Elf King Thranduil, Legolas lived as an Elf Prince for three years. During these three years, he personally built the Elf Guard of the Woodland Kingdom into what it is today.

Because of this, Legolas knew the rules of conduct of the Elf Guards.

If Bilbo and others were discovered by Tauriel and the Elf Guards, even if he came forward, these elves would never give up their principles. Instead, they would capture all the uninvited guests who broke into the territory of the Woodland Kingdom and put them in prison.

And once they are pressed into prison, trying to escape is not as simple as in the original work.

Because Legolas had already upgraded the prison system of the Woodland Kingdom and established many strict rules, even if Bilbo had the help of the Lord of the Rings, it would be difficult for Bilbo to rescue his trapped companions in this situation like in the original work. .

This is probably shooting yourself in the foot...

Thinking of this, Legolas couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At that time, he stood on the side of the Woodland Kingdom, and never thought that one day he would help Bilbo, Thorin Oakenshield and others.

But now it was impossible not to help. The inexplicable loss of direction made Legolas vaguely aware of the existence of fate.

As long as he wants to reach the Lonely Mountain and complete the test given to him by Crown Prince Vera, he must act together with the protagonist group.

"Creak - creak -"

No matter what he was thinking in his heart, Legolas never paused in the cutting movements of his hands.

Seeing this, Bilbo stopped talking and started cutting the spider silk with the elf dagger in his hand, the Stinging Sword.

About twenty minutes later, all the dwarves were rescued by Legolas and Bilbo. Many of them had not been injected with venom by the spiders and were still awake and able to move freely.

With their help, Bilbo and Legolas quickly brought everyone out of the cave.

After doing this, Legolas quickly turned back and cleaned up their footprints and whereabouts.

Just as he was about to clear away the traces of the cave entrance, Legolas suddenly became moved and quickly hid on a nearby treetop.

Sure enough, Tauriel and the Elf Guards quickly appeared. They were holding bows, arrows and sharp knives, looking at the spider silk at the entrance of the cave with vigilance, while discussing in low voices how to deal with it.

Looking at the elf guards who were discussing in low voices, Legolas sighed in his heart and quietly turned around and left.

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