Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 222 Registration of alliance affiliated forces

Void gap, reception hall.

Zhao Lihe, who was wearing a black suit, walked out of the elevator and immediately saw the beautiful figure sitting on the sofa in the reception hall.

She was wearing a lavender gauze skirt, with delicate features, fair skin, beautiful face, tall and well-proportioned figure, and her long silver-white hair was tied into a high ponytail. She was holding a cup of iced coffee in her left hand, and her right hand was constantly swiping on the blue light screen in front of her. With.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Lihe couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then he walked to the sofa, looked at the familiar pretty face and said in surprise: "Little Dani, have you adjusted your height?"

Daenerys kept moving her hands and replied casually: "Yes, this body is too young to have the majesty of a queen, so I asked Gray Ball to help me adjust my bones and height..."

"It won't affect development, right?"

Zhao Lihe asked worriedly.

Daenerys moved her hands, turned her head and glared at him: "Of course not!"

Zhao Lihe looked carefully and found that her facial features were still immature and her figure was only tall, not slender. It seemed that only her bones and height had been adjusted, and other parts had not been touched at all.

Daenerys swiped her finger on the blue-ray screen and hummed: "I also want to see what I will look like when I grow up. How can I easily change my appearance and figure? And to be blunt, I I am still very confident in my appearance in this life - as the saying goes, plastic surgery is disfigurement, and it is my face!"

Looking at Daenerys' stinky fart, Zhao Lihe laughed, stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, then sat on the sofa opposite her, letting the void air conditioner bring up a blue light screen, and asked casually while operating it.

"Little Dany, you're here for the affiliated forces too, right?"

"Of course!"

Daenerys said matter-of-factly: "I am the boss's only employee, so I must respond to his call!"

Zhao Lihe shook his head: "This is not Big Brother's idea, it is Vukong's suggestion for improvement. Big Brother himself will definitely not care about this..."

Daenerys's eyes widened: "Ah? Did Void decide for itself?"

Zhao Lihe laughed and said: "What are you thinking? The decision-making power must be in the hands of the elder brother, but the suggestion was indeed made by Xukong - this guy is getting smarter and smarter now. I think in a few years, he will become a real person." artificial intelligence comes to life!”

"Still a long way to go!"

A familiar voice came from the direction of the elevator.

The two of them turned their heads together and saw Zuo Yu, wearing a black T-shirt, walking towards this side.

Zhao Lihe smiled and said, "Brother Zuo, are you here to register too?"

Zuo Yu smiled and sat next to Zhao Lihe: "Yes! At present, the three of us are the official members of the alliance and the truly powerful time travellers. We must help each other more in the future!"

Daenerys pouted: "Speaking of helping each other, where is the second-hand aircraft carrier I want? When will it be delivered?"

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "It will take up to three days. My butler is handling this matter personally."

Daenerys nodded with satisfaction: "That's good!"

Zhao Lihe listened to the conversation between the two and examined the details on the blue-ray screen.

Void has established more detailed rules for the affiliated forces of the alliance, including the alliance welfare system, cross-border transaction system, cross-border expansion system and force promotion system, etc. In this new system, Zhao Lihe, Zuo Yu and Dan Nelis's forces can currently only be regarded as first-level affiliated forces, and members of affiliated forces can only enjoy the first-level permissions of the alliance.

Including but not limited to level one Gray Mist Coin enhancement, level one skill inheritance authority, level one item purchase authority, cross-border transaction authority, cross-border teleportation authority, etc.

The criteria for each Level 1 authority are different, but there are commonalities in value.

For example, the first-level item purchasing authority means that members of alliance-affiliated forces can only purchase items worth 1-500 Gray Mist Coins through the force leader at most. They do not have the right to purchase items exceeding this value limit.

The first-level skill inheritance authority is similar. It means that affiliated force members can purchase skills with a maximum value of 1-500 gray mist coins. If the value exceeds this value, an application needs to be submitted. After review by Void and alliance members, it will be determined whether it is possible. teach.

Similarly, permissions such as level one gray fog coin enhancement are also limited to the value of 500 gray fog coins.

Of course, these rule constraints are limited to affiliated members of the alliance.

Transactions and teachings between formal members of the alliance are unrestricted, and members' direct blood relatives and master-disciple relationships that have been reviewed by the Void, blood and non-blood parent-child relationships, etc. are also not restricted.

In addition, permissions that have no level or value restrictions, such as cross-border teleportation permissions and cross-border transaction permissions, are exclusive benefits and permissions provided by the Traveler Alliance to the leaders of affiliated forces.

With these permissions, alliance members can send members of their forces to travel across the world, trade with affiliated forces or indigenous forces in other worlds, and even send troops to worlds not occupied by travelers to expand their territory and power.

All the above permissions and benefits require alliance members to first register their forces as affiliated forces of the alliance.

Zhao Lihe, Zuo Yu and Daenerys came here for this purpose.

Of course, powerful time travelers can also choose not to register their power.

In this way, the power of the time traveler is not considered an affiliated power of the alliance, but at the same time, it cannot enjoy the permissions and benefits of the affiliated power.

"Okay, I'm done registering!"

Daenerys completed the registration first and then turned off the blue light screen in front of her.

Soon, Zhao Lihe and Zuo Yu also registered their own forces as affiliated forces.

Seeing that Zuo Yu had finished registering, Daenerys asked curiously: "Why didn't you see Yun? Didn't he come back with you?"

Zuo Yu turned off the blue light screen and said with a smile: "He is still studying in the Wudang Mountain Houqimen. Why, do you have something to say to him? Then just use the Void Jade Card to communicate across borders!"

"Forget it if you don't come back..."

Daenerys curled her lips and did not answer Zuo Yu's question directly.

Zhao Lihe coughed twice and changed the subject: "I read the details about cross-border teleportation. It mentioned that up to three space teleportation gates can be fixed between the first-level affiliated forces of the alliance. Should we try it? Give it a try?”

"Would you like to try it now?" Daenerys blinked her big amethyst-like eyes and said, "I also want to visit the world of "The Lord of the Rings". The boss sent me a photo of the Elf King Thranduil. I am not convinced that he wants me to imitate his temperament and posture, and I am planning to compete with him!"

"Elven King Thranduil?" Zhao Lihe was startled for a moment, then frowned, "The Lord of the Rings... If I remember correctly, there is a creator and gods in this world, isn't it a bit too much? Is it dangerous?”

Daenerys smiled and said: "I asked the Boss, and the Boss said that as long as he doesn't interfere too much with the plot, he won't offend those powerful beings."

Zhao Lihe shook his head: "It's better to be cautious. After all, we are not the big brother, and we don't have enough strength and confidence - Xiao Dani, don't you want to be the first goddess of the alliance? When did you buy the [divine authority]? ] Let’s go again!”

"……All right."

Daenerys thought for a while and nodded to accept Zhao Lihe's suggestion.

"But you have to wait for me to sell the goods first."

Daenerys stood up and walked towards the elevator.

Ten minutes later, Daenerys returned with a delighted smile on her face.

She has exchanged all the things she brought this time to the alliance, and received a total of 7,800 gray fog coins. Adding the gray fog coins accumulated from previous transactions, the number of gray fog coins in her hand has reached 21,600, 30,000 gray fog coins away from the goal. The difference in mist coins is only about eight thousand.

If she wanted to, she could borrow money from her friends now to buy the authority of the godhead.

But in this case, her budget of gray mist coins used for daily enhancement will become much tighter.

Let’s wait until we save some more money!

Daenerys thought this as she walked towards the crossing hall with Zuo Yu and Zhao Lihe.

Zhao Lihe has already asked Void that in addition to cross-border transmission, fixed teleportation gates can also teleport each other in the same world.

The three fixed portals are three important transportation hubs.

Zhao Lihe decided to fix one of them in Xi'an City, the ancient capital of Chang'an, and wait for the other two to take over the whole country.

Ming Dynasty World, Xi'an City.

"Is this the palace of Prince Qin, the most powerful vassal in the world during the Ming Dynasty?"

Zuo Yu stood on the red carpet without a trace of color, looking at the magnificent palace around him with interest.

Beside him is Daenerys, who is wearing a lilac gauze dress and a translucent white veil on her face.

"Yes, Prince Qin's Mansion!"

Zhao Lihe put on white clothes and walked out of the palace with a smile on his hands: "After the capture of Xi'an, my administrative center moved from the big study room in Qijia Village to the Qin Palace, but my wife and children They still live in Qijia Village, where they have a familiar hometown and friends they grew up with, which is of great benefit to An'er and Ning'er's childhood and physical and mental health development..."


Daenerys was a little disappointed: "What a pity, I still want to meet my little niece!"

Zuo Yu smiled and asked, "What about King Qin who originally lived here?"

"I just moved away!" Zhao Lihe sighed and explained, "Some time ago, Luoyang was invaded by bandits. King Fu's family died tragically. King Fu himself was skinned and cooked, and together with several sika deer, they were made into 'Fu'. They were given a feast and were eaten by thousands of bandits."

"When the news came, the King of Qin was frightened, so he distributed the family property wantonly, dismissed all the wives, concubines, children, and gave me the rest of the property and the Palace of Qin. He only took the Princess of Qin and a few loyal servants with him. He moved to the big house at the gate of the city and threatened to personally guard the city gate for me..."

After saying that, Zhao Lihe sneered: "This old boy has a strong desire for survival. Outside the west city gate where he lives, there is one of my reorganized armored divisions, equipped with two tank companies and an artillery battalion. I need him to replace me." Guarding the city gate?"

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